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Janet Ch. 01

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Visiting my favorite high school teacher.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 02/01/2023
Created 01/25/2023
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My line phone rang.

I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hi Brian, this is John."

"Oh hi John, what's new? I haven't heard from you since our reunion. When was it? Six months ago?..."

"I called you, because I have bad news... I thought you should know sooner than later. Mrs. Jenkins husband suffered a devastating stroke about 10 days ago. He is in coma in the hospital..."

"John, are you sure? I mean, he cannot be older than early 40s..."

"The doctors said that he had a hole in the heart that caused it."

"OK John, thank you. I'll have to see if there is anyway I can help... Talk to you soon."

I hung the phone and sat down feeling terrible for Mrs. Jenkins.

Old memories flooded my brain...

In high school I was what you'd call an average kid.

When I attended 10th grade I was 5'6" and weighed 130lbs.

Sports was never my thing... I loved to read a lot!

We got a new teacher. Her name was Mrs. Jenkins.

She was a young, newly married woman at about 5' and weighed around 100lbs.

She taught us geography. It was one of the few subjects I liked.

Her teaching style was different than the other teachers. She never asked us to open books or memorize sentences. Mrs. Jenkins was sitting on her desk and telling us stories about different countries, big oceans, her own travels around the world... I liked her from day one and listened to her stories with my mouth open for an hour at a time.

At home I was fantasizing about going on trips just like her... Visiting the Galapagos islands and riding the big tortoises, enjoying the views of Himalayas in Tibet, experiencing the awesomeness of the pyramids in Egypt...

By then my average grade in all subjects was B-. However in geography I was always A...

At the beginning of the second semester I rushed to capture the front seat, determined to grab Mrs. Jenkins attention and impress her with my knowledge!

My infatuation with geography never waivered throughout high school, and I'd say that 90% of it was related to the wonderful teacher...

When I was 18, a senior, at Christmas time we had a big party. I recall all the boys were bragging about their love fantasies. I often heard the names Marylin Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Pamela Anderson.

I was always mum. How could I tell them that I was infatuated with Mrs. Jenkins?...

The small lady reminded me of Judy Garland. She was short, with brown somewhat curly hair, big eyes and a cute smile. Unlike the movie stars that every boy was drooling about, her chest wasn't even close to D+... I think it was in the B range. She dressed conservatively. Never a short mini or a big cleavage...

Our last day in high school the students and teachers had a big gathering with a lot of food as well as a large bowl of alcoholic cocktail.

Much of the time I was eyeing Mrs. Jenkins. Toward the end of the evening, probably due the large amount of alcohol in my blood, I got the courage to approach her.

When she saw me, she grabbed my hand, pulled me to a relatively isolated corner and looked at me.

"Brian, I was wondering when you were going to say 'thank you' and 'goodbye'... You know, I always liked you! You were never obnoxious or disruptive like many of the other boys. The only flaw I find in you is your shyness..."

Mrs. Jenkins, you were by far the best and the nicest teacher I have ever had!... Everything I know and love in school is thanks to you..."

She stared at me. "Brian, every teacher dreams about grateful students appreciating their efforts. In your case it was a unique pleasure. I recall trying to understand how come your grades in other areas were much lower. Was it because you loved geography? My teaching style? Another reason?..."

"Mrs. Jenkins, as I said, you are an amazing teacher and your encouraging ways pushed me to the limit. But since it's our last day together I can confess that I am very fond of you as well..."

She had a tear in her eye.

Then she smiled, "Brian, you are very young. It's easy to fall for a teacher at your age. Please don't forget me and I am sure to remember you forever too..." Then she kissed my cheek and left.

And now, 10 years later a major health issue threatening to ruin her life...

I looked for her phone number and after a short search found it.

I called her the same evening. She answered without delay, "Hello, who is it?..."

Her sweet voice that I haven't heard for ages made me shiver... "Hi Mrs. Jenkins. I am not sure if you still remember me, but 10 years ago you taught me geography..."

"Brian," she stopped me, "didn't I promise to NEVER forget you?... How are you doing these days?"

"I am fine. I am not married and I work as a tour guide for large groups travelling abroad, especially in western Europe. As you can imagine, I blame it squarely on you that I stayed a bachelor, as well as my 'geographically oriented' profession..."

It was enjoyable to hear her laugh, "Brian, on the phone you seem to talk much more freely than in person... Or is it because you've matured? I guess after 10 years your confidence has increased..."

