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J & J in Vegas

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Busty Juanita meets Mr. J.
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Juanita was freshly divorced and overwhelmed with rebuilding her life. Her friend Helen called her on a Thursday to tell Juanita that she'd booked a suite for them in Vegas for the weekend and to meet her there Friday afternoon. Juanita was hesitant. She didn't gamble, she hated empty, flashy shows, what was she going to do in Vegas – with Helen of all people?! She and Helen were not close, they didn't even have anything in common except some distant mutual friends. Oh, well, it's paid for...that's very generous. A weekend away may not be a bad idea...

Juanita is 35, a sociology professor, brown-skinned, medium build, great legs, shapely hips and a tiny waist. Her greatest assets, though were her warm, giant smile and her utterly enormous, 100 % natural, genetically generated breasts. She wore a 34HH. It's hard to explain HH. First, a quick lesson in bra sizes: The number is the size of the back and rib cage, the letter is the cup. 34" is about average. HH is way bigger than average. Get the picture?

Girlfriend was sporting some monster globes. And they were firm too. She always kept them hiked up as high as she could to prevent sag and to keep the damn things out of her way. Often she would stuff them into size G demi bra and they would puff out the top like unruly bread dough. Her areolas were the size of coke cans and when she was turned on, her sensitive nipples protruded like angry gumdrops protesting the confines of the fabric, often creating tares in her expensive undergarments where her nipples had pushed their escape. She went out of her way to find pretty bras too – which is really hard if your tits are that big. Ugly underwear is depressing, she always said. She ordered surprisingly delicate sexy shear lacey things from England with tiny matching panties. Often she's have to order them too small because they just don't make the cute bras that big.

Her style was fairly elegant, but most of the time she wore very low cut tops, not so much to attract any one, but more because the open neck actually made them look smaller. The tops were tight to show off her waist – loose tops made her look dumpy and pregnant. But people were always getting mad at her for showing off her glorious mammeries. They would tell her to cover up, give her dirty looks like she did something wrong. Most women hated her and would openly say so, most men just gawked without saying anything at all. She got so used to the gawking, she'd stopped noticing it. The same way someone with a birth defect get used to people staring rudely. Men didn't hit on her, they'd just stare. So she was rather shy and never dated much. Her now ex-husband was the first man she'd met that would have a real conversation with her. That's why she married him. But that's over now.

Juanita said yes and decided to go to Vegas, if it got to annoying, she could always go hike in the desert or something...or something... She got to the airport late. It being Southwest Airlines, she knew that she was doomed to a crappy seat. She preferred the window, but that wasn't going to happen. Thank goodness the flight was only an hour. Shuffling onto the plane, holding her overnight bag in front of her, she scanned for decent seats and empty overhead bins. At last, she found a bin and was reaching up to cram her bag inside it when she was shoved from behind by someone. Juanita lost her balance and fell forward with her chest right in the face of a man with an isle seat playing with his ipod.

"Hello!" he said, as he looked into her cleavage then her eyes and smiled. Embarrassed, she didn't notice his flirtation, just the empty seat next to him by the window. She never met anyone on planes except old women with a string of health issues or sticky children. He noticed the embarrassment and the question on her face.

"Yes, it's open, " he said. She nodded, and slid over him. He did not move to make it easy for her. For some reason, she turned her back to him and crawled over with her lovely round ass in his face. He did not mind and she did not notice. Juanita sat down with a thud causing her tits to wobble in her v-neck as she awkwardly searched around for the seatbelt. The man just watched her, enjoying the scene and her ignorance of his enjoyment. She really was focused rather intently on settling into her seat, buckling up, pulling a book out of her jacket pocket, checking the emergency card in the seat pocket. At last, she sat still, with her head back, eyes closed, chest heaving. The man really wanted to just lean over, pull out one of those sweater puppies, and suck the hell out of it. His penis stirred as he thought of it. He went back to playing with his ipod to take his mind off them.

The plane took off and he had to put his ipod away. Juanita opened her eyes and started to read her book.

"What are you reading?" he asked. She looked a little startled, she wasn't used to men talking to her at all.

"Oh, I'm just re reading this book by Jung about synchronicity..." she said more to the book than to him.

