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Jealous As Hell Ch. 02

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Struggling to understand my wife.
4.3k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/17/2021
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"Mark!" my wife Beth tried to get my attention. "What are you thinking about?"

It was May 2004, almost a full year after the college reunion weekend. We were out at a fancy restaurant. I was gazing into her smoky eyes when suddenly I spaced out and was consumed with thoughts about her past.

"I was just thinking about how beautiful you are," I said, avoiding the subject.

Without question, Beth was one of the hottest girls I or anyone I know had ever met. Not only drop-dead beautiful, but also intelligent, talented, and funny. Our friends told us we made the perfect couple. The first 3 years of our marriage were blissful, and I truly believed nothing would ever change that. Oh, how wrong I was!

The Class of '97 college reunion had forever shattered my view of Beth. Even though I was fully aware that Beth had appeared in a college girls edition of Playboy magazine, she never seemed all that wild, and I assumed this experience had been a one-off. However, during the reunion, I learned all about her bad college days. One of her former classmates brought out a videotape of group sex in a fraternity house, and I saw that Beth had been one of the participants. I knew the video was already 7 or 8 years old when I saw it (shot long before I'd even met Beth), but it still felt terrible watching the tape. I was jealous as hell.

Since that weekend, I had done my best to forget what I saw on the videotape. Deep down, I knew I shouldn't be angry with Beth about stuff that she did before she met me. The photo of my wife published in Playboy was innocent enough. It was a shot of her turning back, smiling at the camera, and showing her gorgeous ass. Most of my friends don't know she was in the magazine, and luckily, they haven't come across a picture of her on the web.

The next chapter in our relationship, and dealing with jealousy and trust issues, started when I was invited to a house party by a guy I work with named Anthony. I had worked with Anthony on several projects recently and had gotten quite friendly with him.

"It's at my friend's house," Anthony said. "It's an amazing house; he throws awesome parties, man; he's got a pool and a big ass deck."

"Cool," I said, "I'll ask my wife and let you know tomorrow."

I told Beth about it, and she agreed to go, so I told Anthony to count us in.

When Friday came, and we were getting ready for the party, I saw that Beth was wearing one of her usual sexy outfits. She had put on a tie-back halter top and these ultra low rise white jeans. They were very tight, practically painted onto her body. She had worn them a few times before, and I know she liked them because of how they accentuated her long legs and perfect waist, and when she wore them, the compliments she got. The black halter top stopped just below her breasts and left her entire midriff exposed.

"Geez, Beth, why are you wearing this outfit?" I said. "We don't know these people or what the party is going to be like. What if they are conservative, stuffy folks who drink scotch and smoke cigars and talk about the stock market and stuff?"

"Lighten up!" Beth replied. "You know I haven't worn these pants in a while, and I think I look good in them."

"You do look good in them, too good in fact," I said with a chuckle and a smile, "Problem is you bend over in the slightest, and I see half your thong. You know guys call that a 'whale tail'?"

Beth sighed loudly and rolled her eyes, "Men are such disgusting pigs!"

I must have looked offended because she quickly added, "No, not you, babe."

She walked across our bedroom and gave me a nice long kiss. Then she turned her back and bent at the waist, and I didn't see a hint of underwear peeking out, only the flawless tanned skin of her lower back. She wiggled her hips playfully and showed off her drool-worthy booty.

"See, no thong showing," she said before adding, "I'm not wearing any panties since the panty lines show through these white jeans. You know I like to go without them sometimes."

I felt my dick begin to stiffen a little bit when I heard her say that and quickly finished getting ready.

We got in the car and drove to the party, which was about 45 minutes upstate. Trying to follow the directions and getting lost once, we finally pulled up to the property. Anthony was right, the house was unbelievably awesome, and from the ruckus coming from it, it sounded like a crazy party.

We went to the door and rang the bell, and a young guy, about 28 years old, answered the door. I had no idea how he could afford this place. He was wearing a slick linen shirt, with his sleeves rolled up, and linen pants. "Casual," I thought, "Good."

"Hi, I'm Mark," I said, "I'm Anthony's friend from work."

"Right right! Ok," the guy replied, "I'm Steve. Tony told me all about you. Glad you could make it, come on in."

"This is my wife Beth," I said. I looked at Beth, and she looked pissed I hadn't introduced her immediately. She rolled her eyes at me and shook Steve's hand.

