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Incubus Pupa Ch. 12

Story Info
Adam gets to know Christine, exploring his powers.
13.8k words

Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/14/2019
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Disclaimer: All character engaging in sexual activity in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


After seeing Ia off, I returned to the kitchen to find Christine searching through the vast array of drawers and cabinets. The few partially-emptied bags at her feet told me she had been at least somewhat successful in finding proper homes for the items she'd brought with her.

"Well, I think that went well." I grabbed her by the hand and spun her around to look into her lovely brown eyes. "Now, how 'bout a proper welcome..."

Taking her into a tender kiss, I appreciated the familiarity of my first bond. Ia was fantastic, but Christine gave me a connection that didn't make everything feel so new. I'd be the first to admit that I'd known exactly none of my girls for even the length of a college football season, but what I had with Christine was effortless. Not that Ia was a challenge, per se, but our dance was...a bit more complex.

As usual, I found my effervescent little brunette's kiss to be much like the rest of her personality: tentative and demure at first, but passionate once the momentum built. Though she could charm even the saltiest curmudgeon with her beautiful smile, her thinner lips were not as soft as Ia's. My sweet little thing made up for it with her enthusiasm.

As we kissed, our hands found other targets to fixate upon. While hers glided over my chest and shoulders, my own wound their way down to her incredible backside. There they kneaded her plush cheeks like a kid with a tub of play-doh. She was firm, but no athlete, making her delightfully squishy and pliable. My fingertips traced the faint ridge of her thong around broad hips and across the wide shelf of her glutes, following her cleft down into her crotch where I felt the warmth of her pussy. Inhaling sharply at my touch, Christine clenched, trapping my fingers in a vice-like grip. She ground her thighs together while her tongue writhed inside my mouth.

"Mmm, Baby..." she groaned, "I've been wanting you so badly. I can't get you out of my mind." Her kisses trailed up my jaw to my earlobe, where she gave me a nip, whispering, "I've had to change these panties twice today, thinking about seeing you tonight."

Fuck, that was hot. Man, did I love women! The sexy things they said. The way they smelled. The feel of their silky skin. The way it all blended together to make each one such a treasure. I couldn't resist; her body was my toy, and I just had to play with it.

I broke our embrace to pull her clingy pants down over the curve of her ass. Spinning her around, I leered at the pale flesh of her flawless form just before burying my face into her left cheek. The feeling of that resilient softness pressing in on my features was indescribable. I lashed my head to and fro, nudging it into the bulge of her ass from every angle to feel her smooth skin. Realizing I was neglecting her lonely other mound, I grabbed a large handful of it and squeezed, lifting as much flesh as I could palm and letting it fall. It looked like dropping a heavy stone into a still pond: a tantalizing wave of motion rippled outward through her butt and thighs. Christine giggled from above me, tolerating my childish infatuation with her peerless ass.

As her laughter morphed into heavy panting, I knew I needed to stop fooling around and give this beautiful creature what she longed for, but I was enjoying the savor too much to just dive right in with the main course. Kissing and nibbling, I inhaled the scent of her creamy skin. Notes of vanilla, milk, and honey matched her signature; so distinctively 'Christine'. Her aroma a mixture of everything gentle, kind, and soft. It evoked images of tenderness and caring -- a doting wife ready with a warm smile and shoulder rub at the end of a long day. A feminine body calling out to be sheltered, provided for, and filled.

It was then that I realized part of why I could stand the admittedly outwardly inferior Christine up as a peer with my other goddesses: she made me feel so...male. Her archetypical femininity made me want to be all those things I always associated with masculinity, and it was sexy as hell.

My cock was trying to tear its way through my pants to make it so, and I realized I was never going to make it to dinner without ravishing her. I rose, hefting her like a bag of groceries -- which was about as heavy as she felt in my arms -- and carried her to the living room. We gazed at one another en route with burning desire. Her sparkling eyes told me how grateful she was to be mine.

I placed her yielding body on the couch, laying her down and pulling off her shoes and pants.

"Please don't tease me, Adam." She said breathlessly; her expression of total surrender.

"Babe, I can promise you this..." I glanced down at the bulge in my jeans meaningfully, "there is no way you're walking away from this couch unsatisfied."

"Mmm, I like the sound of that..." she purred.

