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Bring on the twin story.
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They'd always been close I mean they were born from the same womb. Beautiful blonde and nineteen, James and Kelly were a joy to look at. They were also a joy to be around. Wicked smart with a witty cynical sort of humor. Most of the time they spent together they were laughing, and if someone happened to be with them they'd only get about half the jokes. Maybe it was a twin thing, maybe they were just so used to being around each other, but their closeness was intoxicating.

They were both back home from their first year away at college. Kelly went to State, and James went to U of M. It was winter break, and the snow fell so thickly there was no option but to be inside and stay warm. But they had each other's company and that was enough.

"You want to play some super Nintendo?" James asks.

"Sure, as long as it's Donkey Kong, and I can be Diddy."

Chuckling, James agrees, "I get to play the mine cart level then."

They wiled away a couple of hours, until their father came home. He worked a lot, and they paid for school on there own future dime with loans and scholarships. Their mother died when they were 11, a horrible experience that only brought the twins closer together. Their father had checked out though since the night of the car accident. He had lived and she had died, but his spirit had gone with her. He stayed as stable as possible for his children, but they were lucky that they had one another for support.

Dinner was a quiet affair, apart from the inside jokes and funny faces from James and Kelly, causing their father to crack a couple rare smiles. After dishes, he stretched and announced he was going to sleep for a couple hours before his next shift at the hospital.

"K, goodnight Dad, Kelly and I might go out tonight for a bit, so sleep well and have a good night at work."

Kelly got up and hugged him, "Love you Dad."

After he went to bed the twins shared a look of concern, followed by a look of resignation. This was how it would always be.

Kelly shrugged, "Lets get fucked up."

"Ha-ha, sounds magnificent. This winter is extreme, I'm starting to understand what seasonal affected disorder feels like."

The twins split a bottle of wine, and decided to put on some snow pants and go outside and smoke a joint plopped in their snow chairs.

As they settled in and looked at the stars, their laughter died down.

"So meet any girls at school?"

"A few, mostly drunken lays, you?"

"Not any girls no, but enough boys. Think I'm done with the random fucking for a while."

James chuckled but inwardly he was struck. They were older now, and both sexually active, but it still brought a weird feeling to him when she talked so candidly about it. Something almost like jealousy. But he buried it and pretended it didn't exist. It shouldn't. Sure they had that one moment on their 16th birthday, fueled by youth and each other. It was after their shared party, all their friends had gone home, and they were both in the bathroom brushing their teeth. Kelly was finished and looking in the mirror.

"Do you think I'm hot, James?

"Yes." He answered too quickly and their eyes met in the mirror.

For a second they just looked, evaluating their similar good looks.

"So are you, ya know. My friends talk about it all the time."

"Yeah so do mine. Though I got sick of it and told them to shut the fuck up."

"Why? What were they saying?"

"Just shit, Kelly, like you have an awesome body and a face like a movie star. That they want to see your lips around their cocks, and bury their faces in your tits."

Kelly blushed deeply from her brother's words. Through a haze of hormones she asked, "Do you want that?"

James' eyebrows raised and he looked shocked for a second, but felt his dick rising with anticipation and knew if he denied it she would know he was lying. She was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. He didn't know how to tell her how possessive his friends' words had made him feel about her. He just looked at her.

And she looked back. Then their father had stumbled in and said he had to use the bathroom. The moment was broken, and they never talked about it again. Though they both masturbated fiercely when they went to bed that night.

Kelly was thinking about this now too, again probably a twin thing. A pulse shot through her clit, and she closed her eyes, emerging into the feeling she had had that night. When she opened them James was looking at her.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"It'll cost you a lot more than that."

James laughed and threw snow at her. They started to fight in the snow, both internally aware that this was the only appropriate way they were allowed to touch each other. But as they rolled around shoving snow into faces, and trying to stay on top, they looked less like brother and sister. Kelly managed to poke her brother's stomach and pushed him off her, as he rolled on his back he pulled him with her. She could feel his strength. Spread legs, she pushed herself against him, and even through their snow pants she felt his hardness firm against her clit. They both stopped moving, hell stopped breathing. James had his mouth slightly open, and Kelly looked right into his eyes as she ground herself against him once more, hard and slow. Then she got up. He looked disappointed then followed her cue. Then he bent down grabbed some snow and put it down the back of her pants.

