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Jean: Total Exhibitionist Slut

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Hot wife surprises husband with how much of a slut she is!
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 02/04/2017
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This is the actual events my wife Jean and I encountered just a few weeks back. We'd stopped off at the Hotel closest to our nearest Airport for a quick drink before we headed off home. What we didn't expect when we entered the bar, is that the entire bar was full of bored business men waiting for their next connection flight.

Some of the guys were in their mid fifties, the majority in their forties and a small amount of very arrogant looking guys in their twenties and thirties. Approaching the bar I bought Jean and I a drink, scoped the landscape and found a crescent shaped sofa and table to place our drinks on.

I could tell by the twinkle in Jeans eye and air of confidence, that she was checking out some of the businessmen, trying to be discrete, but I've known her too long to know when she's on the prowl.

The long drive from our visit had obviously affected my bladder and the need to make a call of nature was overwhelming. I excused myself to Jean and slowly headed off to the gents, noticing one or two furtive glances heading in Jean's direction. I couldn't have been gone from the bar more than two minutes, when I opened the door to the gents, headed back into the bar. I noticed three guys sitting at our table chatting to Jean as though they were long lost friends.

I was somewhat suspicious yet enthralled that these guys would be so bold, knowing full well that I walked in minutes earlier with the only woman in the bar and the minute I turned my back they'd began to hit on her. I walked behind a column a few feet away from our table and decided to listen in for few moments before making my grand entrance.

From the snippets of conversation I could hear, the guys were indeed hitting on Jean, and Jean being the exhibitionist slut, was flirting outrageously with the guys. I could see their reflection in the mirror opposite and could hear the conversation quite well, now that my ears had become attuned to the surroundings. The guys had obviously introduced themselves and Jean was speaking to them using their names.

As I listened intently I heard the following conversation.

"So Jean I must say your husband is one very lucky man to have such a sexy beautiful woman to keep him warm at nights" One of the guys said, laying it on a bit thick.

"Harry you'll have me blushing!" Jean giggled, stroking Harry's arm.

Jean was wearing quite a low cut tight top, which was displaying ample amounts of her impressive cleavage, which the guys kept glancing at and Jean was revelling in the attention. The fact that Jean's tits were a distraction and that Jean was revelling in the sexual attention meant no one at the table saw or cared.

"If you were my wife, there's no way I would leave you in a room full of sex starved men!" Another one of guys drawled, buttering up Jeans ego, which she appeared to be responding too, judging by her snake like squirming.

"Ross you're encourageable!" she giggled "I'm sure you guys are not in the least bit sex starved. I bet you all get plenty of action!" she smiled, again touching the guy she was talking too. She continued saying something, but the noise of the bar drowned it out.

"Nothing as sexy and buxom as you!" the third guy said, blatantly staring at her well rounded tits.

One of the guys said something else, which again was drowned out by the bar noise.

Jean arched her back, which thrust her large breasts forward. She smiled sexily and I could see the outline of her erect nipples, pushing and stretching at the tight shiny black top.

"Do you really think I'm buxom Mike?" she teasingly smiled holding her breasts in her manicured hands and jiggling them for her audience.

"Fuck me!" said Harry rather loudly.

"Not tonight darling I'm with my hubby!" Jean teased and giggled, making the three guys burst out laughing in unison. I saw their lips move and giggle, but again the bar noise increased leaving me no idea what they said.

Harry leant in close and whispered something in Jeans ear. Obviously his hot breath in her ear was erogenous as I clearly saw her shudder. Whatever he said, she nodded, smiling with a little glint in her eye.

I saw a business card being handed to Jean, which she looked at, smiled and placed in her handbag. I thought I'd best get back to the table before Jean forgot about me altogether. I circumvented the bar, keeping my covert spying mission above suspicion from the table of outrageous flirting. I looked dead ahead, heading back toward the table, as I saw Jean look directly at me and say something to the three guys. The three guys saw me and quickly got up and left. I saw Jean wink at one of them as she smiled rather suggestively. As I approached our table, Jean patted the cushion next to her, inviting me to sit beside her. I slid into the seat, noticing that Jeans skirt was way up her stockinged thighs. Were these cheeky bastards feeling my wife up? The thought aroused me and after witnessing the conversation, I know it aroused Jean. Not only was Jean wearing a tight shiny black low cut top, which was figure hugging to say the least, she was also wearing a rather tight pencil skirt with the obligatory black fishnet stockings attached to a waist cinching Garter Belt.

