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It all Works Out in he End

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Pat meets a power couple and takes on a big job.
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[COUPLE SEEKS BWM/GWM OVER 30 BUT UNDER 60 Tall White Male (Ex-Wrestler) and his Ebony Goddess Wife, looking for a Bi or Gay Male to join us for some Special Fun. Will Host ###-###-####]

This was the ad that popped up in my personals feed on the forum I am a member of. I tried to DM them, but got back a "Please call or text the number listed in the ad." So I did.

[Hi, I'm a Bi-Male, 40yrs, little experience, but willing to learn and have fun. Let's chat.] The message I got back asked simply if this was a good number to call me on. I said it was. My phone rang only a minute or two later.

The voice on the other end of the phone was deep and rumbling, but very cordial. "Good afternoon. The name is Randy. How are you?" he asked.

"Nice to hear from you Randy." I returned. "I'm Pat, Pleasure to hear from you. I'm doing well." then amended. "Hope all is well on your end."

We chatted a bit before setting a coffee date to get together. There we would discuss everything else we would be doing. I looked forward to our meeting and the next few days dragged on.

That Saturday, we met a mermaid themed coffee house. Now I am six foot one, so Tall is relative. But Randy was very tall. His man must have been six five or six six. I'm not sure how "Ex" his ex-wrestler status was, but this man was built. He had muscles on muscles and threatened to bust out of his shirt.

The original ad described his wife as a Goddess, and I couldn't argue. Felicia was about five ten with a serious athletic build. She was obviously without undergarments. I could see her nipples though her tight top and could almost ready her hips between her thigh gap.

Her skin as a deep chocolate brown and had a natural sheen to it. Her hair was cropped short and close. And her smile was as bright as the sun cutting through the clouds after a summer rain. I was struck dumb by both of their beauty.

We sat for a few hours, making plans and describing some of our sexual adventures and preferences. Randy spoke at length about a 'Sexercise Machine' they'd built, and how much fun it was going to be.

A date was finally agreed upon. Two weeks from today we'd meet at Randy and Felicia's house in the hills for a weekend of debauchery.

As we stood to go, Felicia gave me a hug and kiss. I could feel every curve of her body and her nipples stuck me in the chest, her waist was smooth and when she kissed me, her lips were cool against mine and tasted sweet.

Randy, on the other hand was Hard all over. When he hugged me, it was like hugging a boulder. When I said all over, I meant it. As he pressed in close to my body I felt his stiff cock through the moisture absorbing fabric of his Under Armour workout pants. I couldn't wait to see it in the open.

That night, at home, I pulled out all of my toys. I pulled out my thrusting/squirting dong, my vibrating silicone ball cage, and my power stroking fleshlight, and thought about Randy and his thick cock, as well as Felicia and her tight body and swollen pussy.

I came over and over again, and did the same the next day. By mid-week I decided to hold back. Save up as It were for the upcoming weekend. Twelve days of no release would make things interesting.

The day came that I was to meet Randy and Felicia. I drove up into the hills and followed their directions. Despite turn by turn instructions, it took me an hour to get there. I drove up to the gate and buzzed. No one answered, but the gates opened to let me in.

At the end of the path was a circular driveway with cars parked in all manner of directions. All had plates indicating they belonged to either Randy or Felicia. The downfalls of disposable income. I got out, walked p to the door, and found a hand painted sign on it.

[BEYOND THIS POINT CLOTHES FORBIDDEN] The sign ws obviously hand painted, and in a hurry as well. Randy must have done it this morning to make sure it was here when I arrived.

I knocked and was greeted with a totally naked Randy. Six foot six of thick muscled man patches of hair between his pecs, under his arms and a thick bush of pubes that crowned his hanging manhood.

At a glance, I figured it was about eight inches hanging limp, but it must be nine or more when it was hard. It was also nearly three inches in diameter, and have a bulbous glans. The man was circumcised and looked like a stone pestle.

The image of being pounded by that tool had me mesmerized for a moment. Then, Randy's voice broke me out of my reverie. "Well?" came the question. "Gonna stand there all day or ya gonna strip down and come in?"

I laughed out loud, stripped off my clothes and picked them up. I waked past Randy and placed my tings on a small table in the foyer. I turned and faced Randy so he could get a good look at me.

