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'Irish Twins' Home Alone Sequel


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Andy spent the morning at the editor's master station capturing live set actions, as his dad handled on-stage supervision. Finally, he had something more than hardware installations to do. Despite the lack of sleep, he did a pretty good job editing a woman on the side of the road with a flat tire and rescued by two guys. At least now he had a good idea of how to handle that in the backseat of an SUV -- with the editing and character generation integration pieces.

At break time, he crossed paths with Albert. "Hey, Andy, I saw your rough cuts in post-production this morning. Nice fade-in and fade-out transitions, but remember not to get too gimmicky with those dissolve transitions. Going from a cock in a cunt to a cock in her ass so quickly can upset a guy who doesn't expect that to happen. Upsets the rhythm of his stroking -- ya' know?" Albert smirked, as he made that hand-jester reference to masturbating.

"I think I'll join you today for lunch. Maybe get to see the lady from yesterday's film," Albert announced with that Hollywood grin.

"Great, see you then, Albert, and thanks for the editing tip. I'll do those over. Maybe you can check them later?"

"Sure, kid." And Albert was off to answer a radio call from a Steadicam operator.


Lunchtime with His Irish Twin

Andy sat down with Sissy at lunch. Looking at one another, they both laughed.

"You look like shit!" they both blurted out simultaneously. Fatigue showed on their faces. That dopey teenage look from a late-night romp and an early morning rise for work. Not something Andy or Sissy had envisioned just a couple of days ago.

"What'cha doing today?" Andy asked, as he sat down across from Sissy.

"Same stuff ... reading ... but today it's with Heidi AND David. Talk about walking on pins and needles. Those two are like fire and gasoline. It got funny, though, during the break. David told us about recording the script with a character named Walter. He looked Heidi dead in the eye and told me he got a blow job and then had sex with the other actor. Then did it again, right after, in something called pick-up shots. Andy, what are those?

"A pick-up shot is additional footage made after the main action is filmed. Sometimes those are close-ups of different angles as the actors go through portions of a scene again. Wow, twice in a row; I bet Heidi shit another brick, huh?"

Sissy burst out laughing. "She looked like a constipated five-year-old hanging onto a giant toilet seat. Her face was beet red."

Andy grinned, thinking of that image of Heidi with her big tits trying to hang on. "I'm surprised David brought that up -- not like he ever discussed sex with the guys before at school. And with you in particular."

"Yeah." Sissy had that remote-thought look she gets when the gears turn in her head.

"Why did you say, 'with me in particular?'" she asked, as Andy's last remark finally clicked in her faraway thoughts.

Andy was focused on a meatloaf sandwich and blurted out the answer between bites, "Because yesterday, David said that if you had asked him, he would have boinked you after the St. Valentine's Day dance."

Sissy's face blanked. 'Asked him?' she bridled at the thought. 'Guys are supposed to ask the girls -- that was the rule. I could have gotten laid if I'd asked him -- first? Fuck, I went home so damn horny and wet that night, I almost jumped Andy's bones!'

Motionless and staring at a tuna-melt sandwich, she thought about her dreams of David early this morning, as they quickly surfaced from that REM state. Her body shivered for a second, thinking of David's giant body stretched over hers and his cock deeply stroking inside, thrusting into her, pulling back, launching forward, pinning her to the bed, and driving her breathing rate over into an orgasmic state. In that dream, neither she nor David asked first. David just did her -- jumped her bones like a middle linebacker pounding ... Heidi.

"Sissy, look, that's Albert," Andy announced, as he waved.

Sissy tried to recover, as that mini-orgasm shook her. It was unsettling, the first time one had overtaken her just by daydreaming about it and in public. Her thighs clenched involuntarily. 'What the hell?' she wondered, shocked, as it rolled up her core.

"There you are! This is your sister, Andy?" Albert greeted them and gave her his million-dollar smile, drinking in the youthful, budding beauty's look of innocence.

"I stopped to say hello, and I'm glad I did. Andy never said he had a gorgeous younger sister."

Sissy spoke up right away. "I'm the same age as he is -- eighteen now and not that much younger. We're Irish twins, born nine months apart."

"Yeah. Sissy, this is the electrical engineer, Hollywood Albert."

"Nobody has ever called me Hollywood Albert, kid. But I like that moniker -- think I'll wear it and try it out."