"Mrs. Jenkins, i heard about your husband... I am so sorry..."

A more serious tone, "Brian, we learn the hard way that life has good things and bad things that can happen at a moment notice... That's why my moto is 'Enjoy life while you can. You never know what tomorrow brings...'. Do you agree?"

"Mrs. Jenkins, I would like to visit you one of these days. May I?..."

"Brian, first you should stop with this silly 'Mrs. Jenkins'. When I was your teacher, it was the rule, but now...It always sounded to me like a 70 years old nun... I am 42 years now... Please call me Janet. If you agree to this condition, then yes, I would like to see you again... How about this weekend?"

"Ja... Janet, that will be great. Would you rather I be there in the morning or later?"

"The weather channel predicted nice weather during the weekend. If you want to sit at my house for a coffee and cake, come here at 5 pm. However, if you are into active lifestyle and wish to walk the trail in the nearby park, it's better that you be here at 9 am..."

"Janet, I'll be at your house at 9. I can stop at the local store and bring us some bagels with coffee. Are you interested?"

"That will be lovely. Brian, see you soon."

The whole time of the conversation my mind was half distracted by her familiar voice that I liked so much.

It's good that she didn't see me. I was flushed the whole time...

Saturday morning I brought with me a medium size basket with our bagels, 2 cups of black coffee (with Splenda and small milk carton on the side). I added some washed berries in a bag and a bottle of white wine with 2 glasses. Everything was covered with a small tablecloth. In my other hand I held a thin blanket, in case we wanted to sit somewhere along the trail.

Janet appeared slightly different than before. She looked smaller, with few wrinkles around her eyes and mildly greying hair. But her beautiful smile and almond eyes were the same as I remembered.

My heart skipped a beat...

"Brian, I hardly recognize you! You are so tall and handsome..." She rose on her toes to kiss my cheek.

"Mrs. Je... Janet, you look fantastic yourself! Why don't we leave the house now, before all the people start crowding the park. We can eat and drink somewhere on the trail..."

"Good idea. Let me finish something and I'll be ready in 5."

I glanced at her again. She was having on a floral blouse, blue jeans, and sneakers.

Everything about her clothes was so different than the way she used to be dressed in class...

The drive toward the trail was short.

When we arrived to the trailhead, I pulled the basket and was ready to take it with me.

Janet was puzzled, "Brian, what do you have in this big basket?"

"I brought food and drinks for our picnic on the trail, a blanket to sit on and a camera..."

She had a happy smile, "I forgot that you're a tour guide and used to think of everything beforehand... Look, this trail is only 1.5 miles on a flat surface. Do you really think we need all of this?!..."

"OK girl. So we can eat after our walk. But to be on the safe side, I'll bring the water with me!"

She chuckled, "Yes boss..."

"Janet, if you continue mocking me, I'll have to beat you up..."

"Brian, you forget that I know you... Even after 10 years I can see that you are all talk. You are just a Teddy bear!..."

We laughed together and started walking.

Not many visitors were in the park. The quiet atmosphere gave us opportunities to see wild life. We saw a couple of deer, many squirrels and chipmunks, a coyote and a turtle.

Janet seemed happy... She smiled a lot.

I had several opportunities and stole a couple of shots as Janet was laughing, pointing at a colorful bird and pretending to be upset that I was aiming my camera at her...

Every now and then we chatted about her class and her new students. Her main complaint was that they were too distracted by their cellphones. They were nonstop on social media...

Then we talked about my travels. Janet mentioned that lately they haven't had time to travel much. And now with her husband's severe illness, her chances to go on trips in the near future looked grim.

She was walking in front of me, but I could see and hear on her voice that she was close to crying.

I came closer and hugged her shoulder, "Janet, let's pray that everything turns up to be OK. In the meantime, I'll be here for you! If you need anything, and I mean ANYTHING! Just let me know..."

"Brian, you are a good person. I knew it... So it means that you are NOT going to beat me up?!..."

"Janet dear, if I find out that you need something and not asking me for help I'll definitely beat you up!!!..."

She chortled...

How could I explain to her that I was already hooked...

We came back to the car.

I placed the tablecloth on the grass and we sat down to eat.

I took out of the basket everything I brought and Janet's face showed a mixture of surprise and happiness, "Brian, the last time somebody spoiled me the way you do now was on my honeymoon! And it was centuries ago!..."

