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Janelle, the Rest of the Story

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Just when I thought I was over her.
8.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/15/2021
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First semester was finally over, it was time to go home til after Christmas. Before I left, I went to the Women's dorm to take Janelle to the airport. I found her in her room, crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You can't possibly be worried about our finals, we studied our asses off."

"No, not that." She sobbed. "I just got off the phone with Dad, he couldn't get me a flight home."

"Ok, so why the tears?" I probed. "Just drive home."

"I don't have a car here." She answered.

I felt stupid. I'd known her for an entire semester and I never realized she didn't have a car. She was so enamored with mine that we always took it.

"I'm sorry Janelle." I said hugging her. "I just assumed you had a car, I feel really dumb right now."

She smiled faintly at my discomfort. "I was so busy drooling over yours, I guess it never came up."

"You know?" I grinned. "My parents are on a cruise for their 25th anniversary, I'm going home to an empty house, how 'bout I drive you home?"

She stood there momentarily, stunned, as what I said registered in her grief-stricken brain. "What... really?" "You'd do that for me?"

"Sure." I responded. "If it won't cause any problems."

"Let me call Dad real quick." She chirped. "But I'm sure it'll be fine."

Within two hours, we were on the road, the 912 humming like a sewing machine. We'd have to stop overnight, just not enough of the day left to get there.

We stopped in extreme western New York state about 10:30PM, tired and hungry. We found a motel and checked in.

"Anything left open this late to get something to eat?" I asked the clerk, a middle aged lady with a kind smile.

"There is a 24 hour diner about 5 miles up the road." She answered. "I don't recommend it if you value your insides, not the best if you know what I mean."

"I was afraid of that." I sighed. "Guess we'll just have to..."

"Tell you what." The clerk said. "My husband and I own this place, let me get him down here to cover the desk and I'll whip up something for you two."

"We couldn't." Janelle protested. "You don't even know us."

"College kids trying to get home for Christmas, right?" She smiled. "Not the first time I've seen it." "Now you two get upstairs and get comfortable and I'll bring you something in about 45 minutes."

"Thanks ma'am." I smiled. "You are an angel."

"It is THE season after all." She laughed. "Merry Christmas."

"To you as well." Janelle beamed.

We went to our room, got comfortable and waited for our host.

A short time later, she knocked on the door. "Come in." I said.

"Hope you like it." The clerk lady said. "Best I could do on short notice." She sat down 2 steaming bowls of the best smelling beef stew I'd ever encountered along with fresh baked biscuits and apple butter.

"I...thanks doesn't seem adequate." I stammered.

Janelle jumped up and hugged her. "It looks wonderful and smells even better, thank you soooo much."

"Just leave the dishes, I'll get them tomorrow." With that, she left. "Sleep well."

After we ate, we took a quick shower and went to bed. I did enjoy snuggling Janelle's naked body, but we were both too tired to do anything else.

In the morning, my eyes slowly fluttered open. Janelle was lying next to me, already awake, smiling. "Morning RJ." She half whispered.

"Morning beautiful." I answered. "Ready to get going?"

"Yep." She chirped. "Can't wait to get home and see Mom and Dad."

"How do I play this?" I asked. "Do they know about us?" I wasn't sure how her parents were going to take her dragging a redneck white boy home as her boyfriend.

"Well I did tell them I was seeing someone." She giggled. "Might have left out some of the details."

She let me panic for a few seconds before she laughed and hugged me. "As long as you're good to me, they couldn't care less, relax."

We packed up and headed downstairs, checked out and after thanking the owners once again, continued our journey.

Janelle figured we'd get there by early afternoon, as long as the roads were clear. This was WAY before anything like the internet, so we had no way of knowing what we were driving into.

Lucky for us it was a beautiful, sunny day. It had snowed recently as everything was covered in a pristine, white shroud, but the roads were dry. The countryside was amazing, like something out of a Currier and Ives print. Very majestic.

"Oooh, turn here." Janelle squealed. "We're here!"

Damn, I was so wrapped up in the scenery, I'd nearly missed it.

I pulled in and parked in front of one of the garage doors. We had barely stopped moving before Janelle bounded out of the and ran for the front door. Just as she reached the steps, the door opened and her Mom appeared.

"There's my baby." She smiled, enveloping Janelle in a hug.

Janelle's Dad came out just behind his wife and after peeling her off her mother, hugged her as well.

I stood back, not wanting to intrude.

Shortly, their attention turned to me. I was terrified.

"Mom, Dad this is RJ." Janelle said, making the introduction.

