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Into the Vampire's Harem - Omnibus


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"Yes, sire," she said meekly.

Byron frowned and groaned with disapproval at that. "Do not speak unless spoken to in a direct manner. In fact; don't even make a sound... even if you are in the throes of passion. When you make a sound it will be because you have been instructed to do so. When you address me it will be with the term 'Master' and it will be at either the beginning or end of everything you say. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Master," Kerdia responded tentatively in a now shaky voice.

"Good, you can be taught then. This is an admirable trait in you humans." Byron said, pushing his finger deeper into her. There was a sharp intake of breath from her as the pleasure shot through her with that move. She clamped her mouth shut and only her nostrils flared as she strove to not make any noise. "And you can learn fast. Even better," he added with approval. He stopped fingering her for a moment and looked down at her with curiosity etched across his face. "Can you read?"

She blinked up at him, confused with the sudden change in topic. "M-Master?" she asked questioningly.

"Can. You. Read?" Byron repeated, punctuating each word. She nodded mutely and Byron smiled. "What do you know of history?" he demanded of her while sliding his finger back inside her pussy.

"Only from what I know from school, Master," Kerdia answered, swallowing again to maintain her composure while trying to ignore the pleasure that was blossoming out from her loins from the renewed attention it was receiving. She focused back on her point on the wall. This had to be a test from him to see if she could disassociate herself from the pleasure her body was receiving. "I-I know that the... the supernatural powers took over when us... when we... when humanity was on the brink of destroying itself in nuclear fire over six decades ago," she managed to dictate. Byron's fingering of her pussy had intensified and it was distracting. "T-That was in the n-nineteen sixties when warlords Kennedy and Khrushchev brought ruin to us all."

She licked her lips and steadied herself as she continued on from what she remembered from basic school. "I know that The Council was upset at how... ahhh... at how humans were treating the planet, and how they nearly destroyed it in nuclear fire, and all the technology that was lost in the process, and so the Council imposed their own rule by force, Master... saving us all." Her chest was now becoming flushed and was heaving with each breath she took as Byron was now outright fucking her with his middle finger, dragging it down the front of her vaginal wall every time he withdrew. "I-I-I know that there are still some... some... oh... some so-called f-free humans out there that oppose the ci-ci-civilized order that has been... b-b-been brought to us," she managed to get out in a rush.

"Good," Byron said, driving his finger deep into her so hard that she was brought to climax at once. Kerdia squeezed her eyes shut, clamped her mouth closed, and squealed as her body tensed from the orgasm. She managed to keep her body in place, still splayed out spread eagled, as it shuddered and trembled. Then her eyes lolled back into her head and her whole body relaxed as a euphoric feeling swept over her in the wake of the passion.

"Let this be a lesson to you; my pet," Byron said. "You will be rewarded when you behave. You will be punished if you do not. Rewards will be in the form of pleasure. Pain will be the price when you misbehave." He stripped his pants off, rolled onto her, and mounted her. "But also know that if you are allowed to get off, you will not necessarily be done with your duties either to me or to whomever I give you to for a time."

Kerdia looked at him in time to see his impressive erection poised right towards her pussy. With a deft swipe of his hand, her panties were ripped off of her and thrown across the room. He then grabbed her by the thighs and pulled her towards him, impaling her onto his cock. Kerdia cried out at the suddenness of it and only managed to shut her mouth after she'd already made a sound. He was much larger than anyone else she'd been with before and the precum already dripping from his erection was like a drug that she could feel through her skin.

Byron frowned in disapproval at her, but didn't say anything as he started thrusting into her hard; pulling her back towards him every time his hips shot forward. The motion started slow but quickly gained speed until he was pounding into her at such speed that he was almost a blur.

Kerdia's world went white and her mind went blank as the pleasure became so intense that it was painful. Her hands clawed at the silk sheets. Her body arched. Her head lolled back again as her eyes rolled back into their sockets. Soon she was just making short, guttural noises as her body flopped about while Byron relentlessly pounded her. His cock was going in and out of her pussy like a well-oiled machine piston at speeds too fast for her mind to process or comprehend.