"Ahh, you asshole," she screamed, laughing. She fell to her knees and made a snowball to throw in his face. This continued until they were both starting to feel numb.

"How bout a hot tub?" James asked, at first only thinking about the warmth.

"That's a fucking perfect idea, my orifices are all freezing up."

"I bet I know one that isn't"

"Ha-ha, you would know huh?"

Again they both just looked at each other, daring and hoping that the other would speak for them.

Kelly broke first, " I'm gonna go get my suit on then, Ill meet you out there."

As she went inside, her whole vagina was throbbing from his stare. What the hell were they doing? She peeked inside her father's room and saw that he was gone; they'd been out there for a long time. He wont be here to stop it. She had fantasized about her twin, but that wasn't real life. As her mind scolded her, her body urged her on. He wont be here to stop it. She quickly changed into her most revealing bikini, blood red with black trim, showing off her ample breast and tan body. Her long golden hair shined from the moonlight coming in from the window. She grabbed a towel and went out to the back deck. James was there pouring wine into their glasses. As he heard her shut the sliding door he turned around, smiling. His smile faltered a bit when he saw her. It turned into a look of awe. Again they stared at one another, but not into their eyes. Their hungry eyes took in the others' body.

Her brother was as tan as she was, and in fit condition, his muscles were perfectly toned without being obtuse. He looked like a Greek god, standing their admiring her, his green eyes flashing.

She shivered, only partly from the cold, and got into the hot tub. James had already opened it, he handed her the wine and got in after her. They sat back, sighed, and relaxed. Enjoying the hot water mixed with the cold winter air. It had stopped snowing and there were no clouds in the sky now at all.

"Nothing beats a winter sky. Its like the cold creates a clarity the summer can't match."

Kelly agreed, and as they sipped their wine they shared some small talk and let the hot water soothe their bodies.

James cleared his throat, "Listen Kel about earlier..."

She looked weary, afraid of what he was going to say next.

"I can't lie to you, and you can't lie to me."

He was going to say more but she interrupted him, "Will you give me a back massage? Ill give you one after?"

He sighed, and then said. "Absolutely, I could use it, schools been stressful. Come on over here."

She waded over to him, and sat in front of him, in between his legs. He began with her shoulders, kneading his thumbs into her muscles.

"Hmm, that feels great, bro."

He continued, getting more into the feel of her soft skin, wet with the warmth of the hot tub. He worked his was down, moving his hands underneath her suit.

"Here, let me just take it off." Without waiting for a response, she untied her top and let it float away. He swallowed audibly, staring at what he could see. The water splashing around the sides of her breasts. His hands did their work, only now they became more devious; they lingered at her sides, worked lower into her back and down her arms. He put his face near her neck and breathed in the smell of her hair. He gained confidence, and started sneaking his hands around her front, reaching further down her collarbone, tracing the top of her breasts. She started to breath a bit more heavily, and his dick was tenting up his swim trunks.

He took advantage of being able to finally touch her. As he massaged down her front his arms brushed against her nipples, sending shivers up both their spines. She scooted her body against him again, just to feel him poke against her lower back. She reached back and rubbed his thighs as he wrapped his arms around her, just holding her close and breathing her in. Without thinking he kissed her neck. She tilted her head to her side, inviting more. Her hands wandered up and down his thighs. He slowly sucked on her earlobe, and humped himself slowly against her body. She moaned and arched against him.

"Oh James..." She turned around suddenly, and took his hands in hers. "I want this, but it's wrong, but oh god I want this. Maybe we shouldn't be-"

It was his turn to interrupt, and he did so by kissing her with all the passion he'd pent up for her over their lives. She opened her mouth, welcoming him with a fulfilled longing that was overwhelming. As they kissed their bodies fit together, perfectly as they had in the womb together. His hands wandered from her hair to her breasts, finally able to feel their weight in his hands. His thumbs circled her nipples frantically, and her hands wandered closer and closer to his throbbing center. He scooted himself under the water so that her hand slipped and stroked his dick. She gasped and then kissed him more fiercely and began rubbing him through his trunks. He was so overwhelmed by her touch. They were both filled with fervor of erotica. They had both fantasized about this happening since puberty, and now that it had started there was no stopping it.

