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New neighbor is a bad influence on my wife.
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Can I save my wife from a bad influence?

We are all influenced by our experiences. From early childhood, our parents influence/teach us the basic foundations of life. As we grow, our friends, classmates, neighbors, coworkers, and others influence our way of viewing the world. Some have very little effect on our thinking, others profoundly influence our thoughts and actions.

When my wife, Cindy, turned 48 she announced she was tired of cleaning our four-bedroom 3500 square foot house and wanted to downsize. A couple of her fellow teachers had recently sold their homes and moved into much smaller residences.

At first, I was resistant to the idea. We had raised two kids in that house. I had invested a lot of sweat and hard work into maintaining it. The grandkids seemed to enjoy being there over the holidays, although my son's house was much larger, nicer, and newer. My daughter's home was older but sat on 5 acres and had lots of room for outdoor fun.

"Bill, all my friends say downsizing is the way to go. We'll save on utilities, upkeep, and yard work. Plus, we won't have to spend all weekend cleaning the house. We'll be able to enjoy ourselves more."

"But the memories, our neighbors, the family gatherings, how will we manage that in a condo listening to our neighbors blasting their TV?"

"The memories are in our heads, not the house. Most of our good neighbors have moved away. Robby and Mary can host the family gatherings from now on, and the place I like is a free-standing condo so no noise from the neighbors."

"No more yard work does appeal to me and a smaller place with a first-floor Master and laundry would be nice. But what about all of our stuff?"

"Honestly? It's just stuff. We'll give some of it to the kids if they want it. The stuff they don't want and we don't need can go to charity. I'm sure Mary and Tim will let you put all your tools into their barn."

I have to give her credit, Cindy found a really nice place for us. It had everything we wanted and was located near our work and not too far from the kid's homes. The builder called them "Cluster-Homes." About 150 free-standing units, all on clover-shaped cul-de-sacs. Each unit had a good-sized patio with privacy fencing. The community pool was huge and the clubhouse was well designed.

We had lived there for about five months when the unit next to us sold. The couple that moved in seemed friendly. We invited them over for dinner and 6 months later, Ted and Amy were our new best friends.

It turned out Ted and Amy were about ten years younger than us and had never had children. Ted was in sales and traveled a good bit and Amy was an associate professor at a nearby liberal arts college. She and Cindy often discussed her subjects while Ted and I talked about sports or current events.

After an evening of wine and food on our patio, Amy and Ted said good night and went home. As we undressed Cindy asked me an odd question.

"Bill, do you think I'm attractive?"

"Of course! You still look like you did in college. You keep fit and are always nicely put together. Most folks think you are still in your thirties. I think you're gorgeous!"

She smiled at me, "You have to say that, you're my husband."

I shook my head, "I've always been honest with you. You are beautiful and I'm always proud to have you on my arm when we go out."

"Do you think Amy is attractive?"

"Sure, she is trim and kinda looks like you. As you know, people often assume she is your sister. Why do you ask?"

"Well when I went to lunch with her today, these two guys came up to us and began to chat us up. I thought it was kind of weird because we were at a food court in the mall. Amy seemed very comfortable talking to them and was actually kind of flirting with one of them."

"Hmm, and were you flirting with one of them?"

"What? No! I mean, I talked to the guy, but it was just polite conversation like you'd have with any stranger."

"Okay, so why are you telling me this?"

"Well after the guys left, Amy said she wished she'd given him her phone number. I was shocked and she just laughed and called me old fashioned."

"Seriously? That surprises me."

"Tonight she told me Ted lets her "play away" when he's out of town. Has she ever come on to you?"

I gaped at her, shocked by this new revelation. Then I remembered she'd asked me a question. "Uh, no! Never. I mean, she has flirted a tiny bit, but no more than you do."

"Well, if she did come on to you, would you want to ... you know?"

"First off, I'm a married man, so no. Secondly, I'm sure Amy would have no interest in some old guy like me."

Cindy laughed, "From what she said today, I think you're wrong. I think she and Ted get up to some pretty crazy stuff sometimes."

She snuggled up to me as we got into bed. I had an arm around her and pulled her up for a kiss. She threw a leg over mine and began to press her pussy against my thigh. She whispered into my ear as she humped against me.

