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India: Wife's Forced Awakening!

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A kinky money lender takes a fascination for his buxom wife.
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Our Kinky Money Lender Takes My Wife!

I was in deep trouble. I had taken huge loans from Jaichand, a shrewd money lender in Indore. Jaichand was an old man, but reputed to be extremely crooked and violent. I had not been able to repay him back, despite being warned a lot of times by him. Now he had sent a message that he was coming to meet me in the office that I was working in at Dewas to collect his money. I was panicky! I was frightened that he would shout at me and take me to the police and frame me. I knew that being a government servant, I could not afford to have a criminal offence. I would lose my job and my life would be ruined along with that of my wife and child.

My name is Makarand Kakkad. I am a poor clerk in a small government office at Dewas. I am a 27 year old man, living in a small one bedrrom, hall, kitchen house with my 24 year old wife Anupama and our two month old baby. My wife Anupama, is a village girl. She is not very educated. But, is very pretty - to a point, that almost all the men in the street, stare whenever she goes to buy vegetables in the market. That is because, she is exciting to look at. She is short - just around 4' 8" in height. But, she is very fair, has very long, black & thick hair which she plaits. It hangs down almost upto her thighs. She is plump and has a gorgeous figure - 38 - 27 - 39! Her breasts are round, firm and shapely. As she had just delivered our baby, her breasts had even grown bigger, as they are full of milk! Her buttocks are big, fleshy, firm and absolutely delightful. They have a natural upward swing when she walks, exciting all the men who stare at them! Anupama has a very beautiful face, lovely big grey eyes and a lovely voice. Her cheeks are plump and her lips are naturally attractive. She always dresses in simple cotton sarees and blouses. Though she would cover her breasts, correctly and tightly with the pallu of her saree, yet, due to their large size and especially as they were full of milk, men could see them protruding and juggling beneath her pallu as she walked. Her breasts drove men crazy! I was proud of her looks. She was my real wealth! Now, I was afraid that I would let her down.

After thinking hard, I decided that I would be extremely polite and apologetic to Jaichand, our money lender, when he visited my office. I thought that the best way to avoid trouble at my office, was to take him home, give him a cup of coffee and request him for some more time, to repay my debts. By that way, I had presumed that even if he started shouting and threatening, no one in my office would know about it. My house would also give me an opportunity to fall at his feet and plead with him to give me more time. Jaichand came to my office, as per plan and seated himself on the chair, opposite mine.

He said, ' So, Makarand, I suppose that you have the money ready for me? '

I replied, ' Jaichandji, Namaste! Since you have come all the way from Indore, why dont we go to my house, have a cup of tea and settle matters there? If you can be kind to give us the pleasure of your company, you can have lunch at our place and even relax for sometime, before you return back in the evening to Indore! '

He agreed. I excused myself at our office for the day, and accompanied Jaichand in his car to our house. Unfortunately, I had not mentioned about the plan to invite Jaichand for lunch, to my wife Anupama. I figured that while, I was pleading and begging for time, with Jaichand, she could use that time to prepare food and serve him. We reached our house in silence and I knocked at our door. My wife, Anupama opened the door. As she was not prepared for any visitors, and had opened the door while she was probably busy washing clothes, her domestic appearance was quite striking. Her hair was slightly dishevelled and tied up in a large knot, behind her head. Her face was full of sweat. She had apparently not yet, had her bath and was still wearing the blue saree and white blouse that she had worn the last night. Like most Indian women at work, she had tucked up a small portion of her saree to her petticoat on her left hip. Her fair, smooth and flat tummy was half visible. As her saree was slightly raised due to the tucking of the saree, her smooth and lovely left leg was visible for almost a feet and her white petticoat was also visible from under her saree near her legs. Her pallu, had gone to one side and her lovely large right breast in the white bra, was protruding out under her white blouse! Her mangalsutra was dangling over her blouse. Her arms and tummy too were covered in small beads of sweat.

I introduced my lovely wife to Jaichand, ' Jaichandji, this is my wife Anupama. Anu, this is our dear and kind hearted money lender, Jaichand Sethji! We are going to discuss some business, can you make us a cup of tea? And later, maybe if Jaichandji is kind enough, he may even stay for lunch! '

My wife said in her lovely voice, ' Jaichandji, Namaste! You are most welcome to our humble house. I am very sorry, that it is in a mess. I was not expecting guests. But, please come in and make yourself comfortable, I shall have everything in order and also get you drinking water and a cup of tea in five minutes! And please do stay for lunch, it would be a honour to us, if you have lunch at our house! '