James broke the kiss to place Kelly on his lap. He trailed his kisses downward, and began to suck slowly on her nipple, relishing the feel of it beneath his tongue. He switched to the other one, and she grinded against his length. Feeling it pulse almost buried inside of her, being stopped by some fabric. He moaned around her nipple, moving his tongue faster. Still holding her, he stood up, pushing himself against her, kissing her deeply. He set her down, jumped out of the hot tub, and turned around to help her out. They both laughed at their eagerness. He carried her inside with the towels. As they reached his bedroom they began to dry each other off, sensually and slowly, wanting to enjoy every second.

James slowly hooked his fingers into her bathing suit bottoms and pulled them down, sitting her down on the bed as he did. She lifted her legs up to allow him to take them completely off. He stared down and his sister's naked body, and it was glorious. He had a raging hard, visible through his swimsuit; he saw her looking at it. He didn't move though, he just wanted to take in the sight of her. She slowly reached up and started to shimmy his trunks down. Standing before her, he grew still with anticipation. As his cock sprang free in front of her face, he felt her breath on it. They were both naked now, him standing and her sitting, staring at one another's bodies.

"Are we really gonna do this?" James asks.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, and no, are you?"

"I don't want to stop."


With that said, she took him into her mouth. The sensation of feeling and seeing his twin sister sucking on his cock was almost too much for James. But he held on and road the wave. He was fascinated by her eagerness, and she was just so fucking good at it. Her tongue twirled around his head with each stroke. He ran his fingers through her golden curls, as she cupped his balls one at a time, then kneading both. Taking all of him into her mouth, so the tip of his dick bumped the back of her throat, and then again. He had to stop her or he was going to cum. He pushed her back on the bed, and spread her legs forcefully.

"I am going to make you cum first, sister. Hard. I want to taste you, and hear you scream my name."

She smiled and closed her eyes as he started trailing kisses from her mouth to her breasts to her bellybutton. Slowly he teased her, kissing her lips then her thighs, her hips started to work their way off the bed.

"Just fucking do it James, god."

He chuckled and delved in. Pursing his lips, he began to suck on her clit. She shouted out when he did, and moved her hips faster. In response he sucked faster, and slid both his thumbs inside her. Wow was she wet. His thumbs slipped right in and he worked them faster, matching his tongue strokes. Kelly was practically convulsing as he went at it. And she was indeed screaming his name. He took his fingers out and went full out on her clit. Focusing and reading her movements, knowing without knowing exactly what she wanted him to do. She was panting and humping his face, as his tongue worked overtime. He started to hum as he went and the vibrations from his lips sent her over.

"Ohmygod, James, don't stop!"

He felt her release, and shake. Watching her cum almost made him cum and he had to steady himself. He wiped his face with the sheets, and kissed her tired lips.

"That was the most beautiful thing, I wish I could have seen your face."

She laughed, and kissed his nose. "It felt fucking incredible." Then she looked at him seriously. She pushed him down on his back and climbed on top of him. Again they made that intense eye contact. Both extremely aware of what was to happen next. She gripped him in her hand, working it up and down his length. Slowly she swirled his head around her clit, moistening it. She eased it down to her entrance, where it was even wetter. When his head was placed right up against her wet opening she removed her hand. They waited, both weighing the gravity of their next action. Still looking fiercely into each other's eyes, they both thrust their hips forward at the same time. His cock slid slowly into his sister, until it was fully inserted. They both rested that way for a second, foreheads touching. Both of them couldn't believe how right it felt, how perfectly they fit together. And then James began to move. Kelly moaned out and matched his movements. They writhed with each other, savoring each moment. Kelly arched her back, allowing him to go even deeper into her. He buried his face into her breasts, as he worked his dick slowly and deeply in and out of her.

"Oh my god, Kelly, you feel so fucking good."

She squeezed his dick inside of her, and he growled. She did it again and he growled more fiercely. Once more, and he picked her up, and settled himself on top, all with his dick still deep inside of her.

He raised her arms above her head, and assaulted her lips, she responded by wrapping her legs around his waist. He pulled out slowly and shoved himself forcefully into her, going the deepest yet, almost hurting her. But she was beyond pain, and she moaned eagerly for more. Their movements grew fiercer. She scratched his back with her nails, he nibbled on her soft delicate flesh, and they screamed and moaned each other's names.

