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Irene and Alan -- Trucker's Redux

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Irene and Alan in the motel after the trucker gangbang.
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Irene and Alan -- Husband & Wife -- Trucker's Redux

Upon our return to the motel room, I made love slowly and thoroughly to my lovely wife. After our afternoon of rough sex, I felt that it was important that I make Irene feel special and cherished. I had watched as my wife experienced raw sex this afternoon and now I wanted to make sure that she experienced love and affection. I felt that it was important for her to know that I still found her desirable and that she remained the light of my life.

I slowly raised my weight from her and felt my limp dick slide from within her warm sheath. We both sighed almost simultaneously as I laid down beside her and pulled the covers up over us to keep us from getting a chill.

We lay there side by side in companionable silence for several minutes. Finally, Irene turned on her side facing me and asked, "We stepped up big time today. I don't know how many different cocks used me today and yet you still want me. What were you thinking?"

I took a moment to think about what my wife was asking me and to gather my thoughts. I'm not sure how to best describe the feelings I had as those truckers used my wife for their sexual gratification.

Finally, I said, "My first concern was for your safety sweetheart. If we do something like that again we need to think things through. Just being spontaneous might put you at risk and I don't find that acceptable."

Irene nodded her head as she said, "I was frightened for a little while and then I realized that all of those men wanted to fuck me not hurt me. I relied on you to keep things under control which allowed me to just enjoy myself. You still have not answered my question. What did you feel as you allowed all of those men to use me?"

I had to smile as I looked at my wife. "I was thrilled, excited, proud, turned on. You name it. My cock was so hard it hurt as I filmed each of the men using you. I guess that makes me some sort of pervert."

"It took me a while to figure out what you were doing as we drove down the road. Irene, you are a beautiful woman with a killer body. I love that you have made yourself mine for which I will ever be grateful. At the same time, I want to share you with others. I want them to see what I have and to be jealous that you are mine and not theirs."

"It is fortunate for me that you have an exhibitionist heart and now that I know that you are somewhat submissive it is even better. Watching you wiggling around trying to raise your skirt to show your legs to those truckers got my juices going."

"I couldn't help myself. I had to get you to show more of yourself. That's why I told you to unbutton your blouse. I wasn't sure that you would do it so when you began to do what I suggested it became much harder to keep the car on the road. I wanted to watch as you exposed your tits too but I had to drive. I can only imagine what those truckers felt."

"It was pretty obvious that things were getting out of hand as the truckers vied for the opportunity to see what you were offering. When we pulled off the road I was trying to break things off. I certainly didn't anticipate all of those truckers following us and hemming us in like that. I guess we should be glad that they did because that is what ultimately made us aware that you enjoyed being used."

That seemed to satisfy her curiosity as she rolled onto her back again. After a moment's pause, she said, "I'm hungry again. How about calling room service for some dessert?"

We took a few minutes to peruse the room service menu and finally decided on a strawberry shortcake and a piece of apple pie ala mode. After I made the call I turned to Irene said, "I'm going to take a shower."

When I entered the bathroom I couldn't help but wonder if Irene would take the bait that I had offered. I left the door slightly ajar so I could see her still lying there naked under the sheet knowing that shortly someone from room service would be arriving. I hoped that whoever delivered our dessert would be a male and that the exhibitionist residing within my wife would rise to the occasion. I had a surprise in mind and didn't want to be disappointed.

With that thought in mind, I jumped into the shower and quickly washed off. I left the water running and stepped out drying myself with a towel. Then I wrapped the towel around my middle and peeked at my wife. She had rolled over onto her tummy but in the process, she had bunched up the sheets. Now half of her luscious ass was uncovered. I'm not sure if that was by accident or on purpose and I can't say that I care. Things were looking up.

A few moments later I heard a knock on the door. Our deserts had arrived. I raised my voice saying, "Come in. I'm in the shower. Just drop the food off. Thank you."

I waited unsure if the waiter had heard me and finally I heard a passkey being inserted into the lock. A tall young man came into view carrying a tray with two covered dishes, a carafe of coffee, and the necessary condiments and utensils. He stepped into the room and stopped in his tracks staring at the sight of my naked wife lying on the bed with half her plump ass exposed.

