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Husband over hears wives meeting.
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This is another submission that some will like and obviously others won't. Feel free to comment, but please make them useful. Thanking rnebular as always, his editing helps and I appreciate his input.


The name is Jerry Adams and until recently I was quite satisfied in my life. Married to Betsy for almost 28 years. We are both 55 and have a grown daughter, Amy, who is married to Jim, a good man. They have been married for 3 years and are expecting their first.

A quick history lesson about Betsy and myself. We met in college and dated, but we were both working hard on our degrees and never got that close. We started dating and seemed to find we were both very compatible. After 18 months we were married and after 2 years we were blessed with the arrival of Amy. She has been a wonderful daughter and very smart.

Betsy and I have good jobs, she's been a teacher for 25 years and I work in the finance department of a large company. We mostly do work for the government and I oversee the expenses and keep up with all the regulations which are a part of all governmental projects. I have a staff of 4 and I have been employed 31 years.

This story begins in the summer as my wife is off work and once a month, she gets together with about 3 or 4 regular friends for dinner or sometimes just meets at one of their houses. Most of the get togethers are just a chance for them to have some fun. Occasionally, they might go to a bar and listen to music and maybe dance if asked. I have never questioned what happens because my wife rarely is out late or had too much to drink. This started about three years ago about the same time that Betsy and I became empty nesters.

We both loved our daughter a lot and I thought we might re-kindle our romance a bit. As we are older, we are not as active sexually as we once were. We both still go out for a dinner date at least weekly sometimes alone and sometimes with another couple. It seemed to me we were content and happy in our relationship. At least I thought so.

That evening I went home after stopping for a quick bite with my friend Harold. He and I sometimes eat together when the wives get together. I had finished and was coming home and saw the cars, so I parked on the corner and walked home. As I came through the side door that leads to the back porch, I heard all the raucous laughter and thought they must be into a few bottles of wine.

I sort of laughed and heard Stephanie, Betsy's closest friend, that she loves her husband Sam, but he is old and overweight and can barely get it up anymore. She says sometimes she just needs some loving and has a nice vibrator and she can pleasure herself and not have to indulge her husband. She went on to say the few times he gets it hard he lasts about a minute. So, she told the others that his nickname is now "minuteman." They all laughed. I was embarrassed for Sam, as he had been to our house and was a nice man.Yes, he is a little over weight, but Stephanie was not exactly little herself. She was generally, pleasant, but I had not heard her say this about her husband before. I was surprised and felt bad for Sam.

I did not enter the room because I wanted to hear what the others were saying. Then Maggie spoke and she said her husband, Harold was different. He was ok with sex and was interested but her husband's dick was too small. "I barely feel it and after 3 kids I sort of need something bigger."

All the others laughed and asked how big? She said, "he is about 4 inches."

Then Stephanie said," No, how big is it hard?"

Maggie laughed and said, "It is hard."

Stephanie said, "We should call him teeny weeny."

Everyone burst out and Stephanie told Maggie she could borrow her vibe any time she wanted.

Stephanie then asked Maggie, "When it gets cold can he even find that little thing?"

I stood there and was shocked, do all women say things about their husbands that is very personal. Harold is a good friend and I felt terrible for him.

As they all laughed, I was thankful my wife was quiet. I at least had a wife who had some class.

Then it was Erica's turn, I did not know her husband, Ollie, well, but he seemed pleasant. She said she was going through menopause and was not interested, and her husband was still horny. So sometimes he just begged to jerkoff in front of her and she makes him beg to get to cum.

"I like to make him act like a teenage boy and I laugh at him when he gets horny and tease him while he jerks off. He complains he will get blue balls if he doesn't cum. I also gave him a nickname, blueballs boy."

All the women were laughing, and I could hear my wife too.

Then my wife had to say something.

"Well ladies, face it we are all married to older guys and they are pretty pathetic. Sometimes my husband comes to bed and starts to cuddle against me, and he has a boner sticking in my back too. Is there anything more disgusting then a horny old guy with a hardon thinking that is erotic."