"I'm close" He managed to say through clenched teeth as he worked himself in and out of her. Amazed by the wonderful sensation of his sister gripping him. She felt their heat rising. With each inward stroke, he rode her g spot and her mind washed with pleasure. Her brother's dick is beyond hard, and she can feel it twitching inside of her. They are both so turned on by the others pleasure that they are hyper sensitive. He didn't have to say it; she knew he was close, as he knew she was. He pulled his head back to study her face, knowing she would cum when he did. He slowed his motions again to deep and slow and firm, and watched as her pleasure broke.

Her eyes opened, boring into his, and his first spasm took him. They came together, his first rope of cum shooting deep into her, and she milked him and shook beneath him. He pushed into her again, enticing a new wave of her orgasm, and she felt his thumb on her clit bestirring even more pleasure. She screamed his name and clamped down on him. His head was a fog and he shot load after load into her, muttering against her neck. Slowly they came down, both oversensitive, and breathing deeply.

"Holy shit..."

He stayed inside her until he went soft, and then fell to her side, spooning her. She let herself be enveloped by him, feeling incredibly satisfied. They feel asleep almost at once, with the same slow relaxed breathing patterns.

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bshell47bshell47about 3 years ago

I love Twin stories.

Well written. Filled with love and tender feelings.

Wish it was longer with more details.

Add more chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

There are wayy too many long ass stories on here. I don't have all night :) hot sexy one shot, nice read

pg240pg240about 10 years ago

A lot of promise here but lacks creativity to set your story apart and the polish to make it sparkle. Be particularly careful with word choices. i.e., obtuse. That's a real stretch the way you used it and creates a huge road block in the narrative for discerning readers. Keep working.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Very good story

You had a very good story although you pushed it a bit fast. You easily could have had it 3 pages longer, especially if you added to James and Kelly bonding over breakafter a long tough semester, also you added that one went to State the other to U of M, that is a huge rivalry if it is the State and U of M that I'm thinking of (Michigan State and University of Michigan) you could have a lot of trash talking between the two ragging on each others universities still a good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Twins, hot tub - not another one...

This storyline lacks originality because it is identical to so many others. It is also badly written, full of mistakes only a child would make.

If you are going to write a story at least make sure you're using correct grammar and spelling. Try using a word processor with a spelling and grammar checker, and then get someone with high standards of written English to proofread it for you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Sibling story cliche to avoid...

Whenever a sister character calls her brother "bro", readers often tune out. It become more like a cartoon than a story.

brosismombrosismomabout 10 years ago
liked it

just think you should of had one of them tell the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
good not great

I agree that you have a wonderful story here, but wow- you just pushed it too fast. You had the opportunity to have several fun and intimate moments and glimpses into their lives and characters. The Twin factor could have been so much more central to the tale. How, for instance, maybe you could have shown even more how their need to speak out loud was less necessary. Almost telepathy, or at least empathy. Could they have even shared the ecstasy of orgasm? Were they a good son and daughter that would do all they could to care for Dad, who is barely on this planet by your description. Why do twins (obviously exactly the same age) go to different collages? Could they 'feel' each others joys and sadness over the miles? There are so very many avenues this tale could take and even go into multiple chapters without becoming repetitive, but you rushed it so fast and ended it so abruptly that it didn't even make a good basic 'stroke' story. You need to develop your characters and give them depth. Make your readers love and hate them a little and want to see what they'll do next. Tell us a little more about their mom and was she an important influence on their lives. Did they get their strong sex drive from her. Do they carry on their affair or even try to eventually make their lives with each other. Describe their encounter more erotically. Tell us when they make love and when they fuck. Show us how having a deceased mum and mentally elusive father has driven their need for one another, since they each are all they have left to love fully. This story is full of pathos (implied) and the opportunity for great love and sex scenes with sadness and joy around every corner.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Way to fast

You had a good story but you rushed through it. You need to slow down and take the time. Start with character development and some give background. You need to make us the reader feel and care about them. You need to building more plot as well as tension between them. So if you take the time and do as suggested you will have a better story.

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