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It's The Way You Look At Me Ch. 06

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Prom weekend.
12.4k words

Part 6 of the 15 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 02/09/2015
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"Where is Jamie today?" Jordan asked as we sat at the lunch table and ate.

"Senioritis," I sighed. "She skipped today."

"Wow," he smiled. "I wouldn't expect her to do that."

"We only have a week left before school is over," I offered. "It ain't like we are going to learn anything in that short amount of time anyway."

"Which is why we should skip tomorrow and hit the beach or something and get our drink on," Jordan smiled.

"Yeah," I smiled. "You think?"

"Fuck yeah," he cheered. "Come on Owen, grow a pair."

"Tomorrow's Saturday you dumbass," I chuckled.

"Well fuck," he laughed. "Maybe Monday then?"

"Let's see how much trouble we get into over the weekend before I make my decision," I offered.

"What could possibly go wrong over the weekend?" he asked with his shit eating grin.

I didn't even answer him. I just chuckled again before taking another bite of food. There was an endless amount of trouble we could get into this weekend. Tonight was just the beginning of a two day adventure. I don't know how Jamie talked me into it but I had agreed to dance with her on stage at her final dance recital of the spring. It was just her and I doing some form of the tango that she had thought up in her mind and put it into action. Dancing wasn't my thing, but if it made her smile I would try it out.

After that we were going out on the boat to do some bow fishing with Jordan and Kelly. There would be drinking of course, that was a given. We would get in late then sober up during the day before we headed off to prom. It was the final big, unsupervised, event before graduation. We knew we weren't going to do much drinking at the graduation party since all the parents would be around. Prom was the last big thing we would do together before I left for State in a few weeks. I wanted to be there to learn and maybe have a chance at getting the starting spot.

There was a slim possibility that I could get the job as a true freshman. The senior was graduating and the next in line was a sophomore. That, at least, left the door unlocked for me to try and get it. The more time I spent there with the team the better off I was or so I thought. It would mean leaving Jamie sooner than I wanted to but she said she would get up there and see me through most of July so I wasn't concerned about it.

My thoughts were broken as Courtney circled around the table and pulled out the empty chair right next to me. She sat down with a plop and hissed to herself before looking at her phone. I glanced over at her then back to Jordan. He gave his crooked smile before he shrugged and picked up his fork to shovel another bite into his mouth. I knew he wasn't going to be any help but a guy could hope.

I glanced back at Courtney as she rested her chin in her hands and stared off into space. I knew she wanted something and was waiting for me to start the conversation. It was probably another, whoa as me, pity party conversation but I knew I couldn't avoid it forever. She had been playing this game since we broke up. I tried my best to avoid them but I somehow got wrapped up in them all the time.

"What's wrong Court? What's going on?"

"Oh nothing," she sighed.

"Oh," I said. I turned back to Jordan. "Are you going to put the boat in the water before or after the show?"

"I was thinking after," he said. "I don't want to leave it down there."

"Owen?" Courtney interrupted.

"Yes?" I said slowly and turned her way.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "That's a pretty wide open question. You might want to narrow it down."

"I haven't been asked to prom," she said.

"Really?" I asked rather stunned that she hadn't.

"Don't act so shocked," she hissed.

"I'm being honest when I say that Court," I quipped.

"Oh," she said quickly. "Sorry. I thought you were being sarcastic."

"Do you want to see if I can get somebody to take you?" I asked. "I don't think Mack has a date yet."

"Can you maybe take me?" she asked sweetly.

"I'm already going with Jamie."

"Figures," she huffed.

"I figured you would have been taken so I asked her," I said, trying to soften her up some.

"Well, I haven't been asked yet."

"So, what about Mack? Do you want me to drop the hint to him?"

"No thanks," she sighed.

"What about Bobby then?" I offered.

"He's going with Trish," she countered.

"Not anymore. They broke up."

"When did that happen?"

"Like last week," Jordan chinned in now. "Have you been living under a rock since then?"

"No asshole," she barked. "I haven't. I've been busy with studying for my finals so I can try to get into a good school. I don't have it easy like you two."

"Maybe that's why nobody has asked you yet," Jordan shot back. "The way you act turns people off."

