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In the Closet Ch. 01

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Friday. Zach cooks up a plan with his best friend.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/18/2023
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All characters are at least 18 years old.



I didn't even recognize myself anymore.

I supposed, in this case, that was a good thing. A very good thing. I turned this way and that in front of my mirror, admiring my handiwork. Looking back at me was the quintessential gamer girl, complete with a spaghetti strap tank top that I had cropped to show my midriff, black miniskirt, thigh highs, and of course the all-important pink wig topped with gaming headphones. Despite the lack of boobs to fill out the top and really sell the streamer slut look, I felt I looked... pretty good.

While I was still riding that positivity, I snapped a few selfies in the mirror. I found that studying them helped improve my technique, and it felt good seeing how I looked. Clutching my flat chest, I frowned. Should I get breast forms? I doubted I even had enough money left. Between all the clothes, the skincare products, and the makeup -- which were a killer, by the way -- I didn't have much wiggle room to wing a good pair of tits. Besides, I could go without boobs. There were plenty of girls lacking in assets up top. In fact, it seemed that smaller or flatter girls were becoming more popular, which was fortunate for me if I wanted to look passable.

I scoffed, shaking my head. Not like I was going out dressed like this anyway. Nobody was gonna see, even if I had breasts. Sighing wistfully, I shook my head, wishing I had the courage to actually go somewhere and see if I could pass for a girl. Better to not risk it though. Not in this town. Not in this state, even. I would just have to be content with enjoying my endeavors myself.

Suddenly, my bedroom door flew open. "Hey, pussy, where's my--?" My eyes bugged out as I whirled to look at my older brother Keith standing in the doorway, frowning at me. He looked me up and down in confusion before continuing, "Who are...?" I couldn't speak, but in the end I didn't have to. His eyes widened in realization, and my stomach lurched in panic. "Zach?"

I was still frozen in place, as if my instincts thought I could disappear if I was still enough. His eyes did another pass over me before settling back on my face. There were literally no words in my head, except that I was praying to anything that this was a nightmare.

"I'm, uh... I'm 'onna head out," he said flatly, backing out of my room and closing the door. I stayed mortified in place for a few more seconds as I heard him walk back to his room and close his door as well.

Fuck. Fuuuck. My life was over. I'd have to freaking move. Go to Alaska or something. No no no, as long as he didn't tell anybody, that could all be avoided. In a panic, I threw all my girl clothes off and shoved them in the back of my closet, then removed my makeup as fast as I could. Yanking on a t-shirt and shorts, I checked back in the mirror again to assess my appearance. Zach was back. Skinny scrawny Zach. No time to be glum now though.

I made my way over to his room, rapping on his door like the nervous mess that I was. There was no answer and I knocked again, anxiety rising.


I let out a quick breath to amp myself up before stepping inside. All my courage immediately leached out of me when I saw Keith lying on his bed with his phone, watching me warily. He was on his back and I was on my feet, but the presence he commanded blew past all of that. He was the tallest of us three brothers, and the biggest. The most "manly," the son dad wanted. He wasn't a hulking block of a guy, but muscular enough that his six-foot frame made people walk a lot faster late at night. And I was... me.

I closed the door behind me and stood there awkwardly, unsure how to start the conversation. Keith's expression turned to one of avoidant pity, and focused back on his phone.

"Um..." I started.

"Let's not, okay? I don't wanna know why you were doing that, I don't wanna know how it started... I don't wanna know any of that shit. Let's just get through this summer, and then when school starts back up, you don't tell nobody that you're my brother. Aight?" And now his expression turned to disdain.

"It's your fucking fault," I blurted, making him sit up in indignation.

"Whoa, what the fuck? How the hell is this my fault?"

"You... and your friends," I murmured, clenching my teeth. His expression softened, and he looked away. "I could probably take just my brother messing with me. Or just your friends. But when they make fun of me and you join in... When you have everybody calling me a pussy or fairy... The only people who even treat me like a guy are Ellie and the teachers. So... I figured..." In my defiance I managed to grow a bit confident, raising my chin. "...why not see what I was capable of?"