When Byron came, it felt like she'd been punched in the gut before the orgasm hit her as if she were thrown into a brick wall. His cum coated her insides, flooded her womb, and just kept on coming out of his cock nonstop. She let out a deep, throaty moan as her body jerked and twitched, unable to control herself. When it was over, she was so delirious that she didn't even feel him picking her up and carry her over to a pile of cushions in the corner of the room that was surrounded by a sheer white cloth that could be drawn closed. It wasn't until he'd laid her down that she'd noticed that he was leaving her there and walking back to put his clothes on. She managed to sit up and even let out a bit of a whimper, wondering why she wasn't being left on the bed.

Hearing her, Byron looked over his shoulder at her as he dressed. "That is your proper place when you are not sleeping with the rest of the harem downstairs as you are a pet and not a person," he told her matter-of-factly. "Unless I give you express permission to remain in my bed, or if I specifically hold on to you after I am done with you, you are to return there to rest until I leave, at which point you will go back downstairs. You'll be shown around and given duties tomorrow along with your training commencing," he explained. "I have other things to attend to tonight before sunrise. Once I am gone you will clean yourself up in the bathroom and then return there to your bed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master," she replied in a pathetic mew.

"Good," he nodded with approval as he finished dressing, leaving shortly thereafter. Kerdia couldn't help but lie there, blinking at the archway he walked out of with a feeling of incomprehension. So that was it; that was her life now in order to keep her family safe. She waited a few more moments to make sure Byron was gone before carrying out his edict. His cum already was oozing out of her so she stripped off the lingerie and hastened back to the shower in the bathroom to clean herself.

Once she was in the sanctuary of the shower, and once the warm water was once again cascading back down upon her, Kerdia sank to the floor, curled up into a ball, and cried. Reality crashed in on her. She was a pet now, and not a person. She was a slave in a Vampire's harem. Such was the way of life now that the needs of the many... her family... was seen to over her own personal needs or freedom.


Byron left his suite in haste, not deigning to look into the side rooms that contained his family; brothers, sisters, and other cousins and extended family. There were curious glances shot his way as well as a few questions regarding the human girl that he'd brought down with him. When the questions shouted out as to the question of snacking on the new arrival pop up, Byron turned on his heel right when he got to the spiral staircase. "No one is to touch the human without my express permission," he shouted out to them before heading down to the lowest level. That put them back into their place despite their hunger and curiosity.

It was here where he kept his personal harem. Every Vampire Lord in the world held one whether it was large enough to fill a stadium or small enough to be a couple of girls in a small room. Byron aimed for somewhat simplicity sake and kept his number in the mid-twenties as it was an easy to manage number. This level was dominated by an open floor plan that had a roman bath in the center surrounded by pillars. Past the pillars, in the shadows, was where his women of the harem slept at in individual beds. "Luna!" he called out.

A curvy woman with mulatto skin and jet black hair all the way down to her bottom came out from the shadows to Byron's right. She was totally nude save for lavish jewels that she wore on her ankles, wrists, neck, over her nipples, and with one gem tucked into her naval. She dashed over to him and fell to her knees in supplication. "Yes, Master?" she asked submissively.

"Rise," Byron said at once, lifting his hand up. Luna did so, folding her hands in front of her, keeping her head respectively downcast, and looking up at him expectantly. He took a moment to smile at her, caress her cheek, and give her a loving kiss. She hummed in pleasure, melting into the kiss, and attempting to hide her disappointment when he pulled back. He'd acquired Luna back in the Latin American campaign during the Takeover Wars and she was, by far, his favorite and thus was in charge of his harem while he was away. "I have a new girl for the harem who will need extensive training if she is to help recoup some unexpected losses. I'll need you to acquire bedding for her and to see to her grooming and training."

"Yes Master," Luna said, failing to hide her disappointment. Her nostrils flared as she caught the new one's scent on Byron. "A human, Master?" she asked, confused, with just a hint of jealousy in her voice. He always took vampire women as his concubines for the harem. Luna herself had been turned by a vampire who got overzealous in his feeding many decades before who was then subsequently killed in the wars. Byron took her in when she was practically feral and she'd been his ever since, taken in by her mix of American and Latino beauty.