"I have to admit, all her sexy talk got me kinda worked up."

Her hand slid down my body and found my cock. She began to slowly stroke me while she nibbled on my ear.

"So, what did she say that got your motor running?"

"She talked about how much fun it is to be with someone new. To see a sexy man and just go after him. She said modern women don't have to just sit back and passively wait for the guy to make a move. Modern women can be the aggressors."

"And that turned you on? Thinking about going out on the prowl, finding a guy you like, and fucking him, just for fun."

"Well, maybe as a fantasy, but I could never really do that."

"But, apparently Amy can, and does, and you find that sexy, exciting, and maybe, it makes you a little jealous."

"Maybe, ... I mean, haven't you ever seen a sexy woman and fantasized about fucking her? What if Amy came after you, wouldn't you want to fuck her?"

"As a married man, I would never cheat and I would expect my wife to have the same conviction. If Ted came on to you, would you fuck him?"

"No, of course not! I guess there is nothing wrong with fantasizing about stuff like that, but I'd never do it ... unless."


"Well, if we agreed, like they do, then I guess it would be okay."

"Are you saying you want me to agree to something like that?"

"Not really. I mean, Amy makes it sound so exciting, I guess I thought we could talk about it and tell each other how we felt. ... You're not mad at me, are you?"

"Mad? No, but I'm a little worried. I think Amy has more influence on you than you realize. She has gotten you thinking about things that could very well end our marriage."

Cindy clung to me, "Oh god, Bill! Don't say things like that! We were just talking. I swear I'd never do anything like that unless you told me to do it."

I relaxed a little and patted her back. Moments later she was riding me hard and calling out my name. I love the way she fucks me when she rides me cowgirl, but that night I couldn't help but wonder if it was my face she saw when she closed her eyes while grinding on my dick.

Over the next couple of weeks, I continued to worry about the influence Amy had on my wife. I liked Amy and Ted and enjoyed their company. I could see Cindy being drawn in by Amy. It showed in subtle ways, like when she would encourage Amy to talk about her wild friends and the stuff those gals got up to. Cindy's face would light up and she would giggle and snicker like a naughty teenager as Amy recounted her adventures. After each evening we hung out with them, Cindy would be wild in bed and tell me how she couldn't believe how crazy Amy's friends were.

"They're so free, they just do what they want to do without a care in the world. Amy says those women have a real zest for life and very understanding husbands."

I could see the lustful gleam in her eyes as she talked about them. "Cindy, we talked about this, I am not like those people. I love you, but I'm worried that you seem to be drawn to their lifestyle. Are you still happy being my wife?"

"What? Yes, of course! I love you with all my heart. I guess it's just kind of exciting to think about. Doesn't the thought of being with Amy or some other sexy woman excite you a little? I mean, as a fantasy?"

"I'm not a prude. Of course, I have fantasies, but I don't obsess over them. I enjoy being with you. You're still the girl of my dreams. I have no desire to be with other women."

She smiled and snuggled into me. "You're the best!"

Three weeks later we were at a Friday Night Pizza Party at the clubhouse. The social committee planned these little events for the residents. There were about 75 people in attendance tonight. The pizza, salad, and desserts were spread out on several tables. They hired a bartender to work the bar and the young man did not skimp on the booze.

The committee arranged a small dance floor on the clubhouse patio and a mix of music played from a couple of decent speakers. I was sitting with Ted discussing the upcoming games and enjoying a gin and tonic. Cindy was off talking to the ladies who organized the event. Amy walked up to our table.

"Okay, are one of you studs going to dance with me, or do I have to go looking elsewhere?"

I looked at Ted expecting him to respond to his wife's request. He just smiled and then gestured for me to go with Amy. I didn't want to dance, but I didn't want to be rude, so I stood and Amy grabbed my hand. As she pulled me along I watched her ass sway and marveled how women could get that much movement in their hips.

The machines played a slow song and Amy stepped into my arms. After a few moments, she snuggled into me and put her lips near my ear.

"Thank you for not turning me down. Ted is not much for dancing, but he doesn't mind me dancing with other men."

"Really? What about when you're out someplace nice, does he let you dance with strangers?"