"So what are you capable of?" he asked skeptically, immediately deflating me. "Look, dude, I'm sorry. Alright? Is that what you wanna hear? But like... Why couldn't you just hit the gym like I said?"

"I shouldn't have to live like you to avoid getting bullied!"

He sighed and turned back to his phone. "Fine. If you're done, get out of my room."

And that was it. All the torment in high school, and that's all I got. "Asshole," I muttered before slamming the door on my way out. Back in my room, I wiped away the tears that were forming. As if my physical appearance wasn't enough, I cried whenever I got angry. It drove me nuts, because it was the absolute worst response to getting bullied.

Fuck this. I didn't want to spend another second in the house with that prick. And I needed to talk to somebody anyway. Only one person would even listen.


"Wow, what a dickhead. And that's it?"

I nodded, sighing and rubbing my forehead. I was in my friend Ellie's room, sat on the beanbag while she took the bed. We'd been friends since middle school, after the first time she'd stood up to the other kids bullying me. It became harder for her to do so when the boys started outgrowing the girls, but her sass compensated for her size. Embarrassingly, she was slightly taller than me, which was slightly emasculating, but I made peace with it.

"So you got pics?" she asked, fighting a naughty smirk.

"Pics?" I replied blankly.

"C'mon, you got all dolled up and you didn't take some selfies? Lemme see 'em!" She was lying on her front, and suddenly twisted her body until she was sitting with her legs off the edge of the bed. In a flash, she was standing over me, hand extended and gesturing for me to hand over my phone. I gave a reluctant chuckle before scrolling to the photos I'd taken in the morning. Snatching the phone from me, she made various sounds of approval as she perused them.

I took the time to admire her again. She preferred having her dark locks in a punk style, a splash of hot pink dye giving the appearance of having a flower in her hair. Favoring band t-shirts and ripped jeans, and the occasional leather jacket, she really brought the punk aesthetic home. Not that I was an expert though. She was generically pretty, and I admit I had entertained thoughts of us being together. But her interests lay... elsewhere.

"God, you're cute in these," she appraised, bouncing an eyebrow at me. "How many girls would kill to have natural lips and eyelashes like yours. I know you probably hate it, but... always knew you'd look cute like this."

"I mean, I don't hate it," I muttered, and I could almost see her ears perk up. Then she gasped in epiphany.

"You know what you should do?" she murmured conspiratorially, my phone still held tightly in her grasp. "You should make Keith fall for you."

I blinked at her for a few seconds, having trouble processing her proposal even as she eagerly awaited a response. What the fuck did she just say to me?

"Excuse me, what?" I managed.

"Think about it. You're not gay, right?"

"No, I'm not," I said firmly.

"And he's not gay, right?" That earned a snort from me. "And he's like real macho and everything, dates girls with big tits and asses, wouldn't be caught dead thinking about a guy, right?"

"Uh huh."

"Then wouldn't it be funny," she said, crouching down and lowering her voice as if somebody would hear, "if he was seduced by a dude? I mean, just look at this." She showed me my selfies, and I looked grudgingly. "You're passable, let's be honest. Cute, even. You could pull it off."

"You already said it, I'm not gay. And Ellie, he's my brother. I'm not banging my brother, that's disgusting--"

"You're not gonna bang him! God. You're just gonna fuck him up mentally, make him question his feelings. A little lesson for calling you a girl all these years. You telling me you don't like the poetic justice?"

As much as I hated to admit it, the irony of it all did amuse me. It was pretty messed up, but it would also make a hell of a prank. Maybe Keith would finally lay off me, maybe even get his friends to leave me alone. I'd be able to make a fresh start in the autumn, finally make some friends in college. Just had to stomach this hare-brained idea for a short while.

"Fine, I'm in. What's the plan?"


I was all kinds of stupid. What was I even doing?!

I was sitting in my brother's room, dressed up like a fuck doll slut, waiting for him to come home so I could make him question his sexuality. Just laying it all out like that made me realize how much of a dumbass I was. But in for a penny, right?