Steve took one look at Beth and said, "Holy shit! Beth? I went to college with you, I think. You were the chick that was in that Playboy college issue junior year, right?"

Beth blushed bright red and said, "Yeah, that's right. Do I know you?"

"Not really. I don't think so," Steve answered. "But I know and remember you. You hung out with a fraternity brother of mine, Josh."

I recognized the name Josh immediately as one of Beth's ex-boyfriends.

"Oh, ok, yeah, I dated Josh for a while."

We walked into the party following Steve. I noticed his eyes wander for a few seconds over Beth's body and her tight pants. He smiled and kept walking. I was too nervous to talk now that Steve had known my wife and knew she was in Playboy. "Fuck," I thought to myself, "He's seen her ass. He's probably picturing it now."

We followed Steve through the party. There were about 100 people scattered around the house. Most people dressed somewhat casually, and most were in their late 20's or early 30's like us. I noticed a lot of couples, but also what looked like a lot of single guys. There were a few single girls, some of whom looked cute as hell, but generally, it seemed the guys outnumbered the girls.

Steve led us to Anthony, who greeted us with a "Hey mutherfucker! Glad you made it!"

"Anthony, this is my wife, Beth," I said.

Anthony had never met Beth before, and I saw that he, too, let his eyes wander all over Beth's tight halter top and even tighter pants.

"Hi, Beth," he said. "Great to finally meet you."

"Tony!" Steve said, "I know Beth from college. She was in that Playboy college issue I showed you a while back."

"Get the fuck out of here," Anthony said. "No fucking way!"

"Dude," Anthony continued looking Beth, then me, then down at Beth's hips, "Why didn't you tell me?"

He looked back at Steve and said, "She's the one you told me about, right, the one that was bending over in the picture?"

"Yeah," Steve said, flashing a devilish grin.

I looked at Beth; although she was now bright red, she was smiling and appeared to be enjoying the attention.

"Yes, that was me, you little pervs," she said, turning around and bending over a little while giggling, showing Steve and Anthony her ass in her tight pants. She spun back around and put her arm around me and said, "Wild college days, everybody did stupid stuff."

"Hey Mark," Anthony said, still looking down at my wife's hips, "Let's go get a drink."

We followed him through a few rooms to the kitchen, which led out to a deck where there was a bar. It was one of those portable bars. Steve had hired a few bartenders who were serving drinks. There was also a keg of beer in the corner of the deck.

We got drinks and stayed out on the deck drinking for a while. Steve left us and went back into the house to mingle with the other guests. We chatted with Anthony, and he introduced us to a bunch of his friends that came by.

After a few drinks, I excused myself from Beth and Anthony and went to search for a bathroom.

Walking through the house and down the hall, I passed a bedroom where I saw Steve showing two guys something. I stopped for a second and looked into the room, and listened.

"Dude, this girl is so hot, I'm telling you, man. Check her out." Steve had the Playboy magazine in his hand. I guessed that he had kept it because girls from his school were in it.

"Wow, look at that ass," one of the guys said. "Did you fuck her?"

"Naw," Steve answered. "But my friend fucked her silly."

My stomach knotted up. I knew that Beth was very promiscuous in college. But I certainly didn't like hearing about it!

I kept walking and found one of the bathrooms. While taking a piss, I noticed a small tray on the counter next to the sink with eight shot glasses. Also on the tray was a permanent magic marker. Two of the drinks were off to the side of the tray. I looked closer, and it appeared they were filled, about three-quarters of the way, with cum. On one of the glasses, "Jon" was written on the side, and the other was "Tony."

"What the fuck is that about?" I thought.

I finished pissing and left the bathroom and went to find Beth and Anthony. I went back outside and found Beth.

"Hey honey," I said, "Having a good time?"

"Yeah," she said. "Anthony and his friends are nice." She smiled and giggled. I could tell she was getting a little drunk. I was a little drunk at that point too.

"Don't get too drunk, baby," I said. "I may need you to drive home."

"Mark," she said, "I'm already too d-d-runk for that."

I laughed, "I guess I am too by now. Where's Anthony?"

"He went inside to get another drink," Beth answered.

I looked over at the bar and saw that the bartenders for the bar on the deck were gone. I guessed they were taking a break.

"I'll be right back," I said to Beth. "Stay here, and I'll go get us a drink."

