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It Had to be Done


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"Mom, I am starting to sweat in this bathrobe," Michael said toward the end of the movie, "Is it alright with you if I take it off?"

"Sure," she said. She leaned back to give him room, and he untied the robe and removed it. He folded it neatly in his lap atop the covers, and then he set it on the nightstand. She had to admire his muscular back as he leaned away from her. He held his arm out to her and she wiggled back into his body. Her head felt right at home lying on his chest like that.

Michael looked down at her face. She wasn't even watching the movie anymore, he realized. Her eyes had closed and she had a soft smile on her face. He could feel the heat radiating from her pussy as it pressed against his thigh. She had not realized he was now naked in her bed.

It was late. Michael debated with himself, but decided that was sufficient progress for tonight. After all, he was sleeping naked in bed with his mother, and she wasn't wearing panties. His mom had been drinking, and he wanted to make sure she didn't think he had taken advantage of her. He pulled her chin up and gently kissed her on the lips.

"Good night, Mom," he whispered. He turned off the television.

"Good night," she whispered back.

Valerie awoke several hours later. She desperately needed to pee. She gasped when her bare foot touched the cold floor of the bathroom. It almost made her wet herself as her bladder clenched in response. That did remind her to turn on the warm water, though. She bit back a groan of discomfort as her bottom was once again chilled by the frigid toilet seat.

The water was barely warmed by the time she hurriedly finished relieving herself and washed her hands. She hastily wiped her pussy clean and then looked at herself in the mirror.

"Why am I doing that?" she wondered. She normally just wiped with toilet paper. She rinsed out the washcloth and hung it up, scurrying back to the warm haven of the bed.

She really couldn't see anything after she turned off the bathroom light, so it wasn't until her body was pressed against her son's that she remembered he was even there. Her head had the familiar mild headache of a hangover, but she could remember everything clearly. She had simply forgotten he was there. His steady breathing told her he was still asleep. She did not take long to fall back to sleep next to him.

Michael's voice awoke her in the morning.

"Mom, what are you doing?" he said softly.

She realized that she was slowly stroking his hard cock with her right hand. Her head was on his belly, beneath the sheets. In the pale light of the morning, she could see his straining cock head inches from her face. She might have even taken him into her mouth, she thought, if he hadn't said something. She pulled back from him and paled at the thought.

"I'm sorry, Michael," she said softly.

Valerie had no idea that he had wrapped her hand around his dick and encouraged her to start stroking him. His face gave away the fact that he was enormously turned on, though, as did his erection tenting the sheets. Valerie realized that she was turned on as well, faced with this obviously virile cock. Tom had not had such a rigid erection for her for quite some time now.

Michael whispered to her then, "Sorry, Mom."

She would have asked why, but she saw. He seemed reluctant, but his hand slid beneath the sheets and began stroking his thick shaft. Valerie wanted to protest; her mouth opened but she just watched silently as his hand moved up and down. She could not take her eyes from the sight.

She finally did peel her eyes away to meet her son's gaze when he spoke to her again. His voice was soft and had a reasonable tone, like he was explaining something to her that she should have known.

"I'm going to need your help, Mom. I'm getting really close and I don't want to stain the sheets."

She nodded and lifted the sheet, neither registering nor resisting his hand as it found the middle of her back and guided her to his lap. Her mouth was still open and welcomed her son's throbbing cock. His fat cock head felt right at home in her mouth. It was moist with his pre-cum, and the buttery, salty taste delighted her taste buds. She licked it clean and kept right on sucking. It felt completely natural when he began bucking and spewing the main course into her mouth.

Tom had trained her well. Not a drop escaped her lips. There was a lot more cum than she was accustomed to, so her gulping was audible. When she had swallowed all of her son's hot, tasty cum, she slowly released his spent cock and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry," she stammered, "I could have just gotten a washcloth or something..."

"It's okay, Mom," he said, pulling her to him for a reassuring hug. "There wasn't time. You just did the most natural thing. It had to be done."

He looked at her then, and smiled softly. "Thank you. That really did feel amazing."