We'd just returned from a wedding anniversary dinner of one of our fiends, hence the reason for Jean's attire. The clasps of the garter belt would be visible if she stood up, which most of the bar would have seen as she strutted through the bar earlier. This skirt was so sexily tight, yet somehow she or someone else had moved the tight skirt above her stocking tops. As I glanced down at her stocking tops, I couldn't help but notice that her legs were very much apart, which she showed no intention of closing. I looked at her face and her cheeks looked a little flushed and her eyes sparkled lustily. She seemed on edge and judging from her chest movement, she appeared to be a little breathless.

Holding and jiggling her large breasts at perfect strangers and probably getting felt up in a crowded bar within seconds of meeting them, made me suspect that my exhibitionist wife was much more than that. She was a complete dirty slut!

The thought didn't anger me, which surprised me. The thought actually aroused me. I decided to break the ice and ask who the guys were and see if she'd be honest with me.

"So who were the guys sitting here?" I asked with a crooked smile.

"Oh those, they were just lonely businessmen asking me if there was any nightlife around here!" she lied still looking flushed.

"They seemed very interested in your cleavage!" I stated " Especially when you held your tits and jiggled them!" I continued.

"Oh you saw that!" she smiled as though this was an everyday occurrence. "They did mention how hot and sexy I looked and openly admired my breasts. I was teasing them a little and thought I'd put a little show on! You know I like to tease the boys!"

"With your skirt as high as it is I think more than a little tease show was going on!" I smiled, a little jealous but seriously aroused.

"Harry tried to move his hand up my skirt whilst I jiggled my tits for them, but the skirt is so tight he only got as far as my stocking tops!" she smiled, then giggled teasing me. "He played with my stocking tops and garter straps. It was very sexy!"

"If he could have moved your skirt all the way up would you have let him feel your pussy?" I swallowed nervously.

"I just had it waxed smooth today and I've been on hot bricks it's so sensitive, so If he could have moved my skirt up a bit more, I probably would have let him have a little feel!" she said looking me directly in the eye, wearing a very saucy wicked smile. My head was spinning and my cock was throbbing, listening to my wife act and talk like a cheap slut.

"What if he tried to finger you?" I asked gulping, almost stammering the words out.

"I would hope that was his intention! It was very sexy getting lots of attention from three sexy guys. Would you have minded if he touched my pussy?" she enquired with a satisfied grin on her face, knowing she was torturing me with jealousy yet somehow arousing me at the same time.

"To be honest, if you had not comeback when you did, I would probably be sitting here with his fingers inside me, making me come!"

"So you wanted him to finger you? If that's what you want to do then who am I to stop you?" I said as a smile broke across my face.

"So if them touching me is OK, how would you be if they wanted to fuck me?" she asked with her head slightly tilted, still wearing her sultry smile.

"I was watching you behind that column, teasing the guys as they all tried to hit on you. I suppose I would be ok if they wanted to fuck you. I found it very sexy to watch!" I smiled with a little more confidence.

"Well that's just as well, because I've agreed to fuck all three of them. I'm thinking we'll go home, I'll get changed and come back here and fuck all three of them!" she stated placing her talon like fingers on the my swollen crotch.

"Would I not get to watch?" I pleaded

"Oh not the first time. I want to know how it feels to get fucked by three cocks, and I don't need any distractions in case you get jealous or possessive! Maybe the next time I'll let you watch, if I enjoy it that is!" she smiled squeezing my rock hard cock.

The next time? These guys obviously worked fast considering I was gone for only a few minutes. My hot wife was becoming a very dirty slut, to agree to fuck three total strangers so speedily.

Reluctantly, I knew her unfaithfulness was inevitable and resigned myself to the fact that my hot wife was going to get fucked by three horny guys, with or without my permission, such was her state of arousal.

"Well as your wearing quite sexy underwear, why don't you just go off with the guys, let them fuck you and I'll pick you up when you're finished!" I said, not believing the words coming out of my mouth.

