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I Want a Divorce

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Will my mistakes condemn to a lonely life.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/19/2023
Created 07/07/2023
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April and I were married for twenty-five years. We'd had a lot of good years and a few not-so-good ones.

April and I began dating just after high school. We didn't go to the same high school but met at her girlfriend's graduation party. She played hard to get but before the evening was over, she agreed to go on a date with me. We were affectionate from the beginning but didn't have sex for over three months.

One evening, she was baby-sitting for my sister and I went over to be with her. After she put the kids to bed we got to necking and before long I had her blouse unbuttoned and was massaging her large breasts through her bra. After awhile, I undid the clasp on her bra and starting kissing her bare breasts. One thing lead to another and I undid her jeans and removed mine.

We stared at each other for a few seconds and she reminded me she was a virgin. I was technically still a virgin, also, though I did feel up a lot of girls and had oral sex but never had intercourse. April got up to get a couple of towels and put them on the couch. I started kissing her breasts and down her belly. I slowly pushed my cock into her.

She winced but said everything was ok and I kept a slow in and out motion. It felt so good. I told April I wouldn't last long and came hard in her. I asked her if she had an orgasm and she said she did. I got off of her and used a couple of tissues to clean off my cock. She wasn't lying, she had been a virgin.

April got up and ran to the bathroom to clean up. When she returned, she asked me if I still loved her? I told her I did even more than before and that she was my woman. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her as my wife.

Life went on and we had sex whenever we had a chance. I went to college during the day and worked my job in the afternoon. April worked for my sister at her party store. I worked there on weekends, too.

A few months went by and April told me she was pregnant. I knew better than to ask her if it was mine. She said the only person she told was my sister and that she had gone to see the doctor who confirmed it. She asked me what should we do? I loved April but I wasn't ready to get married or be a dad. However, my parents always taught me to do what was right so I told April we would get married.

She told me not to marry her because she was pregnant; she could manage on her own. I told her I was marrying her because I loved her but the baby brought the marriage on sooner than expected. I told my parents about the pregnancy and needless to say they weren't very happy. My dad told me I was pussy whipped and that he thought I was smarter than that and of course, 'Why didn't you wear a condom'. I told them we were going to get married the following month. They did tell me that they would help us as much as possible, because it was the right thing to do.

We went to a judge and got married. My mom and dad were witnesses along with my other sister and her husband. We went back to my older sister's store and were greeted by friends. My parents took our family out for dinner. Afterwards April and I went to a motel for the night. We never had time for a honeymoon nor did we have the finances.

I worked at my sister's store the following day and April and my sister went looking for an apartment for us. They found a really cheap one about six blocks from the store. It was within walking distance. We started moving our things in the next day. I took a day off school to help move things in. We didn't have much besides our personal items. We got gifts and a lot of used household furniture and stuff from family.

Our apartment consisted of one room with a Murphy bed (it folds down from the closet) and it had an inset kitchen with a small stove and refrigerator. It wasn't much but it was ours.

At the end of the semester, I quit college. I just couldn't keep up with two jobs and college. After a few months we moved into my parent's old house. The state bought the house and gave my parents six months to vacate it. They didn't live there for the last few months. My aunt was renting it. Since it was a duplex, April and I used the upstairs rent free.

One day April called me at work and I rushed home to take her to the hospital. Our daughter was born a few hours later. My wife chased me out of the delivery room. I was actually kind of glad. She called me every name in the book. I had to go throw up, this was all new to me and more than I could handle. My wife calmed down and I went back in to see my baby girl, I couldn't help but cry, it was so emotional seeing the new life we had created.

April had stopped working and I worked a lot of overtime whenever I could. Life was actually pretty good. We visited with many relatives and friends who were all coming over to see the baby.

I forgot to mention that April's dad had died before I met her and her mom was in a mental institution. We would go and visit her a few times a year. She eventually was placed in a senior citizens home. We visited her and took her places many times until her passing many years later.

When our baby Jessica was four months old April got pregnant again, She was on the pill so I guess she was one of those one in a thousand to get pregnant while on the pill. She wanted to kill me but there wasn't much I could do. She went through the pregnancy and we had another sweet little girl who came over a month early. It was so sad seeing our little baby in an incubator. April was allowed to come home but went back every day to be with our baby.

It was a joyous day when we could bring home our little girl. April was one great mother. I couldn't believe that four months later April was pregnant with our third child. It would be a boy. April said if I ever wanted to have sex again I would have to get a vasectomy. Needless to say, I had the vasectomy. I had to wear condoms for the next couple of weeks when we resumed sex after our third baby was born, until my semen test was sperm free.

