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Click hereNote: This is a story inspired by one of my favorite writers on Literotica - Quin. I like all his stories, but in particular, I like 'How Naughty Shall I Be', and this is my adaptation of the story in an Indian context. I hope i can be at last half as good as Quin was.
"Tarun." my wife said one night after dinner after putting our 8-year old son Apu to bed.
"Yes, Purva?" I replied.
"How serious are you about the whole open marriage thing?"
"You know, what you keep bringing up every few weeks. That we should experiment. With other people."
I looked at Purva with surprise. She had a curious expression on her face. Wow, she had actually brought up the topic herself! My heart jumped with joy.
Purva and I are both 32 years old, and have been married for ten years. Before that, we dated for four years in college. People talk about seven year itches. It has been fourteen years of us being faithful to each other. Obviously, a lot of sameness and staleness had set in. There was also the fact that we had lost our virginities to each other, so we had never been with anyone else.
Like most men, I started flirting with the idea of experimentation. Threesomes, foursomes, wife swapping, were all things I read about online. For years I had fantasized about sharing my wife with someone else. And sleeping with other women. But for years, I kept my fantasies and thoughts to myself.
I finally decided to broach the subject soon after we turned thirty, and we had been through an exceptionally mediocre sexual phase. We were having sex about once a fortnight, and not memorable sex at that. Which was a shame. Because my wife was still a hot woman. In fact, even hotter than when we had started dating, if that were possible.
Childbirth and subsequent years had been good on her, and she had gone from being a slim svelte pretty young lady with medium sized boobs to a curvy attractive woman with big boobs. After Apu was born, she quit her job and became a full time stay at home mom. But it did not make her swell up like some other housewives. She still had a flat stomach, but everything else was curved in the most delectable ways. I too was physically in a much better shape than in college. I worked out regularly, had lost the tiny tire I used to have around my belly, and still had a thick head of hair, unlike some of my balding ageing friends.
Both of us got complimented on how great we looked, especially by friends who had let themselves go. So the lean sex phase, at least for me, was not because I stopped finding my wife attractive. I just craved some newness.
When I first brought up the idea, Purva got really upset. She accused me of having my eye on some young hot woman, which is why I was broaching the topic of an open marriage. I protested saying I wasn't looking for a license to cheat. If I wanted to, I could have affairs on the side (which was true). But I was interested in both of us exploring our horizons. Looking for variety. With complete honesty. I wanted us to be "open" in the truest sense of the word.
But Purva would have none of it. That fight lasted a day, and I dropped the subject. Since then, I would try to bring it up casually. Maybe forward her a story from literotica. She always reacted angrily in the initial days. But of late, she had started just calmly turning my idea down.
Two years later, it seemed like I pretty much had no chance of any experimentation. So I had not broached the subject in months. Which is why Purva bringing it up by herself delighted me. And I could not help just grin at her stupidly.
"Well? How serious are you?" Purva asked again.
"Very serious, Purva." I said, with a smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, absolutely. Why?"
"Have you thought about the repercussions of fantasy turning into reality? It is one thing to fantasize about your wife sleeping with someone else. To deal with the practical implications is a wholly different thing." she said.
"I know it won't be easy. But it'll work both ways. You will also have to deal with the idea of me with someone else."
"To be honest, that has been the biggest stumbling block for me for this open marriage idea." Purva tilted her head and said. "I don't know if I can stomach the idea of you sleeping with some other woman. Even if it is when I am around like in a threesome. Hell, especially if I am around."
"But you are alright with the idea of me fooling around with other men? Really?" Purva asked.
"Yes, I am. All that matters to me is honesty. I am alright with the idea of you with other men." I said with conviction. I had fantasized about it for years. Yes, getting to sleep with other women would be great. But honestly, what turned me on much more was the idea of my beautiful wife with someone else. With or without me being around.
"I agree that you think you are. But I don't know if you actually will be." Purva said.
I looked at Purva, and sat back with my hands on my head.
"What's going on, Purva? What brought this on?"
Purva shifted uncomfortably and winced a little.
"Well....." she said and paused "I have been getting some obvious and blatant passes made at me recently. And in the interest of honesty, I must say I am a little intrigued."
That seemed like a benign thing. Purva, like I said, was incredibly attractive. Guys made passes at her all the time. Heck, some of my colleagues often flirted with her blatantly, often right in front of me.
"Guys make passes at you all the time." I said. "What has intrigued you this time?"
"Okay, you might freak out and end this open marriage thing altogether, but....." Purva said, "I am talking about the construction guys."
"Construction guys? You mean the ones working on the house next door?" Our neighbor had sold his old house, and the person who bought it had knocked it down and was building a new one. A construction crew had been working on the site for a few months now.
"What passes are they making?"
"Well, when I am outside, they will start singing suggestive songs. Whistle occasionally."
"That's it?"
"That was until today."
"What happened today?"
"Nothing major. Two of them came over to the house to make a phone call. And they were blatantly checking me out, whispering to each other, and again making suggestive comments."
"And what intrigued me was the proximity to them. Their dirty sweaty bodies. Their swarthy looks. The aggression in their body language. It all...well...sort of excited me."
