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Click hereThis is my entry into the 2023 Nude Day Contest. This is an uplifting story that could fit into several categories, so I chose Loving Wives. It's a tough category and I know I'll get a lot of criticism, which is good. Thanks for reading.
Four years ago....
Virginia approached middle age like many women, not knowing what to do next. She had a job but not a career. Her kids became teenagers, mothering became more a of a job to dispense advice to them, who already knew everything. She was a little flabby, mostly from lack of attention to her body. Her husband, Dan, wasn't especially hot for her in bed anymore.
"My god, Dan. How long do I need to suck on your dick until you get hard enough?" Virginia would complain.
She shared her lack of pleasure in her life with her best friend, Katie. They both contemplated everything from divorce to affairs to bring some excitement into their lives.
"I overheard at work a casual conversation about Nude Day celebration," Katie told her best friend. "Now, that would be a bold move."
"Have you looked at us lately? I mean, we look good, but our bodies aren't going to get too many dicks excited," Virginia laughed at Katie's suggestion.
"Well, it's in July, so we have six months to get our asses to the gym and shape up," Katie responded seriously. "You know as well as I do, we need to get healthy and in shape. Besides, if I had boobs like you, I'd be showing them off, even if I wasn't on shape."
"Well, you have a nice ass," Virginia returned the compliment.
They challenged each other to work out with the goal of hot obtaining hot bodies, and maybe then, their husbands would pay attention to them. It took about four months and the results of their hard work started to show. Even Dan noticed, not explicitly, but in a renewed interest in Virginia.
Slowly, Virginia slipped out of her casual clothes. Her long red hair fell on her fabulously large breasts, which Dan thought became larger. They didn't, they only appeared bigger because they were firmer, and Virginia's waist slimmed down a few inches.
"Let's fuck like teenagers," she would whisper in his ear. She felt his crotch expand and promised him the ride of his life. Dan only lasted for one climax and that was good enough for Virginia, who went for years devoid of any satisfaction. When Dan fell asleep, she rubbed her clit to finish herself.
July came and it became time to make plans for Nude Day. There was a day and night long event at a local clothing-optional resort.
"I'm sure Dan won't go along with it, and I don't think he'd allow me to go myself," Virginia told Katie.
"Listen to you, 'he won't allow me." Girl, you need to grow some balls. Figuratively I mean," Katie admonished her. "I understand," she said after pondering what she said for a minute. "Walter won't be open to the idea either."
"Maybe we should just forget it. Afterall, we accomplished our goal and I'm having sex with Dan again. How about you and Walter?"
"Walter gets hard and pumps me for a minute but doesn't have the stamina to get either of us off," Katie complained. "Anyway, all that work was about us, getting our bodies in shape. I want to show mine off, and you should too. You're the hottest forty-year-old around. You're so hot, I'm about to switch teams and ravish you," she told her friend excitedly.
They concocted a story about some mega sale in Scottsdale and they would be gone all day.
"Our husbands understand shopping. They know we enjoy it and will think nothing of it," Katie explained.
"But what do we do when we don't bring anything home?" Virginia asked.
"That's why we say we're going to Scottsdale. The stores there are very expensive, and our husbands will like us even more for showing restraint," Katie laughed.
Virginia was apprehensive that first Nude Day. She knew she had a wonderful looking body, she had meticulously put on her makeup, fixed her hair and trimmed the soft ginger colored pubic area. Katie was a knock-out as well, with her jet-black hair and olive complexion, both traits she inherited from her suave Italian father.
After lunch was a yoga class that was sparsely attended while most of the guests partied around the pool. Virginia and Katie practiced yoga religiously as part of their body rehabilitation. Among the seven attendees were two young men who evidently were well engaged in the art of yoga. Their supple bodies could bend and twist into the most difficult poses.
"Hi. My name is Kevin, and this is Dave," the young yogi introduced his friend and himself to Virginia and Katie. He extended his hand to Virginia and Dave followed suit with Katie. "You both hold your poses well," he remarked. Katie blushed a little, though it wasn't that noticeable with her darker skin and the natural reaction to the heat, as she eyed Dave's well-hung endowment.
"It's a bit warm," Virginia remarked though she was accustomed to the desert heat, but not accustomed to being close, having a conversation, with a young naked man.
"We have cold, healthy juices back in our room. We could relax in the air-conditioning," Dave proposed.
"We'd love to," Katie blurted out before Virginia could think about it and probably reject the idea.
