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Jenna and Cindy Ch. 01

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Meeting mother and daughter.
4.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/22/2024
Created 03/08/2024
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This is the first chapter of three. I hope the editorial office will release them in close succession.


It was 10 minutes before my dance class was over. I was unusually tired; In the morning, I worked in my garden for 3 full hours. Then, I did the weekly shopping and later carried heavy loads from the car.

I watched the couples before me dancing Tango and liked what I saw. We worked on the Tango 3 different times, and it seemed now everybody was grasping the rhythm. Even Lora and John, the septuagenarians, were doing OK. Good! Next time we'll have the final touches and move on to Salsa.

The music ended and I said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am happy to announce all 5 couples did well. Next week we'll do it one more time to verify everybody feels it and then we'll start dancing to the Salsa. Both are Latins but they are very different. Good night and I'll see you all next week at 7 pm."

As they were leaving, a new Lexus stopped in front of the door and 2 ladies approached me. The older one asked, "Are you Jerome Brown?"

"Yes, ma'am. What can I do for you?"

"I heard you are a good dance instructor. We thought of joining one of your classes. I used to dance when I was younger but haven't done it in years and I need a refresher course. My daughter can shake like all the youngsters these days, but she is about to get married, and the parents of her husband-to-be want a traditional wedding with ballroom dances."

"I give 2 classes a week, each one lasts one hour; Tuesday it starts at 9 am and Thursday at 7 pm. Is one of these good for you?"

They looked at each other, and the older one said, "My daughter, Cindy, can make it to your Thursday class. Unfortunately, neither one is good for me. I am a busy lawyer and work every morning. Each Thursday evening, we have our weekly business meeting to discuss our firm's cases. Do you give private lessons too?"

"I do not do it regularly but now and then I accept one or two. What did you have in mind?"

"Cindy will join your existing class, and I'll have an hour twice a week for 3 consecutive weeks. I think it should suffice."

"Lady, a dancing lesson with others costs $30, and a private one is $60. Are you still interested?"

"Jerome, money is a nonissue. Timing is. Can we have lessons anytime after 4 pm on Monday and Wednesday?"

"Wednesday at 6 pm is doable. On Monday, I am much busier. If you insist, we'll have to start after 8 pm."

She smiled, "That will be perfect. Can we start next week?"

"Yes, we can."

All this time we spoke at the door. The lighting was poor, and I could not make much except that the daughter was quieter and taller than her mother. I smiled, "Your daughter's name is Cindy. What is yours?"

"You are right, I should have introduced myself. My name is Jenna. We came unannounced and I hate to take too much of your precious time. I'll see you here on Monday at 8:15 pm."

"Good night ladies and see you soon."


At 8:15 on the money, the same blue Lexus parked in front of my studio. She rang the bell and I opened the door for her. Now I could see her better. She was quite short with light brown wavy hair. The long grey coat hid her body well.

I smiled at her, "Jenna, it's nice to see you again. Let me hang up your coat and we can talk about your wishes. As she took off the coat, I gasped and then blushed. She had on a short tight skirt that displayed shapely legs and slightly wide hips. The most impressive feature was her glorious chest. Her massive breasts were covered with a soft bra and a thin blouse. I wondered, 'Are these beauties DD cups?...'

She watched my face and grinned, "Don't be embarrassed. I get the same reaction from everybody who sees me for the same time. At certain times, my big boobs were a blessing but more often they were source of trouble. Anyway, I am here for refresher dancing lessons. My husband passed away a year ago. He was a fantastic dancer and loved to dance. We used to go to bars and parties and enjoy our time together. I was never good at it, but with his help and expertise, we managed to have fun on the floor. The last time I danced was about 3 years ago when he became sick. So now I have no dancing partner, the skills I acquired turned rusty, and there are newer dances I never tried before. My wish is to learn as much as possible, so I can dance without humiliating myself at my daughter's wedding. What do you think?"

"Lady, I'll be happy to help. I am familiar with most ballroom dances and many others, including some that the younger generations like. How would you feel if we start with the ones you're likely familiar with, and when you are comfortable with them, we'll move to newer ones? I also suggest that when you see your daughter, ask her what music her circle of friends likes. You see, some like Shakes, others Bachata, and certain young folks prefer more traditional dances. Based on her preference, we may decide on what dances we'll work on."