I went inside and walked through the kitchen and a living room and found the other bar. Anthony was there getting a drink. I looked at the bartop and noticed that there was a shot glass off to the side. It was filled with what looked like cum.

"Anthony," I said. "What the hell is that?" I said, pointing to the shot glass.

"Oh, that?" he asked, "That's Steve's. Every year, when he has this party, he jerks off into a shot glass and leaves it on the bar as a gag. You know, to see if a girl will get drunk and do it."

"Has anyone ever done it?" I asked.

"Yeah, last year there were 2, maybe 3, girls who did it. If a girl does Steve's shot, they'll bring out more. There's a tray in the bathroom. I jerked off in one before when I went."

"Damn!!" I said. "That's some sick shit."

I ordered a drink for me, and Beth and Anthony went back outside and found Beth.

We hung out for about another half hour. It was a hot and steamy night, and we enjoyed being outside. There were about 15 people on the deck with us; a few of them were smoking pot. When we finished our drinks, I started to head inside to get more.

"No, I'll get them this time," Beth said.

"Ok, thanks," I said.

She went inside, and as she walked away, I saw Anthony blatantly staring at her ass. Great, I thought, my wife is drunk and wearing the tightest pants she owns. Wonderful! I was going to have to keep an eye on her.

"Damn, sorry Mark, but your wife is hot!"

"Thanks," I said, "Keep your eyes to yourself!" I added jokingly.

Anthony pulled out a pipe and some weed, and we smoked up too. As we were finishing the bowl, we heard an eruption of cheers from inside the house. Everyone on the deck looked over towards the sliding doors, but nobody could figure out what happened.

"I gotta go to the bathroom again," I said.

"Alright, go," Anthony said. "I'll be out here."

I went through the kitchen, stoned, not even realizing Beth had not come back yet with the drinks. As I turned down the hallway to the bathroom, I heard a guy say something that almost made my knees buckle.

"Hey, Jeff," the guy said. "That Playboy chick just did Steve's cum shot!"

I turned and saw that the guy speaking was the guy I had seen with Steve looking at the magazine.

"No! no! no! No god damn way!" the guy whom I presumed was Jeff said.

"Way!" the first guy answered.

I rushed past and headed for the bathroom. My head couldn't think clearly, and my heart was racing! Do I have to get a divorce?! I can't believe this! What is going on! As I started pissing, I looked over and saw that 7 of the 8 shot glasses on the tray were now full.

I tried to think clearly. Well, my wife hasn't cheated on me, really has she? Ok, so maybe she did do the shot, but it's not like she kissed Steve. No! Wait. It's worse than kissing Steve, I think. I think I'd rather she kissed him than drank a shot glass of his fucking cum! My head was spinning. I was pissing.

The door flew open. A guy I didn't know came in.

"Sorry!" he said, and grabbed the tray of shot glasses and left, and closed the door.

I finished going to the bathroom. I threw some water on my face. Man! I can't believe this, I thought. I'm drunk and baked. I really can't deal with all of this!

I left the bathroom and decided I had to find Beth. I went back down the hall and into the living room and saw a crowd now gathered around something.

At the center of the living room were two identical couches opposite each other and, as I pushed closer, I saw Beth and another girl standing in the middle. They were both surrounded by a ridiculous number of people, some sitting, others standing, and there was no way I could get through. Standing on my tippy toes, I could see a tray of the shots filled with cum placed on an end table next to the couch. Other people were at the bar ordering tons of drinks and what looked like regular shots.

A random asshole jokingly untied the halter top string tied up on the back of Beth's neck, causing her halter top to fall, briefly baring her breasts to the whole room. I couldn't believe what just happened. Beth had a big ear-to-ear shit-eating grin on her face as she pulled the top up; she was only making a half-hearted attempt to hold it in place with one hand. Beth was revealing way too much of her boobs as far as I was concerned. The other girl stood there with her mouth open, laughing in surprise. She was much younger than us, super cute, petite, and wore a jaw-dropping short denim miniskirt and a half shirt.

I tried to break through the circle to punch this asshole out and rescue Beth, but the guy had already disappeared behind some people, and it was too crowded. There must have been about 20-30 people (mostly guys) crowded around them in the living room. Beth was talking to Steve. I squinted and could have sworn I saw his right hand on her ass.

"Fuck!" I said out loud. Nobody paid any attention to me.

Steve picked up a shot from the tray with his left hand and gave it to the girl in the denim miniskirt.