I'm by no means a body builder, or a wrestler, and hoped I wasn't a disappointment. I stood six foot one and had a slight 'Dad Bod.' Average build and hair everywhere. I was kind of self conscious about my legs. I had been walking for exercise, and they were a bit out of proportion.

I liked to joke that I had Schwarzenegger legs. Walking four to five miles a day, five days a week for a year had made my thighs thick and hard and my calves muscular and wiry. Hiker or climbers legs to be sure.

My other endearing feature. At least so I've been told, was my penis. While not as impressive as Randy, mine was also circumcised and hung right around six inches limp. I knew it could get up to seven when it was engorged and I was also nearly three inches in diameter.

A high pitched whistle met my ears as I stood there. Then I heard Felicia say. "My My My." Her voice was somewhat sing-song. "Looks like we found the real deal, haven't we?"

Felicia came strutting in from an open patio to our left. Her dark skin shiny and slick. Her hips swaying, and I noticed for the first time a thick tuft of pubic hair covering her mound. Her breasts were indeed firm, even when not supported, and her nipples amazing.

Silver dollar sized areolas were set dead center and were a lighter shade of cocoa. But the main focus were the hard, eraser-head nipples that were a dark pink and stuck out prominently like projectiles, ready to shoot.

"He definitely seems to have what we need." Randy said in an appreciative tone.

Felicia walked up to me and ran her hands down my chest, scratching lightly at the hair.

"Soft." she purred. "Like a teddy bear." she leaned in and said. "I love teddy bears. C'mon. Let's all go out and get some drinks by the pool."

As we exited the house to the pool area, Felicia was still dragging me along. She dragged me to the edge of the pool, turned and let her weigh fall back toward the water. My arm pulled taught. She just smiled, then winked and pushed herself backward.

Both of us went ass over tea kettle into the pool with a huge splash. Felicia grabbed me under water and forced her lips to mine as we surfaced. Randy was just standing there grinning as we came up.

We climbed out and walked to the lounge chairs. Randy handed me an iced cold can of beer and motioned me to sit. "I'm betting you've got all kinds of questions." he said.

I nodded and took a pull from my beer. "The main question." I began, "Is why?" Randy and Felicia looked at each other across my naked form and shrugged. "Whatcha mean babe?" Felicia asked.

"Well, to begin with." I gestured to them both. "You two seem to have a fantastic relationship." Then I shrugged. "What do you need a third wheel for?"

Randy moved to answer this question. He stood up in front of me and motioned to his crotch. "I won't ask if you see it." he guffawed. "Plain as day, right?" Then he sat back down.

"I love anal sex." he admitted. "Always have. Been Bisexual all my adult life." Then he gestured to Felicia. "When we married, I stopped playing around. But my dear lady there can't handle my girth in her back door."

"We talked about it and decided to invite a third member into our sex games." Randy's grin got wider. "Woman, Man, Didn't matter. What matters is can they fit me without getting hurt, and above all enjoy it."

Felicia piped up then. "Lord knows I've tried, but I just can't take it. Last time I bled for a an hor." she rubbed her smooth hip. "All the women we invited took one look and ran away when we old them he only wanted their asses, not their pussy."

"You're the first guy to answer our ad." Randy admitted. "How do you feel about it?" he asked.

I smiled, then looked over at him. "Truthfully? You're a little bigger than I'm used to." Randy frowned a bit. "But not by much." I finished. This got a silent Oh? From Randy and a raised eyebrow.

"Do tell baby, do tell." called Felicia. And she rolled toward me and propped her body up on one elbow.

"I had a roommate not long ago." getting ready to tell a fairly long story. "We met work and moved in together as a matter of convenience." I shrugged and went on. "One night, he had his girl over. And they were doing what they do behind closed doors."

I sat back and pulled on my beer again. Then sighed.

"It must have been twenty or so minutes, and I heard her scream." I threw up my hands for effect. "Then she ran out into the hall naked, screaming No! Get that fucking thing away from me. Well I wondered what 'Thing' she meant so I opened my door"

I went on to explain how the two of them stood there staring at me for a moment. Then the gal ran into the room again, grabbed her clothes and left the apartment. I assumed she dressed outside.

"Well?" Felicia asked. "What was the thing?" I giggled and then outright laughed at the memory.

"It was his cock." I said, trying to affect a straight face. "Boy had a hard on about eight inches and was nearly as thick as a salami." Felicia looked over at Randy, then back at me.