"Yes," Byron said irritably with a resigned sigh. "She's doing it to keep her family on my lands. Even I can't fault her for that." He gave Luna a pointed look. "No feeding off of her unless I specifically say so."

"Can we nibble off of her, Master?" Luna asked hopefully, with a bit of playfulness in her voice. When Byron scowled at her she gave him a radiant smile. "Please? Just a little, master? She'll need to know what it feels like, anyway, and how to control her body since the Kiss is far more intense as a human than it is as a vampire... especially during sex."

He had to admit that she had a point and she would know as she'd regaled him with tales of being one vampire's plaything prior to being turned. "Alright," he said grudgingly. "Just don't get too carried away and make her into an all-you-can-drink bar. I need her alive if she is to entertain guests at my command for me to recoup my losses. I'll have her down here tomorrow where you can work your magic on her."

"Yes, Master," Luna said with a formal curtsey. "Do you require anything else, Master?" she asked, with total devotion in her eyes and a suggestive tone in her voice.

For a moment, Byron was torn. He had work to do in securing food shipments for the human villages under his control. But he also had the problem of Luna's sudden jealous streak. She'd never been jealous before but then again he'd never brought a human into his harem either outside of bringing them down for his girls to feed on special occasions. He did that as a treat to the girls and a reward for the humans for jobs well done. "Kneel," he commanded.

Luna nearly squealed with glee as she dropped to her knees. Byron undid his trousers and pulled his cock out, willing it to hardness. Luna's nose wrinkled with slight revulsion at the fact that his cock was still coated with the juices of the new human concubine. She pulled back. Byron growled at her, hand whipping out to grab her head while shoving his cock down her throat. "You will treat her like any other member of my harem, Luna," he told her, scolding her. "I better not hear of her being 'accidentally' injured or hear of her being mistreated or else I will hold you personally responsible."

Knowing that she'd overstepped her bounds, Luna looked up at him, mewing in supplication as his cock was down her throat to the hilt. As Byron's favorite, she was allowed to address him more causally than the others. However, Byron did not tolerate jealousy among the women of his harem and ruthlessly punished those who showed such emotion. Such was the case now as he ruthlessly face-fucked her. She conveyed with her eyes how sorry she was while working her mouth and throat to please him.

She was about to bare her fangs to Kiss him while he was inside of her mouth and he waggled his free finger at her. "Don't even think about it," he warned her, his tone conveying grave undertones as he grabbed her throat and squeezed. Luna whimpered but kept the fangs in. Instead, she brought her hands up underneath of her bust and lifted them up for his cock to slide across while it went in and out of her hot little mouth.

Byron let out a hiss of pleasure as he slammed his cock all the way into her mouth as he came hard. His hand held her head in place as his cock pumped his semen down her throat. Luna gurgled a bit but expertly swallowed him, continuing until his cock finally went flaccid. Once he was through he ruthlessly shoved her away. "There are to be no reprisals on Kerdia for this. You are to get along with her as you get along with the rest of the harem or else you might find yourself no longer a part of it."

A flash of fear went through Luna's eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of being separated from the harem! She didn't think that she could survive on her own again. Luna twisted around and prostrated herself on the floor in front of him. "Please Master, no! I am sorry, really, I am!" she pleaded with him.

"We will see and we will discuss it later," Byron said, stuffing his cock back into his pants. "Now leave me, I have work to do making sure our food sources are well fed for the coming winter or else we all may die off." He turned on his heel and left.



Early the next evening, Kerdia was nudged awake by Byron. She blinked as she opened her eyes and looked up at him in confusion. "Come," he said simply, heading for the door. Not wanting to know what the possible punishment would be for failure to obey, Kerdia scrambled out of her bed of pillows and fell into step behind him. She felt a bit self-conscious walking down the hall in nothing more than the black negligee that he'd given her last night.

