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Into the Vampire's Harem - Omnibus

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A human village girl gives herself over to a vampire lord.
28.9k words

Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 03/25/2019
Created 03/12/2019
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Author's Notes: Chapters 1 and 2 were originally published back in 2015 under my other screen name of DieselJester and then republished under AlexClayton. Chapter 3 was originally published in 2017 under this name of AlexClayton.

I will tell y'all right now that this story has been the bane of my literary existence ever since I became a professionally published author back in 2015. It is also the reason why I will no longer release stories in single chapter format. It's now full, complete stories that I will put up here... or nothing at all. I would much rather take the time and put out a quality standalone story up than piecemeal it and then hear incessant requests as to when the next chapter is coming out. This story was also plaguing me because at the time I originally written it, the publishing rights for "Vampiress, Mine" had been purchased by my publisher. When "VM" never got professionally published, I fought hard to get those rights back so that I could repost it here on Literotica. "Vampire's Harem" was intended to fill the void left by "VM" but then turned out to not be needed once I had the rights to my Supernatural Earth saga back.

But, y'all kept asking for it. ;)

So here it is; "Into the Vampire's Harem" in it's full, complete, and edited glory that I trudged through writing to get it published here just for you all who have been asking about it. I sincerely hope that you really enjoy it because I have absolutely NO intention in writing a sequel for this one. This is it; done, finito, the-frakkin-end.



Lord Byron Leandro's eyes narrowed as he looked over the smoldering fields of what had been multiple food crops; wheat, barley, vegetables... all now gone in flames, smoke, and ash. His jaw twitched irritably as his mind worked out what needed to be done now. He ran a hand over his buzz cut head in frustration. This was not something that he wanted to wake up to at the crack of dark. "Options?" he asked at last to his foreman who was standing nearby, his gaze transferring from the scorched field to the retreating glow of the distant sun, now well below the horizon.

"For the crops or the family responsible for them?" the foreman asked in return.

"Both," Byron said in a hard voice. "But give me options on the food situation first."

"Well," the foreman consulted his notes as he'd been ready for this. "I'm told that the fields can be salvaged for next year's planting season and it will take work throughout the winter to do so. However, this constituted the bulk of the village's food supply that they had yet to store up. Other crops will be barely able to sustain everyone through winter. It's going to be difficult for everyone. If there's the slightest bit problem with any of the other crops I fear that we will have starvation issues and possible deaths," he reported. He then shrugged. "There is game in the area to balance out the humans' diets, but it will still be tough."

"I see," Byron said with a hint of resignation in his voice. "So I'll need to import food in from a neighboring barony if I want to sustain the populace here, is that what I'm getting?"

"Yes, my lord."

Byron let out another long breath. Damn Humans. They were needed for his coven and his family's own sustenance and they were a pain in the ass all at once. Why the hell couldn't they feed on blood like he did or at least have the ability to survive the extreme elements like were-creatures could? How humans had become the dominant species for the longest time baffled Byron. "What about those responsible for this?" he asked.

"The couple and their family have been returned to their home and placed under guard pending your further orders, sire," the foreman said. "This way."


Kerdia peered down from her bed in the loft of her home. It was night now and something was going on. She kept on hearing the words 'fire' and 'accident' as mother and father kept on arguing in hushed voices. They'd come back from the fields early, apparently under orders from their vampire overseers. Then the Vampiric Guard themselves showed up and blocked every exit in and out of their house. Kerdia had been getting ready to walk to market with her friends to start working her shift as a barmaid at the local pub when the guards had shown up with her family in tow. Now she was stuck up here in the loft with her younger siblings looking to her for answers.

"What's going on, Kerdia," her younger sister asked for the hundredth time.

"I don't know!" Kerdia snapped in a low voice. "Now shush while I try to listen."

As she strained to hear what their parents were saying, there was a commotion outside as a man's voice, the village foreman, shouted out in command. "Bring them out here, the whole family, NOW!" Kerdia gasped as the doors busted open, nearly flying off of their hinges.