Placing one more kiss upon her lips, I tapped her to flip over. She knew what was coming, and welcomed it eagerly, rolling onto her belly while I removed my pants. The sight before me was an absolute feast. The cheeks of her ass spread under the pull of gravity, widening the flare of her hips from her tiny waist.

I drizzled pre-cum into her crack, letting it sluice downward to marinate her sex. Kneeling on her upper thighs, I laid my cock into her butt cleavage, relishing the cool feeling of those pillowy mounds softly hugging my length. She spread her legs somewhat, welcoming me further in while her ass appeared to widen even more. Just the weight of my cock and the elasticity of her spongy cheeks had me almost completely cocooned in supple flesh. I massaged her with strong hands; working my heels into the deep tissue to bring her pleasure. My lover groaned in reply.

I couldn't resist another few moments of fun -- slapping the bulbous head of my cock upon each luscious cheek and gawking at the resultant jiggling, giving it playful taps to send it rippling, hotdogging myself with those rounded glutes. My little brunette snorted at my obvious fascination. In my peripheral vision, I could see her looking over her shoulder to watch me, probably rolling her eyes at my fixated ass play.

When I finally pulled up on her hips, she guessed my meaning and rose onto her knees. I shuffled her forward on the couch until her chest bent over the armrest, then gave each inner thigh a tap. She spread in response, parting full outer lips for me. I snapped a mental picture of her pretty little pussy -- all neat and tidy with that 'just turned 18' look: fresh, tight, and carnation pink.

Setting my hands on the inner slopes of her thighs, I pressed my face straight into the hot gash before me, nibbling her labia with my lips. Plump, juicy, and completely hairless, they were a delight, and I worshipped them with my mouth. Alternating sides, I gave each long licks to lap up the delicious honey.

From somewhere above me I heard Christine mewling impatiently, but I persisted. Pressing my face even further in, I slowly licked the entire length of her. Starting low at her throbbing little button and ascending all the way to her tiny rosebud, lapping up the melange of her flavor. She was fresh as a forest glade.

Christine shuddered, pressing back on my face, but I pulled away, substituting a pair of fingers for my tongue. Luckily the couch was leather and would clean up just fine. I aimed to make shenanigans like this a common sight in our home from now on, so we'd need to add a few duties to the cleaning staff's previous list.

My sweet lover bucked on my thrusting fingers, moaning while her cunt burbled up a fresh batch of juice in response to my digital intrusion.

"Ohhhhhhh, Adam."

A satisfying flow of life essence suffused my Fae as she quivered through a small orgasm with a tremulous cry. Tired of watching, I swapped fingers for a different appendage; one I knew would get the job done even better.

I eased my head into her wet folds, feeling her walls cling to my skin as I pressed in inch-by-inch. Folds as delicate and fluffy as crepe paper caressed the ridges of my cock until I was fully sheathed in her.

Ahh, home again. Buried in another wonderful honey pot. This was truly the meaning of life.

I leaned over her, holding my pose to appreciate the indescribable sensation of her peach flattening itself into me. For a moment, I stroked her back, laying kisses on her neck and bare upper arms.

A recollection arose of a similar scene playing out in her apartment when we first met not so long ago, and I marveled at how far I'd come since I took those beginning steps toward becoming an Incubus.

I drew back, and plunged into her tight channel once more, beginning to fuck her in earnest while adding the small bucking motion to my thrusting that I knew from experience would help me hit her g spot.

"Unnnnngggh! Oh, GOD, yes! Harder...Baby...pound...me!" Christine wailed, words punctuated with the loud slapping noise of my pelvis meeting her ass.

Her writhing form and tense grip on the couch told me she was enjoying this every bit as much as I was, but never one to let well enough alone, I brainstormed for ways to bring her even greater pleasure. I monkeyed within her life pattern. There. Now the vaginal stimulation I was giving her would trigger sensations in her clit as well.

When I thrust into her again, I did it slowly, expecting her to need a chance to adjust to the change.

I wasn't wrong.

"F-FUCK!" her body lurched as she exclaimed. Heh, Christine rarely swore...maybe that was a bit much. I paused to give her a moment. The way she had shifted suggested I goosed her nub directly, beneath its protective little hood. Okay, so maybe I had a couple of things to learn about playing around in people's heads with sensory input, but practice makes perfect.

"Adam!? What the hell...was that!?" she panted, looking back over her shoulder at me.

"Sorry Babe," I chortled, "just wanted to give you a little zing."