She had a cute face, and when smiling, she looked radiant, "Jerome, I like your idea. Shall we start?"

"Ma'am, let's begin with Tango and Waltz because every wedding has at least one of each. Then tell me what you'd rather we work on."

She grinned, "I hate being called lady or ma'am, it makes me feel older. Unless you are angry at me, please, call me Jenna. And you are right. We can start with Waltz and Tango today. By the way, if I step on your toes, I apologize in advance..."

"Jenna, I guess you are a better dancer than you admit to, but even if you step on my toes, I'll survive. I still recall 6 months ago, I taught a lady who weighed about 300 pounds. It is not nice to say it, but she was a real klutz. I had to tape my feet before every lesson and pray to god she wouldn't fall on me... In your case, even in the worst scenario, your weight is less than half hers, so I'll manage. I'll put on 3 Waltzes, and we will try to see how you feel. Based on our performance together, we'll work on any needed improvement."

We started dancing and it was apparent she was much better than she led me believe. Her basic steps were flawless, and even our chemistry on the floor was almost perfect. When the 3 dances were finished, I stopped and glanced at her. Her face was reddish, and her beautiful smile again lighted her face, "Jerome, you are an amazing dancer. Just like my husband before, you make me look so much better... The only difference is that my husband, god bless his soul, was a more show off. He used to bend me, lean toward me, almost kiss me, and at times even lift me in the air."

"Jenna, do you want me to do it? It's for advanced dancers. We can do it because I think you are very good, but it will mean closer contact between us."

She laughed, "Are you scared of me that you mention 'closer contact' as a big issue?"

I smiled, "Not really. However, from prior experience, I know many dancing partners are shy or reluctant to be too close to each other. Don't forget the moves you describe, you did with your loving husband..."

"Jerome, I love dancing. These days I do not have a partner. You are great, and I'd rather do it right with you than try doing it with lesser skilled person."

"Ma'am... Sorry, I meant Jenna, you are the boss, but let's increase the adventurous moves gradually, please."

I put on 3 Tangos, took her in my arms, and we started moving. The twirls went flawlessly. Next, I moved her body out and into my arms. Jenna was doing fine, but her huge rack was in the way, and there was no way my arm or chest could avoid grazing it frequently. She didn't seem to mind, however, my cock decided I was very close to a sexy creature. It began hardening in my pants. These pants were relatively tight and any bulge could be easily noticed. I tried my best to think about my tax bills and dance on cruise control, but to no avail - My prick continued engorging, reaching its maximal length in less than a minute.

I made an effort to distance my pelvis from her body but she sensed the difference and stopped, "Jerome, we were doing so well, why did you start pushing me away?"

I blushed, "Jenna, I apologize, but there is a certain body part I cannot control, despite my serious attempt. I preferred to continue the dance and spare you the uncomfortable feeling..."

She stared at me quizzingly for a moment and then lowered her gaze to my groin. My tent was clearly visible. She raised her eyes to me and grinned, "Oh, honey, at my age it's a compliment. You are young, handsome, and... smell good - The fact you find me attractive is fantastic!"

"Jenna, keeping distance during simple dances is OK. I think my body feels different when we are very close and touch each other. My hormones react to your body heat and smell."

Jenna smiled mischievously, "Jerome, you are a nice person and a tremendous dancer. We have terrific chemistry on the dance floor. I'd hate to lose you because of such a minor issue. Can we compromise? We can sit together in a place like a restaurant or a movie theater, so your body gets used to me being around and stops misbehaving. Once it's accustomed to my presence, we'll start again."

I stared at her beautiful face, "Jenna, I'll accept on one condition; Since we didn't finish the first lesson, you owe me nothing. And if we go together somewhere, I pay for both."

She chuckled, "You are such a macho! I think I have enough money to cover everything, but if this is a take-it-or-leave-it condition, I accept."

"Jenna, restaurant or a movie?"

"I'd rather see a film with you than get too many calories. I still remember your story about the overweight woman. I'd hate to think in the future you'll remember me the same way..."

I looked at her up and down and commented, "I am no expert but I think you'll never reach half her body habitus, even if you wanted to! Anyway, what movies do you like?"

"Romantic comedies and chick flicks are my favorites. However, I have no issues seeing anything YOU like, as long as I am not forced to watch an hour and a half of gruesome killings or zombies."