* * * *

Now there is something very important I need to talk about. I was only nineteen when we got married. In some ways, still immature, I had a tendency to flirt with other girls. I kissed a couple and even felt a couple off but didn't have sex with them. I knew it was wrong but I was young and dumb.

I use to go out with the guys and flirt around. At the time I didn't think much about it. April went out with her girlfriends now and then and sometimes with my sisters. I trusted her.

Anyway, it was during the holiday season and I kissed her girlfriend and April saw, it. She asked her girlfriend to leave and never come back. She called me every name in the book. I told her it was just a holiday kiss, no big thing, but she thought it was. She hardly talked to me for the next two weeks.

She started asking my friends what I did when we went out and they made up stories about me having sex with these women. After they found out she was serious they told her the truth but she didn't believe them. It took months before my wife began to believe me. Even then I don't think she totally believed me.

One day after a big argument April told me if I ever wanted sex, to go to one of my slut girlfriends to get it. I wasn't getting it from her. I wasn't really a drinker but I headed over to a neighborhood bar and had a drink. I noticed one of our neighbor ladies sitting there and she came over to join me.

"Hi Jerry, you and the wife have an argument?"

"Yeah, she's always accusing me of flirting around."

"Do you?" she asked

"I guess I kind of do, but I don't see a lot of harm in it."

I bought her a drink and she put her hand on my thigh. "What will your husband say about that, you rubbing my leg?"

"We have an open marriage. If I see someone I like, so be it. Want to go over to the motel and talk awhile?" She said with a smile.

I knew it was wrong but all Alice ever does is accuse me of screwing every woman I see. I did get up and Sarah and I went to the motel. Damn, the sex was good. She gave me a hell of a blow job and I fucked her good. I even took her from behind the second time. She told me if I ever wanted it again to give her a call.

After I left, I began to feel kind of bad. I outright cheated on April and was feeling kind of low. When I got home, I walked right past her, went down the basement and slept. I didn't want to see or talk to her. We hardly talked to each other for the next couple of days.

I came home from work and she stopped me in the kitchen. "Did you fuck that slut Sarah the other day?"

"What?" I asked.

"You did, didn't you! Her asshole of a husband came by the house and said he wanted to have sex with me. He said you fucked his wife and that he wanted to try me. I pulled a knife on him and told him if he ever came near me again, I'd cut off his dick. Why the hell did you fuck that slut? How many times have you been with her?"

I knew I couldn't lie to her. "Yeah, I had sex with her. You said you never wanted anything to do with me and I was really mad so I had sex with her. It was the only time. You kept accusing me of having sex with everyone, which I didn't. So, I just said hell with it and did it. You want me to leave. I'll go live with my parents."

"No, you can live here. We have three kids together and they need their father. Sexually I want nothing to do with you. We can continue doing things as a family but I want nothing to do with you. I'll be your wife but nothing sexual."

The kids came in and asked me to go out and play catch with them, which I did. I had the greatest kids you could ask for. It was their mother that was always the one to raise them correctly. She did everything with the kids. Most mothers are glad to see their kids go back to school in the fall. April cried when they went back, she wanted them at home with her.

Life went on and we were a family. We went to all the kid's games. The girls played volleyball and softball; they were also in the band. My son played every sport he could. He was a standout in baseball and the quarterback on the football team. He even tried wrestling and basketball. Damn, he was a good athlete. We did our best to go to all their activities that we could. We didn't miss many only when they had games at the same time.

Our family life was great but our sex life was next to nil. We did have sex maybe once every three or four months. It was only after we went to a wedding or a big holiday party. If she drank too much, she would get horny and we would have sex. She would even let me eat her out and then we would have sex. Hell, she even let me kiss her. I was happy when she got drunk. The following day everything went back to normal. She always said she didn't want to talk about it.

I thought many times over the years about getting a divorce but I really loved her and it was my fault she didn't trust me. Besides I wanted to see my kids on a regular basis.

We took our kids everywhere when they were growing up. They loved Cedar Point Amusement Park at Sandusky, Ohio about an hour west of Cleveland and Kings Island Theme Park, 20 minutes Northeast of Cincinnati, Ohio. We went to one or the other every year. We also took the kids to the Columbus Zoo and Newport Aquarium in Kentucky most every year. April and I rarely went anywhere on our own.

We lived in Coshocton county which in the middle of the state about 90 miles east of Columbus. We could go to all the larger cities within a couple of hours, even Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.

After our kids grew up and left our home I moved into a bedroom of my own. I would wake up all the time and didn't want to bother April. One day I was watching porn on the computer and was masturbating when she walked in. She called me a pervert and asked me what was wrong with me.

I told her that I didn't want to cheat on her and that didn't leave me a lot of choices. She never bothered me when I was on the computer after that.