The two Vampiric Guards that were at their front door grabbed mother and father first. Two more burst in from the back door and looked up at them. Kerdia's first instinct was to hide from them along with her brother and sisters, but the vampires had already saw them. "You four, in the loft! Down here and out front now!" one commanded.

Knowing better than to argue Kedria looked at her siblings and jerked her head for them to follow. She was the oldest at nineteen with her two sisters at sixteen and twelve, respectively, and then their brother at ten. They wound up lining up outside behind mother and father in order of age as was required of any human family when the vampires came calling for whatever reason. It was the law. Kerdia gasped when she saw who was calling this time. The village foreman she knew easily from his work with her parents and the many times she'd served him at the pub. But the man in the black duster was known to everyone in the region;

Lord Byron Leandro.

Byron was pacing back and forth in front of mother and father, who'd both been driven to their knees by the guards to ensure proper supplication. Byron was shaking his head in disbelief. "I've gone over the details with my foreman," he was saying, "and I know that everything was done to contain the fire that destroyed the crops which is why you two are still living."

"Please, please Lord Leandro," father was pleading. "If you must exact punishment, do it to me. Leave my family alone, I beg of you. Please..."

"Sadly, I cannot do that as the price is far too high this time." Byron replied evenly. "In order to ensure that there is enough stock to keep my people alive through winter, I have to keep the villagers healthy as much as possible. That requires the purchase of additional food and the coffers are perilous as it is both in current funds and funds that are now lost due to the crops being destroyed."

Byron looked at them with regret, more so since their children were out and looking at him in fear. "Since there is no conceivable way you can cover the costs of purchasing the needed food; I'm selling your family and your possessions to a neighboring baron for what village will need for the winter. You're right on the border so you'll be able to relocate with ease."

Kerdia was beside herself and her parents looked stricken. Sold? They were being sold? She knew of the neighboring Vampire Lord by reputation and knew that being sold to him was just as well as a death sentence. "NO!" She cried out, darting forward towards Byron. She sidestepped a guard that reached for her and ducked under another's grasp to get in front of Byron. "NO! He is a cruel, sadistic master! You are so much better than he is! Surely there is another way? Do something else! Make another deal!"

Byron looked at her in a mixture of surprise and curiosity. Few dared to talk to him in such a manner. The fear that was once in this girl's eyes was now replaced instead with anger and determination. Instead of getting angry, he regarded her. "What do you propose?" Byron asked evenly. "I require compensation for this and I cannot afford to make exceptions or else my holdings will be challenged. What then, miss..." his voice trailed off as he searched for her name.

"Kerdia," she said defiantly.

"What then, Miss Kerdia, do you suggest I take as compensation?" Byron finished. "Hm?"

"Me," Kerdia said with determination.


"NO!" both of the girl's parents cried out, reaching for her in an effort to stop her. The guards standing over them pulled them back, glowering down at them. Another hard stare from his guards kept the other three children in check.

Byron arched an eyebrow. "I think that you overvalue yourself," he said, looking her up and down. She wasn't too bad on the eyes with her cute face and long brown hair that was streaked light brown and blonde in places. A peasant of legal age, that much was obvious. Short and Plain, but she had that 'cute girl of the village that everyone wanted to be in bed with' look about her. She had an attractive pair of pert little breasts that seemed a bit disproportionately large to her petite waist and hips. Her barmaid bodice and flowing skirt did have a certain allure about her. "What makes you think that you would be worth the price of even half of the village's food supply?"

"Please," Kerdia rolled her eyes. "Your family... your coven... they can all use me as food... or just a chew toy if it comes down to it. That alone would cut down on the costs you'd have to pay in order to obtain blood from the vampiric banks... or at least cut down on the trouble you have to go through to actually hunt." She swallowed and visibly willed herself on. She gave an exasperated shrug to him. "Or you could whore me out; either for sex or for blood from visiting dignitaries. We're on the crossroads so you have all kinds of dignitaries coming through all the time. What's a gold coin, or two, or even ten here and there for them to get personal use of your private human pet for a night? I work in the pub; I know the kind of coin that travelers have these days and I know that a little bit adds up after some time."