"And what did you do?" She asked. Prompting me to go on.

"I told him that sucked, and he replied that no she didn't and claimed it hurt when he tried to put it in her pussy." I looked over at Randy and made a hand gesture. "I got my own dildo from my room and showed it to him."

"Was it as big as him? Randy asked. Shook my head no.

"It was only six inches, if you excluded the base with the balls." I motioned with my hands. "That's all that was insertable." then I added. "But I told him, I'd be glad to help him out as much as I could."

Felicia squealed with delight and Randy motioned for me to go on.

"He spouted the common I'm not gay line." I gave an exaggerated shrug. "I told him I wasn't either. That I was Bi, and As a friend I just wanted to help him out."

"And did he fuck you then and there?" Randy wanted to know. But I dashed his hopes by telling him that he did not.

"Nope, but I did suck him off." I admitted. "He was so pend up that just a quick BJ got him to bust a nut. Then he went to bed and slept."

Felicia got up and went to get us all fresh beers. Then she sat next to me. "So when did you take him in you?"

"Well, that didn't happen for about a week." I told her as she opened and handed me a new beer then rested a hand on my thigh. She was getting aroused. I could smell her sex as she sat near me.

"He knocked on my door a week later, close to midnight." I explained. "He told me he was horny and jacking off wasn't helping. He wanted to know what else I could do for him."

Now it was Randy's turn to move close. I also happened to notice him getting hard. "I told him to come in and sit on my bed." I scooted Felicia to one side and sat up for demonstration. "His cock was standing straight up. It was pretty impressive."

I moved to the edge of he lounge chair. "I poured some KY into my palm, stroked him then lubed my ass. And straddled him." I looked straight at Randy then. I faced him and slowly lowered myself onto his throbbing member. At first it hurt. But I got over it."

Felicia was fingering herself furiously by now and Randy was enthralled.

"I fucked myself on him slowly and gently for a while and he finally blew his load. I told him I'd do it again if he needed, but I would always be in control."

"Damn!" Felicia exclaimed. "That's hot. What happened with him?"

I told her that he'd moved away a few months later. That I'd fucked him only about six or seven times. Then Randy interrupted.

"If I'm being too forward." he began, then pointed to his own stiff member. I smiled and moved off he lounge and onto the deck in front of him. I gripped his massive tool in one hand then. Opened my mouth and took his bulbous glans into my mouth.

Randy groaned and almost fell back, as I an my tongue around the head and then slowly took his shaft into my throat. I knew I wouldn't get it all in, but I did get most. I released the shaft ad place my hands on his thighs and began to bob up and down.

Both Randy and Felicia were panting. Him above me and her behind me. I pulled him out of my mouth and began sucking the outside of his shaft, from head to root. Running my tongue over and tracing the thick veins along its length.

I began to fondle his balls in one hand and poked a finger on the other into the tight pucker between his ass cheeks. Andy stiffened at that. A throb ran up the length of his cock and he grunted.

I continued up the outside of his shaft tot the head again, keeping my finger in his tight anus. Then I sucked the tip of his cock hard before swallowing as much of his shaft as I could once more.

With the panting all around me getting louder, I began pumping his shaft with one hand while I sucked and finger fucking his hole with the other. Only a few moments later Randy blew his load in my mouth. Not as much as I expected.

I was able to take all of his cum in my mouth. Then I swallowed hard, stood and picked up my beer and took a swig.

Randy laughed and sat back. His swiftly deflating manhood glistened and he seemed a bit more comfortable. Felecia was still panting, although she seemed to have reached her climax as well.

After a few moments of basking we got back to the Q&A session. Talking about the kinds of things they wanted to try and the play they wanted to do.

Randy brought up the topic of exercise machines, and how he'd modified his in his home gym to do some interesting things.

That intrigued me, so I asked him to explain. His answer wasn't what I had been thinking.

"Ok, so I have this Bowlfex." he began. "Well, I had this idea. I cut a hold in the seat, and mounted a pivoting arm with a connector for a dildo under it." He clapped his hands in a gesture that this is the part that should really impress me.

"Then I added a cable to the back of the bows." He smiled wide. "Now, when you pull down on the exercise bar, the bow flexes and the dildo comes up through the seat." and he ended with a clap.

Basically, a manual version of a fucking machine. Impressive in that you could work out and get fucked while doing it. I'd seen videos form Japan of bicycles that had dildoes under the seat to fuck the rider as he peddled. This sounded pretty cool.