Keith was out drinking with his friends, and the plan was he would be hammered enough to mistake me for a girl he'd taken home, and feel me up, maybe try to kiss me. Then I'd tell him what was happening, and he'd realize his mistake and be humiliated, and oh my God this was insanely dumb.

I threw myself back on his bed, staring at the ceiling and wondering what was becoming of me, and getting impatient. I'd been here since 10 p.m. and he still wasn't back yet. At least the mattress was comfy; I could see how he got girls to stay for the night. The miniskirt and cropped t-shirt I was wearing helped to keep me cool in the summer heat, and the panties were just icing on the cake, making me feel neat and tucked and sexy.

And the next thing I knew, I was waking up to somebody stumbling into the room. I'd fallen asleep, and he was back. The clock said 2 a.m., and I was suddenly having massive misgivings about this plan. He flicked the lights off and grumbled to himself, and I rolled to face away from him. I couldn't bring myself to confront him and enact the plan, so now I was just sticking my head in the sand. There was the sound of him removing his clothes and dropping them on the floor, and then he climbed into bed with me.

Clearing his throat and muttering incoherently to himself, he rolled toward me. God damn it, just fall asleep already so I can get outta here! Instead, God threw Keith's arm over my waist, and suddenly the grumbling stopped. Petrified and trying not to tremble, I waited to see his reaction.

"Hey, baby," he growled. "When'd you get here?" His fingers splayed over my exposed belly, and he yanked me against him. I let out a tiny meep, and he chuckled into my ear, reeking of alcohol. "I'm purty smashed, but we can still have some fun if ya like." He let go of me for one second, and I felt him shifting on the bed. When he put his hand back on my body, I felt something else pressed against one of my ass cheeks. It was warm, and stiff, and pulsing.

This wasn't part of the fucking plan.

"You got a nice plush ass here," he crooned, and I tried and failed to slip out of his grasp. His other arm came around and wrapped across my chest, leaving the first free to trace down toward my bare legs. I was shaved smooth from this morning, and Keith groaned in approval. "And your thighs are nice and supple." He was generous with the compliments. Why are you even thinking about that? Focus on getting out of here!

His cock slipped between my thighs and I gasped. He shifted again, pulling me back until I was up against his chest. His hands were roaming across my torso now, dipping under my shirt to tease my nipples as he nibbled on my neck. I couldn't hold back, letting out a moan, which earned a lusty rumble from him. His cock was up against my balls now, which were in the tidy grip of my panties.

"Ooh, you got a deliciously fat pussy, baby," he whispered. "Can't wait to slide inside you..." This couldn't be happening. My brother was fucking my thighs while he had me in a love hold. I'd never felt so much like a girl before. Goosebumps covered my body when he grabbed my hips and started thrusting steadily, both of us panting in time with each other. With his warm breath on my ear, his hard chest at my back, his strong arms around me... It was too much at once.

He grunted loudly and began spurting cum out, staining the sheets and leaving hot streaks on my leg. Feeling the jism on my skin left me feeling dizzy. Five seconds in and he was still going strong, thick jets of seed shooting out with no end. At ten seconds, he finally sighed, his body relaxing as I stared at the bed drenched in ejaculate. Just how much could he cum?!

His breathing slowed, and taking the chance that he was asleep, I extricated myself from his arms, tiptoeing back to my own room and leaning against the door as soon as it was closed. I couldn't even collect my thoughts enough to clean myself up. A viscid layer of cum still coated my thigh, and I swallowed. I needed a shower. I'd never felt so dirty in all my life.

So why was I hard?

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

If you're going to write an incest fiction with gay characters, have the decency to say that they are gay at the top where people put the author notes. Or better yet, in the description of the story itself. One star. Purely for the fact that these things are missing. I shouldn't have to read a half a story to find out something that integral to the plot.

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFerover 1 year ago

I thought this was very good. I can't wait to see where Zach goes from here. I also can't wait to find out what happens when Keith finds out what he did. I think this was worth *****s, favoring and following you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Horrible - you were my favorite author but now you go Woke

you will go down like bud light

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