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Into the Vampire's Harem - Omnibus


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Byron showed no signs of stopping at any time soon; a testament as to the stamina most vampires possess. However, he could feel the night starting to slip away and he could tell that his slave had had enough. Sliding his hands around to squeeze her ass, Byron pulled her close. He suddenly stopped, jerking his hips hard into hers, and sinking his fangs into her sweet neck to feed.

That renewed Kerdia's body as she felt the Kiss at the same time his cock finally exploded into her. "ELEVEN, MASTER!" Her words then transforming into a loud, incoherent scream as his fluid pumped into her. The scream died out as her body tensed harder than ever right before she mercifully lost consciousness.


Byron stepped back, admiring his work. "LUNA!" he called out, "Get down here and bring someone to help you!" A moment later Luna was rushing into his suite with Mai, his black haired little Asian slave that he'd acquired after the fall of Tokyo when her long time master was killed by a human suicide assassin. With a jerk of his head, he indicated Kerdia. "Clean her up, please, and put her to bed downstairs. I doubt she'll be waking up for the rest of the evening."

"Yes, master," Luna and Mai both said, bowing, as they got to work. They hastily got Kerdia down and Mai rushed the human girl down to the harem.

"Oh, Luna, wait a moment." He waited until Mai was out of earshot. "Make sure that Kerdia starts reading the book that I left on the couch." He gave her a hard stare. "And make sure that no one other than the two of us knows that she's reading it. Help her as needed but keep it a secret."

"Yes, master," Luna said again before looking at the title 'Vampiric Primer'. "O-our language?" she blurted out.

"Yes." Byron said. "Once she's fluent enough we'll set her to work in the commons and send her around as a traveling escort." His face broke into a smile. "Until then, just think of the secrets that we'll be able to find out from a human that knows our language here in the keep. We might be able to even root out the spies in our midst." He stepped up to Luna and lovingly caressed the side of her face. "I know that it seems like I'm giving the human a lot of attention lately..."

"No, Master, I understand that we can use this to our advantage," Luna said softly. "I'm not jealous..."

"You are a terrible liar. But you are correct; we can, my dear, use her to our advantage." Byron said appreciatively. He then leaned in and kissed her passionately. "Now go and make me proud."



"How are you today, my pet?" Byron asked in vampiric as Kerdia was led into his office, naked and on all fours, by a leash that Luna held.

" well, master of mine." Kerdia replied from the floor, her words halting a bit as she struggled with the vocabulary while trying to keep normal conversation. Luna frowned, turned on her heel, and smacked Kerdia square on the ass. Kerdia whimpered in pain, but otherwise kept silent from the sudden spanking. She glanced up fearfully at Byron with watering eyes. It had been a month since she let loose her secret to her master and mistress and since then she'd been learning what she could from Luna. Kerdia practically devoured the primer and moved on to other texts but her day-to-day language skills were still a bit to be desired.

"Easy, Luna," Byron said, now in common while holding up a forestalling hand. "One cannot expect to be totally fluent in such little of time. "Now, Kerdia, tonight I am hosting my annual banquet of regional lords and ladies. As per tradition, humans are to be used as the serving platters as well as the occasional snack for those species that feed off of yours. Are you familiar with the proceedings?"

"A-A little, Master. I've heard stories," Kerdia admitted. She'd heard the stories of people from the village and surrounding areas being selected for the banquets and even knew a couple from her village that had been selected. Normally they were the most beautiful of men and women as they were expected to service the supernaturals after the banquet was over. Nine times out of ten, the humans selected were from Byron's own staff and serfs in the immediate vicinity. And now she more than qualified to be one.

"You'll be bound to a frame, and the dishes will be placed on your body for others to eat off of. You are to keep your eyes fixated to the ceiling and remain quiet at all times no matter what the guests say or do to you. It is your ears that I want you to keep open. As you are part of my Harem, you will be in the center of the room at one of the tables primarily designated for my vampiric brethren... but you might run across some other species that knows our language. The Weres, for example, usually train their diplomats in our language just as we train ours in theirs. Listen carefully, keep your face a mask of impassiveness as much as possible, you will entertain a guest or two tonight, and then you will report to me when I send for you after all have left. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Kerdia replied, her heart thudding in her chest. She'd barely managed to contain herself the last time she was used to entertain her lord's guests. How would she be able to keep it all in now?