He described several other enhancements, including a bench that allowed your head to hang off the end, so you could get face fucked while bench pressing. That sounded kind of dangerous, unless your spotter had godlike control.

I told Randy I couldn't wait to see these things. He reminded me that we had all weekend.

The afternoon wore on, and we talked about all sort of sexual play. We swam some more and Randy insisted that I eat Felicia out. It wasn't fair that I gave him head and not her.

That turned out to be a ruse. He couldn't help sucking me off while I ate his wife. But Oh man, Felicia was sweet. Her lips were swollen with excitement and her clit got hard like a tiny cock that I could suck on.

That night we all shared an enormous bed in the master suite. Showered together in a huge rainfall shower in the morning.

We dressed and actually went out. Randy wanted to go to the Adult Store and buy a new assortment of dongs we could attach to his equipment. I also suggested some leather cuffs. "You can lock someone to the machine so they can't stop fucking themselves." I said.

That started a whole conversation about who would try it out and what else would happen. Randy grinned and said "You'll see. I have an Idea." I smiled at Felicia, and she smiled at me. It would be fun to see what Randy came up with.

After a large dinner out, we went back to Randy and Felicia's place. Randy showed me around his Gym slash Playroom. I got a look at the machine he described. It was pretty impressive. I wanted to see someone use it. I'm sure I'd try it out, but I wanted to see it in action.

Weight benches were cut so that someone could easily accomplish a number of positions on them. Both for workout and sex. The stationary Bike had a dildo attached to the seat. I'd have to suggest a piston that made the dildo thrust up and down while peddling.

The steam room had a large bed that could adjust in several places, to prop up different parts of the body. There was a wooden chair attached to the wall the could be raised, lowered or turned in several positions as well.

After the tour, we hung out and drank at the pool again, then headed to bed after a long day.

The next morning I woke up to an awkward pressure on my body. There was also a familiar sensation in my crotch. When I opened my eyes I saw Felicia straddling me. She had just settled in and had my cock planted deep in her pussy.

"Morning sweetness." she greeted me, then wiggled her hips. My cock throbbed in her as she clenched her pussy. I tried to bring my arms down to grab her around her gorgeous hips, but I wasn't able. It seemed they were cuffed and I was strapped to the bed.

Then Randy climbed up, and stood over me, looking down. He smiled. I could also plainly see his cock at full mast. He was holding a large foam wedge in his hands.

"Top of the morning." He said as he squatted over me. His cock resting on my chest as he pulled me up and put the wedge behind my shoulders. "I brought you breakfast in bed."

Then he straddled my shoulders and leaned forward. His thick, veiny cock rested against my chin. The tip rested just under my nose. I could smell his excitement. And a tiny drop of precum leaked from the tip. I opened my mouth and licked the underside of his cock, then gave it a kiss.

Andy chuckled and repositioned himself so that I could swallow his manhood. Without preamble, I began bobbing my head, taking his cock into my throat. As Randy began moaning, I felt Felicia begin to bounce and sway on my swollen member.

At the rate she was grinding on my cock, I wouldn't last long. That sweet tasting pussy was a powerhouse of muscle control. Her thighs kept me from squirming as she sucked the life out of my cock with the walls of her pussy.

I was also beginning to gag with the way Randy was fucking my mouth. I was spitting up saliva and choking with each thrust, but tried to swallow as best I could. I began to get dizzy and frantically tried breathing through my nose.

Each time I took a deep breath in through my nose, my throat constricted around Randy's pole. This just made him grunt even more. The lack of air was also affecting me in other ways. I began wildly bucking my hips. I had begun cumming without realizing it and Felicia was squealing with delight.

Suddenly, Randy sat back. His cock coming almost all the way out of my mouth. I felt his buttocks clench on my chest and his cock throb in my mouth. Then a torrent of cum shot out and overflowed. I couldn't swallow fast enough.

The hot, sticky ejaculate bathed my chin, ran down my neck and onto my chest. It flowed down and soak the wedge under my shoulders, After a minute or so, Randy shuddered, and spurt one last thick wad of cum into my mouth as his cock slipped out.

My hips were numb, but Felicia stayed put. She had my aching cock trapped inside of her as she was panting. Randy turned to face her and she began licking and slurping his cum from his cock and balls.


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