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Isabel, The Beauty Next Door Pt. 01

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New girl moves next door brings James out of his shell.
9.4k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 07/06/2023
Created 11/05/2020
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Hi, welcome to my first ever story. This story is based in the UK. Be warned, there is no sex in this episode. Please enjoy, but be kind.

Episode 1

Letting out a grown as the bright morning sunshine blinds me through my bedroom window. It's Saturday morning, and like most other Saturdays my morning is taken up with my dad working. Now I have finished college, I will work a couple more days in the week as well. The dream is to start University after the summer. Working for dad is a way for me to earn my spending money.

My dad has his own building business. I think my dad wants me to follow in his footsteps. He has always encouraged me to make things, and fix things ever since I helped renovate the attic to make my bedroom. My dream is to become an Architect, or Structural Engineer.

I turn my head and squint at the clock, it's only 7:30 am. Moaning at myself for not closing my curtains the night before, and the fact there is only 30 minutes before my alarm clock goes off. I lay there thinking of where my life is at the moment.

Let me introduce myself. My name is James Stokes. I have just turned 18 years old. I have finished college, and today is the start of my summer break before university. It should be an exciting time, but I just can't seem to feel it.

Normally this would be a good time for me to hang out with my best friend Samantha. Sam had been there all my life, and all of a sudden she was gone. I have never been romantic with Sam. I never have seen her like that, she is my best friend, and sister all rolled into one.

Her parents had split up, and they had to sell the house next door. I feel lonely without her here. I don't remember a time when she wasn't there every day. Sure we can phone, or see each other on Facebook, but it wasn't the same.

She has moved to Exeter, around 45 miles away, so when your 18, and don't drive. Then she may as well be on the other side of the country. So we are stuck with the occasional visit, or sleep over.

I hide my head wondering what I was going to do for the next couple of months.

Isabel is sitting in the back of her parents' SUV, she has her earbuds in and is listening to her playlist on random. She's not in the best mood, and hates her parents for dragging her away from where she grew up. Not ever been really popular, and many people think she is overbearing. She has totally focused of her education, and not had much time for friends, male, or female.

Her only glimmer of light is that she will be going to University in the Autumn.

Isabel's mother thinks she is either A-sexual, or a lesbian. The truth is that she is an intellectual, not many people are on her wavelength. She has hated nearly every male she has met. The two exceptions are her father and brother.

Her dad has been transferred to a bank in the middle of nowhere.

"Barnstaple, where the hell is Barnstaple," was all she could say when her parents had told her the news.

So here she sits slowly going mad on their four-hour drive to the new house. Sat next to her is her 10-year-old brother Zak. Up front is Heather and Harry Richards, Isabel's parents.

My alarm clock jumps to life unlike me. Must have dozed off again. I switched off the alarm, and climbed out of bed.

Being early July the house is warm as I sit on the side of my bed trying to wake up. I grab a clean t-shirt, jeans, and a clean pair of socks. Thinking, I will get my shower when I get home after work.

Let me describe myself a little. I stand at about 6ft 1 inches tall. Being 18 years old I have just about stopped growing. I have light brown hair, and hazel eyes. Keeping myself very fit by cycle everywhere, and working out in the home gym, also I have been doing Kendo for the last 10 years as well.

Unlike my brother Bradly who is my twin brother, not identical. He is 5ft 11 inches tall, blonde with blue eyes. He is also stocky, and very muscular.

I look at myself as toned and more athletic, not that you could tell due to the baggy clothes I always wear. With me trying to pull off the surf look with cut-offs, and a baggy t-shirt most of the time. Today for work jeans are the order of the day. Before you ask, yes I do surf.

Making my way downstairs to get breakfast. My dad Thomas, and mum Heather are already up.

To my surprise my brother Bradly is up as well. The only member of the family missing was my little sister Sarah. At 9 years old she can be a bit of a handful, but for now she is still in bed. My dad turns to Bradly.

"So why do we have the pleasure of your company this morning?"

"Today next door is moving in, and I hear they have an 18-year-old daughter."

"You're like a dog on heat!" My dad says

My brother just grins as he bites in to his toast.