"I'll see what's playing in the nearby theaters and text you 3 options. You tell me which one you like and when is the best time for you. OK?"

"OK, sir. I'll wait for your text. And do me a favor; tomorrow, Cindy will be in your class. Please, do not mention anything to her about us."

"Jenna, I am surprised. I do not recall any connection between you two. Why would I mention you to her?"

Jenna gave me another brilliant smile, "Thank you." And then she left.

I searched for romantic comedies on Fandango. The ones that fit the description, and I haven't seen, were The Reader in Landmark Theater, Love Again, and Somebody I Used To Know in other theaters.

I texted Jenna at 9:30 pm. Her answer arrived 10 minutes later, 'The Reader. I've heard about it but never saw it. Tuesday or Friday at 6:30 pm are best for me. Will you be able to make one of these this week?'

'Tuesday evening is fine. You didn't want your daughter to know, so how do you want us to meet?'

'Buy 2 tickets online and I'll see you at the entrance at 6:25 pm. Bye.'


The next morning the class included 5 couples and the new student, Cindy. Before starting, I introduced Cindy to everybody and then asked her to sit down and watch the other couples dance Tango. Four of the couples did very well. A younger couple, Fred and Leona did not. I found out later they had a major fight before and barely agreed to show up...

"Guys and girls, it's time to move to another dance. I thought Salsa was a good option, unless any of you insists on something else." Nobody objected.

I displayed on the large screen several professional couples dancing Salsa. When it was finished, I commented, "I do not expect you to be perfect like these professionals, but now that you have seen some moves, you can give the ones you like a try. In the beginning, I'll demonstrate a simple dance I think every couple can do, and then we'll work together on each move separately. My partner will be Cindy since she came by herself."

I extended my hand to Cindy. She stood up, and with reddish face joined me on the floor. She moved quite well for a beginner, although she needed to sway her hips somewhat more. At the end of the dance, I bowed to her, "Lady, for your first Salsa, you did marvelous!"

Everybody clapped, and we began working on each move. Cindy danced with me the whole time and seemed to grasp the moves fast. She was very agile and I was really impressed. I resisted giving her too many compliments, but she did extremely well!

When the hour was over, each couple went to their car. I asked Cindy to stay for a short time.

"Cindy, I understand you are getting married soon. Don't you wish to bring your future husband so both of you feel better on the floor?"

She hesitated, "... he is a busy man and dancing is not his thing."

"So who do you want to dance with when the course is over?"

"I don't know yet. I love to watch dancing competitions, and thought learning how to dance would be a good idea. Mom agreed and decided to join me. She should have had a lesson yesterday. Was she OK?"

"She was wonderful, but, please, don't tell her that. I want to keep her on her toes and make her the best she can be. I hope both of you will make a good impression on the dance floor at your wedding."

As I was talking to Cindy, my eyes inspected her. She was taller than her mother, about 5'7", 125 pounds, with longer, darker, straight hair. Her figure was much skinnier. Cindy was a model type, while her mother was voluptuous. I assumed the daughter's appearance came from her father's family. When she smiled, her dark-skinned face looked pretty and... somewhat mysterious.

She left and promised to be back Thursday evening.

What no one of my students knew was, that I was also working from home for a software company, that was a subsidiary of Microsoft. My time was fairly flexible, and I was given specific assignments to finish on time. It made it easier for me to plan my time. While I used my free time teaching dancing and occasionally yoga, other employees in my departments used their time to drive Uber.

After the lesson, I showered, watched TV, and ate a simple lunch. I worked on my project for 5 hours and then rested.


It was close to 6 pm - Time to dress and drive to the movie theater.

I always liked to dress nicely when I was going out. I wondered; Did it make me a metrosexual?!...

I arrived at 6:20 and found a good parking spot. I waited for Jenna near the entrance. She showed up at 6:32 and complained she couldn't find a decent place to park. I didn't mind at all - Our seats were already assigned and we missed only a short part of the commercials. More importantly, the way she looked made me forget about the time. She wore a short beige dress showing generous cleavage and 3"high heels. Her face was perfectly done with a touch of makeup and red lipstick.

Boy, if this was the way she'd look each time I laid eyes on her, I was in trouble!