Valerie beamed at him. She wasn't stupid; she knew that sucking her son's cock wasn't something she was supposed to do. She also knew that he had really wanted her to do it, and maybe had pressed her into it. The part that had her smiling was the compliment. Her husband had not thanked her for sucking his dick in twenty years.

She slid out of the bed and was surprised to see Michael giving her body a lustful look. She stopped where she stood, scarcely able to believe it as his eyes roamed over her breasts and pussy. Valerie shivered under his gaze. She really thought up until that moment that her son thought she was unattractive. He shook his head and smiled softly.

"Sorry, Mom," he apologized again, "I just realized how sexy you look."

He got out of bed and she got a nice long look at his bobbing erection before he wrapped himself in his bathrobe. He came around the bed and hugged her, then retrieved her bathrobe from the side of the bed and gently wrapped her in it. She shivered as he looked her body up and down before closing the robe and gently tying the belt around her.

She probably should have protested as he kissed her lips softly, but it just felt nice. It only lasted a minute.

"I love you, Mom," Michael said softly. He left her with a smile on her face as he went to get his shower.

It took a while for the water to warm up, but once it was there the shower felt really refreshing. Valerie emerged and sighed in relief when she felt the warm air finally coming out of the vents. She dressed in lacy little panties with a matching bra and garter belt, thigh-high stockings, with a sheer, short robe over the ensemble. The bra barely contained her enormous breasts, and her pale pink nipples and small aureoles were clearly visible. So accustomed was she to dressing this way that it didn't even register that she was displaying her body for her son.

Looking out the window, Valerie could see that three feet of snow had fallen overnight. The house was a half-mile from the main road, on a six acre plot. They did not realize that the road had already been plowed, since it was out of sight from the windows of the house. Valerie assumed they were stuck in the house until the snow thawed. She really felt badly for Michael. He would have enjoyed such a splendid spring break if they had just stayed in Los Angeles for another month.

Now, he was stuck here with her. She would have to try to make it up to him, she thought. Unbidden, she pictured his hard cock again and that look on his face when she had sucked him dry. It gave her a shiver.

She smiled as she felt him approach. His arms felt so good as they wrapped around her waist and he hugged her from behind. She finally turned around after he released her to see that he was wearing flannel pajamas. She tried not to stare, but the opening in the pajama bottoms gaped open enough that she could clearly see the thick shaft of his cock. She wondered idly if he was still hard.

Michael was careful, once again, not to stare openly at his mother's body. He looked into her eyes and said, "You look beautiful, Mom. How was your shower?"

"Once the water finally warmed up, it was glorious." Her smile was lovely. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"Eggs and pancakes would be nice," he said. He got to watch her sexy ass as she walked into the kitchen to start breakfast.

"Should I make some coffee?" Michael asked as he followed that hypnotic backside.

"That sounds good," Valerie replied, unaware of the marvelous show she gave him as she bent over to get out a frying pan.

"Must not rush this," Michael said to himself as he carefully avoided looking directly at her barely concealed pussy and asshole. Seeing her bent over like that, he really wanted to just pull her skimpy panties to the side and fill her with his cock. He busied himself starting a pot of coffee, and then got out of the kitchen to let his mom get to work cooking their breakfast.

He had considered offering to cook breakfast, but realized that would probably have been a mistake. As much as Michael resented his father, he had her well-trained. As long as he didn't push her too fast, she would naturally try her best to please him over the next few weeks. His cock throbbed as he looked at her in the kitchen and imagined that sexy woman pleasing him.

Trying to keep himself occupied—and to avoid getting caught staring—Michael turned on the television. He groaned when he saw that the snow-covered satellite dish was providing no signal. Valerie looked up at the sound.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"The satellite is down," he answered. "That means we don't have internet, either. Do we have some DVDs unpacked that we can watch?"

She thought a bit before answering. "I think I saw a box of them in the garage. Over on the far side wall."

Michael made his way to the garage, putting on some slippers to keep his feet from freezing on the cold cement floor. He found the box, alright. His eyes opened wide when he realized that he was looking at his father's rather substantial porn collection. It wouldn't have been obvious to anyone else; the DVDs were all in cases with regular movie labels. Only the small, handwritten titles on the back right corner of each one gave away the true contents. He closed the box back up and thought over how to use this to his advantage. Finally, he carried the entire box into his parents' bedroom and set it on the floor.