"Well, mission accomplished," she drawled sarcastically, "but maybe a little less zing?"

I adjusted my weave, tweaking it to be less direct, aiming to make it feel more like a gentle rubbing action from like one might do with the pad of a thumb from on top of her little hood.


"Good, now where were we? I'm getting hungry, and I want to cum on this big thing at least once before I make us dinner."

I grinned, slowly resuming the motion with a measured pace.

"Hows...that? Better...now?" I asked between unhurried thrusts. She let out a long, low moan, and I had my answer.

"Mmmm, so good... Faster, Baby. Give it to me, please!"

Increasing the tempo, I pounded that perfect ass right down into the armrest. The force of my pelvic thrusts rose with my speed. The lewd clapping sent shockwaves rippling through her ass, increasing my frenzy. What looked like ten pounds of meat sloshed forward each time our bodies collided.

"Oh God Baby, oh God! Don't stop! I'mgonna...I'mgonna...I'mgonnacum...I'mgonnacum...I'm gonna...CUMMMMM!" She shrieked, and I felt her insides clap me in steamy velvet irons as she clenched every muscle.

Unrelenting, I kept right on railing her through the deluge of life essence I was absorbing. These balls needed release, and the only way they were going to get it was at the end of that...next...stroke...

Relentlessly, I sawed my gargantuan cock into Christine's trembling pussy. The force of my thrusts still grew, strokes lengthening until I was going root to tip. Christine lay near-comatose as I wailed away on her inert body. The Vitae continued to roll in slowly as she lay shivering under my onslaught.

Before long, I felt my body pull onto the runaway truck lane that was the beginning of my climax. Hot bliss built in my balls and detonated in my brain. My cock started kicking, repeatedly pasting Christine's insides with warm streams of cum.

Soon, my breathing calmed, but staring at her wide, succulent ass, I felt unsatisfied. That itchy, pent-up feeling in my balls was returning. Like a heroin addict, I needed more. Always more. I wanted another woman here to fuck, right now. My fervor rose as I thought about a train of pussy waiting to get fucked, just like that day in the band room. I'd pack every one of those beautiful cunts until they begged for the ecstasy to stop. Despite being drained several times that day already, my cum reservoirs were far from exhausted. I could shower a whole host of wome-

Suddenly, reality invaded my alluring fantasy, bringing it crashing down. The truth was, it was just me and Christine here. My parade of females would have to wait. Still, I needed something fresh. A new experience.


Christine was bonelessly draped over the armrest -- a gooey pile of orgiastic bliss probably incapable of vocalization, but I knew she wouldn't object with me taking one more liberty upon her body.

Pulling my still erect cock from her pussy, I smeared a glob of the fluids that oozed from her into her tiny pucker. The portal resisted my finger momentarily before I was able to gently insert it to loosen her rim.

That roused her; she looked back over a shoulder with a questioning glance. Tears of pleasure stained her cheeks, making me proud.

"Adam? Are you...?"

I nodded, pausing for a second.

She sucked in a breath. "Well, I've never... Go ahead," she gulped, "but please, go slow."

"Of course, Baby. As slow as you want."

Another deep breath, this one drawn in determination. "Okay." Her breathing quickened with nervous excitement. She reached back to part her cheeks for me.

I felt giddy with anticipation for my first experience with sex of the anal persuasion. I figured this was as good a time as any, and with the tempting sight of her ass in front of me, I couldn't imagine a better partner to share the experience with.

Spurting a few more globs of slippery pre into my hand, I spent another minute or two lubing and loosening her up with my fingers. I couldn't get much of a read on whether she was enjoying that. Probably just needed to adjust to the unfamiliar sensation.

Deeming her sufficiently ready, I approached her entrance again. The sight of my fat prick next to her teeny hole looked almost comical. I had a shade of doubt. Was I too big? I couldn't even wrap a hand around my shaft, let alone the head of my cock. It looked fucking massive -- it was the size of a small apple.

One way to find out...

I pressed in with torturous slowness, feeling her tight ridge dig into the spongy-but-firm tissue of my glans. Christine huffed rapidly through her nose, psyching herself up.

"Relax, Baby. Just relax." I cooed, stroking her flanks gently.

Finally, after seeming as though the fucking monster (double entendre notwithstanding) really wasn't going to fit, it slipped in.