"I know this might creep you out. But if we are to.....experiment, I am personally more attracted to the idea of experimenting with some of these lower class blue collar guys, than middle class folks like us."
I stared at Purva with my mouth open.
"That freaks you out, doesn't it?" Purva asked, raising her voice a little bit.
"No, not really." I said, shaking my head. "To be honest, of all the erotic stories I read online, the ones that I like the most are the ones with educated women with lower class guys. I just never mentioned it to you because I thought you might find the idea disgusting."
"It is disgusting. Which is what excites me so much. Does that make sense?" Purva said, cocking her eyebrows.
"Yes, perfectly." I said. "So these two guys who came over. Tell me about them."
"One of them was an absolute Greek god. Tall, well-built, ruggedly handsome face. He is young, probably 20 or so. He is the one I was attracted to. The other guy is forgettable. Short, about my height, average built, and old. The old guy was the more blatant one though."
"Hmmm... so what are you thinking of doing next?"
"Well, I am not sure. I am not experienced in these matters."
"So do you think....." she started saying when we both heard Apu call out for her.
We both rushed to his room. He had had a bad dream. He was shivering and crying. We consoled him, and eventually had to let him sleep in our bed that night. Which meant no further discussion was possible.
The next morning too, Apu was awake and getting ready for school, as I was getting ready for work. So we couldn't talk about it. I left for work, and had a busy day. When I came back in the evening, Purva was helping Apu with his homework. Then we had dinner. Watched TV. Finally at 10 pm, Apu went to bed, and we got some time alone.
I was in bed already. Purva brushed her teeth and joined me in bed. She snuggled up next to me, and put her head on my chest.
"So, should we pick up our conversation where we left it off yesterday?" I asked.
She didn't say anything.
"Actually, something happened today." she said.
"Nothing major, Tarun. Just that the two guys from yesterday came over to make a phone call again."
"Ah." I said.
"And this time, they asked if they could wait for a return call. Something about when to expect the new batch of material or something. I paused and considered their question. One of them, the young dishy one, sensed my discomfort and said they could leave, and I could just have them over when the phone call came."
"And what did you say?"
"I told them it was fine if they waited. They both sat on the floor. And I just stood around wondering what I should do. The older one asked me if they could have some water. And I, out of habit, asked them if they would like some tea as well. They said yes."
"So you made them tea. What else?"
"Let me tell you in sequence." Purva said, slapping me gently on my cheek. "So I went to the kitchen and started making tea. A few seconds later, the old guy walked into the kitchen. He was the one who always checked me out blatantly. As I made tea, he just stared at me. I started feeling uncomfortable. I wished the young guy had been there instead. But this old man was here, just staring at me. So I asked him what his name was. Sajid, he answered. Then he said the other one was his nephew, named Rasul."
"What then?" I asked.
"Don't interrupt. Let me tell you things one at a time." Purva said.
(Purva narrates->)
"What is your name?" Sajid asked me.
"Purva." I said.
"How old are you, Purva?" Sajid asked, referring to me just by my name. No Purva madam or Purva memsahib or anything, like someone like him would usually say.
"32." I answered.
"32? Hmmm.... that old and only one child?" he asked.
"Why surprising?"
"My first wife, by the time she was 32, already had six kids. And she is not even half as pretty as you."
"What does prettiness have to do with it?" I asked, genuinely confused, blushing a little at his compliment.
"I couldn't control myself." he said, winked and started laughing. "Looks like your husband has a lot of self-control."
I didn't say anything. I was a bit shocked at how quickly he was making sexual innuendos.
"If I was married to you, you would have a dozen kids by now." he said, and laughed some more.
I stayed silent again. The tea was almost ready. I reached for the sugar box on the shelf.
"Let me help you." he said, and lunged forward.
It's not like the shelf was too high or anything. And he's not too tall anyway. But it was obvious what his intention was. He pressed his body close to mine, and his arm was touching mine as we both reached for the sugar box. My hand was already gripping it. He pressed his hand onto mine. And just stayed like that.
I was surprised at his sudden move. His body was almost hugging mine, and I could feel his crotch against my ass. He stayed like that, and so did I for a few seconds. I think he was testing my limits. He was checking to see if I would push him off. And I wanted to. But.....but the touch of a strange male body felt so different. And there was that workman odor he had - of sweat and dirt and grime. I was almost intoxicated.
Soon I came to my senses, and shook him off. He immediately stepped back. I looked at him with anger in my eyes. He just smiled.
"How old are you?" I asked in an upset voice.
"55." he said.
"You are old enough to be my father." I said.
"Does that turn you on?" he asked and winked.
I was about to say something nasty in response, when the phone rang.
"That's our call." he said and rushed out of the kitchen.
I was obviously shaken. A little bit intrigued at his aggression, but also a bit scared. I was almost shivering. A couple of minutes later, I composed myself, poured the tea in cups, and walked out with the tray.
Sajid had by then finished the phone call and was sitting on the floor whispering something to his nephew Rasul. As soon as I walked in, Sajid stopped whispering. Rasul looked at me and suppressed a snicker.