I turned towards Jaichand. His eyes were almost popping out, at the sight of my gorgeous and buxom wife! He was staring at her lovely breast and her flat tummy, which was visible as her saree was tucked up and dishevelled. My wife became concious of his staring. She quickly covered her breasts properly with her pallu and adjusted her saree to be proper. With the end of her pallu, she wiped the sweat of her face. We were standing at the door. Jaichand had still not replied and was simply still staring at her! She looked at me. He then got back his senses and said,

' Anupamaji, Shukriya! Since you have so nicely invited me, I am definitely going to have lunch, prepared by you ! '

We went inside. Anupama quickly tidied up the house, prepared tea and served it to us. She then asked Jaichand, ' Sethji, do you have any special preference for lunch? I shall be very happy to do whatever you like! '

Jaichand replied smilingly, ' Really Anupamaji? Will you really do whatever I like? '

Looking at me with confusion in her lovely eyes, my wife replied, ' Yes, Jaichandji, I shall be happy to serve you whatever you like! I shall quickly have my bath and start preparing lunch! '

Jaichand replied, ' No, my dear! I am hungry. Please do not take your bath now. You prepare lunch as you are. You look beautiful and nice, as it is! '

Again looking at me with confusion in her eyes, my wife replied, ' Yes, Jaichandji, I shall do as you say! Lunch will be ready in just half an hour! '

So saying, she went into the kitchen and began cooking. I started explaining my situation to Jaichand. I explained to him that I needed some more time to pay off his Rs. Two Lakh loan to me. He looked shocked and started shouting as expected. I pleaded with him. He refused. I begged him. He refused. He said, that if I did not pay up immediately, he will get up and walk straight to the police station. He told me that as he knew the police inspectors there very well, he will arrange for them to frame me, not only for the two lakh rupees loan, but also for various crimes, that I did not commit! He told me that he will make sure that my life will be ruined and my wife will be on the streets. I started weeping, pleading and begging him to spare me. He kept on refusing. I told him that I really did not have any money and if I had, I would certainly have paid him to avoid all this trouble. He kept silent for a moment and then said,

' Makarand, you certainly have more than two lakhs in this house! '

I said, ' No, Sethji, I am a poor government clerk. I certainly dont have any such money. From where can I get so much money? '

He said again, ' Makarand, think carefully! You certainly have more than two lakhs in this house! I have already seen with my own eyes, that you have a lot, lot, more than two lakhs in this house! And if you wish, you can pay me! '

I was confused now. Where in hell, had he seen money in our house? Certainly not! We did not have more than two hundred rupees in the house! Why was he saying that he saw more than two lakhs in the house? I was totally confused.

I asked him, ' Jaichandji, I am confused now. Where did you see more than two lakhs in our house. You tell me and I shall be very happy to give it to you! '

Jaichand, silently said, ' Makarand, I meant your lovely wife Anupama. She is certainly worth much, much more than two lakhs! All I am saying is, I have a proposal. I am willing to drop my plans of returning back to Indore tonight. I want to stay tonight at your place. You go and explain the situation to your wife. Convince her, to let me spend the night in her bed and tell her to do all that I ask her, to give me pleasure. Tell her, that I want to have my fill, of her gorgeous body and if she does what I ask of her, and gives me and my body absolute pleasure, then, I will simply give you one more year to arrange for the payment. If not, I am not going to have even lunch at your place, but am going straight to the police and will have you arrested within the next hour. And anyway, once you are in Jail, I shall guide things in such a way, that your lovely wife, will have no recourse, but to submit her buxom body to me, for my pleasure! Think about it without getting emotional or excited!

I was shocked! I started weeping! I said, ' No! No, Jaichand Seth, No! I may be a poor government clerk. I may not have money. But, I am a decent man from a good decent family. My wife is a decent woman, from a good decent family. I am not a pimp. Though she is such a buxom and exciting woman, she is not a prostitute. She is a nice, caring housewife. She is my wife! She is a very chaste woman, who believes in the sanctity of our marriage. More importantly, she has just given birth to our baby two months ago. She is a mother now. The only thing that we have is our self respect. Please dont ask me to do such a thing! Please be kind to us. Please dont be so cruel! '

Jaichand, silently replied, ' Makarand, dont waste my time. As it is, you have cheated me by not paying since the last two years. Now, there is no question of giving time. I am too excited by your wife's fantastic body. I want it. My body wants it. Though I am 63 years old, I still have my needs. I simply want your wife. And dont worry, even if I spend the night in your wife's bed, I shall quietly go away in the morning. No one will know, except the three of us. Your self respect will remain intact. But if I go to the police station now, your self respect will be torn to shreds within the next one hour! So dont waste time and talk to her now! Now! '