"I'm J," he said smiling.

She turned her head slightly, sheepishly saying,"Juanita."

J managed to catch her eye in that moment. Beautiful chocolate brown eyes with a depth that almost scared him. She closed her book and looked more carefully into his dazzling baby blues. His eyes were almost crystalline in nature, sparkling, refracting and emitting light beneath his thick, floppy dark hair. She almost lost her breath for a second.

Juanita and J chatted like old friends the entire flight, gazing into each other's eyes, lost. When the plane landed, J offered to carry Juanita's bag to her hotel for her. He'd arranged for his bags to be sent ahead to his hotel already. She still had no concept of his intentions, she just thought he was being nice. She was innocent in many ways, having been married young, and didn't question the idea of a strange man taking her to her hotel, besides, Helen should be there...

They arrived at her hotel and she checked in. Helen had not yet arrived. Juanita stood puzzled for a moment until J suggested that they take her bags up to the room and then get some lunch. Sounded like a good idea to her. She watched him pick up her bag from the floor in the hotel lobby. He was about 6'4", his broad shoulders and thickly muscled arms moved enticingly under his t-shirt. His back was to her and as he bent slightly, she mentally noted his butt – surprisingly pert and ample for a white guy...hmm. She raised and eyebrow, skipped up next to him and pushed the elevator button.

In the elevator, gazing into her eyes, J simply couldn't help himself any longer. Her full soft lips were just too tempting. He dropped her bag on the floor, took her by the waist in his big manly arms and kissed her, softly ant first but then, as sensation built within his being, more passionately with hunger and fire. He'd never felt like this kissing a woman before. He wanted her whole being to mesh with his. Time stopped. Her body went limp with the escape of her breath at his embrace. She held herself as close to him as she could, almost as if she wanted to go through him. Her body shook under his kiss. He pulled back, concerned but saw her eyes closed and her chest heaving with gasps as she shook.

"Are He whispered, tentatively. All Juanita could do was nod her head as her body washed with wave after wave of pleasure, panties soaked, nipples straining for freedom. His dick got super hard as he watched her cum just from his kiss. This was going to be a great afternoon, he thought, and kissed her again. This time she returned the gesture with such force and emotion, he almost fell back him self. He adjusted his stance, his legs spread wide so he wouldn't have to bend so much to kiss her. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and he sucked it fiercely like it was sustenance. Oh, he could not wait to get to those crazy nipples slicing across his chest with her breath!

They switched, she sucked his tongue like it was his cock and she could get life from it. It sent him reeling, head spinning, precum eeking into his underpants. Then she came again, moaning audibly this time, convulsing so hard he could barely hold her. He couldn't help himself. J reached into the V of Juanita's top and pulled out one of those massive melons that had held his interest all day. His erection increased a he released the firm yet soft all natural female gland form its casing. It was the most marvelous thing he had ever seen. He mauled it with his had, awestruck. He pushed it around with the heal of his hand and watching that mad nipple dance atop the magical mound.

"Jesus," he uttered, as he opened his mouth to suck the mighty nub. As his lips closed around it and his tongue lashed it from with in, Juanita issued a mighty moan, pushing the titflesh further into his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down, pulling the nipple with his teeth, tongue teasing it as he went. She swooned and cried and moaned.

"Yessssss," she hissed, as the elevator doors slid open at her floor. There was a couple standing in front waiting to board the elevator. J quickly turned Juanita toward him, shoved her teased out boob back its prison, picked up her bag, and shuffled her off of the elevator.

Juanita was dizzy and embarrassed. She didn't know whether to sock him or invite him in. They got to her door, she fumbled with the key card. She'd lost all dexterity and rationale. Gently, J took the card from her fidgety fingers and opened the door. What a gorgeous suite! Who knew Helen had such great taste! Two king sized beds, mini bar, plasma TV, fabulous view of the strip, and right there, in the middle of the room, the biggest hot tub either of them had ever seen. She just stood there, still reeling form the elevator activity. J was very clear about what to do next. He put the bag on the bed and opened the faucets in the tub. Hmmm, she thought.