I stuck my hand out and approached Janelle's Mom. "Pleased to meet..."

"Oh, honey, we're huggers, hope you don't mind." She beamed, wrapping her arms around me and kissing me on the cheek. "Thank you so much for bringing our baby home."

"Doris, behave, the boy just got here." Her Dad boomed. "Give him a minute." He shook my hand. "She gets a bit carried away sometimes."

"I understand, Sir." I smiled. My Mom is very much the same way."

"Oh, we'll have none of this "Sir" crap." He grinned. "I'm Ronald, call me Ron." Glancing over my shoulder, he finally saw my car. "Yours?"

"Yes Sir...I mean Ron." I stuttered. "Janelle tells me you have one as well."

"68, green, but otherwise, same as yours." He grinned. "Bought it new, babied it ever since."

We talked cars for awhile, Ron inspecting mine in detail, before Doris called us into the house. After the grand tour, we settled in the family room by the fireplace and got acquainted.

Janelle's parents were warm and welcoming, something I wasn't used to, most of the parents of girls I had dated treated me like something they scrapped off the bottom of their shoe. Janelle sat by my side, snuggled under my arm, grinning from ear to ear as her Mom and Dad got to know me.

Doris and Janelle left us to start dinner and Ron and I made our way out to the garage. "I figured you'd want to see mine." He stated, pulling the cover off it.

"Nice color." I smiled. "Not too dark." "May I sit in it?"

"I'd be offended if you didn't." He laughed. "Haven't had her out in awhile, care for a ride?"

"Only if I can return the favor." I grinned.

We drove around the area for an hour or so, first in his car then in mine. We continued talking about our cars the whole time.

When we got back, dinner was ready, so we ate and talked, bringing Janelle's parents up to date on school, how we met, and anything else they wanted to know. Janelle was a bit peeved that we'd gone driving without her, but Ron promised to make it up to her later.

"Is Ronnie coming home?" Janelle asked. She had only one sibling, her brother Ronnie, Ronald Jr. to be exact. He was almost 10 years older than her, making her parents in their late 50's. He was married with 2 kids, engineer of some kind, his wife, Mina, is a nurse.

"They'll be here sometime Christmas Eve." Doris answered. "Be nice to have everyone here." "RJ, isn't your family going to miss you?"

"Mom and Dad are on a cruise, I'm an only child." I answered. "I'll catch them when they get back."

"Glad daughter dragged you home, not right being alone this time of year." "Can I offer you a drink, son?" Ron asked.

"Janelle tells me you're fond of Bourbon." I answered. "Happen to have a soft spot for it as well, neat, if it's not a problem."

He looked over at his daughter. "This one's a keeper girl."

Ron returned with 3 glasses, giving one each to me and Janelle, keeping the last one for himself. "Cheers."

I raised my glass and took a sip. "Damn!"

"Problem, son?" Ron asked.

"Not at all." I said, astonished. "This is incredible." "I consider myself at least a novice aficionado, but this blows away ANYTHING I've ever tasted before."

"I'm not surprised." Ron laughed. "As a college student, I'm sure you'd never be able to afford this, it's, shall we say, somewhat pricey." "Life's too short to drink cheap Bourbon."

"I agree completely." I smiled. "I'll be hunting down some of this after I graduate."

We sat drinking and talking until Doris shoo'd us off to bed. Janelle would take her old room, and I'd be in the guest room in a huge 4 poster bed with a mattress that felt like I was floating on air. Sleeping would be no problem at all.

I had my own bathroom, so I took a quick shower then crawled into bed, snuggling into the blankets and drifted off to sleep.

I awoke some time later to soft lips kissing my neck and a warm, naked body sliding into bed beside me.

"Miss me?" Janelle giggled, wrapping me up in her arms, pressing her warm tits into my back.

"I did." I answered, groggily, kissing her full lips. "I hate sleeping alone in a strange place."

"Funny you should say that." She grinned. "Mom mentioned you might have some trouble."

"She what?" I sputtered. "So she...?"

"I'll be sleeping here for the duration." Janelle said. "I guess she likes you."

"What about your Dad?" I asked. "I'd really like not to get killed."

"You've got a 912, you impressed the hell out of him with your Bourbon skills and I like you, he'll be revoking Ronnie's name and giving it to you." She laughed. "You've already got the initials, 'RJ' Ronald Junior."

"And you're sure he won't mind?" I asked again, still somewhat unsure.

"Hell." She giggled. "If I don't fuck you, he'll disown me."

"So that's how it is, huh?" I growled. "Anything for Daddy."

