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Inside the MacNeil Crypt

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Our narrator meets his fantasy goth girl behind a dive bar.
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The bars of Main Street were bumping on Halloween night. All three of them.

The college kids had taken over after the annual Halloween parade ended and the families retreated indoors. Wholesome costumes had given way to the sexy, the provocative, and the offensive. Superheroes and bed-sheet ghosts were replaced by busty cats, curvy zombies, and gym bros dressed as the popular wrestlers of their youth. It was wild and raucous and fun.

I was no longer a college student, but I still enjoyed the vibe. After the parade I decided to do my drinking at Hallorann's. The well drinks were reasonable and it was the bar nearest the collection of off-campus houses that was known as 'Sorority Row'.

It was a target-rich environment.

I wore the dress whites of a Navy officer. They were second hand from a military surplus store in town. I bought them in June and had worked to get myself in shape to fit them ever since. The belt was just a little snug, but the shirt and pants fit fine. With a part in my hair, a mustache, and aviators, I looked the part.

The girls swirled around as they danced and drank.

I had my eye on a short number in a sequined cheerleader outfit. She was dancing with a pair of friends in the middle of the dance floor. She had a mixed drink of some sort and was clearly enjoying the party. The skirt of her outfit was just a little too short and the cut of her top was just a little too low. She spent as much time adjusting her dress as she did dancing.

She didn't have killer tits, but the little peek of ass that winked out at me when she bent more than made up. Her hair was bottle blonde and up in pigtails. She was sweating and starting to show her drinks.

When the song ended, the cheerleader left the floor. She was coming my way. At the bar, she tried to get the attention of the over-worked bartender. "Hey!" She shouted. "Hey!"

"What are you drinking?" I asked.

"A Bloody Hunter," she said.

"What's that?"

"Blood orange liqueur, Jägermeister, and two cherries."

I smiled, nodded, and hopped the bar.

"What are you doing?!" She was equally impressed and scandalized.

I worked fast with the bottles. "Is this shaken or stirred?"

"I don't know?" She was leaning on the bar, her eyes flicking between me and the bartender. As she leaned, I had a great view down her cheerleader's top. She didn't have large breasts, but they looked pretty good up close. In the darkness of the bar I couldn't quite see her nipples as she leaned forward. Behind her, a pair of frat-boy types were staring at her ass. Doubtless the little skirt was riding up. I gave them a knowing nod of the chin and they both smiled.

I poured the mixture into a rocks glass and slid it across the bar. "Good?"

She took a sip and smiled. "Better than the one he made," she said. "Uh," she looked for her friends. "My friend has my money."

"Don't worry about it," I said. I hopped the bar again. "I don't work here."

She looked scandalized. "So you're stealing?"

"Yeah, it's pretty dangerous. We should get out of here."

"But..." She looked back.

"Nah, don't worry about it. This way." I took her hand and led her along the length of the bar. The back door was close.

"My friends?"

"No, it's fine. This way."

Outside, the air was crisp and cool. Our breath hung between us as I turned to face her. She looked up at me with soft doe eyes. When I took her in my arms she didn't resist. She kissed me back.

I could taste the Jäger and the oranges on her lips. Her breath smelled like booze.

Her hands were all over me and mine were all over her. The skirt came up easily. The bare flesh of her asscheeks was smooth. A thong under that short skirt was a racy choice and it drove me wild.

I grabbed her cheeks with both hands and dug my fingers into the soft flesh. A perfect ass.

Her hands were on my crotch. She had found my cock and was stroking it under the white fabric.

Whatever reticence she had feigned inside was gone. She sucked on my tongue as she struggled with the belt and buckles of my pants.

Then she was gone. I opened my eyes and saw only the grimy blocks at the back of Hallorann's. I looked down and saw the top of her blonde head. In the low light of the single overhead bulb over the bar's alley door I could see the brown roots near her scalp.

After that I stopped focusing. She freed my cock from my pants and wrapped her lips around the swollen head. I took a deep breath and tilted my head back. Mine was not the first cock she had sucked.

One hand held my cock at the base and the other cradled my balls.

She was good. Her tongue swirled around the shaft and head of my cock as her lips created a firm seal.


At first I didn't heed the yell. I was too focused on the pleasure. I didn't care who was yelling.

"Hey you!"

