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Jenna's Surprise

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Robert unknowingly books vacation at Adults Only resort.
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All of my writing is fiction and the stories and characters are all products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed. All characters within the story are 18 years of age or older. Ratings and comments always welcome and carefully reviewed and greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy!

This story is a little shorter than most of mine but the thought for it just kind of popped into my head one day so I decided to go ahead and write. Not a lot of characters here for sure.

Jenna was puzzled. Robert had texted her and told her, when she got home from work, to take her shower and get dressed so they could go out to dinner. Not that they never went out to dinner, just that it usually happened on Friday or Saturday night and not Tuesday. She wondered what he was up to. Their first wedding anniversary was on Sunday and maybe that was what he was up to. She'd just have to wait and see.

Jenna got home, stripped off her dental hygienist's uniform and took her shower. As she was deciding what to wear, she heard Robert coming in the front door.

"I just have to change my shirt and I'll be ready," he called to her. "How you doing?"

"Almost there," she answered. "What's going on?"

"We're going out to dinner," came the innocent reply.

"It's Tuesday."

"Are the restaurants closed on Tuesday?" He was being his usual teasing but annoying self.

"You know what I mean."

He had gotten to the bedroom and was changing his shirt. "Just thought I'd do something special."

She decided she wasn't going to get any more information so she might as well drop it. But he did have a smug little smile on his face which annoyed her just a bit. She hated to be teased and, if she was getting a present and knew it, she wanted to know what it was right now and could drive herself nearly crazy wondering about it. Robert, who was always very kind, sweet and considerate, did enjoy the teasing and she just knew he had something, some gift maybe, to surprise her with tonight.

They went to a nice restaurant, not 5-star or anything, but a quiet place with good food and good wine to have with dinner. Jenna got some potato-crusted flounder, something she had ordered other places and was anxious to try here. Robert got a pleasant surprise as they had prime rib, something often only found Friday through Sunday at a lot of restaurants. With baked potatoes that were cooked to perfection, some simple broccoli doused in butter of course, and hot rolls everything was excellent. After dinner, simple slices of strawberry cheesecake and another glass of wine, along with building anticipation and expectation from Jenna and it seemed like a perfect evening.

"You've been looking at me all evening like I'm the cat that swallowed the canary," Robert finally said, raising his glass for a third refill of the wine.

"Why shouldn't I," she replied. "This is certainly out of the ordinary and I just suspect there has to be a reason for it. Plus, it certainly has been pleasant and maybe we should do it more often. Besides, you know how I like surprises."

Now it was his turn to smile. "Yeah, right," he said. "It is fun to watch you squirm though."

"I haven't been squirming."

"Your butt has stayed put but your brain has been squirming."

"You know me too well. Just let me ask then. Is this about something special."

"Of course, it is. Why else would I take you to dinner on Tuesday?" More torment as he took another sip of wine.

She just stared at him as he stared back at her.

"Oh god, do you want me to promise to do something weird later tonight or something. You know I'm about to die."

"Well, I do love you and hate to see you in such continued anguish so, here you go." He reached into his pants pocket and took out a folded paper. He held it toward her and, when she reached for it, he pulled it quickly back. "About that weird stuff for later," he teased as her eyes got wide. He offered the paper again and she reached for it tentatively and grabbed it this time. She looked at him and shook her head, then began unfolding the paper.

When it was open, she looked at the top and the first word she saw was "Itinerary." Her mouth dropped open and she looked at Robert with a huge smile on his face. She began to read. It listed airplane flights and times, named a small Caribbean island, a resort there, and a room number as well. She could hardly believe what she was reading.

"Who did this?" she asked, realizing as soon as she said it that it was a silly question.

"Moi," he answered, "for you and our one-year anniversary. "I wanted to get ahead of you because you're always so good about things like this. Was I successful?"

"Oh my gosh, I could kiss you."

"Go ahead," he teased, knowing it wasn't like her at all to do something like that in a quiet restaurant like this.

"Oh my gosh," she said again, then looked around and stood up and leaned across the table. He could see that she was crimson at the thought of doing it but, overcoming her embarrassment, she was still going to do it.

He stood up and leaned across the table and their lips met in a warm but brief kiss. Both sat back down.

"I think you'll like it," he said excitedly, leaning in a little toward her. "It's a small island with not so many tourists and so, much more private, no kids allowed so there won't be that problem. Just some time to swim and lay on the beach and eat and relax and enjoy things."

"Are you kidding? How could I NOT like anything like this?" Her face was nearly radiant with excitement. She was looking at the paper again. "So, we leave . . . " she was searching. "We leave not this Friday but the next Friday."