They sat down for breakfast, saying little as they ate. Valerie was a decent cook, but it was another thing in her life to make her insecure. Michael was aware of it as she looked at him anxiously. He smiled at her as he ate.

"Thanks for breakfast, Mom," he said.

"You're welcome," she replied. It hadn't been a compliment, but she did appreciate the acknowledgement.

When they had finished eating, she cleared the table and washed the dishes. Once again, he slipped behind her and hugged her. She could feel his erection pressing into her bottom, and smiled. At least I can manage to turn him on, she thought to herself. He released her and then pulled the recliner over to the large picture window. He sat and looked out at all the snow.

It would have been lovely if it wasn't such a drag to be stuck inside. He briefly contemplated going out in the snow, but they hadn't bought any warm clothes suitable for it. His jacket was warm, but they didn't own any winter coats, gloves, or boots. It seemed that going outside would be fun for about five minutes. After that it would be miserably cold really quickly.

Valerie came over and stood next to him, reaching down to stroke his hair. Michael reached his arm up and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her gently to him. She slid into his lap and sighed as his arm squeezed her in a nice hug. They both groaned when they saw more fat flakes drifting down from the sky.

"It would be pretty if it wasn't supposed to be spring break. You know?" Michael said softly. He was speaking directly into the side of her right breast, his lips almost touching her.

That sensation, along with the falling snow outside, made her shiver in his lap. Her nipples were erect, clearly visible to him and right in front of his face. She wondered if he was always this hard; she could clearly feel the outline of his rigid cock below her.

"It makes me feel a little chilly just looking at it," she said. She wiggled her bottom a bit in his lap. His erection rose in response, and she felt it clearly poking her cheek. Valerie sighed and reluctantly stood up. She looked down and was surprised to see her son's throbbing erection clearly protruding from the pajama bottoms. It did look very nice, she thought.

Michael watched her as she checked him out. He wondered if she was aware she was licking her lips. He counted silently to twenty and then stood up, pushing the recliner back to its position in the living room. He was aware that his dick was waving wildly in front of him the whole time. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his mom's eyes following it while he pushed the recliner.

Michael made a show of being embarrassed as he tucked his cock back into the pajamas. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mom!" he said, "I should be more careful about these pajamas."

"It's okay," she said. She smiled softly when it promptly popped right back out. She had to admit, she enjoyed the show. Her pussy was moist as she once again stared at that nice thick dick.

Michael groaned and tucked it away again, hitching up his pajama bottoms to keep it contained. He looked at his sexy mother standing there, and spread his arms helplessly. Her breasts bobbed and weaved hypnotically as she approached with her arms spread and hugged him.

His cock throbbed against the inside of her thigh. Valerie sighed into his ear at the sensation.

"Maybe we should watch one of those movies," she said.


He once again followed her heart-shaped ass into her bedroom. His cock escaped again when she stopped and bent over right in front of him to open the box and rummage through it. He managed to tuck his erection away and crawled back into the bed. Once again, he had claimed his father's side.

"Ooh! 'Sleepless in Seattle!'" she looked over at him, "Would you mind if we watch this one? It's one of my favorites."

"That sounds fine," he gave her a smile. He wondered what the movie actually was on the DVD.

Valerie once again showed her sexy ass to her son as she bent to put the disc into the player. Michael kept imagining how amazing it would be to fuck her from behind when she did that. Her body jiggled delightfully as she hopped into the bed and slid next to her son. He put his arm around her and softly rubbed her back as she laid her head on his chest again.

They both had shocked looks on their faces when 'Busty Nurses 4' lit up the screen. Valerie's was authentic. She scrambled from the bed, but Michael hit stop on the remote, blanking the screen. Valerie turned to him.

"Sorry," she gasped, "we must have put the wrong DVD in that case."

"I'm sure it's not your fault, Mom," he said.

As she once again dug through the contents of the box, Valerie realized what had happened. Her face was red as she turned to her son.