Stephanie of course had to make a comment, "Betsy what should we call Jerry, what nickname?"

I was deadly quiet and waiting to hear her. She was giggling and said, "I think boner boy sounds good." Everyone was laughing.

I was stunned. After all these years my wife had never said anything to me. I never forced myself and sometimes when she was tired, I did leave her alone and just kissed her. I never remember doing that. Did she just say it or was it true?

I thought back when our weekly sex was sometimes once every two weeks or longer when she was going through menopause. I never once heard her complain about me.

I just stood there, and my heart was pounding. I was angry and hurt, and not sure what to do.

Then Stephanie, the apparent ringleader said, "We girls are bad too. We should start going to that new club and let some of the young guys dance with us. If our guys aren't doing it for us, we can at least let them paw at us some."

The others laughed and mentioned it was a good idea.

Now I was wondering what was happening at those times at the bar. Most of the time Betsy came home and was not drunk or horny and she usually just took a quick shower and came to bed. Most of the time I was still awake. I asked how it was and she told me if she danced or not and I asked her was it good and she laughed and said, "I have something better at home."

What a bunch of bullshit. I was now wondering if she was getting felt up, but I never noticed anything.

As I stood outside the door, they all clinked glasses and said, yes, they should go out more often.

I just stood there.

They all continued laughing and drinking.

Erica gave a toast, "Here's to minuteman, teeny weeny, blue balls boy and boner boy."

They all toasted.

I was disgusted. Do they do this every time they get together.

Finally, Erica said, "you know we have all been married for a while and we should be happy they are all good fathers, providers and even if they have flaws, they are ours."

I was hoping sanity had returned but apparently not.

Stephanie said, "Yes they have been good fathers, but we need more sometimes. Just to try someone young one time would be fun."

It was then quiet, and no one said anything. It was getting late and Erica said, "We should head back to the old guys again."

I scrambled out the back and went to my car before anyone left. I was so mad I knew I had to calm down before I came home. I drove around the area and stopped at a park. I decided to walk a little to relieve my anger. I thought back on what I had heard.

I thought that the women were all nice and sweet and this was something that shocked me. Was I in that bad of shape? I still rode a bike some and I did have a few pounds more then I needed. But I was in better shape than any of the women. I was no hunk, but I was also no chunk.

All of them were a bit over weight and even though they were attractive I could not see lots of young guys pursuing them.

I thought about it and decided, should I tell the husbands what I heard? Should I sneak out and see them the next time they go to a bar?

The longer I thought about it I realized that I still love Betsy, but the amount of disrespect I heard tonight seriously angered and hurt me. Was she that clueless to think it was not hurtful?

How would she feel if I said disrespectful things about her to the husbands?

Close to dark I headed home. As I pulled in the driveway, everyone was gone. I came through the back door and walked in the kitchen. Betsy was finishing cleaning up.

She turned as I came in and said, "Hi, Sweetheart how was your day?"

I looked at her as if I did not recognize this woman. I wanted to tell her off, but I stood there without saying a word.

"Honey what is wrong? You look upset."

"I just had a bad day and am exhausted."

"I thought you were going to have dinner with Harold." What happened?"

"Harold is fine I just had a bad day. I have a splitting headache I think I will take a shower and then read some and go to bed."

Betsy rushed over and hugged me. I stood there limp and tired. She kissed me on the cheek, and I pulled away and left.

"Do you need anything? Can I help?"

"No, I'm fine, just really tired."

I took a shower and jumped in bed and later she Looked in our bedroom and saw me reading.

"Honey if I can help, let me know. I love you."

I just nodded and then went to sleep.

I took some sleep meds and finally fell asleep, I remember Betsy crawling up next to me to cuddle but I acted asleep and she rolled over and went to sleep.

Saturday morning, I woke up early and decided to get on my bike early. Betsy was still asleep. So, I took off and wanted to ride for about an hour. I usually only did 30 minutes and that was enough to keep me toned, but now I decided I wanted to start building up my stamina.