"It's a burden, I know, but I SO want to make him happy." She teased.

"Oh, so now I'm a burden." I said sarcastically. "Especially after dragging your ass halfway across the damn country."

"Shut up and kiss me." She purred. "I've waited long enough."

She kissed me, dueling with my tongue, nearly sucking out my soul. She wasn't kidding, the girl was horny and I was what she needed...NOW!

Janelle had been somewhat shy and demure when we first met, but as time went on, she got much more assertive. Now, she had no problem letting me know exactly what she wanted.

I fondled her tits as we kissed making her moan into my mouth, then broke away and flicked my tongue over her nipples. She shivered as I feasted on her breasts, sucking one, then the other, all the while caressing her body.

She pushed me onto my back and straddled my chest facing away from me, then enveloped my face with her dripping snatch as she swallowed my cock. I wrapped my arms around her hips, pulling her harder into my face, driving my tongue into her as far as I could. She squealed, as much as a mouthful of my cock would allow, then started bobbing up and down, swirling her tongue over the head of my dick. When I nibbled her clit, she came, flooding my face with her juices, then set to work finishing me off. She had me cumming in record time, swallowing everything I gave her, then snuggled up next to me.

"Been waiting all day for that." She panted. "Took everything I had not to drag you up here when we first got here."

"Might have been a tad awkward." I smiled. "Wouldn't want them to think their baby girl is some kind of sex fiend."

"Shut up and fuck me." She commanded.

"As the sex fiend wishes." I grinned.

I parted Janelle's thighs and plunged my now raging hard-on into her waiting pussy, bottoming out immediately. She yelped, wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in deeper, all the while shoving her tongue down my throat.

"Ooooh, I need you so bad." She moaned. "Fuck me RJ, fuck me good."

Damn, she was really worked up, and given her penchant for being vocal, I hoped she wouldn't wake her parents. It's one thing for them to be OK with us fucking, it's entirely something else if they come to investigate because it sounds like I'm murdering her.

Throwing caution to the wind, I started jackhammering my cock into her sopping cunt, making her tits bounce and shimmy with each thrust. True to form, Janelle was starting to howl, getting louder as I fucked her silly. Every time I hit bottom, she grunted or squeaked, clawing at my back.

"Oh God...that's...I'm...She panted, nearing her second orgasm.

"Quiet girl, you'll wake the neighbors." I hissed.

"As long as you keep fucking me I don't care." She moaned.

I clamped my mouth over hers, kissing her passionately, trying in vain to quiet her while I continued pounding into her very wet slit. Several minutes later, she went stiff and came, screaming loud enough to make me cringe, her pussy squeezing my cock as it spasmed. In turn I orgasmed, pumping what seemed like a gallon of cum into her fiery depths, overflowing immediately and running down her ass crack to puddle beneath her.

I collapsed onto her chest, breathless, waiting for my senses to return to normal. She stroked my hair and face and tried to recover as well, a light sheen of sweat coating her dark skin.

I slid beside her, took her in my arms and we both instantly went to sleep, totally exhausted, but very satisfied.

We awoke the next morning to the smell of coffee and bacon. "Mom's up." Janelle smiled. "Hope you're hungry, she always cooks a big breakfast."

"I'm sure I won't disappoint her." I grinned. "We may want to hit the shower first, I don't know about you, but parts of me are sticky."

"I wonder why?" She giggled, dragging me out of bed. "Let's go."

After cleaning up we followed the enticing aromas to the kitchen. Doris was indeed cooking up a storm. "Morning Daddy, need any help Momma?" Janelle asked.

"Good morning sweetie, RJ" Ron responded.

"Just about done." She answered. "Have a seat, it'll be ready in a minute."

Doris sat a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of each of us. "RJ would you like some coffee?"

"No ma'am, never touch the stuff, milk would be fine." I said.

"How in the world do you function without coffee?" Ron asked. "I'd have never made it through college without it.

"Caffeine and I are NOT friends." I answered. "Makes me hyper to the point I can't think straight." "Not a pretty sight."

"You sleep well last night?" Doris asked. "Being in a strange house and all."

"Died." I answered. "The bed is very comfortable."

"Sounded to me like you may have had a bad dream Janelle." Ron said, smiling wickedly. "You made an awful lot of noise."

I nearly spit out the mouthful of food I had, blushing bright red.

"Daddy!" Janelle protested. "I'm sorry RJ, he's just being..."

"Gets her libido from her mother." Ron said, deadpan.