Eyes narrowing Byron studied her, wondering if she was truly genuine. He could detect no deception in her words. "Why would you put yourself out like this, human?" he asked.

Squaring her shoulders and lifting her chin proudly, Kerdia looked up at him. "Because your rival that you would sell us to is far worse if even half of the rumors are true. At least here, in your lands, we know how you are and you are at least respectful, kind, and fair to us lesser races."

Byron had to admit that she had a point. When he'd come to power he'd made it a point to be kinder to those he had charge over. After all, good public relations among the superior races never, in his opinion, made up for bad public relations among the human masses that outnumbered them at least ten-to-one. Should the precarious grip over the humans ever get too tight or too loose, the consequences would be disastrous.

He started pacing again as he mulled it over then looked at her. "You would do this of your own free will?" he asked. He had to otherwise the Council would be all over him for involuntarily enslaving a human. "On your word and honor; you would be my pet, to do as I say for as long as I would say, in exchange for your family to remain here on my lands?"

"To remain here, as they are, with no further repercussions about..." her voice trailed off and she waved a hand in the direction of the fields, "about whatever happened here," she amended.

"Very well, I agree to those terms. It is done," Byron snapped his fingers. His Vampiric Guard all started disappearing as they teleported away. He grabbed Kerdia around the waist and looked at the foreman. "Get to work first thing in the morning," he told him before teleporting away to his castle with his newest acquisition.


Kerdia felt sick to her stomach as they materialized into Byron's throne room. It took her a minute to gather herself as she felt insanely dizzy from being teleported for the first time in her life. Before she could say anything, Byron was taking her by the hand and leading her away. They headed down a spiraling stone staircase that went deep into the bowels of Leandro Keep.

When they got to the next to lowest level of the keep, they walked down a lavishly decorated hallway that had ornate doors to multiple suites. Some were open and Kerdia caught glimpses of others inside that were turning to look at her as she passed. "Where are we going?" she asked Byron.

"To my suite," Byron replied as if the answer should have been obvious and therefore not even asked.

"You...you're not in the topmost level?" Kerdia asked, confused. "I thought that all lords and rulers slept at the top?"

"Why on earth for?" Byron snorted with derision. "Why the hell would I want to sleep closer to the sun that could kill me if a window was open and I was not wearing proper sun blocking ointments?" He shook his head. Silly humans... a lot of them still suffered under the delusions of their myths despite reeducation. "I prefer to be deep under the ground if, gods forbid, I have to get up during the daytime for whatever reason," he corrected her.

They got to the end of the hallway to a pair of doors at the end. Byron waved his hand outward and they opened as if by some unseen doormen were there and waiting. He waved his hand in the direction of his bathroom and gave her a little push in that direction. "Avail yourself of the facilities, particularly that of the shower or bath in there," Byron said casually. "I will fetch your proper garments that you will be wearing in the course of your duties here. Be sure to utilize the shaving instruments in there to ensure that you are hairless from your neck down."

"H-Hairless?" Kerdia asked, blinking at him as she stumbled towards the bathroom. She'd heard of women of all races in the cities doing such things but had never done it herself.

"Yes, my kind prefers no hair on our bodies save for that on our head. Now get to it and don't make me tell you again." When Kerdia paused uncertainly, Byron scowled at her. "Need I remind you that you gave yourself to me on the understanding that your family would remain where they are?"

"No," Kerdia said morosely, "No, you don't..." she added, turning and walking into the room. She jumped as the lighting, in the form of soft simulated candle light, turned on the moment she walked in from recesses in the wall and a candelabra chandelier in the ceiling.

She must've let out a sound as she heard Byron's laughter from the main room. "Everything in there is automatic with motion detection. A hold over from human's technological era. It's more efficient that way," he called to her. "Toss your clothes out so that I can have them properly disposed of."