Their room felt chilly after being in the heat and working their bodies with yoga. Kevin fixed juice drinks, apologizing for the lack of alcohol which didn't fit with their healthy lifestyle. That was just fine with Virginia, she had abstained except for the occasional social cocktail. Katie pondered what would happen if they had a drink, loosened up, and engaged in wild sex.
"Is this your first Nude Day here?" Kevin asked. "I'm sure I would have noticed the two of you if you had been here before."
"What he means is that you are both exquisitely beautiful and that's hard not to notice," Dave chimed in.
"Yes, it's our first time," Virginia responded, obviously embarrassed.
"It's exhilarating going natural," Kevin stated emphatically. "My parents were such prudes so when I first had the opportunity to go to a nude beach, I jumped at the chance to free myself," he explained.
The conversation went well. Kevin and David were childhood friends from California. Dave's work took him to Colorado, so they found this resort as a place to meet in the summer. It was half-way between their homes. They always came for about a week.
They spent the early evening together, dancing, having fun at the pool. When it came time to leave, Katie expressed her reluctance.
"We could call and tell our husbands we were staying over to see a show that ended late, too late to be driving a couple of hours home," Katie insisted.
"And where are we going to sleep?" Virginia asked.
"With Kevin and Dave," Katie answered quickly.
"What if they're gay?"
"They're not. I wondered and Dave told me all about his girlfriends and Kevin is quite the lady's man as well," Katie informed her. "Did you notice the size of Dave's cock. I'd love to feel that black monster inside me. Kevin is not too shabby, either."
"We better go. This could only get bad," Virginia said sternly.
Virginia and Katie exchanged numbers with Kevin and Dave. They kept in touch throughout the year with a promise to meet again next year's Nude Day. As Virginia and Kevin became good friends, Katie and Dave were determined to have more. They managed to sneak back to Dave's room when Kevin and Virginia were learning new yoga poses from the instructor.
"How was it?'' Virginia asked her friend, somewhat disappointed in her for not respecting her marriage.
"Amazing!" she replied. "You can't imagine how many positions we did. I came so many times I got dizzy."
Katie knew that Virginia didn't want to hear that.
Present Day
Two weeks before Christmas, Virginia heard the diagnosis. It was breast cancer. One of those wonderful mammary had a growth that needed to be removed. After the holidays, she was to go in for a mastectomy of her left breast. She was heartbroken.
"It's alright," her friend Katie assured her. "You're still going to be the sexiest woman in Tucson."
Virginia knew Katie was only trying to cheer her up. She was going to lose a part of her womanhood, diminishing a body she worked so hard to keep beautiful. Dan was oblivious to her feelings, practically ignoring her as if she were about to become a stranger, and an ugly one with only one boob.
"What the fuck is wrong with Dan?" Katie stated angrily. "He obviously doesn't care about you. He's a shallow selfish bastard," she went on trying to contain her vocabulary of nasty words for Dan. A week before the surgery Dan left saying he was going to file for divorce.
"I've always been faithful to you," Virginia pleaded. "Why are you leaving me now when I need you the most?"
"I don't know if I can come home and sleep with half a woman," he said emotionless. Virginia cried and cried.
Katie was at Virginia's side through the entire ordeal. Virginia had kept it a secret. She hoped no one would notice afterwards. She bought clothing and a prosthetic to disguise her missing breast. She thought many women had this procedure. It was mostly successful in stopping the cancer. She would simply accept it and hide it.
Katie covertly informed Kevin and Dave. She was afraid Virginia wouldn't want them, or anyone, to know. But Katie knew she would become depressed, especially after her husband decided to leave her, and the two most positive and open-minded people she knew were Kevin and Dave. Katie arranged a video call with them the day after the surgery when Virginia was recovering in the hospital.
Katie took out her phone and connected with Kevin in California and then Dave in Colorado. "Somebody wants to talk with you," she told Virginia. Sitting beside her in the hospital bed she showed Virginia the screen.
"Hello gorgeous," Kevin called out. "Hey, sexy," Dave exclaimed. Virginia didn't know how to react. "Can hardly wait to see you this summer for Nude Day," Kevin told her.
"You're not going to see me," Virginia informed him. "At least, naked you're not."
"We'll see about that," Dave said. "Did I tell you I worked for the CIA and I definitely know how to kidnap people," he joked.
"Seriously," Kevin began. "Dave and I love you. Like Katie does. We'll help you be whole again."
"How can I be whole again? I'm missing a breast."
"Whole in your spirit and body," he told her.