While wiping my eyes, I turned back and saw that my wife was standing at the door! While we were arguing, my wife had apparently come into our room to serve some water. Seeing the loud arguments, she had stopped and stood at the door. She had listened to each and everyword of our conversation! Looking at me, and understanding Jaichand's threats, she ran into the kitchen, weeping. I ran behind her to the kitchen. She came into my arms and started sobbing un-controllably. I told her not to worry. I told her that I shall gladly go to prison to save her chastity. She kept sobbing. I kept reassuring her, that she need not worry. I asked her to take care of our baby, when I was in prison. I told her, that maybe she could get a job as a housemaid, or as a babysitter, to enable her and my child to live atleast on basics of life! She finally wiped her tears and said,

' No! Makarandji! I will not allow you to go to prison! I am your wife! Your welfare is my duty! I will die if you go to prison! It is alright. You go and tell that scoundrel that he can have my body, for his pleasure, if thats what will satisfy him! Tell the rascal that I will do whatever he says to give pleasure to his body! Go and tell him that, Makarndji! '

I was more shocked now! I too started weeping! I said, ' No! No, Anupama. No! I may be a poor government clerk. I may not have money. But, I am your husband. I love you. You are not a prostitute! I cant allow another man to ravage your body! '

She replied, ' No! Makarandji! Under no condition, will I allow you to go to prison! I am your wife! It is alright. It is just one night afterall! As it is, no one will know if he spends the night with me, on my bed! So tomorrow morning everything will be OK! Please do, what I say! Go! '

I quietly went to Jaichand and told him that my young, lovely, loving, 24 year old wife had agreed to let him, a lowly third rate, 63 year old man ravage her body through out the night, in our own marital bed! He was happy. I could see the lust in his eyes. He told me to tell Anupama, not to have her bath and to remain, as she was, in the same saree and underclothes through out, until the night. He claimed that he wanted her ' Naturally '! I told my wife. She agreed. I was extremely worried. My wife Anupama, was so small in height. And here was Jaichand. Though he was 63 years old, he was built like a bull! He was tall - almost 6' 4 ", dark, with a beard and a mustache, Broad shoulders and strong hairy and muscular forearms. I shuddered to think, how he would be endowed sexually. I was almost sure that he would be huge! My own penis was rather average in size. Just 5 inches, when erect. That itself, my wife accomodated in her vagina with a bit of difficulty, as she had a rather very narrow and small vaginal opening. I was frightened that this beast Jaichand would tear her vagina apart, with his brute strength. Later, as he had asked her not to take a bath, my dishevelled wife served us lunch. We ate silently. I noted that Jaichand could not remove his eyes off my wife's breasts and midriff. His eyes were glazed with sheer lust. Finally, he finished his lunch and got up to wash his hands. I was shocked to see a tent formed on the front of his dhoti! He was having a massive erection, which even his dhoti could not hide! My heart started pumping faster, wondering what his organ would do to my wife!

Jaichand came back, sat in the room and started smoking a cigarette. My wife, went to wash vessels. I started getting all vessels from the room to the kitchen washing area, knowing that she will not get any rest at night. My wife once again tucked up a portion of her saree, to her petticoat on the left side, stood at the basin on the side of the kitchen platform and started washing the vessels. She had also tucked in the end of her pallu to the petticoat on her hips. Her fair and smooth midriff was now clearly visible and once again her left breast in her bra, could be seen through her blouse, which was peeping out from under her pallu. Her lovely, fair and smooth, left leg was visisble upto a feet, due to the tucking of her saree. Her Mangalsutra was hanging from her neck over her breasts. She looked so lovely, so innocent and so tender! Within a few minutes, I turned to see, Jaichand, standing at the door of the kitchen watching my lovely wife working. Her back was facing him and he was staring at her big, round buttocks thru' her saree and petticoat. Anupama was not aware of his presence. She silently kept washing the vessels. He once again seemed to have an erection, as I could see the tent back on the front of his dhoti. I was arranging some other things in the kitchen and pretended that I was not observing the old Jaichand staring at my young wife!