"Fuck you," she hissed.

"Stop," I barked. "Both of you."

"He started it."

"I don't care who started it," I hissed. "Stop."

"Do you think you could take both of us?" she asked now.

"It wouldn't be fair to Jamie. I'm taking her."

"Fine," she said defeated.

"Go alone and pick somebody up while you are there," I suggested. "It won't be as bad as you think."

"Yeah right," she sighed. "I don't know why you just can't take us both."

"Hello?" I cried. "Do you not remember why we broke up? You don't like Jamie. I'm not being put in the middle of a cat fight all night long. No way, not going to happen."

"Fine," she hissed again. "See you later and thanks for nothing."

"No problem," I said.

She pushed herself away from the table and stomped off. Jordan started laughing to himself as she stormed away.

"What the hell are you laughing at asshole?" I joked.

"You sure do know how to squash them," he chuckled.

"I can take her if you would like," I teased. "She would love to make your night just as miserable as hers."

"No thanks," he laughed still. "You keep right on squashing."

"Then shut the hell up and quit laughing."


"You ready?" Jamie asked.

"There's no turning back now," I smiled. "It's pretty hard to do a dance without a partner."

"True," she smiled back at me.

We stood there and waited behind the big curtain on the stage. It was probably the most nervous I had been in my life. I was not a dancer by any stretch of the imagination. A month and a half of practice had changed that very little. I knew the steps and could move but it wasn't something that was natural to me. Jamie was a natural at it and moved so elegantly on the floor. She had done this for years so it was easy for her. I was athletic, that was my only saving grace. I could move my feet and follow some simple instructions so I had improved a lot but I wasn't going to get a call from the ballet anytime soon.

I looked down at her as the lights dimmed. It was just about time. She smiled up at me again. Her perfect lips were covered in a deep red lipstick. It was probably the only time I had ever seen her wear makeup. I couldn't help but lean down and kiss her on the mouth. One deep and soft kiss before I pulled back and held her like I was supposed to before the music started. She giggled a little then wiped my lips so I wouldn't have red stuck to my lips.

"Red isn't a good color on you," she smiled.

"I suppose not," I chuckled.

The curtain flew open as the stage lights turned on and showed us standing there. I took one last breath to calm my nerves before the music started. I could hear the guys hooting and hollering just before the music started. I didn't respond. I focused on what I had to do. Three minutes.

We started. I spun her around before running my hands over her body as she stepped around me. I caught her as she spun around before we both moved at the same time. I focused on her and what she was doing. The smile on her face never left as we moved together very closely and pulled off a couple of spins and twists.

Her leg rested against my chest as I ran my hand down her leg to touch her butt. The long dance dress she wore was hanging between her legs and exposed a lot of her skin. I had had my hands on that skin for months now but it still did something to me when I touched it. It sent a wave of excitement through my body before she kicked her leg off and twirled again.

I let her all the way out until my hand caught hers. I pulled her firmly back to me as she twirled around and into my arms. She cupped my face and leaned so close to me now. I could feel her breath against my face before we both twisted away and moved more.

I gave her a soft toss then caught her before we came back together again. We moved across the stage as I let the music remind me of where I was to be going and what was next. Her body pressed up against mine as we twisted away then came back together again. Her hand cupped my face as she smiled up at me before we held hands and moved as one again around the stage.

We were halfway through now. It was going smoothly. I hadn't missed a step but the hard part was coming. We just moved together now, hands all over each other as we danced. It felt so sensual to touch her and move with her this way. I guess that's why they call it the tango.

I twirled her again and caught her before I dipped her. She smiled up at me. Those beautiful blue eyes looked right through me as I brought her up again and put my hands on her hips. Her skin was so alive as my hands slipped under her dress at the hips. That wasn't supposed to happen but we just ignored it for now. We hadn't practiced in what we were going to wear. Her dress was split all the way up to the hips on both sides so it just happened.

I brought her up and held her high in the air. Her pelvis was right in my face as I held her then tossed her into a spin. I caught her just like I was meant to then spun her around again. We twisted away together. Her hands all over my body just like mine were on hers. It didn't feel awkward at all to touch her like this. It was the most natural thing in the world to us right now.