I was still a bit upset. I put the tray on the table and sat on the couch. They both took a cup each and started drinking.
"Outstanding. This is the best tea I have ever had." Sajid said in a loud voice. "What is your secret, Purva?"
"It's just tea." I said.
"No secret ingredient?" he asked.
"It's just tea." I said again.
"Then it is your delicious touch that makes it so good." Sajid said, and Rasul started giggling.
We sat in silence as they drank the tea. Both of them stealing glances at me and occasionally giggling. I reached for a magazine and started reading. Finally, they finished their tea, and started to leave.
"Thanks for the tea." Sajid said, walking out the door.
(Purva's narration ends)
I had been listening to Purva with a mixture of jealousy and excitement. The idea of a 55-year old construction worker feeling up my wife in our own kitchen seemed so wrong, yet so exciting. the episode had been relatively benign, but I had a major hard-on.
"Well, what do you...." Purva started asking, but was interrupted my kiss. I jumped on top of her and started stripping her naked.
She reached for my pants. And we had the best, most passionate sex in ages. Twenty minutes later, we were both naked in each others arms.
"I am so relieved." Purva said breathlessly.
"Yes, I wasn't sure how you would react. I thought you might get upset. But your reaction shows me that you were at least partly right about your own attitude towards this."
"So what next?" I asked.
"Only time will tell." she said and we kissed again.
I got up and opened the window. I could see the house next door. And I saw a small bonfire in front of it. A dozen or so workers were gathered around it, smoking and playing cards. I wondered what the future held for them, and for us.
Hindu woman with Brute Muslim Man is my favorite genre as a Hindu girl. I'm going to try some Muslim man for sure when given the chance
Very well written...that brings alive my deepest fantasies.
Wish was married to a wife like Purva.
This is one awesome inspiring story for all Hindu couples. The real pleasure to a hindu sanskari aurat can be provided by muslim or low class workers. In this story its a wonderful combination of both. This has been inspiration for my wife so much that she has tried for all the low class men who are around - watchman, Gardner, cook, doodhwala, gas cylinder man, delivery boys, garbage collector, repair and maintenance men and even cab and auto driver. She does not explicitly invite them or ask them to do anything. But if anything happens she doesn't resist and accepts everything they do or demand. She tells me all that happens after it is done. Eating her well used pusssy while listening to it is the best experience for which I always keep looking forward for. The last one was aquaguard maintenance guys.
If Purva was my wife I’ll be very happy to encourage her to screw Muslim workers and then give me the juicy stories.
Great story. Indian wives are specially attracted to Muslim workers. It’s good. All Hindu husbands should encourage their wives to experiment with big circumcised Muslim tools. There used to be a site called interfaithxxx with lots of juicy interfaith stories. One suggested opening clubs where Hindu couples could go and get their Hindu wives get laid by Muslims. This will keep Hindu wives happy and improve Hindu Muslim relations also. I don’t know if that happened or not. But sounds like a good idea.
Hello. I stumbled across your latest story andnwas intrigued by the Indiann perspectiveb so I started 2ith one of your initial stories. I echo the thoughts of anon 11\2. Wonder what wife will do. Four stars
Many people have very similar erotic fantasies.
Many husbands get turned on when other men ogle his wife. I must admit I am one of them.
When another man makes a pass at my wife, i get ecstacic (nothing short of that!)
I have noticed that men tend to hit on married women in their early to mid thirties, that is when theor sex drive is at the peek. At roughly that age they are the sexiest & they have lost many inhibitions & taboos.
PURVA CAN EASILY MAKE MORE THAN ONE MEN HAPPY. Also she may find out she needs more than one man to be fully satisfied.
I am looking forward to reading other chapters of this story.
Such stories will encourage other husbands & wives to come forward. The hot trend even in small indian towns nowadays is that numerous husbands are encouraging their hot wife's to have sex with another man while they watch. A man should be proud of his hot wife.
I think its a great situation and even greater handling of the story.. Liked the way it builds up and climaxed at the end...
I truly appreciate your writing skills, the narrative and the build up, but I believe this story is little far from reality ... Have never heard or seen construction workers taking so much liberty in India ... The idea, the theme is great but I wish you had attempted it little differently ... Your shy Indian wife series continues to be the best and my favourite ... keep it up ... By the way, I am writing these comments only after reading first part .. let me go back and read the remaining ...
U assholes talking great about Indian values, give u guys half chance u will fuck ur sister or mother so don't talk cock just read the stories and enjoy it.
Another masterpiece from the master. Please keep writing more. You have real talent!
It could be 4 or 5 of the workers may take her and give her a good long fucking.
Of course she will be embarrassed about it and never tell her husband.
Good start and I hope to see more soon
It sounds like something that happened to my wife except it was our house being built and she kept checking on the 4 that working on it to see if there is anything she can help with.
It didn't take them long to get her naked and take turns with her. This happened every day until they finished the house. Three white men and one black.
Your story begins well, and I'm eager to see how it progresses. One grammatical point. Consider your sentence: "Purva, like I said, was incredibly attractive." Like is a preposition, not a conjunction: us "as I said...."