I just shakes my head and thinking what a dick my brother is. In my mind I often wonder if one of us is adopted.

Bradly and I had never really got on, we are total opposites. I have always felt second behind him. In my mind my parents tend to favor him, because of the football. If I am totally honest, being in the background suits me better. I don't like the sport, and hate going to matches. I used to stay home babysitting my little sister Sarah, but she has started going as well now.

Although, the news that the people that have bought next door have someone my own age does spike my interest! The problem is she is a female. I am very shy around girls. Always feeling awkward, and can't talk to any female I find attractive. Oh, if you're wondering, I don't count Sam as a girl. As I said before, best mate/sister.

Breakfast done, me and my father head out to work.

"We're here," Harry Richards shouts.

"About time!"

Isabel gets out and looks around. In front of her are four houses sat spaced about 50 meters apart. They are staggered either side of what Isabel can only describe as a country lane.

Isabel turns to her mum. "Where are we?"

Looking around with a face like thunder, and a growing look of horror.

"This is our new home. We are in a village called Georgeham about 7 miles outside a town call Barnstaple. Welcome to sunny Devon." Mrs Richards says quite flatly, and very matter-o-fact.

Isabel's father opens the five bar metal gate to gain access to the house. The removal truck hadn't quite arrived, so all they had to do was unload the car, and have a look around the house.

Isabel is close to tears and just didn't want to be there. She had her life set back home, and was meant to be starting life at Uni in September.

There was a knock at the open back door. Stood in the open door is my mother Heather, Bradly and Sarah. My mother introduces herself, and welcomes her new neighbors to the area. She then introduces Bradly, and Sarah.

Seeing her new neighbors stuck with nothing inside their home yet. My mother invites them to come next door, and wait for the removal truck.

Isabel looks up from her phone to see Bradly coming toward her. She rolls her eyes and tuts.

Bradly is walking over with a big grin on his face.

"Hi I'm Bradly, looks like your coming next door with us."

Isabel looks at him with no expression and replies, "I know, I'm not deaf."

Bradly ignoring her attitude, and continues,

"after you, fine lady."

Isabel shakes her head, but gets up and follows everyone out the back door. They all follow Mrs Stokes over to the house next door. Bradly all the time talking to Isabel, with Isabel ignoring everything he says. Bradly was the typical male that Isabel despised.

Isabel looks up at the old stone house she is about to enter oblivious to Bradly's attempts to impress her. It is a large house with what looks like 3 stories, but the top looks like an attic room. There is a small balcony, but she couldn't tell much else from the outside.

Sarah invites Zac into the front room to watch TV. The rest go into the large kitchen, and sit around the kitchen table. The table is quite large, has 4 chairs around the front, and sides with a long bench seat along the back wall.

Isabel sits scrunched up at the end of the bench seat keeping as far from Bradly as possible. Bradly seems to take most of the rest of the bench up as he spreads himself out.

Tea, coffee with biscuits are served, and the two sets of new neighbors start getting to know each other.

Isabel thinks it's better to put her earbuds back in, so she can shut Bradly out. Making matters worse, Isabel has run out of data plan on the drive down, so she is stuck with what she has in her phone.

My mother has left the kitchen door open, so they can hear the removal van. When the truck does finally arrive another one and a half hours later, you could hear it a mile away. The Richards get up to leave, thanking the Stokes for their hospitality.

Bradly offers his help, and is still trying his best with Isabel. They all go over to start unloading the furniture, with help from the removal men. It only takes them a couple of hours to unload the truck, so the removal men can start the long drive home.

It's 1pm, me and my father are on our way home. Having got everything done that was needed to finish the job, and both of us are in a good mood as my Father turns the van down the single track lane that leads home.

We only got 50 meters when we have to reverse back to let the removal truck out.

We finally pull into our driveway, and I look over to the next door to see what's what. Maybe catch a glimpse of the new neighbor, but all that can be seen is a pile of boxes and some bedroom furniture.

I shrug, and head in for lunch. In the house Bradley was at the kitchen table. Mum was busy serving up dinner.

I looked into the front room to say hi to Sarah. She is with a young boy I didn't know.