I arrived back and Betsy was eating breakfast. I was soaking wet and went to get back in the shower.

"Jerry I will fix you breakfast, what do you want? I am going shopping with Amy and look for some maternity clothes."

"Don't worry about me I'm going to just eat a bagel and some coffee. Have a good time."

When I came back down for breakfast she had just left. I was happy she was gone. Now I could think more about what I should do.

I was still angry when I realized I needed to find out more about the visits to the bar. One of my assistants was a young 32-year-old named Dan, who had worked for me for about 5 years. My wife had only met him once that I could remember. Maybe he could watch her without being suspected.

We still had a land line and I kept thinking about disconnecting it and simply using our cell phones. I was going to monitor the home phone as well. Maybe I could pick up something to monitor the calls. I spent the entire day going through her emails, as she never kept them a secret. I looked over about 2 years' worth of activity and nothing seemed suspicious. I kept wondering why she didn't delete old emails. Now I was glad she didn't.

About 5 o'clock I heard her car pull into the driveway. She came bouncing in and said they had a great day finding things for Amy to wear. I was happy because I love our daughter so much and she and her husband could use our help.

Betsy was talking a mile a minute and I just sat there and nodded. Finally, she said she would have some leftovers for dinner from the wives last night. That brought me back to reality and I got angry again. I tried not to show it, but she noticed I was quiet at dinner.

"Honey can you tell me what is bothering you?"

"I'm fine, it's work and it will be resolved soon I hope."

She kissed me as I gathered the dishes and started to clean the table. I learned a long time ago Betsy is a much better cook, but I can at least cleanup. She had some wine and sat at the table while I did the dishes.

"Betsy, are you happy?"

"What do you mean am I happy? Of course, are you?"

"Yes, but sometimes you seem distant. Do you have a good time with your friends?"

That was her chance to say something, "Yes I enjoy getting together with my girlfriends. We have a lot of fun, since we are all about the same age and have the same interests."

"When you go to listen to music do you dance with other guys?"

She suddenly looked at funny.

"I have on occasion been asked to dance and yes I have. It's innocent and I never let them get too close. Are you jealous?"

"Are the guys younger and do you ever feel a little excited?"

"Why Jerry I think you're jealous. You have nothing to worry about dear."

"I'm curious because 4 or 5 attractive women sitting together can attract a lot of men. Do you dance slow with them when they ask?"

"Jerry, what is going on. You know I would never let someone else that close."

"Do the other girls also dance too. If one of them ever did something you thought was inappropriate would you tell me?"

Betsy looked at me funny and said, "Jerry, I don't think any of the ladies would do anything bad. You know all of them, they would never do that."

I thought about it and said, "I have an idea, why don't we have a cookout and invite them and their husbands?"

She just shrugged and said, "I imagine all of them are busy with their summers."

"Okay, I was just asking. When will you girls get together again?"

She frowned and said, "Jerry I was wanting to talk to you about that. Stephanie has a place at the lake, and she thought we could all go next weekend."

"Stephanie meant just the wives, all of you guys are always too busy."

I turned and looked at her. "When were you going to tell me?"

"I meant to mention it last night, but you were feeling bad."

"When will you leave?"

"We were going to leave Friday morning and come back on Monday evening because it's July 4th."

We usually have a neighborhood block party on the 4th. "Will you miss the party?"

"No, I will be back in time for the fireworks."

"You will miss all the other activities. We usually have Amy and Jim over too."

Betsy looked at me and could tell I was disappointed, "Jerry I will definitely make it up to you when I get home. Sometimes we girls just need a break."

"I understand."

I then left and went to my office and started thinking, she rarely goes away and now she is leaving after I heard all the girl's comments about needing something extra. This is not good, and I was wondering what was really going on.

Later Betsy came into the office. "Jerry you're not mad at me, are you?"

"No, I just wish you would tell me these things. By the way who is going?"

"Stephanie, Maggie, Erica, and Theresa, she works with Stephanie and is a good friend of hers."