I stood up and bowed, "Ma'am, I am at your service..."

It was so much fun for me to see her laughing a lot...

I poured the wine and offered her a glass, "Cheers for my lady! May god bless thee forever!..."

Janet sighed, "You are my knight and shining armor..."

We were eating, and drinking, and chatting, and sipping the wine. The bottle was empty fairly soon...

As we sat there we discussed the destinations we haven't been to and want to explore. She mentioned Japan, Bhutan and Cambodia. I have been to Japan and was very impressed by it's culture, organization, food and scenery.

I indicated as favorites South Africa, Morocco and Tanzania. Janet travelled to Morocco before. She liked the cities of Marrakesh and Fez, but not the tradition of leaving the women at home when men were out to bars...

At one point she recalled a happy memory from her past and tears filled her eyes again. Likely thinking that she'd never travel again...

I sat by her side and gently hugged her small body.

She leaned her head on my chest and started crying.

I caressed her hair, but didn't know what to say...

"Brian, I really am not sure what to do. Yesterday I talked to my husband doctor. He told me that his EEG showed no brain waves... He is braindead!..."

I lifted her chin and kissed her forehead softly, "Dear Janet, I cannot even begin to tell you how sorry I am... But as I said, I am here to help in anyway I can! Please let me..."

She hugged me tight, "Are you an angel that god sent to help me cope my sorrow?!..."

"Janet, I am not sure how serious you are when you say that, but in case you are, I'd happily agree to be that angel..."

She stared at me, "You are serious, aren't you?..."

"Yes ma'am. I really am! I loved you from the first week you taught me and never stopped since... I am not married, because I never found a woman I've felt so good about as you..."

She disengaged and looked me in the eye, "Brian, what's wrong with you?! I could almost be your mother! You are so handsome and your future is waiting for you... Why do you even consider to be with a broken heart oldie instead of a young girl?... If I was 20 years younger, I'd take you in a heartbeat..."

"Look lady, at your home you convinced me that you you are not old and now you contradict yourself! What kind of a teacher are you?... Anyway, since your specialty is geography, I wonder. Have you ever been in France?..."

"Yes. Three times. Why?..."

"If my memory is right, president Macron has married his former teacher. The age difference is 24 years and they are happily married for more than 15 years already!..."

Janet had a strange look on her face, "Brian... what do you want from me?..."

"Please Janet, I want to help you during your tough times. But irrespectively, I also want you to understand that I am serious about having feelings for you. You don't have to say anything now. Right now my priority is to help. But just think about it... PLEASE..."

Janet gazed at my face for a long time, but stayed silent.

I collected the rest of the food and put it back in the basket.

We entered the car and drove back to Janet's house.

As she exited the car she whispered, "Brian, I do like you a lot. And thank you..."

For a full week I haven't heard from her.

What an idiot I have been! Harassing a woman at her most vulnerable time... I wanted to kick myself!!!

Then 2 days later I got a call from Janet.

I recognized her number, "Look Janet, I am so sorry for behaving like a total ass when you were grieving your husband. I'll totally understand if you don't forgive me and I'll address you again as Mrs. Jenkins..."

"Brian, just shut up and listen to me. The day after our stroll in the park my husband got disconnected from all his instruments. He died peacefully hours later. I needed to take care of hospital bills, burial bureaucracy and the lawyer who took care of our wills. I finished everything yesterday. My school principal was gracious and suggested that I take 2 weeks vacation. I was thinking about a trip abroad to one of the countries we mentioned. Are you interested?!..."

"Janet, I am willing to kill... a mockingbird to join you... Can we wait 2 days, so I notify my workplace and look for a friend to cover for me?..."

Her laugh filled the air, "Of course. let's just choose together what will be our destination. I'd rather go to a place that neither one of us visited before."

"Dear Janet, I'll go with you anywhere you choose! I heard you were fascinated with countries in the far east. Each one of the countries is fine with me, unless you want to consider other options, like places in South America. Countries like Peru, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador with the Galapagos islands are all considered first rate attractions..."

"Brian, I think that we can find a direct flight to Rio de Janeiro and it will be shorter than flights to the far east... How does it sound?..."

"Perfect. Now, as a tour guide I know how to arrange things efficiently and cheaply. Do you want me to arrange it?"

