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Intrigued Ch. 09

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Intentions and proposals.
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Part 9 of the 14 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/12/2011
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"Keegan! It's been too long!" my mom squealed when she opened the door. She got on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around my neck. I picked her up and spun her around, relishing in the delight that I got just from being in her presence, it had been too long and I intended to never let this much time pass between visits. The aroma of dinner crept outside, sending subliminal messages to my empty gut...Shit, I had missed my mother's cooking.

After I sat her back on solid ground, she became even more frantic. "Where is she? Where is she?" she squealed, looking at my face. I stepped aside, revealing my love to her. She stopped in place and looked at her, a blank stare taking over her eyes... I wondered if I did the same when I first met her. "Raven, you are beautiful!" she said, the blank stare still consuming her face.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Stevens... it is a pleasure," Raven said with a sweet smile, extending her hand. Mistake #1: we don't shake hands in this family.

"Nonsense!" Mom said, snapping out of her trance and wrapping Raven's now-warm body in a tight hug. Raven looked at me uncomfortably over my mom's shoulder and I mouthed the words: 'I'm sorry!'. She raised her arms and returned the hug. "Please, call me Lorraine or Lora if you prefer!"

After releasing Raven, Mom turned around and led us into her home with a "Please, come in!"... this was the home I grew up in... for the most part. "My, oh my... are you guys in for a treat! I made fried chicken, collards, mashed potatoes, melt-in-your- mouth rolls, and mac and cheese for dinner and a big ole pecan pie for dessert! I hope yall are hungry!" she said excitedly, her Southern roots making themselves more apparent at that moment.

"Actually," I began slowly, "Raven doesn't eat much."

"Oh! Not to worry, Dear!" Mom said with a wink, "She won't be able to say 'no' to my pecan pie!"

Mom escorted us to the dining room. She had set the table with the good china and even had some sort of artsy centerpiece... impressive. She seated Raven and I next to each other and herself at the head closest to me. "Just a second," she said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

"How're you holding up?" I asked quietly, squeezing Raven's hand.

"Fine, a little nervous about dinner," she whispered looking at me with those killer, brown eyes.

"You don't have anything to be nervous about! Sorry about the hug, we don't do handshakes in our family," I whispered, shrugging.

"Yeah, no kidding! Thanks for the warning... if I had not already fed, I probably would have eaten her! She smells so much like you..." she whispered, leering in my eyes longingly.

"Easy, Killer, don't look at me like that," I warned quietly, looking away from her.

"I want you," she whispered, lightly brushing my lips with hers.

"We'll take care of that later," I growled, nibbling her earlobe and then trying to distance myself from her. It wouldn't be good to have a hard-on at the dinner table.

At that moment, Mom entered the dining room with a gigantic bowl of fried chicken... the smell was so intense! "Do you need help getting the rest?" I asked, starting to stand only to be pushed back into my seat by my mother.

"Absolutely not! You are a guest, Sweetheart! Just sit back, relax, and let me play hostess!" she said, her spunkiness was hilarious! Within a few seconds, she came in with a bowl of mashed potatoes and a bowl of collards, setting them on the table only to disappear again, this time carrying in a casserole dish of macaroni and cheese and a basket of buttered rolls.

She took her seats and asked for us to join hands to bless the meal. This made me a little nervous because Raven and I had never discussed religion... the only time I heard her even mention God was when she was calling for him while her pussy was gripping my cock. That was fucking horrible. Regardless of her religious beliefs, she grabbed my hand and bowed her head.

"Father, we thank you for the food that's about to nourish our bodies and we ask that you bless it with all the glory that you see fit. We thank you for putting Raven in my son's life and pray that she continues to be a part of it. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen." she said, carefully speaking each word. "Amen," Raven and I said in unison when the prayer was over. I didn't know how she felt about the prayer during it, but when I looked up, I saw the tears welling in her eyes.

"Let me get that for you," I said, quickly scrambling to wipe her eyes before the blood fell... that would have been hard to explain.

"Thank you," she said quietly as I stuffed the bloody tissue into my pocket.

"No problem, Babe," I said, picking up the bowl of chicken and putting the smallest possible piece on her plate, a piece on mine, and passing it to Mom. The same with the rest of the food: a small, spoonful of mashed potatoes, collards, mac and cheese, and a small roll. It looked like a child's plate but neither of us knew how she did with human food.

"Goodness, Keegan! What are you trying to do? Starve her?" Mom asked, comparing Raven's plate to ours.

"She's not a heavy eater, Mom... she'll get more if she wants more, isn't that right, Babe?" I said, smiling at Raven. She nodded and that seemed to calm Mom down a bit. I started in on my chicken as Mom did on her's, the only person who hadn't eaten yet was Raven. She picked up her chicken and took a small bite, then she let out a groan, making Mom and I both jump.