"Hi James, this is Zac, and he is my new friend from next door."

"Hello Zac it's nice to meet you" I reply. Zac doesn't say much, but nods.

I put it down to shyness with him meeting a new person. Turning, and walked back into the kitchen I sit down in my usual spot on the bench.

My dad walks in after getting out of his overalls, and sits down.

"So what are the new neighbors like?"

"They seem very nice, not sure about the daughter though," my mother replies.

I felt a little twinge of disappointment.

Bradley grins "she's bloody gorgeous looking a bit like Emilia Clark. A bit stuck up, but I'll break her in. I like a challenge".

Looking at my brother with a look of disbelief. I don't understand why he has so much success with girls. He shows no respect, and treats them like shit. His motto is something like, Love them and leave them, or Drill them and drop them. The way I see it sums him up totally, and who the hell is Emilia Clark. I get my phone out and Google her.

The only reason I can see, is Bradly is this big local football star. Well big for around here. He is on the books of Plymouth Argyle. They play in the third tier of English football. A league 1 football team.

They're not Premier League, but better than nothing. This afternoon is the first pre-season friendly, and Plymouth Argyle are playing a local side Bideford Town. There is a good chance Bradly will get some game time.

With Bradly turning 18 years old he has just signed a professional contract, and hopefully will move out soon.

"James, we will be going to Bideford until around 7 this evening. Could you go next door to see if they need any more help please? Bradley has his match this afternoon."

I look up from my phone at my mother. Not have much else to do, so I nod my head, and finish my dinner.

Heading next door, and walking along the same old path that I have walked a thousand times in the past. Walking up to the back door I knock, and stand there waiting. A woman about the same age as my mother answers the door.

"Hello, can I help you?"

I put on my best smile and reply, "hello Mrs Richards. I am James from next door. My brother Bradly has a football match this afternoon, so I came over to see if you needed any more help."

Mr Richards appears behind his wife.

"We are almost done, the only things left are for Isabel's room, but she's having one of her "moments", and locked herself in her room."

"What room has she got? If that is all that is left, I will see if she needs help."

"She has the one above the front door" Mrs Richards replies.

Just as I head off round to the front of the house, Mr Richards shouts out "good luck with that."

I walk towards the side of the house wondering what he was talking about. Seeing the pile of boxes, and assorted bedroom furniture that was there earlier, I pick up a box marked Isabel's clothes. Heading inside, and up the stairs. The house looks so different to when Sam lived here.

I come to a closed door that used to be Sam's spare room. I knock on the door, and wait.

Isabel is sat on the floor in her empty bedroom. She has her earbuds back in, and she's not a happy bunny. She was pissed with her parents for bringing her here, and was pissed that Bradly was like every other man. Being an ass, and making her feel uncomfortable.

Why did every man think he could chat her up, or get in her personal space. She hated anyone male.

Isabel thinks she hears something and takes an earbud out. She listens and hears a knock at the door.

"Go away," Isabel pleads.

"Hello Isabel? I have one of your clothing boxes here."

"Leave it outside Bradly" Isabel replies trying to sound a little grateful.

"Ah, no, it's James."

"I thought you said your name was Bradly?" Isabel calls out confused after a second or two.

Now I'm feeling quite insulted.

"Ah, no, Bradley is my asshole of a brother. I would leave this box, but your room is the last to do, and if I just put everything here it would block the whole hallway!"

Waiting outside the bedroom door listening for any movement, but there was silence. I was just about to put the box down when click, the key turned, and the door opened.

I look to see this girl that had opened the door, but she was out of sight behind the door.


Walking to the back of the room, I place the box on the floor. I turn around to see Isabel for the first time.

Now I had read about love at first sight, and thought that it was all made up. You know, something in films just to make it more romantic.

Isabel is half hiding behind the door, and I was totally taken aback. She is truly beautiful. The first thing that struck me was those beautiful eyes. Wow, talk about drawing me in.

Trying not to stare or make her feel uncomfortable. Thinking to myself to play it cool James. My heart was pounding, and I started to sweat. I look away, and blush.

Then the dread. I start to panic a little. I take a deep breath, and look back straight into her beautiful eyes.