"These are your father's DVDs," she said, "They are all porn."

"Oh!" Michael said. He got out of the bed, "I'll see if I can find the other boxes of movies, then."

They both looked around the garage, and in the spare bedroom, but they didn't find the 'regular' movies. Michael hadn't stashed them or anything; they had just been put into a storage closet in the hallway and neither of them knew it.

They spent a few hours unpacking some of the boxes they had found. It was something that needed doing anyway.

"It's not like we can sit around watching porn together," Michael said to her, "I mean, could you just imagine that?"

Valerie laughed at the suggestion, but then she did start to imagine it. In her mind, she could practically see her son's rampant cock bobbing in front of her as the dirty action on the screen turned him on. It wasn't as if those movies had no effect on her—she would probably be just as horny watching them with her son.

They took a break after a few hours and had a light lunch. After lunch, they stood at the picture window again and Michael massaged her shoulders and neck. At least another foot of snow had fallen. She shivered even though warm air was blowing out of the vents right onto them. His hands worked down her back. His thumbs pressed into her muscles and worked out the tension in her lower back muscles. She was always tense there.

"Maybe I should give you a full massage after dinner," Michael said.

"That sounds nice," she responded. It had been a while since he had given her a full massage, but she knew he was really skilled at it.

They unpacked a dozen more boxes before taking another break. Michael got dressed and went outside for a few minutes. He returned and banged his shoes together outside the front door. The snow flew from them, and then he came back inside. He hung up his jacket and shook his head.

"I was hoping I could reach the satellite dish to clear the snow off of it," he said, "but it's just buried under a big dome of snow up on the roof. I didn't see any way to get up there."

Valerie nodded at him as he explained all that. She stood and watched as he stripped off his pants and wool socks to hang them up. They also had snow caked on them. For once, he wasn't sporting an erection in his boxers. He walked into the kitchen and warmed up a cup of coffee in the microwave. He added cream and sugar and held the steaming mug in his cold hands to warm them. He looked a little miserable as he spoke up.

"Mom, what are we going to do all week? We have no television, no internet, it's freezing outside, and we can't go anywhere." He shook his head and sipped his coffee. "This has to be the worst spring break, ever."

Valerie wrung her hands at that. She could not think of anything, and it made her feel like a failure. Oh, they had some board games. She knew that was too lame to even mention. They had found some books, but nothing that would make for a memorable vacation. Most of those were motivational and sales books anyway.

"I guess we'll just have to sit around and watch porn all week," she finally said. She had thought it would come out funny, as a joke, but she realized after she had said it that there really wasn't anything better to do.

Michael shook his head and chuckled at that.

"What's so funny?" she asked him.

He looked a little embarrassed, but answered, "Sadly, if we had the internet I would probably be looking at porn right now."

After he had said it, he covered his mouth. "I shouldn't have said that, should I?"

She smiled at him. Granted, she was his mother, and she shouldn't approve of such a thing. Still, she felt like it was a compliment that he would trust her with something like that. She couldn't help it; the image of him stroking his hard cock to porn sprang into her mind. She smiled at her son a little sadly.

"I guess I'll make the popcorn," she said.

Michael looked at her uncertainly. "Um...I was planning to take a shower. I figured that would feel nice after the cold outside. Plus I did work up a little sweat moving all those boxes around. I'll be back in a bit."

As she watched him retreat to his bathroom, Valerie realized she had also been perspiring. She spoke up.

"I'll use your shower as soon as you're done," she said. He turned and nodded acknowledgement. She had another thought then. "Wait." He stopped and looked at her.

"We should use the master bathroom. Just grab your bathrobe and shower in there. I'll bring the popcorn and I'll shower after you."

"Okay," Michael got his bathrobe and a towel from his bathroom and then hung up his flannel shirt in his closet. He walked past the kitchen with the towel wrapped around his waist. When the popcorn was finished, she put it into the bowl they had used the night before and padded into her bedroom. She could hear Michael in the shower. She set the bowl back on the nightstand and peeled her lingerie off. She tossed the sexy outfit into her hamper and then looked around for her bathrobe.


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