Using a leash, Luna led Kerdia down to the preparation rooms that were off to the side of the main banquet hall for the evening's festivities. Other humans, both male and female, all naked, were already there being dutifully prepared by the vampiric staff and harem. Most had been cleaned and were already being lashed down to wooden frames spread eagled. Some of the first to be tied down as living serving trays were already being adorned with various exotic foods from around the world in strategically placed locations on their bodies.

Kerdia was led over to a flowing waterfall coming out of the wall and emptying into a drain in the floor. Luna shoved Kerdia under the water and personally began washing her. Kerdia knelt above the drain as Luna ran the soap over her body and then rinsed her off. Then Luna placed her hand down on Kerdia's abdomen. "Pee," she commanded, switching back to English.

"What?" Kerdia had never been ordered to do that before.

"Relieve yourself!" Luna commanded, looking into Kerdia's eyes. Unable to resist a direct mental command from a vampire, especially with eye contact involved, Kerdia whimpered as her bladder emptied out into the drain. "Now turn and present your rear to me." Kerdia did so, placing her hands down onto the cold tile with the water now cascading all over her.

Luna grabbed a nearby hose with a small nozzle on it and shoved it up Kerdia's ass without much warning. She then spun a knob to start the waterflow. Kerdia whimpered as her bowels were filled with so much water that she thought that she would burst. At the last possible moment when she thought that she'd lose control, the hose was removed and her bowels emptied out into the drain. "My apologies," Luna said dryly, not sounding all that apologetic, "But that is to ensure that you will not have any human accidents while you are serving and to maintain sanitary conditions." Luna explained while giving Kerdia another scrubbing and rinse down like a common animal before plugging her ass with a gemmed butt plug.

Kerdia was dried off and then led to the last unoccupied frame. Luna clapped her hands for some staff to assist her. A couple of the butlers came over and took charge of Kerdia. They laid her out over the frame that had a cross bar for her neck, her upper back, and one for her lower back. Her wrists and ankles were tied down to the four corners of the frame.

"Do not fail the master," with malice into Kerdia's ear. "If you do, I will personally see to it that you suffer for the rest of your pitiful existence. Understand?"

"Y-yes mistress..." Kerdia sniffled in fear, not knowing what Luna would do to her otherwise.

Then Luna and the butlers were gone, leaving Kerdia alone on her frame. She did not have long to wait as a couple of the cooks came to start covering her with various foods. Kerdia risked a glance down and saw various forms of sushi being placed onto her body. The cooks started by covering her mound and the tips of her breasts with dark green leaves and then started putting the arrangement out on her in a flower pattern. When she was caught looking, one of the cooks scowled at her and pushed her head back onto the crossbar that supported her head.

Kerdia took a deep breath in through her nose and began the mental technique Luna taught her in order to calm herself and to clear her mind. Before she knew it, the cooks were done and she was being lifted up and carried out into the main hall of the keep where Byron's guests were already seated at their tables. It felt weird to have the various dishes resting on her body. Regardless, she kept her eyes focused up on the ceiling, not daring to look around to find her master.

When she was placed down she noticed out of the corners of her vision that she was in the center of ten people; five men and five women. The cook bid them good eating and then retreated with the three others that helped carried Kerdia out, leaving her alone and bound in the middle of a bunch of supernaturals. God I hope they're all not hungry for my blood tonight...she silently prayed as she entertained the very real possibility that she might be fed upon by ten vampires.

They didn't begin eating at once. Kerdia noted their attention was fixated towards the front of the hall where Byron was wrapping up a speech in vampiric. He was a bit away and with the mass of bodies all around, all his voice sounded like was a distant muffled sound. Then he clapped his hands twice and the feeding commenced.

"So when do we get to eat the human?" one lady asked in vampiric from Kerdia's left. "She looks delicious!" Kerdia had to mentally will herself to keep her eyes focused on the ceiling and not look in her direction.