'It is now or never,' I thought as I picked up the piece of chicken. It smelled heavenly. I bit into it and everything went black. I groaned aloud at the taste, my taste buds were on fire! "It is so good!" I said a little too loud for normal dinner conversation. It was like I was chewing a little piece of heaven! I had not had anything to eat in almost ninety years and this was one hell of a meal to start back with.

"Lora, this is amazing!" I said, truthfully, my hands in tight fists as I swallowed the first bite. I looked around the table at Keegan and Lora's shocked faces. I took a sip of Lora's sweet tea and the same thing happened, it was the first time I had anything to drink other than blood in the same amount of time.

"Thanks!" Lora replied with a smile as if nothing was amiss. This went on with the rest of the food, though not as intense. It surprised me that I could eat and not only that, I could enjoy it! I remained true to Keegan's prediction... I had seconds and thirds. I was working on the fourth plate before Lora reminded me that dessert was still to come.

She disappeared into what I presumed to be the kitchen and came out with a large, pecan pie and a pitcher of milk. I had not had pecan pie in about ninety-two years, this was going to be a treat!


I watched as Raven shoveled down plate after plate. I had never seen her eat and it was different. She was more human than she gave herself credit for. Mom collected all of the dirty dishes and cups and said she was coming back with dessert. When she returned with the milk and pie, I thought Raven was gonna maul it, I chuckled. Mom went around the table pouring milk in our glasses and cut and served slices of pie. Without hesitation, Raven dug in, groaning the whole way through. Mom winked at me and gave me a smile that said 'Not a heavy eater, my ass!' I nodded and returned the smile.

After we finished dinner, Mom escorted us into the living room, gesturing for us to sit on the couch. She sat in the chair facing the couch. "So... how did you two meet?" Mom asked with a smile.

"Well, I had a blind date with Hannah that worked at the supermarket...remember?" I said, giving Mom the death stare. "Anyway, she stood me up and Raven walked up to me, we really hit it off and we were up all night together." I said, knowing that Raven was picturing the details of our first night together just as I was. I cleared my throat and smiled.

"Great!" Mom said with a smile, completely missing the underlying message that only Raven and I understood. "Raven, what do you do for a living?" she asked, turning to Raven.

"Honestly, I live off of a pretty good amount of inheritance and investments... though I am not proud of it. In my life, I have worked as a secretary, a librarian, a writer, an editor, a singer in a jazz club, plus much, much more!" she said easily.

"Wow, Raven, it seems you have done a lot in your young life," Mom said smiling.

"Heh, Lora, you have no idea," Raven said returning the smile, only she and I knowing fully what she meant.

This was going really well, too well. It only took a sentence from my mother to make me want to shoot myself in the fucking face: "So, Raven, what are your intentions with my son?"

Raven grew quiet and sat for a minute with a thoughtful look on her face... after awhile, she finally spoke: "I intend to be his best friend and companion for years to come. I intend to hold him and care for him until he grows tired of me. I intend to be everything to him as he is everything to me. I intend to love him until his dying day." she said softly.

My mom cried all the way until it was time for us to go. After we both hugged her and said goodbye, we walked out to the rental car. I closed the door behind her and walked to my side of the car and shut the door. "Did you mean that?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"Did I mean what, Keegan?" she asked, cluelessly.

"Did you mean what you said to my mom about your intentions with me?" I asked, being incredibly specific this time.

"Of course I did, Keegan! I told you that I loved you and I meant it... I always will," she replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I leaned forward and kissed her lips, my heart beating like fucking crazy. With shaky hands, I reached in my pocket and pulled out a small box and held it out for her.

"Keegan, wha-" she began, before I opened it showing her what was inside. She instantly grew quiet, looking quizzically at my face.

"Raven, will you marry me?"

She looked at me quietly, no doubt listening to my thoughts as well as studying my face. Her expression soon went from one of wonder to one of pain. This couldn't be good. Soon, she began to speak:

"Keegan, as much as my heart wants to say 'yes', my mind won't allow me to. You are still very young with a lot to live for... this would be a huge step for you, for us. I am afraid that I must decline your proposal, but please know that this is not because I do not love you, it is because I love you very much," she said, touching my face softly.

I nodded and closed the box, putting it back in my pocket. I blinked back the tears... one could never imagine the pain of having their proposal denied by their one, true love.


The ride home was an awful one. No one spoke, no music played, there was only silence. Silence and his thoughts. They went from being thoughts of pain and emotional anguish to being defiant and frustrated: 'She treats me like a fucking kid! I know I'm young but I don't give a fuck, all I fucking want is her! Where does she get off denying me because it's in my best interest? This is fucking bullshit! Maybe she doesn't trust herself to be married...maybe she doesn't trust herself to be locked in a normal fucking relationship... maybe she's fucking afraid of commitment. Shit, she's the one who's been alone for the last almost fucking century, not me,' he thought as he gripped the wheel tightly, lost in his thoughts.