"Yes, he likes to watch men approach me and ask me to dance. He sees it as a compliment for his choice of a wife."

"Hmm, well some of those guys might see that as an invitation to ask for more than just a dance."

She chuckled deep in her throat, "Oh yes, that happens pretty often."

"And what do you do when they suggest something more than just a dance?"

She leaned back and looked into my eyes, "Well, it usually depends on who's doing the asking. Usually, I just laugh it off, finish the dance, and go back to my husband."

"But not always?"

She chuckled again and pressed her crotch against mine. "Ted is pretty understanding and he doesn't mind if I make new friends."

"I see, and what about you? How do you feel about Ted making new friends?"

She smiled brightly at me, "I suspect my friend Cindy has already told you that Ted and I have a more modern view when it comes to uh, making new friends."

"She did, but she didn't say anything about Ted, only voiced her admiration for you," I said, a little more sternly than I wished.

"OH, well, for what it's worth, She may enjoy hearing about my new friends, but I don't think she is interested in making any new friends of her own."

"That's good to know."

"However," she said and ground against my semi-hard dick, "I think she might be willing to get to know a few of her current friends a little better and so would I."

The song ended and I stepped back a bit. I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "Thanks for the dance and the information." I then turned and walked back toward the table.

Cindy was sitting across from Ted and they were laughing about something as I approached. Ted looked up at me.

"She let you escape already?"

"Yeah, I needed another drink. Do you want one? Cindy?" They both nodded.

I knew Amy liked white wine so I brought drinks for everyone. Amy was huddled with Cindy, but they broke apart as I sat down. Cindy patted my leg.

"Amy was just telling me she has an event at the college Wednesday night and wants me to go with her. It's a lecture by the Dean of Women's Studies. I think it will be very interesting."

I looked at Ted, he shrugged and then said, "That new barbecue place just opened, we could go check it out, and make it a boy's night."

On Tuesday evening Cindy said, "There is a reception after the lecture, so I may be quite late tomorrow night."

"Okay, will you need a ride?"

"No, we're taking an Uber."

"This Women's lecture, is it for ladies only?"

"No, Amy said there will be men there, mostly faculty and a few wealthy sponsors. Why do you ask?"

"Just kinda wondered why Amy asked you to go instead of Ted."

"Not sure. She said she thought I might enjoy making some new friends. (My ears perked up at that statement) I'm looking forward to meeting the Dean. I've read some articles she wrote and they were fascinating."

I got no hint of any subterfuge so I let it go.

Barbecue with Ted was okay, but I was in bed before 10:00. I woke up at 1:15 and Cindy was still not home. I peed and was headed back to bed when I heard a car pull up. I moved to the window and glanced out.

It was a limo. Two doors opened and two guys got out, one on each side. The guys had on white dress shirts but no ties or jackets. As the men held out a helping hand Amy and Cindy climbed out of the car from opposite sides.

Amy was holding a bottle and staggered a bit as she fell into the guy helping her out. I could hear her loud laugh. The guy held her up and she kissed him deeply. They broke apart and Amy handed him the bottle and then wrapped her arms around him for another long kiss.

Cindy seemed a bit more steady. She leaned in, kissed the guy on the cheek, and appeared to be saying something to him. They both watched the other couple and laughed. Then Cindy pointed toward our garage and pressed the fob on her keychain to raise the door.

She took a step toward the house, but her new friend still held her hand. He pulled her into an embrace and they kissed. She seemed hesitant at first, but my heart sank when she melted into his arms and returned his deep kiss.

I walked back to my bedroom, closed, then locked the door. I grabbed a chair and propped it up under the knob. I heard the garage close and a little while later I heard Cindy try to open the bedroom door. We seldom close that door and never lock it. I can only imagine what she was thinking when she found herself locked out.

I slept very little that night. It was a struggle to get up and get dressed for work. I assumed Cindy slept upstairs in one of the spare rooms because there was no sign of her in the kitchen as I charged the garage door and jumped into my car.

Around noon my phone alerted me to a text from Cindy.

Cindy- I'm sorry I was so late, but I did warn you. Why did you have the bedroom door locked? I had to sleep upstairs. Why didn't you wake me this morning?

I didn't respond. I know what I saw, but I don't know if that kiss was the extent of it, or if much more had occurred. I needed some time to figure things out.