The hard part now. She jumped into my arms with her legs spread wide. My hands caught her thighs and held her above my head. She wasn't hard to lift, it was the spinning with her in my hands that was the hard part. I had dropped her more than once while we were practicing. I hadn't dropped her in a week now. I just had to remember not to spin too fast and get her off balance.

She did the splits above me as I moved us across the floor. I glanced up between her legs to make sure she wasn't off balance. The material pulled tight over her cunny making a defined outline of what I knew was there. I had seen it so many times now but I never got tired of it.

I completed the turns as I moved us across the stage. I pushed hard and tossed her into the air before I caught her. I let her slide down as she curved her body and slipped between my legs perfectly. Just like we had practiced. I held her with my arm around her back. She looked up at me and smiled as her hand ran over my chest. Mine did the same and ran between her breasts to her tummy. She pushed herself between my legs and came out the other side. Wrapped her arms around me and held me before I turned into her again.

I held her tightly and wanted to kiss her now. She smiled before pushing me away teasingly. I caught her again before we both spun around and moved with grace. The hard part was over. We just had to wind the dance down and finish. We moved to the other side of the stage while making perfect steps and running our hands all over each other in the process.

Her leg kicked high into the air to show her flexibility until she stood on one leg. The other rested on my shoulder as I dipped to my knee. Her leg curled over my shoulder as I reached my knee. She was so open now, the dress hung between her legs and covered her but I knew what was there.

We parted as she kicked her leg over my head and got both feet back on the floor. We worked our way to center stage before we both came back together and dipped down again. I was kneeling as she rested her one leg over mine and knelt with me. Her arms were around my shoulders as I held her tightly on her lower back and let her dip down so she could see the crowd.

The music stopped and the crowd cheered as she pulled herself upright and looked at me. Her cheeks were molten as she smiled at me. We were both panting hard from moving so much. I smiled at her as she looked at me.

"Thank you Owen. Thank you so much."

"You were perfect Jamie."

"So were you," she smiled back. It was that big smile that showed her teeth and lit up the room. I loved seeing that smile on her face so this was worth all the teasing and hard work.

She leaned forward and kissed my cheek. "Thank you."

We stood and turned now to face the crowd. They were still cheering as we held hands and bowed for them.

"Owen," Jordan's voice rang out over the crowd.

"Yeah Owen," Bobby called now.

I pointed and smiled for the first time at them. Jamie was giggling her little giggles as she smiled.

"You were awesome Jamie," Jordan called.

We bowed once more before we took off and left the stage.

"Alright," she smiled. "I have to change and get ready for the next one."

"I'll see you after Jamie."

"Thank you Owen," she smiled still. "You don't know how much that meant to me."

"Anything to see you smile like that Jamie. It was well worth the effort."

She kissed me softly before she turned and headed to the dressing room to get changed. I left the area and went off to the side to make my way back to the crowd. I found my seat next to Jordan and Bobby and waited until Jamie came back out with her group and did another dance.

"Are we still going out on the boat tonight?" Jordan asked.

"Uh, yeah," I sighed. "Why wouldn't we?"

"I thought you would be practicing for the next one there twinkle toes."

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed. "Fuck off will you."

He chuckled with me as the curtain opened for the next act. Jamie and her group of girls started moving across the stage doing their dance.


I picked Jamie up at the hotel on the beach where the night would eventually end. She left her car there so we would be able to get home in the morning. She climbed in and buckled up before I took her back to her house.

"You could have taken Courtney instead of me," she said.

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked.

"I don't know," she sighed. "I heard she asked."

"And I said no because I'm taking you."

"You could have taken us both," she said unconvincingly.

"I'm with you," I said.

"I know," she smiled. "But I feel bad for her."

"I kind of do too but this night is about us. She would make things rather difficult."

"What are planning on tonight?" she teased.

"I didn't mean it like that," I sighed. "She would be in a mood because of you and Jordan. Its better this way."

"I know," she giggled.

"So why did you ask?" I chuckled.

"Just thought I would bring it up just in case you didn't want your cousin to be your prom date."

"I wouldn't want it to be with anyone else but you," I said. "I wouldn't be going unless it was with you."

"Ok," she smiled.