"Katie said your husband left you," Dave said. "Well, you lose one you get the two of us. Maybe we'll let Katie in for a foursome," he told her to cheer her up and to let her know that she wasn't about to lose her sexuality.
"Remember Jacqui, the yoga instructor," Kevin said. "She will be giving you private instruction so you can adjust to the changes in your body."
"I can't afford that," Virginia told him.
"I can," he informed her.
The months until the Nude Day celebration went fast. Virginia got over Dan and moved into a smaller house. Jacqui came by once a week; Virginia's yoga practice reached a new level. Jacqui suggested they try practicing naked so Virginia could fully appreciate her body as it was.
"Do I look funny? Is it weird?" Virginia asked Jacqui, who was the first person to see her naked chest since the operation. Katie never asked her to take off her top and bra. Jacqui helped her get undressed, and gently touched Virginia's erect nipples.
"I admire you," Jacqui told her and lightly kissed her on her lips. Virginia wasn't shaken at all by the gesture; she was slightly excited. Jacqui left it there, knowing that Virginia was open and accepting to exploring her new freedom in spirit.
"Someday," Virginia said smiling. "I want Kevin to be my first."
Nude Day came and so did the monsoon rains. Everyone enjoyed celebrating in the cool rain, dancing, feeling the wet flesh press on each other like an ancient ritual. They took the yoga class indoors, Jacqui asked Virginia to be her co-instructor. The attendance was better than most years, maybe because of the rain but most likely because of Virginia. Everyone was I awe as she moved with grace and posed with strength.
That evening after dinner, Virginia took Kevin by the hand and led him back to the room. "I can't thank you enough," she told him. "One more thing you can do for me," she said taking his hand to the swollen nipple where her breast had been. She kissed him passionately.
She stroked his engorged cock, her pussy dripping wet with desire, guiding him slowly in, stretching her pleasurably. "Fill me," she whispered between pants as he rhythmically pounded her. Virginia had several orgasms before they climaxed together, her pussy dripping, their bodies melded into one.
"I knew from the moment I met you that you would be the best, most sensual woman, I would be with," Kevin said as they relaxed coming off their sexual high.
"I bet you say that to all the girls," Virginia laughed easily.
"You are a remarkable woman," he said as she kissed him.
The door opened and the party was about to begin. Virginia smiled when she saw Jacqui with Katie and Dave. They were about to go all night. Virginia had her first taste of a woman, and it turned her on sexually. Katie insisted that Virginia try to get all of Dave's cock down her throat. It was at times lighthearted and intense sex as well.
"I could have never imagined I could be this happy," Virginia said softly. Her mind wandered back to that first Nude Day when she overcame any apprehension about her body. She didn't know then that her womanhood would be challenged so severely and, with the help of her friends, she dug deep emotionally and overcame her desperation.
I don't understand all the negativity. I remember wives divorcing their husbands after they come home from Viet Nam missing body parts or being invalid. I thought the story was excellent. 5 stars
You know what the author is a dick for making the husband a uncaring asshole what would you expect from people who don't like marriage or anything to do with it.
A lot of courage and kindness.
Too bad so many missed that part of the story.
Please keep writing!
The story was quick and the subject begs for more depth, but considering this venue, it is great. I like stories that are more than just funding. Five Stars
She lied to a non caring asshole of a husband. They had teenage children. What happened to them, huh?
Touching and very real! There is no more sensuous woman than she who is reminded that her spirit is sexually erptic.
My wife is a breast cancer surviver, and I give you credit for trying to write a story about one of the self-image problems that arise with breast cancer, her husband would have been outed early on in counseling with some cancer surgeons and she would have had a moment to deal with it her children would have also been aware,and believe it or not they are more aware of cancer and it's affect on t.he family. If t.hei father had behavid in that manor they would have help him pack and said good ridden t.o bad rubbish.
Kind of contrived, don't you think? Two beautiful women who can't get any sexual response from their husbands? Maybe the husbands are queer for each other? And now one of the deceitful wives is free to fuck whoever will have her, while the other has been a cheating slut for a few years now. Wonderful people, wonderful story, and so realistic. Most young studs are drooling over middle age women, especially with one tit. Ridiculous. What was the point?
Like drinking water when a fine wine is available. This story had no substance and was hurt by the misleading description.
Excellent story line. Well written, void of any noticeable grammatical errors (at least to me) and without all the fluff ( eating, drinking habits, mandatory showers and job description plus life story of all the characters) but I do wish a bit more depth could have been given to the characters.