I put my best hello smile on, all the time trying to look calm. I felt so awkward, and must have looked so stupid.

She stood at around 5ft 10 inches. From what could see from my position. She had long straight mousy coloured hair, with blond highlights, and the most beautiful green eyes. I move a little closer not really knowing what to say.

In the end I managed to get out in a quiet voice, "hey."

Isabel moving from behind the open door, and looks at me standing in front of her. I can see her trying to work me out. The corners of her mouth turn up very slightly.

"Hey back."

Before the silence becomes too awkward, and I bottle it.

I ask, "w-why have you locked yourself away?"

Isabel seems to be still working me out. I could see in her eyes, she is wondering if my question is because of interest, or just making conversation.

She seems to change her stance, and make her mind up. I can see she is trying to word whatever she is going to say properly. Everything seems to be in slow motion.

Her lips part, and she says, "I was hiding from your brother, he's been..." her words trail off.

She's trying to see what my reaction will be if she insults my brother.

Smiling, and knowing exactly what she means.

"I will have to apologize for my idiot of a brother. He thinks he's gods gift, and thinks every female should fancy him."

I look at Isabel for any sign in her face. Her eyes seem to encourage me.

A smirk spreads across my face, "what line did he use on you? Don't tell me, was it? Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven".

My eyes still haven't left hers.

Isabel then smiles, and replies, "No, not that one."

Growing with a little confidence now. "Ok, what about. Hi I'm Mr Right, I hear you was looking for me. Or... My name is Bradly. Remember that because you'll be screaming it later".

We both started to laugh. Not because it was that funny, but because we had found some common ground. Seeing her smile, and relax a little made me feel good inside. At this point I felt myself relax more.

I was a little confused about what Bradly, and my mother was talking about. My feeling was that she was shy, but incredible. I think she is a little like me, and doesn't let people in easily.

The laughter faded, and I said before the silence took over,

"Look, none of your furniture is in yet, and is in a big pile outside. Will you help me with some of it? Many hands make light work and all that."

I wince a bit thinking that I am rambling on. Maybe I'm still a little nervous.

Isabel looked at me again. For once, she was looked less awkward. Which was a good start. She sees the benefit of getting her cherished belongings in, and then nods. Isabel leads me back down to where her stuff was stacked.

We spend the afternoon putting her bedroom together with a little help from her Father with the wardrobe and bed. The more time we spent together the more relaxed we became together. By the time the both of us are done we were laughing, and talking like we had known each other for years.

Spending time with Isabel, I did get glimpses of her body shape, and could see what Bradly was all excited about. She was not skinny like you see in magazines, but saying that there wasn't any excess. She curved in all the right places, and her ass was incredible. The one thing I didn't get a good look at were here tits. Next time maybe, I didn't want to get caught perving. Sorry, but I am 18 you know, and still a virgin.

It took us about an hour or so to bring the things up, but then another 2 1/2 hours putting her bedroom together, and moving things around, so they were where Isabel wanted them. We must have put her bed against every wall. By the time Isabel was happy with her room it was close to 6:30.

Walking back down through the house, I checked with Mr and Mrs Richards, and asked if they were done. Mr Richards asked me to help move some heavier furniture into place.

My mother had invited them over for pizza, so it was a simple, "see you later" when I left.

It was almost 7 when I made my way back up our path towards the kitchen door. I heard my mum's car pulling into the driveway, so I walk around to greet them, and see how the match had gone.

They were all buzzing. Sarah along with Zak were jumping up, and down with excitement. Bradly's team had won 4-1, and Bradly had scored twice. Congratulating my brother we headed inside the house.

As soon as we got inside Bradly pulled me to one side, and asked me about how my day went with Isabel.

I played the afternoon down, and just told him that they had almost finished moving in when I got there. Adding I had spent the afternoon organizing furniture. Not tell him it was with Isabel, or that we had a great time together.

It's not that I like to deceive Bradly, but stretching the truth with him is sometimes often the best way to avoid a punch on the arm. He seemed to accept that, so I headed upstairs telling my mother that I was getting a shower before dinner, and would be back down soon.

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