"Jon," Steve yelled out, "This one is yours."

The guys and even the girls in the room went nuts!

Steve then picked up another shot, looked at it, and handed it to Beth.

"Tony! This one's yours!" he yelled. "Oh shit, Tony works with this girl's husband!"

The crowd went insane!

I saw Anthony push through from the other side. He had a cat-that-ate-the-canary look on his face. He looked at Beth and moved over next to her. Steve stepped away. I saw Anthony take his hand and jam it down the back of Beth's pants. Her white jeans were so tight that he had to wiggle his hand in somewhat forcefully.

I knew she was not wearing underwear. Anthony, my friend, my coworker, had his hand on my wife's bare ass.

Beth giggled, and she and the girl in the denim miniskirt held up the shot glasses.

"Do the shot! Do the shot!" the guys started chanting.

I almost couldn't watch, but I couldn't look away either.

Beth lifted the shot higher, cocked her head back, put the shot glass to her lips, and drank it. The cum slid down out of the glass and into her mouth. It seemed to move almost in slow motion. As it entered my wife's mouth, she closed her eyes. Then an almost pained look crossed her face, like that of someone who was eating a lemon. She gulped, and then she opened her eyes and smiled.

I couldn't hear anything for a few seconds. The room was roaring. The girl in the mini did her shot too, and the room roared again.

How was I ever going to go back to work again? My wife just drank my friend's cum from a shot glass. Standing there and seeing this firsthand was the most humiliating thing in my life. More humiliating than watching Beth on videotape fuck guys in college. That was before we met and before we got married. But now, she had done two shots of cum. I gagged and almost threw up. If I hadn't smoked the pot, which tended to relax me, I probably would have puked right there on the carpet.

Anthony kept his hand down the back of Beth's pants and looked like he was rubbing it. By now, everyone in the room knew he was feeling her ass.

Steve walked up and gave Beth another shot glass. She took it and handed him her empty one.

"Pete!" Steve yelled. "This one's yours!"

Steve gave another shot to the girl in the jean skirt.

Beth reached over towards Anthony with her free hand and squeezed his crotch, keeping her hand on him for about 5 seconds.

"Damn!" the guy next to me said, "Is this slut's husband even here? I can't believe this!"

I was too embarrassed even to tell him I was her husband. What was I going to do?

Beth and the other girl raised the shot glasses and swallowed them down.

As Beth finished the shot, a strand of cum formed between her lip and the glass. What I saw next was both the sexiest and the most disturbing thing I have ever seen in my life.

My wife raised the glass above her head and stuck out her tongue and then lowered the glass back down onto her tongue, taking in the stream of cum like it was spaghetti.

The room erupted again in loud cheers. I realized for the first time that I was getting an erection.

The girl in the denim miniskirt stumbled forward, and a guy standing nearby caught her in his arms. I realized she was smashed drunk. The guy helped her away and sat her down on the couch.

Steve walked back over. The tray still had three shots left. He gave one to Beth and yelled out, "Mike!"

Beth took the glass and shot it down.

Someone brought a beer over to Beth, and she gulped that down too. All the while, Anthony had his hand down the back of Beth's pants.

I pushed forward again, trying to get closer, but couldn't.

Another guy passed Beth a shot, someone named "Lance," and Beth gulped it down.

Now there was only one left.

Steve walked forward and slipped his hand down the front of Beth's pants. The waistline of these extremely low-rise white jeans sat just across her pubic bone so Steve could easily slide his fingers down to her crotch without having to unzip the fly. Beth closed her eyes and started to moan, but cheers quickly drowned out her moans. I just stood there and watched, unable to do anything as two guys had their hands down my wife's pants. Steve took his hand out, smelled it, and yelled, "I can't believe I just touched Playboy pussy!!!!"

He handed Beth the last glass. "Marcus," he yelled, "This one's yours!"

A big black guy on the edge of the crowd moved forward. He looked very built but didn't say anything. He seemed drunk but very shy.

Beth looked at him, and I saw her eyes go to his crotch, and she smiled. Did she even know I was here?

Steve then took my wife's left hand. What was he doing, I thought?

He slid off both her engagement ring and wedding band, took them in his hand, and held them over the shot glass.

"No!" I yelled. A few guys around me laughed.

Steve just looked at me and yelled out loud to everyone, "That's her husband!"

Guys around me laughed some more.


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