After observing my wife for a few minutes, Jaichand slowly walked upto her and stood close to her back, his erection thru' his dhoti, almost touching Anupama's buttocks! She turned and saw him so close to her. But, without saying anything, she continued washing the vessels. Jaichand now extended his arms slowly and touched her midriff! Anupama, almost jerked up at his touch. She closed her eyes for a moment, opened them again and without a sound, continued washing the vessels. Jaichand, now started caressing my wife's smooth and fair midriff with his palms. He encircled her midriffs with his arms on either side of her body and pressed himself into her! Obviously, she could feel his massive erection, on her buttocks, through her saree. She fell back slightly upon him. Jaichand's massive hairy arms had encircled her small body completely from both sides now! I tried my level best not to stare at this 63 year old lecher, feeling up my 24 year old lovely wife. Slowly Jaichand took his palms up and cupped both of her large, round, firm and full breasts! He just kept his palms cupped over them, without fondling them - obviously, he was relishing their feel! Slowly he brought his arms behind and started caressing my wife's big, exciting buttocks! She did not stop him. He then started rubbing his erection into her buttocks, thru' her saree! Then, holding and caressing her midriff with his left hand, he bent and put his right hand under her saree. Jaichand now started to feel my lovely young wife's, silky smooth legs. The saree and petticoat kept on getting got pulled up as his hand moved further and further, up her legs. His hand now reached her lovely, large thighs. Jaichand kept his erection pressed into my wife's buttocks while he was feeling her thighs. I could see my wife's Saree and petticoat all bunched up on Jaichand's arms, as his hand kept travelling yet further upwards, on my wife's thighs. His hand now reached her white cotton panty. My wife now closed her eyes. He hooked his finger into the side of her panty and started touching her hairy vagina. My wife has a very thick growth of pubic hair all over her vagina. Being a small built woman, she has a very small, but beautiful and protruding black vagina, with a rather large half an inch clitoris! Her vaginal opening is almost tiny! I could see that he started playing with her pubic hair. My wife kept her eyes closed. Jaichand now slid one finger into her vagina and started rubbing it over her clitoris. My wife started squirming. He then inserted his second finger into her vagina and started moving both his fingers in and out of her vagina. My wife began to squirm all the more. I could see that her vagina was getting wet and it was emitting a pungent smell - as she had not bathed that day! Jaichand then released her and bent down. He put his face under her petticoat and started smelling her, sweaty, pungent smelling, hairy vagina ! He started licking her pubic hair. He started licking the sweat off her vagina. He then thrust his tongue into her hole and started tickling her clitoris with his tongue! While standing, my wife had spread her thighs to give herself balance and also to give Jaichand some more room to sit properly under her petticoat, with his tongue into her vagina! Jaichand now turned her. He started licking all over her sweaty buttocks and the crack between her two buttocks! He slowly inserted his tongue into her rectum!

At that point of time, our baby started crying in th bedroom. Without looking at my wife, encircled by the huge Jaichand, I said that I will pick up the baby.

My wife, Anupama, with Jaichand's head thrust between her legs, said, ' Makarandji, it is feeding time for our baby now. He needs my milk. You please go and pick him up from the cradle. I shall wash my hands and come to feed him '

Then she said to Jaichand, who was still cupping her breasts, ' Saabji, please . . . . please . . . . let me go for 15 - 20 minutes. My baby is crying and I have to feed him my milk! Once, I finish, you can do what you wish again! '

Jaichand said, ' Makarand, you go and pick up the kid. I shall bring Anupama for feeding him, as soon as she washes her hands! '

I went into the room and picked up my baby. Within two minutes, Anupama came into the room with Jaichand. He was still cupping her breasts from behind. He allowed her to sit on the bed. I gave her the baby. She turned away to feed him. But Jaichand asked her to face us. He said that he will prepare her to feed the baby. He said that he wished to see her feeding her breast milk to our baby! He himself, went to her, and sat next to her. Then slowly, he pulled away her pallu, un-hooked her blouse, and slid her white bra upwards, so as to expose both her breasts. Her large, lovely, firm, round breasts plopped out! Her big black nipples were erect to release her milk. Her areolae were almost standing! Her nipples looked so enticing! Jaichand took one nipple to the baby's mouth and inserted it into it. He started playing with the other nipple, swirling it in his rough, crude large fingers. Then he focussed on my wife's breast. He started playing with them, touching them, squeezing them, pinching them and biting them. Then he put his mouth on my wife's other large nipple and started sucking. As my wife used to breast feed our baby, her breasts were full of milk. When Jaichand found milk shooting from my wife's breast into his mouth, he started sucking, he hungrily fixed his mouth on her nipple and started sucking all her milk into his mouth! My wife tried to tell him, that our baby needed that milk for the evening. But he was in no mood to listen. He kept sucking hungrily on her nipple, while our baby drank from her other nipple. My wife Anupama looked at me helplessly. I was watching Jaichand, suck her nipple, with some sense of fascination, which I was confused about. After he had sucked off all the milk in that breast, he triumphantly looked up at me and giggled satisfactorily! He went back to the other room, after telling me to get him a bottle of liquor for the evening and also reminding my wife, not to wash and went to sleep!

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