I turned my head. There were other girls in the dark alley behind Hallorann's. They had their phones out and lit. They were walking towards us. "Hey, that's our friend. Laurie, come on. Laurie!" The tallest of the group was doing the talking. She was dressed like the quarterback to the girl's - Laurie's - cheerleader. She had shoulder pads over a sports bra and tight football pants.

"Jesus, Clarice, she's sucking his cock!" said one of the others. This one, a cowgirl with abundant cleavage, seemed more interested than mad.

"Laurie, come on, we're going back." Clarice stopped. I tried to see her behind the glare of her phone's light. "You, get away from her."

"What? We're just..." I said. It was pretty clear what we were doing.

Below, Laurie broke the seal and looked up. "Clarice? What?"

"You're drunk, Laur. Get up." Clarice's voice was harsh. "Get up."

Slowly, Laurie stood. At some point, her cheerleader sweater had come up. In the harsh light of the phones I got a brief glimpse of her tits. Better than I'd thought at first. She tugged the sweater into place.

"But?" She stood and let herself be pulled down the alley. She looked back at me. I looked ridiculous and I knew it; my dick was hanging out and my pants were bunched around my thighs. "Call me," she said.

Before I could register that I didn't have her number, she was gone. The gaggle of friends had guided her around the corner and out of sight.

I stood in the alley and felt sorry for myself. I'd been close. Another minute or two and I would have at least managed to cum. Now I was semi-stiff and felt cheated.

"That's bad luck."

I jumped at the new voice. Instinct drove my hands over my chubby cock.

She was leaning on the wall a few feet down from Hallorann's back door. She was just outside the glow of the light over the back door. "Who're you?" I called.

"Saw you sneaking out the back and followed," she said. She took a step forward and was lit by the yellow bulb.

She had raven-black hair that hung around her face. Her skin was pale under some sort of Victorian Steampunk mask of black velvet and white lace. Her lips were full and deep red. She wore a costume that was as ornate as the mask.

"I always had a soft spot for Navy men," she said.

She wore white gloves that rose to her elbows. Her dress looked old. Victorian. As she stepped close I saw a paisley pattern in the black folds. Black on black, the dress had puffed shoulders and intentionally slit sleeves that hung open from the elbow down. The bottom hem of the dress shuffled over the leaves and empty cans littering the alley floor.

She stopped in front of me and looked down. "Let's have a look," she said. Her gloved hand gripped my wrist and pulled my hand away from my cock. "Now that looks like a good one," she said. Her eyes rose to mine in a slow, seductive wink. There was eyeshadow around her eyes which made them pop all the more under the mask. In the darkness behind the bar her eyes looked black.

"Yeah, well, I was just..."

"I know," she said. "I saw. Shame." She traced the length of my cock with her gloved index finger. The sensation sent a chill up my spine. "I know a place. We could take care of that."

The dress hugged her figure. She was taller than Laurie and fuller across the bust. There was no cleavage visible under the black dress, but I didn't have to work hard to imagine. I felt myself nodding. "Sure. Your place? Mine is a few blocks that way. Down from Ripley's bar."

"No," she said. "Not my place. I know a better spot." Again her eyes flashed in their dark wells. "Sexy and," she paused, "Just. A. Little. Bit. Naughty." She whispered the last word. Her tongue slipped over her red lips.

I was putty in her hands and I knew it.

"Lead the way," I said as I tucked my cock back into the costume pants and buttoned up.

The ruffles and train of the dress hid her curves below the waist. There was no knowing and the suspense supercharged my heartbeat. Laurie was going to be a blowjob in an alley and nothing more. This promised to be something more satisfying.

We walked the length of the alley and turned away from main street.

Behind us, the revelry on Main Street was in full swing. A thumping beat rumbled from Jason's Tap across the street. A police cruiser blocked traffic and kept an eye on the costumed partiers.

The town knew Halloween was a wild night and knew better than to try to fight it. They kept the college kids on the block where the bars were and off the residential side streets. After the bar's last call the fire department would turn on the hydrants. Drunk and horny in skimpy costumes, the college kids would spill into the streets and play in the water. Then, cold and wet, they returned to their dorms and apartments. It worked and kept the mayhem to a minimum.

But we weren't heading towards Main Street. My temptress led me down a second alley. On either side were bushes and short trees. I knew the alley and felt no fear. It was part of one of my many running routes through the small town.