Kerdia let out a sigh of resignation as it started weighing on her what exactly she'd agreed to. Not wanting to prolong things out of fear of what her new master might do, she hastily stripped out of her bodice, skirt, and underwear, tossing the garments out. Finally her simple leather shoes were kicked off. There was a rush of air and a loud snap as Byron used his magic to make them disappear; probably teleported away. She found Byron's shaving accessories easy enough and stepped into the shower. Water poured out of slits in the three stone walls surrounding her in a waterfall like way. The water was warm and she found the bathing sponge and liquid shower soap in an alcove. She lathered up her body and hair, washing all the dirt and grime that came from being a human peasant in today's world. This was a welcomed change from what she was used to. On a good week she might have a hot water bath in a small metal tub behind the house at least once a week and that was if there was time to do so. Other times it might be cold or she would have to settle for bathing in the cold streams and rivers of the area using only a meager bar of soap.

After she rinsed off she sat at the bottom of the shower and got the straight razor out. She knew how to shave from helping her father keep his face clean shaven as well as the odd customer that had come in. How much more difficult could this be to use on herself? Same concept, right? She started with her arm pits, lathering them up with the shaving soap and then drawing the razor down in a few smooth stroked. Then she did the same between her legs. Kerdia had to admit that the cool, foamy soap over her sex felt weird and good all at the same time. She then took great care to get as much of her pubic hair that she could get before rinsing and stepping out of the shower to dry herself off from head to toe.

"If you are done, your new evening attire has been placed on the hanger at the door," Byron called out the moment the water kicked off. "Put the lingerie on and come to my bed."

Kerdia let out a whimper but wasn't surprised when she saw that her evening attire consisted of a sheer black lace miniskirt lingerie with matching panties that barely qualified for the term. She put the lingerie on. It fell loose past her breasts and the fabric seemed to tickle her skin, raising goose bumps and making her nipples stand erect. She took a tentative step outside of the bathroom, looking around.

Byron stepped out from behind an archway across the expanse of the entry way and living room combination. "This way," he beckoned her. She gulped when she saw that he wasn't wearing anything but his pants now and what a view it was! The man had hard muscles and was well toned. She wondered if that was because of his vampiric nature or if he had to work out to get that kind of body. As she walked towards him and the bedroom, she was thankful that she lived in a fiefdom that was ruled by one of the more handsome vampires of the continent.

Unlike the ugly, sadistic one that Byron nearly sold her and her family to. Kerdia barely managed to suppress a shudder at that thought.

When she got close, Byron cupped the back of her neck with his hand and guided her towards the bed. She went without protest and found his touch surprisingly warm and gentle. While working at the village pub, she'd heard rumors and mutterings that all vampires were cold and had skin that felt like one was rubbing the underside of a snake. She'd certainly seen her fair share of Vampires of the uglier side that looked like they could be that way. Maybe it was a difference in their clans that accounted for the difference in touch.

Byron nudged her onto his grand, ornate bed that was fit for any king or ruler. Kerdia rolled onto it without question, spreading herself open wide with her legs and arms splayed out in all directions. She swallowed hard, knowing what was coming and, like the few times that she'd serviced people at the pub, she mentally prepared herself for it and focused on a point on the ceiling.

She felt the bed shift as Byron climbed on and crawled beside her. His hand then traced its way up her thigh from her knee up to her panties. "You clean up nicely," he admired. Byron slid the sheer hem of the lingerie up a bit and then dipped his hand down her panties, cupping her mound. Working his fingers around her sex slightly, he felt her up as if examining the texture of his skin. "Hm, you missed a few spots when you shaved," he noted. "I'll have one of my harem fix that tomorrow night as well as doing your hair properly."

"H-Harem," Kerdia squeaked out the question while darting her eyes toward him and then back to her spot on the ceiling.

"Yes, Harem, of which you are now a part of," Byron said with a chuckle. "Although, I will admit, you are the first human I have taken as a member of my Harem." He felt her pussy start to drip moisture as his hand rested on it so he slid his middle finger into her. "You've been taken before. Good. You know something about sex then so neither I nor my Harem will have to teach you the basics at least," he observed, his finger now swirling inside of her, causing her to moan softly at his touch.


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