Byron nodded with approval as they walked down the hall. She was learning quickly. He led her down to the harem floor where Luna awaited them. He made quick introductions and then turned to Kerdia. "You will learn from Luna here. She will give you all the training that you will need, she will see to your human needs, and she will give you your daily tasks in and around the keep." He then turned to Luna. "Since you'll be delayed because you're training her, you may feed from her today. But I need her trained as quickly as possible if I am to recoup the losses I've taken due to her father." Then, without another word he turned sharply on his heel and departed.

After he was gone, Luna looked Kerdia up and down, walking around the petite brunette like a cat about to pounce on its prey. "So you're the human pet that he's taken with, hm?" she said. "Well, this should be an interesting challenge as we've never had a non-vampire in the harem before."

Kerdia looked at Luna, shocked at that revelation. She made to open her mouth and then shut it, not knowing if she was allowed to speak. Luna rolled her hand at the wrist. "the no talking rule only applies to Master. You may address me as we are considered equals within the harem. In fact, I want you to because that is how you will learn."

"Are there other Lords who have mixed harems?" Kerdia asked with surprise. She'd heard that harems were kept pure according to species.

"Meh," Luna waved a dismissive hand over her shoulder as she continued scrutinizing Kerdia with her superior vision. "The different Were clans have been known to take human, fairies, and their own kind. The Fairies like to stick with purely humans and other fairies. I've heard of the Magi making harems of all different races before. But we Vampires tend to stick to our own while the rest," Luna gave Kerdia a sly smile while licking her lips, "are simply food to us." She stepped up to Kerdia, running her hand through the girl's hair. "But we also enjoy playing with our food more. Come on." She beckoned for Kerdia to follow.

As they walked past the roman pool, Kerdia could hear the sounds of other vampires all around them in various stages of awakening for the evening. A few looked straight at her, hissing and baring their fangs. "Human!" one of them called out. That got the others' attention as now all eyes were glowing in the darkness and looking Kerdia's way, all now making hissing sounds as they saw the prospect of an early meal.

"She's of the harem!" Luna snapped at once. "She belongs to our Master!" A collective groan erupted and even a few open protests. "Get to work!" She led Kerdia all the way to the back corner of the floor while the others grumbled and started filing out to attend to their nightly duties. "This will be your place to sleep during the day as your sleep cycle will have to match ours now," she said, indicating the small bed. It was surrounded by sheer fabric like the bed of cushions up in Byron's suite. It had a plush mattress and looked very comfortable but Kerdia could see that it had leather straps and cuffs at the head and foot. It didn't take a genius to figure out what those would be used for.

Luna chuckled as she caught Kerdia looking at the straps. "Don't worry; those are only used if you are to be punished." Next to the bed was a small dresser. "Whatever clothing that our master gives to you will be placed in here," Luna said as she pulled open the top drawer. "Right now all you have are your work clothes in here and the night clothes you have on now." Kerdia took a moment to peer inside at the skimpy maid's outfit that was in there. She nodded her understanding to Luna.

Luna led her back out to the pool. "This is the main play and bathing area. Outside of the harem, no one is allowed down here without the express permission of our master. He will bring guests down from time to time and it is our responsibility to entertain them in whatever way they wish. Occasionally, he will bring live humans down here for us to feed on as opposed to the bottled blood that we have available to us up in the kitchen," Luna explained. She caught Kerdia's sickened look. "Of course, you'll have to go up to the kitchen to prepare yourself some human food," she added with a slight smirk.

"Back here," Luna motioned to an archway that was set directly across the pool opposite the main entryway at the stairs, "are the restrooms to cater to our mortal guests' biological needs." Kerdia nodded and noticed that the archway was just a mere fifty feet from her bed in the back corner. At least she wouldn't have to go far if it came down to it.

Luna turned to Kerdia and looked her directly into the eyes. "You are to follow no one's instructions save for our Master and myself," she directed. "The only exception is when you are given to someone else at our Master's command for a limited time. Understand?" Kerdia nodded mutely as she took it all in. "Good," Luna said, "now get into your work clothes and meet me at the stairs.


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