"Ronald Lee!" Doris hissed. "Unless you want to sleep in the garage, I suggest you shut your mouth."

"Don't mind him." She said, patting me on the shoulder. "What goes on between you and Janelle is none of our concern, she's more than old enough to make her own decisions." "He's just being ornery...like always."

The rest of breakfast passed without further incident, thankfully. I was still stunned by Janelle's parents, I couldn't get over how laid back they were. My parents were pretty awesome when it came to my love life, but I'm not sure they'd let Janelle and I sleep together, let alone encourage it. She's a lucky girl as far as I'm concerned.

"Ronnie and Mina will be here tomorrow and I have lots to get done before then." Doris stated. "Unless you want to help, I suggest you and RJ..."

"I think that's our cue to skedaddle." Ron looked at me and laughed. "Meet me in the garage in 15 minutes, dress warm."

I kissed Janelle, then went upstairs to change. I was curious what Ron had planned.

I found him in the garage, loading some gear in the back of a beat up old pickup. "Give me a hand with this." He asked. "You ever been ice fishing?"

"Fishing is one of my family's favorite activities." I answered. "Just never did it in winter, sounds like fun."

Ron and I spent a very enjoyable day on the lake talking about college, medicine, Janelle and getting to know one another a little better. He taught me how to ice fish. We didn't do too badly, catching enough for a very nice dinner that evening.

On the way home I asked. "Do you have a good filet knife?"

"I have one, don't think I ever used it, why?" Ron answered.

"Do you think Doris will let me cook dinner tonight, fish is one of my specialties?" I inquired.

"You cook, Jesus, what can't you do?" He chuckled. "You cook her dinner, she just might follow you home."

"Great." I said. "We need to hit a grocery, I need a few things."

After we returned to the house, it took me a bit to convince Doris to let me cook.

"Mom." Janelle pleaded. "He can do it, I've had his cooking, it's probably better than mine."

"That's high praise honey." She muttered, shaking her head. "But if you say he can do it, I'll let him try."

"Thanks ma'am, I won't let you down, have the family honor to uphold after all." I grinned.

After fileting the fish, I deep fried it in corn meal with my signature spice blend and served it with hushpuppies, baked beans and a nice tossed salad.

While I was cooking, Janelle snuck in and hugged me from behind, whispering in my ear. "You pull this off, and they'll probably force me to marry you, you know."

"You know I got this." I grinned, turning to kiss her. "Gonna make Grammy proud."

I must admit, I surprised myself, everything turned out perfectly. The fish practically melted on my tongue, and the other dishes sealed the deal.

Doris sat, stunned, after tasting the first bites of each of the offerings. "I'm sorry I doubted you RJ, this is all just...wonderful." She admitted. "You are quite talented."

"Thanks ma'am." I blushed. "My grandmother will be glad to hear that, she taught me all I know."

Not much was said during dinner, everyone was busy shoveling food into their mouths, enjoying what I had prepared. I caught a glance from Janelle, she winked, smiling broadly and mouthed "You did good."

I just nodded and finished eating.

Afterwards, Ron and I were unceremoniously ejected from the dining room while mother and daughter cleared the table. I overheard Doris saying. "If he's as good in bed as he is in the kitchen..."

"Mother!" Janelle protested. I couldn't hear the rest.

Ron and I retired to the family room with some more of his excellent Bourbon and awaited the girls.

"That was quite a meal son, I'm impressed." He said.

"And I think this is the perfect ending." I said, raising my glass.

Ron smiled. "Couldn't agree more."

After cleaning up, Janelle and her Mom joined us. Janelle snuggled up next to me, taking a sip from my glass and Doris sat on my other side. "RJ, could I bother you for the recipes for everything, it was all just fabulous."

I smiled and nodded. "No problem."

We sat, talking again until it was time for bed. This time I wouldn't be alone, which I was very much looking forward to.

We said our goodnights, then went to our room. "You really impressed Mom today baby." Janelle said. "She can't get over how well you cook."

"I'm just happy I managed to pull it off." I admitted. "I..." Janelle cut me off mid sentence, throwing her arms around me and kissing me, teasing me with her tongue.

"Shower?" She purred.

"Right behind you." I grinned.

"Only so you can look at my ass." She teased.

The shower was more groping than washing, Janelle just couldn't keep her hand to herself, not that I minded. By the time we were through, I had an erection that would pierce concrete and she was literally dripping down her thighs. We made a half hearted attempt at drying off, then fell into bed. Janelle was ravenous, attacking my mouth, sucking on my tongue, while her hands sought out the thing she desired most, my cock.

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