"Oh honey you're the best! Give me at least two hours with them, then come back for me. I'll ring you when I'm ready and tell you all about it in the car. I'll make sure I have some spunk inside me so you can see the evidence. You clear off for a couple of hours and let me be a dirty cheating slut! I can't wait to be fucked by these hot guys and sit on some cocks!" she smiled squeezing my cock even harder.

"I'll sneak away and leave you to it then, but don't forget I'll be in the car park in two hours, so call me. Don't leave me waiting there like a fool!" I stated.

"You won't regret this honey!" she smiled letting go of my cock.

I kissed her cheek, wished her luck and left her sitting alone as I headed out of the bar. I watched as the the three guys made their way over to my wife. Fuck me these guys didn't hang about. I hadn't even cleared the room and they were moving in their prey.

As I approached the exit, I looked over at the bar and saw an empty barstool tucked away in the corner. I moved the bar stool so I would be in Jeans direct line of vision and watched the three wolves pounce on my sexy wife. Jean smiled as the guys sat and joined her.

This time Harry and Ross were much closer and I could see that Harry had only one hand on the table. Jean turned to Harry with a very sexy smile on her face and I watched as she half closed her eyes and opened her mouth, her chest heaving as though she was catching her breath. It was obvious that Harry had managed to get his hand a lot higher this time. Even at this distance I could see Jeans huge tits wiggle as she squirmed on Harry's invading digits. Her eyes were still half closed as she enjoyed the sensations from Harry's fingers. She turned her head toward Ross and openly kissed him in the bar, her tongue snaking into his mouth. Ross' hand held her left tit as his finger and thumb closed, tweaking and twisting her nipple. Jean loves this and has been known to orgasm having this done to her and judging at the speed of Harry's arm movements she was seconds away from coming in a crowded bar. Jeans is not the quietest sexual partner so this was going to take great skill to silence my slut wife when she comes. I watched intently as her orgasm approached. She stuck her mouth to Ross', holding his neck as he tugged on her nipples. This went on for at least a minute.

It must have been one powerful orgasm or she was thriving at the attention he was giving her sensitive nipples. She stopped kissing Ross and smiled at him, she turned to Harry and gave him a tongue fuelled kiss. The guys said something, all of them smiling as Jean nodded and smiled back at them, then placed her hands under breasts and jiggled them once more, squeezing her fleshy orbs for her audience. They all arose from their seats, as Jean straightened her skirt, giving her tits one last jiggle as they all smiled knowingly. Harry placed his hand around her cinched waist, guiding Jean and the other two guys out of the bar as they all headed toward the lifts. The lifts were visible from my vantage point, so I would see them get in to the lift. I watched them walk by, giggling and flirting suggestively. This was a side to my wife I never knew existed. I knew of her exhibitionism and her flirtatious nature, but to freely act like a total cheating slut was unknown territory to me, but somehow it didn't seem so strange to Jean!

I was oblivious to them as they sauntered past me, giggling saucily toward the lift. All four of them knew what was about to happen and they all looked wide eyed and excited!

Ross pressed the button for the lift as Mike held Jean and kissed her passionately, holding both of her very aroused breasts, judging by the erect nipples poking through her top, she responded passionately to his kiss. Her aureole was slightly visible, as her chest had been heaving so much she was almost spilling out of her top. That, plus all of the obvious manhandling, hadn't helped, but I must admit she looked so fucking horny and dangerously aroused. As the lift door opened, Harry lifted her skirt up above her waist, revealing her pantie less ass with her garter straps cutting into her full buttocks. The dirty slut had removed her black lace thong for the guys and it would seem she didn't need much coaxing. Either that or one of those horny fuckers had removed them from her, either way she didn't seem to object. Before the lift door closed I saw Jean bend over revealing her shaved slot and puckered ring to her audience, as her large tits swung freely. Even at this distance, I could see from the bright lights of the lift, how wet and swollen her pussy was. She placed her red nailed hands on her ass, arching her back so her ass thrust upward and spread her cheeks wide, showing the three guys everything she had to offer. Harry and Mike stuck their fingers in her unfaithful pussy, making her rock her hips as Ross began to unzip his cock. The lift doors closed at this point leaving me deliriously jealous yet hugely aroused. I looked over at the table where they were sitting and saw her panties on the floor beneath. I took my orange juice over to the table, feigning to drop something and scooped the panties off the floor and placed them in my jacket pocket. They felt very warm damp as I scrunched them up, wondering how excited Jean must have been, with the tiny black lace rubbing against her tight opening then being removed for her lovers to gain access to her devastatingly hot pussy .