I was pretty much worthless at work. Fortunately, I didn't have any meetings to sit through. I fielded a few phone calls and answered a few emails, but mostly I just sat at my desk thinking about what I had seen and imagining what else my wife had done.

I called Ted and asked him if he knew anything about what the ladies did last night. He said he was asleep when Cindy crawled into bed last night and he had not talked with her about the lecture. I told him I wasn't even sure there was a lecture and thought maybe our wives had lied to us about that.

"Why do you think that? I saw the brochure about the event so I know it was real. Do you think they skipped it and went out somewhere?"

"Maybe, or maybe they got picked up by a couple of guys at the reception and partied with them. I know something happened. Maybe you should ask Amy about it and let me know if you get any details."

"Okay, buddy, I'm sure nothing happened, but I'll ask Amy about it. Have you spoken to Cindy? What does she say?"

"I haven't talked to her. I need to think this through before I talk to her."

*** Ted confronts Amy

"I just got off the phone with Bill. He asked me if there really was a lecture last night or were you two just out on the prowl."

"Of course, there was a lecture. There was a reception after and then we went for drinks with a couple of our sponsors. It was a blast. Cindy had a great time and finally let her hair down a bit."

"Oh my fucking lord! You stupid bitch! I told you not to fuck with them! Bill is not like us. If he finds out, he will go ballistic. Please tell me you didn't let her fuck anyone."

"Relax, she didn't fuck anybody, but she sure as shit loved watching me get fucked! I told you she was game! She just needs to work on Bill a little longer and we'll have two hot new playmates right next door."

"You're out of your fucking mind! Bill is not a player, and never will be. God Dammit! I like him, I like living here! You just had to fuck it up didn't you!"

Amy gaped at her husband as he continued to yell at her. "Okay, okay, what do you want me to do?"

"You better call Cindy and get your stories straight. I don't know how much Bill knows, but he's convinced something happened. Now think! How could he know what you did?"

"No way he could! We were at their corporate condo, it is very private, and high security, no way anyone saw us. They took us home in the limo, dropped us off, and then they left."

Ted seemed to be digesting what she said then the light bulb went off, "Let me guess, you said goodbye in the driveway! Jesus, right in front of his house!"

"It was like 1:30, no way anyone saw us."

"Unless he waited up for her, which is exactly what someone like him would do!"

"FUCK! Okay, I'll call Cindy right now."

*** Back at Bill's office

My assistant stuck her head into my office, "Knock-Knock, are you sleeping in here? I haven't heard a peep out of you all day. Is everything okay?"

"No Carol, everything is NOT okay, but it has nothing to do with work."

She stepped in and closed my door. "Bill, what is it? I've never seen you like this. Are you sick? How can I help you?"

I smiled at her, Carol was almost old enough to be my mother and she definitely sounded like my mom today.

"I think Cindy has gotten herself into trouble and I'm not sure how much damage she has done."

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?"

"Her new best friend, Amy, is our neighbor. Amy's husband, Ted, is pretty laid back, but Amy is kinda out there. We recently learned they have an open marriage and Cindy is completely enthralled by the stories Amy tells her.

"The two of them went to a women's lecture last night. There was a reception afterward and they were out until 1:30. They came home in a limo and then she kissed her escort while standing in my fucking driveway."

"Kissed him? Well, a peck on the check at the end of the evening may not be proper, but it's really nothing to get upset about."

"She did that and then he pulled her in and laid one on her and she gave it all she had. It was a long deep kiss like lovers would share."

"Oh, that's not good. ... so what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll confront her tonight and see what she says. If she screwed some guy, we're through. If it was just the kiss? I don't know."

I walked into the house not knowing exactly how I was going to question Cindy about her activities. I needn't have worried, she met me as I walked in. She handed me a drink and asked me to join her on the couch.

"Bill, I need to tell you something. I fear you may already know what I'm about to say, but you need to know the whole story."

I looked at her and I could she had given this some thought so I just nodded for her to continue.

"As you know I went to the lecture with Amy last night. After the lecture, there was a reception for some of the big donors of the college. Amy told me she wanted to mingle with them and make sure they had an enjoyable evening and she asked me to help.


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