Before he could decide what to do Irene rolled over on top of the sheet. Now she lay there on her back completely exposed to his intense gaze. Playing it for all it was worth she pulled up her right knee and spread her legs apart exposing her moist and recently used pussy.

As the dumbfounded waiter stood there contemplating his luck and his next move I stepped from inside the bathroom. "She's lovely isn't she," I said.

Fumbling and almost dropping the tray he turned toward me. "Pardon me, sir. I was just delivering your room service order," he said trying to figure how to handle the situation.

I laughed telling him, "Maybe you better put that tray down before you drop it."

Still staring at my exposed wife he shuffled over to the table and set the tray down. At a loss about how to handle the situation, he fell back on his training. "Will there be anything else sir?" Even as he spoke his eyes wandered to my wife yet again and discovered that her eyes were open and she was regarding him intently.

I said, "She's lovely isn't she?"

"Sir," he stammered.

I said, "She's lovely isn't she?"

"Oh my, yes sir! She's about the loveliest woman that I have ever seen."

Noting that he was only about eighteen or nineteen years old I wondered exactly how many women he had seen. Looking him in the eye I said, "You can touch if you want."

First, he looked at Irene spread enticingly on the bed, and then he looked at me. "Really," he asked.

I nodded. "Yes really! Go ahead. Feel her tits."

Still a bit unsure about himself the young man stepped next to the bed and slowly laid his hand on my wife's breast. I watched as Irene arched her back forcing her tit into his hand. Then he pinched the nipple rolling it between his fingers.

Irene moaned at the stranger's touch. Before he knew what was happening she had grabbed his wrist and moved his hand between her legs parting them even wider to indicate his welcome.

I watched as he rubbed her pussy and smiled as I saw him insert a finger into her sex. Again she arched her back to increase the pleasurable and erotic contact.

A few moments later, despite Irene's obvious distress, he removed his hand putting his fingers to his nose and inhaling. He gazed down at her with longing and stepped away.

Unsure what had gone wrong I looked at him and said "You can fuck her if you want. She wants you."

With desire burning in his eyes he refused. "Sir I can't. It would take too long and they know how long I have been gone from the kitchen. You can't possibly know how much I would love to fuck your lovely lady but I need this job even more. I just can't."

I looked at my wife and said somewhat harshly "Sit up Irene. You need to give this young man a quick blow job. We can't allow him to leave with that hard-on," I said as I glanced at the bulge in his uniform pants.

I noted the look of surprise on the young man's face as my wife sat up on the edge of the bed and reached for his hand. She pulled him over to the bed so that he was standing in front of her. Then she knelt before him and reached up to unzip his fly. He watched in fascination as Irene reached into his pants, found his shaft, and pulled it into the open.

While this was going on I took a seat at the table and took the lid off of the pie ala mode. What the hell. The ice cream was melting and I thought that I might as well enjoy it while I watched the action over by the bed.

Irene stroked his cock a few times and then leaned forward to lick the drop of pre cum that had formed at its tip. He jerked back a little as she placed a kiss on the head of his dick and then parted her lips to take him into her warm moist mouth.

It was clear that he could hardly believe that this lovely woman was sucking his dick. I watched my wife as she worked her lips back and forth along the length of his shaft. Then she took as much as she could into her mouth and finally forced it the rest of the way down her throat. Both the young man and I stared with awe and fascination as the last two inches of his shaft slipped between her lips and she pushed her nose tightly against his pants.

She relaxed for a short time and then resumed moving her lips back and forth on his shaft taking the whole thing into her throat each time. As I watched I felt a spark of envy as he got what had to be his first deep throat blow job. It didn't take long for him to respond though as he held her head in both hands and began to drive his dick into my wife's mouth fucking her face with abandon.

Irene was moaning each time his cock was shoved down her throat. The young man was bucking around trying to drive his cock farther into her mouth with each thrust. Finally, he held his dick deep inside her and emptied his balls causing Irene to gurgle as cum flooded her throat.