J turned to look at her, all brown and buoyant and curvy, she looked like a fresh baked dessert sculptured into the perfect feminine form. At least his brand of perfect, big tits round hips, thick thighs and a tiny waist, not skinny at all. The tits were insane, he thought, well, they certainly made him insane! He couldn't wait to see her naked but she seemed kind of shy and rather passive – but not reluctant...

He checked the tub water temperature, a little hot, but wasn't it supposed to be? He pushed a button and turned on the jets. The water swirled as the level rose. Juanita stood and stared. Part of her knew what was happening and part of her decided that this wasn't what was happening. She was paralyzed by fear and excitement. Her breathing grew shallow and that giant chest began to heave. J had to do something.

J walked over to the panic stricken Juanita, caught her eyes in his, stroked her face gently, saying, "I won't hurt you promise," all low and quiet in her ear, melting her soul, just before he softly kissed her trembling lips. He pulled back just long enough to remove his t-shirt displaying his broad, chiseled torso for her eagerly roaming eyes.

"Okay," she whispered.

So he walked forward, again catching her gaze in his, curling his fingers under the hem of her shirt and pulling it off over her head.

"Oh, Gosh!" he exclaimed almost embarrassed at his use of such a juvenile term. It was all he could say, awestruck and humbled by the glorious vision of her buoyant brown HH's crammed inside a dainty, shear pink demi bra shredded in the center of each cup by her nutty nipples. All of this off set by that teeny tiny waist and the inviting flare of her hips. How did she hold all that up? He wondered. He fell to his knees in worship.

"My God, Juanita, you're so beautiful!" his mouth was dry yet salivating at the same time. His dick hurt with arousal. She smiled shyly, having never seen such a display by a man, having never actually been told she was beautiful, she managed to eeek out an almost inaudible thank you. She was so very turned on buy all of this, her breasts swelled in the too-small bra, her panties could've been wrung out they were so wet. She was still paralyzed, this was so beyond her realm of experience. J managed to pry himself up enough to walk on his knees back toward her. He ran his hands along her waist, feeling the delectable curve of her body, "goshhhhh" he uttered again.

He held his face to her hips breathing in her scent. Mmmm, he said, pulling his face away and looking up at her. She met his eyes with hers again and nodded subtlety at his hands on her waistband. He ran his hands along her waist and hips one more time. "Oh, gosh," he whispered again and unbuttoned her jeans, smelling her arousal, slowly pulled down the zipper and pealing the fabric from around her, sliding down to her ankles and lifting her shod feet, one by one out of the garment entirely.

There she stood, gasping and oozing feminine juices, in a tiny pink bra and panty set and simple black pumps. J tossed the clothing aside and fell back again. He could not believe this goddess was standing shyly in front of him. This certainly was not on his conference itinerary this morning! " Gosh, oh gosh," he kept uttering. He caressed her calf, the skin so incredibly soft and smooth the muscle so firm and strong. She shuddered at his touch, watching him intently. This beautiful man in worship of her passive form, she never in a million years thought this would happen to her. Thank goodness Helen isn't here yet!

J kissed Juanita's calf, her skin smelled like coconut and flowers. Gingerly, he stuck out the tip of his tongue to taste the skin, he ran it from her thin ankle up her calf around the thick, toned thigh, caressing the other leg with his hand as he rose up her body, cupping her backside in his hands and giving each firm, generous cheek a squeeze, as he sniffed her sopping panties with his nose. She opened her legs wider for both her stability and his access. He took the hint and tore the tiny panties off with his teeth in a single gesture, tossing them aside like trash. She was shocked and so turned on he could see the moisture flowing out of her deliciously clean, freshly waxed pussy.

"Juanita, you're incredible," he whispered into her cooch as he prod her growing clit with his nose, sucking her scent into his nostrils. Oh, how his dick ached for her! He took his tongue and vibrated it upon her clit like it was electric. She screamed and released more juice, he pressed her inner thigh just enough to coax her to open wider. She was losing her balance and, after widening her stance, leaned forward to support her self with her hands on his back. "OOOOOHHHHHH!" she cried in a deep voice that came from the core of her being. J was fucking her hole with his tongue, vigorously rubbing her clit with his thumb and lapping up as much girl jiz as he could get. She rocked her hips, bending her knees to get more of his face inside of her.