"On two conditions. One, we need to sit and discuss the attractions we want to see and all the minor details. Two, I invited you to this trip and I know that I gathered more money than you'll ever have as a tour guide, so I pay for the travel..."

"Janet, let's compromise. You may have more money than me, but I did not spend any money I earned until now, so I was able to save enough. And as a man, I hate to feel like a gigolo... So I suggest that we split our expenses..."

She sighed, "I see that I invest my marbles on a stubborn man. What can a small woman do?!..."

I chuckled, "Janet, I loved to hear what you just said... Lets talk tomorrow evening about our Brazil trip. In the meantime, I'll buy 2 nonstop tickets. Can I take you to dinner tomorrow at 7 and afterwards we'll sit and discuss the trip?"

"Yes... dear," she whispered.

I wanted to impressed Janet. I wore a nice blue suit with new shoes.

I was at Janet's house at quarter to seven and apologized, "Sorry Janet, but I was too anxious to see you..."

Her eyes surveyed my attire, "Brian, by now you should understand that I really like you, so you can stop with the flattering and trying to dazzle me. Please, just be yourself..."

"Janet, are you sure that you want me to be myself?!... I have an urge to kiss you, but I'd never dare mentioning it had you not suggested that I'd be myself...

"Brian, yes you can kiss me, but later I'll put lipstick on and you better behave..."

I approached my love. Her smiling eyes met mine. I bent and kissed her gently on her luscious lips.

Her mouth opened for me and my tongue found hers. Her kiss was more like giving in than a passionate one, but it was a good beginning...

We went to a small Italian restaurant, that I used to frequent before. Lately I was too busy to go there.

We each had a cup of minestrone soup. Janet ordered pasta primavera and I took veal marsala.

A bottle of a good white Italian wine was served too.

The main course took some time to arrive and we finished the wine by the time the main course was ready for us.

I ordered another more wine and we both sipped it until our dessert, a large piece of tiramisu, was served.

I noticed that Janet was talking more freely and her laugh was louder.

The alcohol seemed to work on her...

I paid and were back in the car.

I was ready to drive when I heard Janet whispering, "Brian, you are so nice to me..." She leaned her head on my shoulder.

The drive was short. I opened her side door and helped her out. She glanced at me and smiled, "Come on in you stud..."

I followed her. I closed the door behind me.

She handed me several papers and said. "Here are my suggestions for the trip, but I'll let you make the final decisions. Brian, my clothes and shoes are not very comfortable. Let me change and I'll be with you in a moment..."

I looked at her notes. It was obvious that she checked on line the main attraction sites in Brazil.

I was reading her writings on the Pantanal when Janet came from her bedroom.

She had a map of Brazil in her hand, but what caught my eye was what she was wearing.

She had on a long black negligee. It looked as if it was glued to her body...

Underneath her gown there was... nothing!...

Her smallish breasts protruded nicely and the nipples were hard...

My cock reacted approvingly, trying it's best to get free...

Janet walked toward me slightly wobbly, pretending as if nothing unusual about her clothes.

"Look at the map, Brian, I marked for you where I would prefer to go. What do you think?"

"I thi.... think that you...your plaaan is OK. Do yooou mind if I ssssort up the det... dtails tomorrow?..."

"No, that's OK. Can I offer you coffee, tea, alcoholic beverage?"

I hesitated, "Janet, what are you doing?..."

"Brian dear, I am trying to seduce you. Pure and simple..."

"Janet, there is nothing more that I would rather do than making love to you, but I think that the wine is blinding your judgement. You'll hate both me and yourself tomorrow morning when it's effect disappears... Let's think it over until tomorrow. If you feel the same without being under the influence, I'd be the happiest person on earth..."

Janet looked straight into my eyes. She moved toward me in a normal gait and hugged me.

She whispered, "Brian, I am much less drunk than you think... I didn't tell you the whole truth. My husband was very sick in the last 4 months. The stroke was just the last straw. I haven't had sex for many months now... When you first came to visit me, you looked so handsome... Of course I resisted my attraction to you, because my brain insisted that the idea was stupid - You are much younger, you were fascinated by your teacher, which is a classic temporary obsession... and I am no beauty queen... However, the more I saw of you, it became tougher to resist. Your physique is impressive, you are nice and considerate, you are polite and you can be very funny. Your kiss convinced me that if you were serious about it, I was willing to do the same. Drinking more than usual did not make me tipsy, it just gave me the courage to do what's right..."


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