I watched as he stepped back quickly stuffing his now limp cock into his pants. "I . . . . I'm sorry. I . . . I have to go," he stammered as he rushed out the door.

Irene was still breathing heavily when I looked at her and said "I guess he didn't need a tip did he?"

The look on her face was priceless. She didn't seem to appreciate my wit.

I was just finishing my second cup of coffee and Irene was polishing off the strawberry shortcake when someone knocked heavily on the door. "What now," I said as I rose to see who it was.

When I opened the door a heavy man pushed his way inside saying, "Where is she?" He was wearing some sort of white jacket. He was so overweight that I was reminded of either the doughboy or the tire boy they use in commercials except for his skin color which was black as coal.

"What the hell do you think you're doing," I demanded. "You can't just barge into our room like that. I'm going to call the manager."

Finally pulling his eyes away from my wife he looked at me and said, "There is no need. He's on his way up here also."

To reassert control over the situation I said, "Whoever you are you have no right to enter our room uninvited. If you don't leave immediately I'm going to call the police."

I was reminded that the door to our room remained open when another man entered the room. He was an older man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties. He was well turned out in a neat clean suit and a name tag that identified him as Mr. Loftus, Manager.

Mr. Loftus turned to us after closing the door and introduced himself saying, "I was asked to meet Chef Alonso here because he had a report of some unusual activity in this room."

"Unusual to say the least," Chef Alonso blurted. "When one of my waiters took too long to deliver food to this room I had to threaten to fire him before he told me why he was gone so long. He gave me some unbelievable story about the wife of the occupant of this room first displaying her naked body when he delivered the food and then offering to allow him to fuck her. When he indignantly refused the man in the room, supposedly her husband, ordered her to give him a blow job. He said that he felt threatened and that he had no choice but to allow them to do what they wanted. Can you believe that crap? That's why I decided to come up here myself to get the true story before I fire him."

Irene chose that moment to enter the conversation jumping up and exclaiming, "You can't fire him!"

Rounding on Irene Chef Alonso bellowed, "And why might that be?"

"Because what he told you is true," Irene said.

Now Chef Alonso turned on me. "You told your wife to give him a blow job," he asked belligerently.

Mr. Loftus chose this moment to intervene. "Wait a minute. You expect us to believe that you told your wife to give a blow job to a teenage stranger and she did it, just like that?"

I realized that the situation was spiraling totally out of control. Mutely I nodded my head.

Now Mr. Loftus turned his attention to my wife asking, "Is this true?"

By this time Irene was getting a little irritated when she replied, "Yes! What of it?"

Mr. Loftus turned to me. "I'm not sure what to believe but I do know how to discover the truth." We all looked at him when he said, "Tell her to take off the robe."

I was incredulous at the suggestion. "What the hell have you been smoking? Do you honestly think that I'm going to tell my wife to show you her naked body? I think that we'll just go ahead and call the police."

Mr. Loftus seemed to ponder that course of action before asking, "Are you sure that you want to do that?"

"What do you mean? We haven't done anything wrong? You barged in here making wild claims and telling me that I need to make my wife display herself to you. You guys are the ones going to take a ride downtown."

I wasn't expecting Mr. Loftus to suggest that we might have problems when he said, "You really ought to reconsider that idea. The young man that your wife had oral sex with might be underage. I think they call that contributing to the delinquency of a minor. It carries a pretty hefty sentence not to mention the disgrace that you would suffer."

Oh boy! I hadn't even thought of that. What if he was right? The kid certainly looked young.

I now know that he was over eighteen and that the hotel had a policy that required all employees to be eighteen or older but at the time I was unaware of the policy. Mr. Loftus had lied to me but his ploy worked.

I caved in. Besides the look in Irene's eyes told me that she was getting hot again. For my part, I wanted to watch my wife fuck this big black man so I nodded my head in acquiescence.

But that wasn't good enough for Chef Alonso. "I want to hear you tell her to show us her naked body. No! Wait a minute," he said as he reached for his phone. "I want to film you telling her to lose the robe and her doing it. That way there won't be any question about what happened. The two of you need to stand together over there by the bed."