"Oh – OOH! – OH MY GOD!" she bellowed and she shook and oozed and screamed, cummung so hard that she collapsed forward, her writhing torso resting upon his back scraping his dorsal skin with those nugget nipples of hers. J had to get his dick out of his pants soon, but holy shit, she tasted so damn good!

At last, he pried himself away from her succulent nether regions, guiding her on to her knees to face him. Her eyes were glazed over with lust and wonder. He kissed her, she tasted herself in his mouth but didn't care. They ran their hands around each other's bodied fast, gentle and hungry. J's dick was about to rip a hole in his pants, sticky from precum. "Shall we, get in the tub?" he whispered. Dazed she nodded and they helped each other stand up and walk across the room to the now overflowing tub.

J turned off the water and guided Juanita into the warm water. It felt nice around her body, hot, swirly and soothing. She stepped in and stood in the center, water swirling round her hips like some ethereal diaphanous skirt. J smiled into her eyes, this time he nodded at her, indicating that she should sit down. She did, her boobs resting atop the water's skin, floating and bobbing in the whirlpool. J marveled for a moment then quietly said, "ready?" She held his gaze an nodded again, unclear of what she should be ready for but she knew she wanted it.

He stood at the edge of the tub and motioned to her to come forward. She did, looking up at him knowing what was to happen but waiting for his gentile permission. He lowered his eyes indicating his belt. She rose out of the water, droplets falling from her body like enchanted rain. She slowly opened his buckle, pretending not to notice the protrusion beckoning from his pants. She opened his belt and dropped his trousers and underpants in one fluid motion. His monumental, thick mushroom head cock sprung forward almost hitting her in the chin. It stood straight out like a flag pole. Certainly, it was much huger than her ex-husband's by a mile. It was now Juanita's turn to be awestricken.

"It's gorgeous," she whispered, wrapping her long, thin fingers around it. She had fairly large hands and could not close her fingers around it. Tentatively, she kissed the tip. It swelled slightly at the touch. She ran her hand up and down the shaft, wondering at the size and the softness of the skin.

"My goodness, my goodness" she kept saying. Never in her life had she seen such a thing, must have been as long as a baby's arm at least! It was a limb unto itself and her pussy pulsated at the thought of mounting it. She opened her mouth a bit. J watched, loving the way her mouth looked as it considered a method to navigate his member. She sucked the tip a moment slipping the tip of her tongue inside his pee hole and teasing it a little. He watched, enjoying the look of her lips as they slid further down the shaft. It twitched as her tongue slid all over the shaft and head inside her mouth washing it with saliva and sensation. He groaned audibly as she finagled more of him into herself. She started to move back and forth on the shaft, her hands found his heavy balls and danced them in her delicate fingers.

Sweat poured down his chest. He threw his head back. She took more of him in, the head now braced against the back of her throat as she worked her muscles to relax and take more of him in. He could feel it opening and closing, he could see her concentration, the cum boiling in his balls started to rise, his breathing got shallow, the shaft thicker, widening her jaw. He moaned and touched her hair. Then, in one motion, she managed to both clamp his cock and balls with her hand to stop the cum and cram his whole cock down her throat at the same time.

"Juanita!" he howled.

She pulled her face away quickly, dropped his cock entirely, looked up, concerned saying, "What? Did I hurt you?"

"Oh Shit!" he said, "no, no baby, it was amazing." She still looked worried. He stepped into the tub and stroked her face, quietly saying, "no, no baby, you're incredible..."

He kissed her mouth softly. She kissed back, taking his tongue with hers and dancing inside their mouths. Soft, sweet tender and hungry, His dick went straight up and plastered itself against his stomach, she stroked it.

"You like it?" he asked. She nodded.

"It really likes you." He lifted one of her floating tits out of the water, squeezing it, pinching the crazy nipple.

She gasped and whispered, "pull it." He did. He tugged that nipple hard, he twisted and teased it and she started to cum. J could not believe the sensitivity of this girl. He took the other nipple between his fingers and did the same twisting and pulling on both her teats like something would come out of them.

"Oh god, oh god, ho god, Yes!" She wailed. He watched cumming hard from a tit pull – this is fantastic, he thought, scooping a massive melon into his mouth and sucking as hard as he could.


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