"Bet your nickname at home is 'beautiful,' right, young lady?" Albert laughed.

Sissy replied with an engaging smile, "Just Sissy or Andreanna -- not beautiful." After being verbally battered by her parents, and explored by Andy's inquisitive and insatiable body, she appreciated a bit of flattery coming her way. Especially after the sexual jolt that shot up her spine and had pleased her just now. Andy hadn't complimented her like this; he just enjoyed the sex and wasn't very verbal -- other than when he was coming inside her.

"Well, you are beautiful, sorta Sleeping Beauty gorgeous. Your boyfriend kept you out late last night, Ms. Beautiful?" Albert teased, noting the tired eyes. "You and your brother must keep the same hours. His butt has been dragging a little today, too."

The Irish twin eyes darted together with that raised eyebrow look, wondering if Albert was making some connection between their same look of tiredness.

Albert was good at reading looks. He was in the business of reading people and judging their emotions and how far he thought he could push them. After that glance, he thought there might be a connection, although he couldn't gauge to what extent.

"So, being eighteen then, I'm guessing maybe Andy showed you the clips, and it wasn't underage viewing, right?" He grinned directly into Sissy's eyes.

Andreanna blushed at the mention of the clips. "Ah, yes, I saw them. All three," she answered demurely with emphasis on the word three. It was an unconscious action. But confirmed for Albert, she was interested in what she saw in the third clip, Albert's snippet of a famous sex scene.

"Sissy went to the St. Valentine's Day Dance with David, the guy in the video," Andy interjected. Given the circumstances, it was an overzealous comment and something that a wiser person would not have revealed. But, as Andy's mother noted during the kitchen table parle, the Irish twin brother was prone to loose lips, occasionally sinking some ships.

Albert smiled, deflected away from the golden nugget of knowledge, and responded, "So, you've seen his tool before?"

"No," Andreanna's eyes widened, as she answered, "He was a gentleman, then."

"I see," Albert nodded. Her response didn't tell him if she was a virgin, but it was enough to know that Sissy had seen his included clip -- the one with the nine-inch swinging cock doing the girl in the bondage scene. He slipped it onto the thumb drive to titillate her and see if she was interested in a closer examination.

"I stopped by to say hello and was looking for the lady in that clip with David. Seen her today?"

The virgin slayer's back was turned to them. But Sissy's image of her long locks kicked in as she surveyed the room and pointed her out. "That's Mrs. Wilkes over there. She read a script with me yesterday."

"Thanks, beautiful, and you two get some sleep tonight," Albert joked, looking for any reaction to how they interpreted his remark. It was met with that Irish twin guilty-as-sin down-and-away look for a moment; neither spoke. The engineer turned and stepped toward the lusty-looking woman in yesterday's virginity-lost video. Albert's mind refocused onto a tasty morsel for lunch in his van if she was accommodating.

"Think he suspects," Andy hazarded the possibility.

"No. He's just flirting. You said he was from Hollywood; all the good-looking men out there do that." Sissy said knowingly; a slight smile and renewed glow shone.

'He called me beautiful.' She noted and tucked the image of his bright Hollywood smile away for safekeeping.

"Andy ..."


"About last night, you know you are ... we are always connected forever?" The words were unsteady, coming out of Andreanna's momentarily confused mind.

"Yeah. And what are you having trouble trying to say?" Andy asked in reply, stopping in mid-bite.

"Just because you and me, you know -- fucked, maybe we should talk about ... some ...."

"Is this about last night's conversation about doing David again?"

"Well, Andy, are you thinking that because we did it together, we are exclusive -- like girlfriend and boyfriend? Is that how you think we should be?"

"I don't know, Sissy. Before yesterday, there were boundaries. We kept those because brothers and sisters aren't supposed to do it together. But you are exceptional, not just because you are my sister. I never thought of you as a girlfriend, in any case. You make me feel good, kinda like opening my sex life, you know?"

"Me, too, Andy. You make me feel better than good."

"Sissy, I like you a lot. And yeah, this was so sudden. We didn't get that boyfriend and girlfriend relationship to start -- it just jumped to first sex. And I'm not wanting it to stop. Crazy, huh?"