I didn't know Theresa but wanted to know more about her. "Is Theresa the same age, and is she married?"

"I think she is close to our age, but she's divorced."

That was great. My wife wants to run off for a few days to party with some women and I have no idea what is happening.

"It seems odd that you suddenly want to spend more time with your friends. I was hoping we could spend some time together since I am off on Monday too."

"That's sweet hon, but this is the only time we can all get together as a group. I promise we can do some more things before the summer is over."

The week was passing by and I could tell my wife was excited about her upcoming trip. I was still angry.

I was going to try one more time and see her response. "Honey, how about we join you Friday night and leave Monday morning. You will still have some time away from the husbands, but we can spend some time together too."

"Jerry, for heaven's sake what is with you. We just want some time for the girls only."

" Okay, you win have your time, but you hate it if I want to go away with the guys for a golf weekend and I never go."

"That is because it's much too costly and I don't like to be alone. Please honey try to understand you are acting like a child."

Well that was my last try. Maybe she was right the girls needed some alone time. I had never ben bothered before but it made me more concerned because of the conversation I heard.

I was going to try and find out more. I took her cellphone when she was in the shower and I tried to open it up. She had it protected. She never locked it before. I had to come up with a plan. She and I had almost identical phones, so I picked hers up and took it to work and left mine.

Dan was our IT expert and I asked him if he could help me get into her phone. He worked on it a while and I gave him all combinations of possible passwords. Finally, he found the right combination and it was open.

I was searching through her texts trying to find something that I could use. Most of her texts were from her friends but I found a wealth of information. Dan was trying to link her texts to my home email. I told him I really appreciated it and he was happy to help.

It appears that Stephanie was the instigator for the group. First, they would go to her cabin and they were planning on some guests visiting and Theresa was the events planner. The more I read the madder I got. My dear wife was very excited about it. Only Maggie thought it was a bad idea, stating "If the husbands find out they will be furious."

Stephanie just shut her down and said it would be fun and if no one found out no harm would be done. My dear wife agreed. Erica said she was so excited she could not wait. I monitored as many emails as I could.

When I got home my wife asked if I accidentally picked up her phone. I told her yes.

She turned red and said, "Why did you take my damn phone. That's private, and you have no business looking at it. Damn you Jerry."

I looked at her like she had lost her mind. "I realized it was your phone and since you recently locked it, I couldn't read your phone. Apparently, you are doing some private things that you don't want your husband to see. What the hell is going on Betsy?"

"Nothing I just don't like it if you look at my private things."

"Betsy, do you have something to hide?"

"Of course not."

I slept fitfully on Tuesday night. I decided I was going to call my daughter and see if she knew anything. My wife and Amy talked almost every day. I called her and asked her if her mother had told her about her getaway. Amy said she had and seemed excited about it. I asked her if she gave any details.

"Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine, she just seems a little different."

"Maybe it is the baby coming she is very excited about it."

"Sweetheart, you are right we both can't wait."

Betsy came home and could tell I was unhappy.

"Honey, you know I love you right? This is a simple getaway and I will be very excited to see you when I get back on Monday."

I smiled and said, "I hope so."

Thursday I was up early and left for work. I decided to check her texts. Stephanie kept telling the girls it would be so fun, but she would not tell what they were going to do. Theresa was the one who was setting everything up.

I went to talk to Dan again and I showed him some of the emails I was curious if there was any way I could access other emails.

Dan looked at the email and told me, "Who is this Theresa?"

"I didn't know, some one who works with Stephanie."

He got a big smile on his face. "She is my sister. She just had a bachelorette party for a friend who is getting married and she told me this woman at work wanted to have a stripper for some of her friends. Theresa told her she could get one for them, but what was the occasion? Her friend just told her it was a girl's weekend party."

Dan must have seen my face as I was turning pale. "Jerry don't worry I will find out for you.

Now I knew what was going on and that explained everything. My wife was going to have a stripper and now I wanted to know how far this was going. It is one thing to go to a strip joint but another for a private party.

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