Maybe he was right, maybe I was just inventing reasons to not accept his proposal. Maybe I was afraid of commitment. I continued to sit in silence as we approached the apartment building. Regardless of his hurt feelings, he got out of the car and opened the door for me.

"Thank you," I said, smiling to break the ice.

"You're welcome," he mumbled, avoiding my eyes.

Before long, we were standing outside of the door. He unlocked it and let me inside first. For the first time ever, I felt awkward in Keegan's presence.


What the hell was she trying to do? After dropping the bomb on me, she had been trying to be friendly. I went into the bedroom and took my clothes off. I tossed them into the hamper and walked back into the kitchen. I loaded the leftovers that mom packed for us into the refrigerator... that would last me awhile. Raven just stood there, watching me as if a war was raging within her skull. These were the times that I would give my left nut to be able to hear what she was fucking thinking.

"What?" I asked, growing a little frustrated with the silent staring. She walked up to me and looked deep into my eyes... her brown eyes reflecting every bit of admiration that I had for her.

"You know that I love you, right?" she asked, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah, I guess," I said, breaking the eye contact.

"What do you mean, 'you guess'? You know how much you mean to me," she said, softly stroking my left cheek with her right hand.

"Raven, I was just gonna let this go and not say anything, but now, I can't... if you love me so much and I mean so much to you, why won't you marry me?" I asked, my anger resurfacing... I grabbed her wrist to stop the damn facial stroking.

"I already told you, Keegan: this is not what's best for you. You have a lot of life left to live and I do not want you to make the mistake of marrying me. I want you to at least think about it more," she said calmly.

"I have fucking thought about it! Do you think I just had this fucking ring sitting around? No! I went to lots of fucking jewelers to find the perfect fucking ring and you basically just threw it all back in my face!" I bellowed, hurt and anger pulsing through my veins. I paced the fucking floor before I turned to her: "What's so fucking wrong with me, Raven? What are you so fucking afraid of?"


His words pierced my heart. I felt the tears well up in my eyes... I did this, it was all my fault. He loves me and all he wants is for us to be together forever. We want the same thing...why was I making this so fucking hard? "I do not know, Keegan!" I shouted back, crimson tears running down my cheeks. "I am just scared, okay?!"

His expression softened... he walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug. My tears were sure to ruin his shirt but he did not care. "What, Baby? What are you scared of?" he whispered in a hushed voice, stroking my hair.

"I am afraid that if we get married, you are going to realize that you made a big mistake... I cannot give you children, I cannot give you a normal relationship, I cannot give you anything but me," I said, choking back the tears.

He tilted my chin up, his grey eyes burning into mine. "You are all I want. Sure, it would be nice to have kids one day, but I understand that it can't happen with us... it's no different than marrying a human woman who can't have children. I will be fine. I would trade everything I have just to have you as my wife, abnormal relationship and all," he said, the last part making me smile. He took his finger and wiped the last tear away. "I love you."

"Ask me again," I said quietly, still staring into his eyes.

"Raven," he began after clearing his throat, "will you marry me?"

I smiled and lightly kissed his lips. "Yes, Keegan, I would love to marry you," I replied truthfully. I loved him more than anything else in this world and I would do anything to make him happy. He picked me up and twirled me around before setting me back down. He ran to the bedroom and pulled the ring out of the top drawer of the dresser. He took the ring in his shaky hands and slid it onto my finger. Mrs. Raven Stevens... it had a nice ring to it.

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swear_toobobswear_toobobalmost 10 years ago

Light eater my ass had me cracking up I wonder why the subject of turning him has yet to come up. It would be a nice surprise if she could get pregnant

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I am so happy !!!! Its touching !!! Beautifully said !!!!

got2luvmelgot2luvmelover 12 years ago

believe I missed this update! It was great, too. Loved that Raven got to meet his mom (they like each other!) and that she found out she could eat food after all these years, can't even imagine the bliss of that since I've never went without. What she told his mother almost brought tears to my eyes...so fucking sweet! I very much liked how you made her deny his proposal and they had a chance to discuss her apprehensions before she finally agreed. That was a hell of a lot better than her just saying yes and letting things hang loose till they ate away at her. I can really feel the love between these two and it just makes me smile so hard :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I'm loving this story. It does live up to its name. I really hope by some miracle Raven can actually give Keegan a kid, now that would make it really unexpected and surprising!!! Hope to get more chapters soon!

shanleyboyshanleyboyover 12 years ago

it was very good but i was upset about it not being a little longer, ah well. you are still a very good author and i look forward to your next chapter

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