"Yeah, crazy, Andy." Andreanna's thoughts trailed off. Andy's answers didn't profess any particular love of wanting this to be a forever relationship. Sissy had hoped to hear some sense of more than just 'getting some' -- cock satisfaction from Andy.

"Listen, Sissy, I was maybe a little too pissed last night about thinking you are doing David or even someone else, but now, I realize we aren't exclusive, like you said, girlfriend and boyfriend. If you want to do it with David -- I don't mind. Like, we haven't any experience being with others in a relationship. How would we know we weren't meant to find somebody else -- to boink?"

He added the last term, one of Sissy's favorites, to try and lighten the lunchtime mood. It almost seemed they were having another kitchen table parle without the parents.

Sissy considered his words. Her appetite was gone at that point. "Andy, you could, too. If you want to boink someone else -- I wouldn't mind either." Her words were tinctured with a sharpness behind them. One Andy didn't pick up on.

Dad would call her permission to boink others, the kind of thing she'd say as a little white lie to protect hurting Andy's feelings. However, it didn't stop her from feeling the razor-like slice graze her heart.

Sissy considered Andy to be a couple of lumens short, when it came to shining some light on his direction in life, relationships in particular. Perhaps that's why he didn't have a girlfriend in high school; he just hung out with the guys. It wasn't as though she had any more experience at those either. Still, she saw things he didn't seem to notice. Girls that would have responded to him if he had just asked or paid some attention to them.

Sissy's teen life had been like a bird with a clipped wing at school. Both her parents taught at the same school as she and Andy attended. Talk about being under watchful eyes; they were everywhere, and if not her parents, then their 'spies' got out the word to them at the slightest bit of flirtatious movement in her life. Teachers were everywhere. Consequently, her opportunities to experiment like the other students were limited, not unlike Andy, but not for lack of trying on her part.


"This Is a ... Lesbian Thing!"



WE OPEN with DOTTIE in conversation with eighteen-year-old summer housekeeper MELINDA.

Melinda is washing dishes -- Listening to Dottie.

Dottie conversation

It must have been a shock to find out your scholarship didn't come through, Melinda. But honey, your mom and I have worked out a way to offset that loss. I've assured her you'll go to college in the fall. Just going to take some work and adjustments, but if you're willing, you and I can make that happen.

Melinda conversation


Thank you, Ms. Dottie. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to earn enough for the fall tuition. Mom and I are so grateful that you have such a good heart. Bless you, Ms. Dottie. Bless you, an awful lot.

Mama told me before I left that I would give you every ounce of myself to ensure you care for this summer. And you have my word. I'll do anything you want, Ms. Dottie. Anything.



"Good morning, Mrs. Wilkes."

"And 'Namaste' to you as well, Heidi."

Mrs. Wilkes pressed her hands together and held them near her heart with her head gently bowed, having given a customary Hindu greeting.

"You look ravishing this morning," the elementary school counselor cooed, observing Heidi's low-cut blouse and tight-fitting jeans. It was undoubtedly an appropriate wardrobe for today's events--no costume changes were needed for her.

"Where is everybody? Or are we too early?" Heidi asked, looking about the brightly lit set.

"No, Heidi. We're on time. Hank left instructions with me and took off for another meeting."

"Then, where is everybody?" Heidi asked again, a little nervous under the teacher's gaze. She knew she shouldn't feel that anxious, now that school was over, but it was hard to get out of the mindset after twelve years of living under teachers' thumbs.

"Honey, the Hollywood guys want a promo scene to look at for advertisements. So, Hank picked a scene from the main script for us. It's short, so there is not much memorization -- just emoting. You're good at that. Hank said you were."

Heidi hesitated. Vocabulary wasn't one of her best attributes. Those were usually sticking out in front of or behind her, depending on where you stood looking at her. 'Emoting' had her puzzled. If Hank said she was, she must be. She believed so and replied, "Of course, it's one of my best attributes -- Emoting."

"Wonderful," Dottie Wilkes remarked while studying the confused look in Heidi's eyes. 'Not a damned clue,' she thought. Her face couldn't help but smile.

"So, the two of us, we're reading today?" Heidi chimed in.

"Even better, Heidi. Today we're going beyond the readings. We're going to rehearse and film it today. This morning, in fact," Dottie chirped.

"Wow, I get to act!" Heidi's face lit up with glee.

"Better, you get to emote," Dottie giggled, as she picked up the script and said, "Let's get a quick read."