The left side of the alley was the back of a residential block. Homes glowed with warm yellow light. On the street beyond, the last of the trick-or-treaters were running from porch to porch.

On the right was a large wrought-iron fence. Jack-O-Lanterns sputtered and leered at us from a low wall at the base of the fence. Town tradition had school kids carve the pumpkins that adorned this wall and a similar wall around the city park.

She stooped and picked up a small stick. As we walked she dragged the stick along the rungs of the fence. The steady thunk of the stick on iron punctuated our walk. She made no attempt at conversation.

At a break in the fence she stopped. I looked up and saw the curved arch overhead. "The cemetery?"

"I told you. I know a place. A naughty place."

The gate's hinges groaned as she pushed them open. I had never known a time when there wasn't a large chain and padlock on the gate. She stepped up the narrow staircase at the base of the gate. The two stone steps cut into the hillside took her up to my eye level. She looked back over her shoulder. "Not afraid, are you?"

She was beyond gorgeous in the moonlight. Her jet-black hair was almost blue. Her pale skin was perfect. Her lips begged to be kissed. "Come on, chicken."

I followed.

If she was nervous inside the graveyard she didn't let it show. She walked with confidence between the headstones.

I did not have her composure. The grass underfoot was slick. My white patent leather shoes threatened to slide out from under me with each step. The angels and crosses that adorned the more elaborate stones were sinister in the dark. I felt eyes tracking our progress.

A breeze swirled wet leaves and rustled dead flowers.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just here," she said. She stopped outside a large mausoleum. Other mausoleums in the cemetery rose around us. They were large, freestanding structures of granite and marble. This one was set at the back of the cemetery lot and abutted a taller hill.

"What?" I looked around. Above the door was a single word: MACNEIL was carved into the marble. A solid iron door barred entry.

"I have the key," she said. From one of her sleeves she pulled an ancient iron key.

She climbed the single step and fitted the key into the lock. The lock groaned and grated before clicking open. She stepped inside and turned. She was just inside the door and I could still see her outline in the shadows. "Coming?" In the gloom, I could see movement.

I stepped closer. Her hands were up, their white gloves catching the passing moonlight. She was unbuttoning. My heart thumped in my chest. Fear and arousal fought in time with the thudding beats.

Her hands worked down the front of the dress. Unseen buttons opened and, after an agonizing minute, the front opened. She held the front together just enough that her ample tits didn't spill out. "Coming?"

"Yeah," I managed. "I'm coming."

She turned and bent. A moment later a match flared to life. The yellow flame was bright after the walk through the dark alleys and graveyard. She touched the match to the wick of a candle and waited for it to catch. Like the candles in the pumpkins on the alley, this candle sputtered and flickered. The light that it gave off danced around the walls of the mausoleum.

She stood at the top of another staircase. The hand that held her dress closed fell away. With a shrug, the dress slid down her back. Her eyes flickered behind the mask.

Her breasts were tremendous. They were large and natural with perfect tits. In the chill of the night her nipples stood tall. Her skin was as white and smooth as the marble around her. Her waist was thin under the folds of the dress. "Come on," she said. Her voice was playful, almost sing-song. It echoed off the stone walls.

Despite my nerves, I climbed into the mausoleum's antechamber.

"Close the door behind you. We don't want anyone peeping."

With the dress still hanging around her waist, she lifted the candle and started down the steps inside the crypt.

I followed.

The steps wound down in a tight spiral. Twice there were landings with rooms jutting off. The place smelled of dust and earth. Water glinted off the floors as the candle passed. Beyond the thresholds I could see the resting places of the dead; ornate stone likenesses slept over the remains. In the flicker of her light, the stones seemed almost alive.

At the lowest level she stopped. The room was circular with niches for those who had arrived before us. She turned to face me. I stepped close and ran my hand over her perfect breasts. They were soft and smooth and just a little cold. Her nipple was tight as I pinched it lightly. "Feels nice," she cooed. With her free hand she reached up and lifted away the mask. She shook out her hair and smiled at me.

The makeup around her eyes was a little heavy, but it gave her a goth look that fit the surroundings. It worked for me.

"Now," she said. She dropped the mask and put her hand on my crotch. "We're alone."