After our kids were married April would always baby sit for them. She really loved being a grandmother. She joined a couple of card clubs and went out with the women about once a month. I golfed with the guys and we all went out for a few beers afterwards. I did my best not to flirt with anyone. I pretty much learned my lesson.

I should mention that April was always one beautiful woman. All my friends and neighbors have always told me what a wonderful and good-looking wife I had. They also complemented her on what a good cook she was. It was true, she was a hell of a great cook. She told me that her secret ingredient was she always put love in her cooking. I know it was true. When we both made a sandwich using the same ingredients her sandwich always tasted better.

One week she told me she was going out with the card club girls and they were spending the night because they were going to Columbus and they would be drinking. She would be home around noon on Saturday. She had been with these card club girls for over eight years. I knew them all and their husbands and ex-husbands.

She told me she was staying at the Holiday Inn and gave me her room number. I have always trusted her and don't feel she has ever lied to me. There are eight women in her card club. She said her roommate was Martha who was a divorced friend. She looked dressed to kill when she left the house. I have to say it bothered me with her looking so good.

I just had this bad feeling when Marge stopped by to pick April up. I did something that I have never done before. I drove to Columbus an hour or so later to see what was going on. It was an hour and a half drive there. When I got there, I had to kind of hide since all the ladies knew me. I doubt I could explain why I was there. I looked at the billboard outside and saw they had an all-male review. April was the nicest looking woman in the group. I found out the show was two hours long so I went down to the sports bar and had a couple of drinks and ordered something to eat.

I watched the ball game on the screen until it was time for me to leave. When I got back the show had just ended. Some of the women were headed up the elevators to their room. I stood back and didn't see April or Marge. I then saw them both getting in the elevator along with three guys.

I couldn't believe my April would do such a thing. I just couldn't believe it. She did look a little drunk, but she was always a happy drunk and also a horny one. I went to the reservation desk and told them I misplaced my key-card. I showed them my driver's license and gave them five dollars for a new card. I waited ten minutes and went up to April's room and hoped that I was wrong.

I opened the door and April was in the first bed naked with one man fucking her and was giving the other a blow job. Something she only did for me twice in our married life. I saw another young man fucking the hell out of Marge.

The guy getting the blow job looked at me and asked what the hell I wanted. April who was three sheets to the wind looked up at me and said, "Jerry, what are you doing here?"

I looked away without saying a word and shut the door. I had no idea what went on after I left. I drove home and tried to get some sleep. I got up in the morning and had some spam and eggs with toast. Around noon April came home and the first thing she said was "I'm sorry. I had to much to drink and you know how I get."

I looked at her and said, "I want a divorce." I spent the last twelve years of my life living with you because I love you but still I did once have sex with Sarah. I regretted it and spent the last twelve years trying to make it up to you. When it came to sex you wanted nothing to do with me but I find you taking on two guys at once. When was the last time we had oral sex?"

"We already sleep in separate beds. I'll start looking for an apartment tomorrow. Until I find a place, I'm sure we can get along. You don't need to do anything for me. I want you to know that I really have always loved you but I can't forgive you just like you couldn't forgive me. Tell the kids whatever you want."

"Jerry, this is the first time,,,"

"I don't want to hear it. I don't know if I could believe you anymore. Seeing you with those men was the worst day of my life. It's something I'll never forget."

I found a one bedroom apartment three days later. I talked to a lawyer and started a divorce stating irreconcilable differences. Time will tell how the rest of my life goes.

* * * * * *

Author's Note

Thank you for reading my story

Comments are welcome

I'm considering a second chapter on the aftermath after applying for the divorce, no promises. Sort of depends on you, my reader's and what you have to say.

With respect


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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Chapter 1 was kinda boring. And I do not believe that two young people would live together for 12 years, and be ok with no sex. The story so far, has not been believable. Let’s see if you are able to save it, in the next chapter....

dgfergiedgfergie8 months ago

Not a bad story. Pretty much every person's story when they get married young. Working hard and struggling with bills and babies. Flirting is being kind of disrespectful to your partner. Marriage is a partnership. You don't do things without your partner. Going out with the guys or her going out with the girls is not conducive to a good relationship. A good marriage requires good communication, obviously this story points out the lack of that. I agree that a sequel might be good.

someoneothersomeoneother9 months ago

If she was specially dressed up, it was with the intention of seducing during the trip. She was not drunk when she did that.

premshankerpremshanker9 months ago

April making Jerry "April Fool"

?? First time with 'two' Guy, unbelievable !

Darkness86Darkness8610 months ago

2 things Jerry did wrong having a vasectomy at a young age he should've just wore condoms and continued to flirt that was stupid just asking for trouble

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