Two minutes into the script and Heidi stopped cold. "This is a ... lesbian thing!"

"Ah, yes," Dottie smiled at Heidi's dawning awareness of what had been so evident from the start, "Hank said your application was checked off for anything available. You know ... this is a chance to get your name up in the credits, and it will be the first advertisement focused on in the sales market. Isn't that the experience you want on your acting resume, Heidi?"

Heidi mentally balked at the lesbian theme. She expected to be in some sex scenes -- with a guy. It was, after all, adult films being made. She was mentally ready to handle guys. She'd fucked a few football players under the bleachers and out by the lake a few Saturdays after their practice. Once, Heidi did it at the lake, three of them taking turns using her mouth and pussy all day, almost like a tackling dummy. On that particular night, she got home sore; that tenderness lasted for a week.

But sex with a girl? That hadn't crossed her thoughts. She vaguely remembered checking a bunch of boxes, and one that got checked said, 'Open to any acts -- non-bestial.' Did that mean girl-on-girl, too? Still ... there was that resume experience and fame that gave her pause for reconsideration as she listened to Mrs. Wilkes speak.



MELINDA at the sink -- doing dishes

"Almost done, Melinda, dear?" Dottie sweetly inquired, lifting a glass of iced lemonade.

"Still a ways to go, Ms. Dottie. It's just so dang hot. Wish there was a breeze blowin' through," Melinda answered, yearning for some cool air, wiping her brow, and putting another pan into the sink to wash. The stack was at least several days' worth.

"Yes, it sure is hot. You know, we can fix that somewhat," Ms. Dottie answered, as she stood up from the kitchen table and set down her glass. With her low vision, she could make out the shadowy image of Melinda across the counter. She heard the pan clatter against the stainless-steel sink twelve feet away.

Without another word, Dottie faced Melinda and slowly undid her blouse, letting it hang open. That left the middle of her body from the belly button to the center of her chin open. If it had been a swimsuit, it would have been more exposed, but Melinda's mind saw it differently, as the edges of her breasts jutted out from the fabric. Taking the hem on each side, Dottie flared the blouse and twirled around in a slow circle. "Now, that feels a lot cooler," she chuckled and smiled in Melinda's direction, as she twirled again.

"Oh!" gasped Melinda, louder than she intended.

"Silly girl," Dottie giggled, "We're miles from anyone coming by or looking in, even. Why don't you try it? Melinda, it's just us girls here, you know? No one to see but you. Me? I'm practically blind, so I don't mind if you do."

Melinda watched, amazed at how daring Dottie White seemed. A bit embarrassed, she observed, awed by how much Ms. Dottie enjoyed her bit of exhibitionism.

"It would be cooler, I guess," she opined. Her momma said to follow directions -- all of them, even the odd ones. Ms. Dottie was known to be a bit eccentric, and was the only source of her college tuition.

"Melinda," her momma had admonished sternly, "Baby, don't piss her off. She's offered to pay your year's tuition. So, don't mess these couple of months up. Do whatever she asks and ... smile, even if you dislike it. You understand what I mean, sugar?" she had said, as she smoothed Melinda's hair and added a touch of red lipstick for good measure.

'Lipstick?' Melinda thought, 'Going to be scrubbing kitchen floors, Momma, not kissing them.' But she didn't say anything to give her a negative impression. Melinda was, after all, a meek and obedient girl, good at following directions.

Following the script, untucking her blouse from her skirt, Heidi thought, 'Hollywood, here I come.' She proceeded to undo each button, feeling flushed by the time the last one was undone. Stepping back from the sink, she did her little twirl to feel the sensation of the airflow around her bare tummy. Her unfettered buxom breasts basked in the delight of her exposure, as well.

Mrs. Wilkes smiled. The scene was going well, and Heidi was in character. Going au naturel wouldn't be more than just a momentary blush, as the scene progressed. Heidi had only to imagine that thousands would be watching her strip for them, calling her name, asking for her autograph at the unveiling, to get beyond embarrassment. The Steadicam crew circled, recording from different angles as the fixed remotes captured the main points of view. Editing would merge them into a one-minute collage of titillating imagery for the new movie advertisement. However, the cameras would continue to roll, capturing the entire lesbian action scene for the whole production and the snippets for the press releases.


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