"I'll see you in a while," I said as I pulled up.

"Bye," she smiled before slipping out of the truck to go get ready.

I finished fixing my tux as I stood in the bathroom and looked over myself. I looked funny standing there in this. I was more of a t-shirt and blue jeans or board shorts kind of guy. I was a blue collar worker and this suit and tie thing wasn't me. But, this was for Jamie. She had been looking forward to this for about a month now. Taking her to prom was a little victory for us. Sure we wouldn't be making out in front of everybody but we would dance and hold hands and be close all night long in front of everyone. It would make us feel more like a real couple even if it was just for the night. I clicked the light off and headed out to the living room.

"You look good Owen," my dad offered.

"Thanks I guess. This thing makes me itchy."

He chuckled. "I ain't one for the monkey suits either. But it's going to make Jamie happy for you to take her. I still can't believe she didn't get asked."

"High standards," I lied knowing the real truth.

"How did you manage to pass then?" he chuckled.

"Beats the hell out of me," I laughed.

"Listen," he started. "I know I don't really have to tell you this but I'm still going to. If you should happen to find a girl tonight, make sure you're safe."

"Ah geez dad," I sighed.

"I know," he said embarrassed he had to make the comment. Mom would have been the one giving me this talk. "I just have to say it, you know?"

"You're a little late for this talk anyway," I said.

"I'm not blind Owen," he sighed. "I know. Just be safe."

"I always am."

"Anyway," he continued. "Make sure you keep Jamie safe and out of trouble. And try not to drink too much."

"Who says we are going to drink?" I asked.

"I'm missing a jar of fireball," he chuckled. "I'm pretty sure I know who has it."

"Do you want it back?" I relented.

"No," he smiled. "Just don't drink it before the prom. Save it for the after party so you don't get into trouble."

"Yes sir," I smiled.

"I'm proud of you son," he smiled back.

"Thanks dad," I said.

He hugged me lightly then patted me on the back. I headed for the door and out to the limo that had just pulled up. I climbed inside and sat there alone as it headed over to pick Jamie up next.

I climbed out when he stopped and headed for the door. I knocked and waited until Uncle Buck opened the door and let me inside.

"You look good tonight Owen," he said.

"I'm all itchy," I said.

"I know," he laughed. "Dressing up isn't my thing either."

"It will make Jamie happy though," I offered.

"It will. Listen, take care of her tonight and keep her out of trouble."

"I will, you know that."

"I know," he smiled. "I just have to say it. It's my job I guess."

We both turned as Jamie walked into the living room. My jaw dropped as she smiled when she saw my reaction. She was a little untraditional in her red dress. It stopped around her shins so it showed some leg. It was a single strap over her shoulder giving some cleavage. Her hair was up and perfect along with her makeup. Deep red lipstick covered those lips I loved to kiss so much. Little pearl earrings hung on her ears. Her heels clicked on the tile as she continued walking towards us both.

"Wow," was all I could offer.

"Thank you," she smiled.

I held my arm out and waited for her to take it.

"You kids have fun and be safe," Uncle Buck reminded us.

"Yes sir," I said.

I walked her out the door.

"You look stunning," I said.

"Thank you," she smiled.

The driver opened the door and waited for us to get inside. We got situated as he got back into the cab and headed to get Jordan and Kelly. We pulled up a few minutes later to them standing on the porch waiting. I climbed out and met him at the door.

"What up dude?" he cheered.

"You look good," I commented.

"I know," he laughed.

I gave him a half hug before I let him climb inside. I could hear him telling Jamie she looked good as I hugged Kelly and said about the same thing. We got into the cab and headed to get Bobby. He was flying solo and didn't seem to mind it at all. Then we stopped to get Shane and Mia. Then it was over to get Wade and his girl. The last stop was to get Scottie and his date. Then it was off to the prom sight.

I broke out the jar and passed it around. Everyone took a drink before I twisted the top back on and set it on the seat.

"To tonight," Jordan said as we pulled up. "Let the memories of tonight last us a lifetime."

"One last who rah," I cheered.

The door opened as the driver waited for us to get out. We all climbed out and headed to the door. The photographer took our picture as we stood in a group and smiled. After that we headed inside and checked the place out.

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