"Dear," the man seated next to the lady who spoke said. "we do not eat the humans. We get one good suck of her blood and that's it."

"Tis a shame that our werewolf friends across the table do not partake of blood. More for us!" The lady sniffed disdainfully as she got a roll of sushi off of Kerdia's left breast to much on. Kerdia became painfully aware at just how hard her nipples were and how slick she felt between her legs at being displayed in such a way. On the other side of her, there were two couples who were not speaking in vampiric. Their language consisted of grunts, growls, and guttural sounds. They must be the werewolves, Kerdia thought. As the meal progressed, the pressure over her body decreased as the food on her was eaten. By the time the last morsel of food had been removed, she was flushed with arousal and her chest was heaving. Her face felt hot and burning as she blushed furiously at the tiny tingles of erotic energy all around her. The chat was idle between the six vampires and four werewolves the entire time. One werewolf couple even mentioned that they were going to buy her for the evening, which surprised her.

"I am curious," the werewolf man that had flagged down a waiter to buy her after the banquet was over said in vampiric to their hosts, placing his hand on Kerdia's right tit and squeezing down. "Is it true that humans orgasm after each bite from you?" he asked.

"That is true," One of the other ladies confirmed. "Although you must tell us later how she takes werewolf cock. A small thing like this one will find herself filled up fast." Kerdia felt a renewed wave of warmth rise to her cheeks as she wondered if the werewolf would take her in human or wolf form.

"Yes, well human mating habits aside, we should get down to business, yes?" The first lady said. "Shall we talk and then seal the deal with a drink?"

The werewolves seemed to glare at her until one spoke up. Kerdia focused on every word. "We told you before that we will have no part in your takeover." The second werewolf man said in a terse voice.

"He is weak!" the man seated by Kerdia's feet hissed. "He cannot oppose Drakkon and we will not be that man's slaves! The best we can hope for is this area to be set up as a puppet state!"

"Surely the werewolves can see the value in having us as allies?" Another one of the vampire women said.

"No, we can't" The werewolf who was to be her master for the evening said. "And we will speak no more of this." He pointed down at Kerdia. "Have your drink of blood and go so that I can enjoy this morsel for dessert."

The vampires seemed disgusted by the response. The lady who first expressed interest in 'eating' Kerdia went first. She leaned in to nibble at Kerdia's ear. Kerdia inhaled the pheromones and her eyes glazed over as her body started craving the vampire's kiss. The lady bared her fangs and sank them into Kerdia's neck. Kerdia's body shook as she instantly came. She gasped and her body quivered in their bonds while her eyes rolled back into her head while the vampire drank from her. Then the lady retreated and Kerdia came out of her erotic haze.

"Fascinating..." one of the werewolves noted.

The lady's husband then took his bite. This one sucked right from underneath of Kerdia's pert left breast. Kerdia came again, just as hard as the first time, body shaking of it's own according in her bondage frame. Then the other couple took their drinks from her, one on the side of her neck and the other from her right thigh. This wound up being one, very long intense orgasm for Kerdia as she jerked and flopped about in the frame impotently. Finally, the last two took their drinks.

Then all six of them had a second helping.

By the time Kerdia passed out from the non-stop, mind-blowing orgasms, she'd fell limp in the frame, her brain no longer processing anything as she slipped into a mindless trance, her eyes staring empty out into space before the darkness finally overtook her.


Kerdia woke some time later with a start. Luna pulled back, having been staring into Kerdia's pried open eyes. "Ah, good, there you are," she said smugly. Kerdia went to open her mouth and Luna pressed her finger to Kerdia's lips. "No, no... don't talk... you've been purchased for the evening and pets don't talk. If you're a good little girl, maybe the Master will give you some pettings tonight," she crowed. Kerdia's eyes flickered from side to side. They were not alone. A man stood by, the same man who'd purchased her during dinner, waiting. Kerdia got the message from Luna's obvious act; keep your mouth shut. Swallowing hard to regain her composure, Kerdia kept her lips pursed together. A hint of a smile twitched at the corners of Luna's lips. "Good girl," she said before taking a ball gag and pressing it into Kerdia's mouth. She buckled it into place behind Kerdia's head and then put a leash around Kerdia's neck. Finally, a leash was attached to it and she handed it to the werewolf man. "Here you are, Mister Renso," Luna proclaimed, "one human bitch to fuck to your heart's content, tonight, please have her returned to the main floor before you leave."