She slid her hand up my torso and put it on my chest, the palm flat between my nipples. She pushed me back ever so slightly. I stepped back and she smiled. If she was nervous, it didn't show.

She lifted the candle and began to gyrate her hips. I watched her sway and understood. With each rotation, the dress that clung around her slim waist inched lower. I hurried to undo the buttons of my uniform coat.

I peeled the jacket off as she succeeded in shimmying out of the dress. The black material slid down perfect legs and pooled around her on the white stone floor.

She stood naked before me. Her hips were round and smooth, her stomach flat. She looked like a Roman statue. Except for the pubic hair. Between her toned legs was a dark patch that contrasted sharply with her alabaster skin.

"Keep up, Lieutenant," she cooed.

"Yes ma'am," I said. Whatever game she wanted to play, I was down.

The belt and buckles of the pants took a moment. When I bent to strip them down, the material on the inseam tore. I ignored it, the entire uniform had been eight bucks. A tear in the crotch didn't matter.

"Nice shorts," she said. I looked down. My boxers were tented out in the front.

"Well," I said. Soon enough, the shorts followed the pants.

We stood before one another for a long moment. My cock was fully aroused. It ached as it reached towards her. The slight upward bend seemed all the more pronounced in the candlelight.

She smiled and took in my nakedness as I ogled her. "Very nice," she said.

She turned and bent slowly.

The cleft of her ass parted slightly as she bent and put the candle in a small, silver candlestick on the floor beside one of the tombs. The light continued to flicker and dance.

When she stood again, she looked at me with the same hunger I felt inside. We both stepped closer, eager to close the gap between us. Her body was at once warm and cool. Her skin, like mine, was affected by the coolness of the crypt. But her lips and mouth were warm.

Her arms wrapped around my shoulders and her hands gripped my head. I felt her fingers in my hair as she kissed me.

My hands slid up and down her back. One gripped a perfect ass cheek and the other rode over the bumps of her vertebrae.

We were both breathing hard, our overlapping moans and panting echoed off the walls.

My cock found wet warmth between her legs. Still standing, she parted her legs slightly and allowed my cock to slide in. Bracketed by the lips of her pussy, I immediately had to fight the urge to cum.

Her tits tickled against my chest. They were so erect that I could feel them pressing into my skin.

Eventually she took the lead. She stepped back and dropped her hands from my hair. She grabbed my cock and gave me the clearest 'fuck me' eyes I had ever seen. She pulled me to the nearest crypt and turned.

She planted one hand on the stone and grabbed at her ass with the other. She lifted her left foot onto the crypt's dais. I stood and admired the view. Her fingers sank into the flesh of her ass. Beyond, visible in the candle's light, was the pink dimple of her asshole and the slick lips of her pussy.

Intent on not cumming too quick, I dropped to my knees.

"Oh," she said as I pressed my face between her cheeks.

I licked her eagerly and with abandon. I could not have stopped if I had wanted. My tongue slid over her lips and pressed against her firm, aroused clit. I had eaten pussy before, but the taste and electric sensation of her was something new and beyond words. I heard her moans amplified a thousand times by the echo of the chamber. Her hand slipped away from her ass and joined the other in bracing her against the marble slab of the crypt.

My hands rose and found her cheeks. I gripped them and parted them. My nose teased her ass as I licked at her clit. My cock was as hard as the stone beneath us. Sweat rolled down my ribs and between the cheeks of my own ass as I crouched behind her.

Her moans changed as I continued to tongue fuck her. They rose to something higher and louder. She crescendoed somewhere between a scream and wail. I felt her tense as she climaxed. She pressed her ass hard against my face and all but forced my tongue to focus directly on her clit.

When she finished, she didn't relax. "Get inside me, now!" The command was firm and unambiguous. After the questionable end to my tryst with Laurie I appreciated the clear guidance.

I stood on jelly legs and guided my rigid cock to her. We both moaned as I slid inside her.

When I went out on Halloween night, I was not a virgin. I didn't notch my belt, but I had been with my share of women during my college years.

She was the wettest, tightest woman I'd ever fucked. Or had ever fucked me, I should say.

After the ecstasy of my initial entry, she resumed control. She bucked hard against me, her ass pressing into my hip bones hard enough that it hurt. She ground her body back against me with a fury and vigor I had never experienced. She didn't just want to get off again, she needed to get off again.


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