My mind was racing, thinking of what had just happened, and more so of what was happening now. If the lift was anything to go by, she'd now be stripped off, sucking and fucking the three cocks of the lounge lizards, screaming to be fucked. I drifted back to reality for a moment wondering how they approached Jean and how they felt sure she was up for it. They must be salesmen as they convinced my wife very easily to go upstairs and be defiled by all three.

My chain of thought bouncing in all directions,I decided to pop into the gents for the sole purpose of inspecting Jeans wet thong. I went inside a cubicle, locking it behind me and took the damp thong from my pocket. The tiny crotch of her black lace thong was coated in thick creamy pussy juice. They must have been feeling her up whilst I was in the toilet, and judging from her thong the cheating slut was absolutely loving it. What a slut! It didn't take her long to have some strangers finger her freshly waxed pussy whilst her husband was absent, although still in the vicinity. I wondered how many times in the past had Jean allowed some random guy to finger her waxed pussy, when I was relatively close by.

I wondered how many of my friends had enjoyed the sooth pleasure of Jeans waxed cunt! I folded the thong, placing the tiny garment in my inside pocket. I flushed the toilet for effect, pretended to rinse my hands at the washbasin and went back into the bar. I picked up my orange juice and looked at the TV screen, purely to pass the time and divert my mind from the thought of my cheating wife fucking. My stomach was churning with jealousy at what these guys would be doing to my wife and what she would be letting them do to her. Jealousy aside, I was still hugely aroused and could literally feel the pre-cum oozing from my cock, greasing my bell end, making me even more aroused.

An older guy sat at the table next to me and struck up conversation.

"Delayed or Lay over?" he said assuming I was a passenger staying in the hotel.

"Lay over" I said "Flying out tomorrow morning!" I lied.

"Normally these places are incredibly dull, but tonight it certainly got lively!" he smiled.

"I'm not long in. Did I miss something?" I asked innocently.

"Did you miss something?" the old timer replied. "This sexy blonde slut with a fantastic rack, came walking in with her husband or boyfriend. The poor guy went to the toilet and this slut beckoned three brewery reps over and let me tell you they certainly moved in on her. Not surprising as when she walked in she was smiling, winking, licking her lips and swaying that perfect rack as she walked through the room. Poor guy with her never saw a thing!" he laughed.

"What happened then?" I enquired trying to hide my excitement.

"She was obviously a dirty slut as she let the guys finger her pussy in full view of the bar and she jiggled her tits for them. She even took off her panties!" he grinned. "The poor husband was only in the toilets for two minutes or so but this bitch had her shaved pussy on display within seconds of his absence. We were sitting at the bar and you could clearly see her shaved snatch being fingered! She was fucking loving it, biting her lips as one of the guys plunged his finger inside her!"

"You're having me on!" I answered playing along, hoping the old timer didn't recognise me.

"No it's true!" he continued "When the guy came back from the toilets, the brewery reps left her sitting there with no panties on, panting like a bitch in heat! Poor husband guy didn't have a clue what had been going on!"

"Is that it or was there more?" I enquired having some of the blanks filled in by the old timer.

"The husband guy had to go somewhere, leaving the slut on her own. The brewery reps returned and began finger fucking her again the very moment the husband left bar. She kissed one of them and they all played with her tits and pussy!" he laughed loudly "I tell you this was one hot slut!"

"Shame I missed all that, I could have done with some action or watching some!" I smiled.

"This kind of thing never happens in here. It's normally as dull as dishwater, but tonight was fantastic. Those lucky bastards took her upstairs and will probably be banging the ass off the slut as we speak!" He laughed once more, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Makes you feel a bit sorry for the husband doesn't it?" I said looking for some sympathy by proxy.

"Son a hot slut like that can never be satisfied by one man!" he stated matter of factly. "She walked in here smiling and flirting, basically encouraging any guy to try and fuck her!"


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