Irene and I moved to stand beside the bed and Chef Alonso took out his cell phone and began to record.

Looking directly into the camera I said, "Irene I want you to take off your robe and show these men your body."

Without a second thought, my exhibitionist wife undid the tie from around her waist and pulled the robe open. She paused for a moment and then shrugged the robe off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. She stood there totally naked in front of these two strangers.

There was complete silence as the two men drank in the erotic sight before them. Irene's nipples were already engorged and standing proud. She spread her legs slightly completely revealing her clean-shaven pussy. Her inner lips peeked out shyly between the outer lips and a slight sheen of moisture was visible between them.

Chef Alonso let out a groan and tossed me his phone. "Here! You continue recording. I've got to get me some of that. Come on Mr. Loftus. I've had white meat before but never anything as choice as this."

I scrambled to catch the phone as both men shoved me to the side. They stood on either side of my wife, the large black man in the white chef's jacket and the nattily dressed older man. I centered them in the viewfinder and took back control. "Irene, I want you to reach between their legs and fondle them."

I watched as my wife did as I instructed. She went to work and the results were almost immediately apparent. The bulge in the front of their pants increased exponentially.

I said, "Gentlemen, up to this point it has all been on my wife and me. Now, if you want to go any farther you need to become actively involved which will negate the culpability of any of our previous acts. You wanted to protect yourselves and now it is our turn. If you want to proceed you are going to have to show us what you have. Get your cocks out of your pants or this show is over."

Without hesitation, both of them hastily unzipped their pants and reached inside to pull out their tools. Chef Alonso's dick was not at all what I expected. It was only about six inches long but, like the rest of him, it was coal black. What Mr. Loftus pulled out of his pants was the surprise. His dick was the larger one by far standing tall at about eight inches long.

I told Irene, "Work your magic," and watched as she took each erection in hand and began to stroke them. I loved the sight of her standing there nude between the two men with each of her soft pale hands wrapped around a dick.

After a few minutes, it was clear that we needed to move on. I said, "Irene get down on your knees and show these gentlemen how good you are at giving head. Do you think that you can deep throat them?"

I knew the answer but I wanted her to say it. She didn't hesitate. "Of course, I can deep throat them. I could suck the two of them dry in no time but I won't. I want them to cum in me."

I smiled and zoomed in as she turned to Chef Alonso and took his cock between her soft pink lips. I watched avidly as that black shaft disappeared into my wife's mouth. Chef Alonso could not manage to stifle a moan as Irene worked on his shaft taking it deep into her mouth and then sliding her lips along the shaft until just the head remained in her mouth before she sucked it back down her throat.

Then she turned to Mr. Loftus who had been engrossed watching the black and white action. She took his dick into her mouth and, to my surprise, took the whole thing down her throat on the first pass. She went to work on him in earnest first pulling back and then pushing forward until his cock was down her throat.

Irene kept switching back and forth between the two cocks and as much as the four of us were enjoying the oral action I had to stop it before one of the men lost total control. "That's enough Irene! I think they both would like to sample your other treasures. Does either of you gentlemen object to using my wife as a fuck toy?"

They both nodded their heads vigorously but I wanted more. "What? I can't hear you," I asked.

Knowing exactly what I required, both men responded with a strong, "Yes!"

"Irene, I want you on the bed on your back. That's great now spread your legs wide. Chef Alonso is a large man and is going to need plenty of room."

By this time Chef Alonso's dick was at full attention standing straight under the folds of his excess weight. The bed sagged as he moved toward Irene. I watched avidly as he knelt between her legs but he was having trouble keeping his target in sight. Finally, my wife reached down between her legs and grasped his cock. She tugged on it urging him forward and then guided it smoothly between her moist pussy lips.

I watched avidly as that coal-black member slipped glove-like pink lips of my wife's pussy. It slowly disappeared until it was finally completely buried and his rotund belly rested on Irene's body. At first, I was a little worried that he might crush my petite wife but he held the bulk of his weight off of her.


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