"Thank you, Miss Luna," Renso replied formally with a bow of his head. "Come, pet," he then addressed Kerdia, tugging on the leash hard.

Kerdia immediately rolled off of the bed that she'd woken up on, scrambling on all fours to catch up to him. She knew that she had to remain this way, crawling along on the floor, whenever she was collared and leashed. As she woke up more, she noticed that she still had the leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles as well as the butt plug up her ass. Once she caught up to him, she easily fell into step beside and slightly behind him as she followed him like a puppy. Thankfully, they didn't go up any stairs. He just led her to one of the nearby guest suites much like the one she'd been in when she first entertained clients for her Master.

Renso directed her to the bed as he closed and locked the door behind him. "Face that mirror, with your hands on it, and keep looking at yourself in the mirror," he ordered her. "Make sure your hands are next to those eyehooks."

Shuffling around on the bed, Kerdia faced the mirrored wall that took up one whole side of the room that the bed was up against in a niche by the window. She found the eyehooks easily as they were right at her head level while she was up on all fours. Kerdia put her hands on the mirror right next to them as she'd been told to do. Renso was off to her right now, talking his clothes off and placing them on a lounge chair. Kerdia remained completely still as she waited for him. Once he was naked, he walked over to the side of the bed, attaching Kerdia's cuffs to the eyehooks by the d-rings to secure her to the wall. Then he walked to a nearby chest, rummaged around, and came up with a spreader bar that he then attached to her ankle cuffs, keeping her ankles a little more than shoulder width apart. Finally, he took out a flesh colored dildo that had a suction cup at the end of it and stuck it to the mirror. He brought it up to her lips and made her take the thing into her mouth and down her throat to suck on as if it were a real cock. "There we go. Nice and secured, with two of your three holes filled for our little... experiment... tonight." he said, reaching up under her and sliding his hand over her dripping wet sex. "Already nice and wet like the little human slut you are, hm?" he chuckled. "Well, that's good so that you can be able to take this."

Even though she was looking into her own eyes in the reflection, she saw out of the corner of her eyes Renso transform behind her. Her breath caught and her eyes widened as he increased in height, changing from a middle aged, distinguished, bald white man to a massive, broad shouldered, black furred werewolf right before her very eyes. He easily went from six feet tall to eight and went from an average build to a ripped, muscular, humanoid being with elongated clawed hands, a wolf's head, and large feet at the end of powerful legs that now bent back at the shins like a dog or a wolf. It wasn't the only thing that went bigger as his cock seemed to go from large human to insanely massive.

Oh God... she panicked in her mind, seeing the size of his now throbbing member dangling between his legs in front of an also enlarged scrotum. Her pussy, just being normally wet before from multiple orgasms, now gushed in anticipation at being penetrated by that thing.

Renso didn't leave her waiting for long as he crawled up onto the bed behind her, imposing his bulk behind her ass between her thighs. Kerdia drew in a sharp breath through flared nostrils as she felt his cock just graze across her sensitive pussy. A shudder rippled through her body as she mentally willed herself to relax. Her eyes fixated on her own in the mirror as Renso brought the head of his huge cock up to her waiting slit and pushed into her. Kerdia's whole body shook violently as her pussy was stretched so open wide that she swore that she was going to be split in two. Tears of stress welled up in her eyes as her body tried to accommodate the massive object now being shoved up into it, filling her last hole. She pursed her lips around the dildo in her mouth, bearing down on it in an effort to keep from making a sound as her body was being invaded by the werewolf's manhood. Finally, the bulbous base pushed into her with a pop as her pussy gave in, locking their loins into place much like as if she had a huge flared butt plug inside her pussy. Unable to do much in her predicament, all Kerdia could do was cry as every hole struggled to deal with being filled up more than ever before.


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