The theater was almost empty. I expected it, since it was a 15 year old movie, that everybody could watch on a streaming device. It was already dark when we entered but we found our seats easily. No one of the other 5 spectators sat nearby.

Jenna sat to my right. I could smell her mild floral perfume and loved it. And then I remembered my mission - Get used to her closeness, not get aroused by her presence!

During the commercials, we talked briefly about her daughter's performance in her first lesson. I said I was impressed, and added that despite the different body build, her daughter inherited her skills on the dance floor.

Jenna grinned, "She probably didn't tell you, but she is a great athlete. So any exercise, including dancing, is fairly easy for her. She mentioned to me she wanted to learn how to dance and that's what pushed me to do it as well. Since her future husband did not show interest, I didn't want her to feel alone. Unfortunately, logistically we are not able to get our lessons at the same time."

The movie started and we stopped chatting. Pretty soon it became clear a younger guy was obsessed with an older lady. Jenna turned to me, "The woman is older than the guy. Is it a hint?"

"Jenna, YOU chose the movie, remember?"

She stared at my face for a long moment, then lifted the divide, came closer to me, and leaned her head on my shoulder, "Jerome, your girlfriend didn't mind you were going to a movie with another woman?"

I whispered in her ear, "If you are interested to know whether I have a girlfriend, the answer is NO"

"How come? You are everything a woman loves in a man. Are you gay?"

I chortled, "When you are so close to me, I wish I were. Perhaps then my organ would have been less responsive to your presence..."

"Are you telling me it's reacting again?"

"I am so sorry..."

She turned to me, "What is wrong with you? I am older than you by about 10 years! You seem to be mesmerized by me, while every spring chicken would die to have you?"

"My last girlfriend was 28 years young, and she was addicted to her phone. I got tired of hearing her constant gossip."

"Was she ugly?"

"She was pretty, with a great body, and she was a good cook. However, hearing her constant yapping on her phone was the deal breaker."

"I get it. Let's try again to watch the film."

At one point Jenna's torso bent forward. The upper layer of her dress separated from her chest and the round upper parts of her breasts became visible. My pecker shot up, pushing hard against my zipper. It hurt like hell. I continued ogling her tits while my hand moved to adjust the raging pole. Jenna noticed the movement. She stared at me and caught me focused on her mammaries.

She sighed, "Jerome, it is very hard for me to concentrate on the screen when your eyes are on me."

I whispered, "Girl, sorry to announce, but it's HARD for me too..."

She moved closer, grabbed my right hand, and placed it on her tit, "You don't have to strain your eyes. You can touch but be nice."

I caressed the huge orb, feeling her nipple harden underneath. My adjusted cock was still pressing hard on the front part of my pants, ready to pounce. I continued massaging Jenna's breast lightly, and used my left hand to unzip the upper part of my pants, relieving mildly the pressure on my organ.

Jenna's eyes were on the screen but she whispered, "Jerome, I notice you are much more interested in me than in Kate Winslet. Here, let me help you."

Next, she placed her left palm on my stiff member. She gasped and looked at me wide-eyed, "You have a giant monster there. How can you fit it in your tight pants?"

"When it's flaccid, everything is fine."

She turned to me, "Unless you want to leave the theater, I see only one way to take care of the problem. Do you wish to go or come?..."

"... cum..."

She chuckled, "I thought so." Her tiny hand carefully unzipped me, lowered my boxers, and freed my 8 incher. She caressed it gently from the base to the spongy head, and then started bobbing it. She licked her lips.

My right hand kneaded her tit slightly harder. She moaned and her hand bobbed faster. I inserted my fingers into her cleavage, going inside her bra to meet the firm round beauty. Her breast was warm and smooth but the nipple was rock-hard. As I touched it she groaned louder and closed her eyes. Her mouth stayed open, alternating groans and gasping for air. I bent toward her and kissed her lightly. She shivered and opened her eyes. I moved back and watched her face.

We looked at each other for a while and then she whispered, "Jerome, let's go. Neither of us watches the movie, and we both are hungry for something else." We stood up and rushed outside.

Jenna said, "Cindy is at home, so I'll drive behind you to your house."

We parked near the entrance and stopped for a long kiss. I resisted my urge to play with her body right there and opened the door. I led her to my bedroom. As I made the bed, she disappeared into the bathroom.


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