"Oh fffffuck. Just...stop." She puffed like a woman giving birth. "Wait. Wait. Just wait. Gimme a second." Several more quick breaths.

"I'm waiting, I'm waiting! Just relax... We'll go when you're ready." I assured her.

I felt somewhat awkward, wanting to somehow ease the experience for her but understanding that this was a process. The curse of having a big cock, I supposed. But soooo worth it, if what I'd felt so far was any indication. And it was definitely scratching that itch; her insanely tight chamber was beyond words. I knelt, waiting on her word to proceed and savoring that incredible pressure. Christine wiggled, no doubt trying to make herself accustomed to the feeling.

"How's it feel?" I asked.

"Uhh, it feels...weird," She tittered nervously, "feels...full."

"Does it hurt?"

"Not really..." she considered, "well, maybe...yeah, a little. But it's more of a full feeling. I don't know how else to describe it."

I had suspected it, but there was the confirmation: yet another amazing property of my 'wonder gel' pre-cum. There was no way in hell she should have been able to take my huge knob without being in quite a bit of pain. The slippery stuff could have damn well been one of those 'Flex'-products, I mused, complete with its own humorous infomercial.

"I'm probably not the best choice for popping your cherry back here," I conceded.

"No. I'm glad it's you. I wouldn't want it any other way."

I could tell the pain had faded from her voice when she continued, "Okay, keep going, but remember...slow."

Wordlessly, I grabbed her hips and pumped more pre into her, continuing my excruciatingly measured pillage of her rectum.

"Ohhhh..." she moaned.

That made me pause momentarily, but I smiled and continued once my brain finally processed that her voice conveyed pleasure, not discomfort. Mentally, I facepalmed; there was something I could do to help her. I'd gotten so wrapped up in my first foray into anal that I'd totally spaced. I was an incubus! Once more I dove into my bag of tricks, wiring the tactile sense of the channel I currently invaded to one more...traditionally enjoyable.

"Mmmmmm, good God, you are soooo big."

I puffed up, feeling like a stud. It was pretty clear I'd short-circuited her mental thesaurus. Three-quarters of my length was still exposed, but I knew the bit that was wedged into that little tunnel probably felt ten times as large as it was in reality.

"Yeah? How big?" I said, letting my smirk bleed into my voice.

"Unnngghhhhhh, big.

"Huge. Hnnggh.

"Fucking huge!!"

Laughing silently at Christine's uncharacteristic use of harsh language, I felt I'd ingressed far enough for now. I stopped around halfway in, pulling back until the lip of my glans met her little sphincter, coating her with more pre as I reversed direction and pressed in once more. Her encouragement spurred me to go faster.

The intensity of the sensation was making it difficult to do anything other than let my instincts take over and fuck her ass into oblivion, but I held the edge a moment longer.

"Baby, your ass is incredible." I gushed, increasing speed and slowly spearing more and more of my length into her, bringing ever-louder cries from my mate. "It's...sooo....fucking...tight! You feel like some kind of...fuck!...hydraulic press...squeezing on me. I never felt...anything so good."

"Nnnnnngghhh, your cock...is tearing me...in half! Gggggnnnhhhh!!"

Another wash of Vitae spilled out of her as she soundlessly came on my cock, shivering as waves of bliss rolled over her.

Picking up even more speed, I really gave it to her. I let go of my inhibitions and started plowing that incredible ass with abandon. The endorphins flooding her brain had loosened up her muscles, and I felt her passage ease. Each time I lanced into her I came just a little bit closer to hilting myself.

Eventually, the feeling of her tenacious channel overcame me, and before I even knew it, I was climaxing. My balls spasmed, desperately unloading their baby-making cargo. Hot jets of spunk flew from my impossibly erect cock, blasting her insides. I yanked on her hips and buried myself within her.

Soon enough, my intense high fell into a more sedate level of pleasure, and I relaxed on top of her. Christine mumbled something unintelligible.

I took that as a resounding success, undoing my mental manipulation of her life pattern to bring her back to normal. Pulling my softening dick from within her, I eased it out carefully, letting her adjust as I withdrew. She sighed deeply.

Rolling us over to lay on our sides, I spooned her, letting her rest her head on the inside of my bent arm. Many moments passed while we simply laid together on the couch, cooling down. All the while I comforted her undoubtedly sore backside with the careful application of Vitae through our bond. I wanted her to be able to sit down sometime this century, after all.

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