"Right. I was afraid this Friday would be too soon plus, both our parents wanted to have us over to celebrate our anniversary. Saturday with my parents and Sunday with yours." Jenna and Robert were both only children and both sets of parents wanted to be involved in everything that happened in their lives.

Jenna was just reading the paper over and over. In addition, her mind was recalling their honeymoon when there was no money and they had spent three days at a motel about 50 miles from where they lived. Both sets of parents were of modest means so when Jemma went to work as a dental hygienist and Robert went to work as an engineer, they had more money than either had ever been used to. They certainly weren't wealthy by any stretch but were moderately comfortable, even though she knew that this trip was certainly a splurge for them.

"I love it when you smile like that," he said.

"Oh my gosh," she said again. Then she looked at him with a very special look. "You know that something weird I was talking about earlier. This may be enough to make it happen."

Robert laughed. In this sweet and innocent wife he had, there was no place for anything weird and he was sure she probably didn't know of anything weird that she could do, even if she wanted to. She'd have to Google "weird" and see what she came up with. He might suggest she Google "sexually weird" if she really wanted to find something. Never-the-less, when they got home, even without any weirdness, things that happened were very exciting and very satisfying.

The anniversary parties at the parent's houses were lots of fun, even if there were several ever-so-subtle hints that each would like to be grandparents one of these days. Assurances were given that it would happen once "settling in" had taken place. A kind a vague term that Robert had come up with to stop the comments but leave things kind of open-ended. The following week was spent packing and trying to anticipate what might be needed for the upcoming trip, neither wanting to leave anything out but neither wanting to overload suitcases with things that wouldn't be used. Jenna actually splurged a little to get a bikini-ish bathing suit, much more revealing than anything she'd ever had before. In fact, it was only the second two piece she'd ever had, the first being when she was about eight years old. Robert almost couldn't believe it when he saw it but was pleasantly surprised and looking forward to seeing her in it.

Jenna was about five feet four inches tall and had a body that, if you were an athlete yourself or were around athletes a lot, you'd note that she looked like an athlete. If not, you'd say she was just a small, compact and very solid lady -- and very pretty. Robert had never decided whether women with broad shoulders became swimmers or rather that swimmers developed broad shoulders. Jenna had been a swimmer in high school and her freshman year in college, even though she hated the swimwear that was required, skin tight and high cut in the hips. She often said those suits might as well be body paint. But she did have those nice shoulders and, when she moved in certain ways, you could detect the muscles that were hidden there.

Robert was no slouch either, having played a little basketball in high school but, at five foot eleven, and not being exceptionally talented, graduation marked the end of the basketball career. This did give him lots of time to concentrate on his engineering studies which proved fruitful as his grades were well above average. He had kind of sandy hair which he kept cut fairly short, dark brown eyes and that lean but solid athlete's build.

After of couple of days, luggage was down to a bare minimum and they were ready and both were nearly trembling with anticipation. A short ride to the airport, getting parked in the remote lot, writing down the location since in a week, it would be forgotten, then into the airport itself for all the painful checks that had to be done. Quicker than expected the check-in was finished and they were boarding their plane. Jenna had the window seat as this was actually her first time on an airplane. They arrived in Miami safely, transferred and were soon over the ocean. An uneventful landing on the big island and then a transfer to the shuttle for the last leg. It was actually nearly dark when they landed and were happy to find the resort van waiting for them and the two other couples headed to the same place.

When they pulled up in front of the resort, a little smaller than Robert had thought it might be, a porter grabbed their bag.

"Do you know your room number, sir?"

A quick check. "Room 203," he replied and slipped the porter a five-dollar bill.

"Thank you, sir. They'll be waiting for you when you get to your room." The bags were quickly on a small cart and wheeled away. Robert went to the desk to register while Jenna stood off to the side and just looked around. She could hardly believe where she was and excitement shone on her face. She heard the clerk ask Robert a question.

"Is this your first time here, sir?" Robert nodded that it was and the clerk handed him a piece of paper along with the room keys. Robert was reading as he approached Jenna. When he got to her he read some more. Slowly he lifted his head and looked at her.

"Holy shit," he said, a puzzled look on his face.

"What is it, hon," Jenna asked.

He pulled her over out-of-the-way and looked at the paper again. "I think I may have made a mistake."

Now she looked alarmed. "What do you mean?"

"I think there's a difference between "no children allowed" and "adults only". She was shaking her head, looking puzzled. "This is adults only." She still looked puzzled. "ADULTS ONLY." He said very emphatically.

Now her eyes were widening as realization began to dawn. "Oh my gosh." They looked at each other for long seconds. "What do we do?"

"I guess we have two choices. We can get something to eat -- the dining room is still open -- grab some sleep and in the morning try to make arrangements to head home. Or, we can see what's going on and play everything a little by ear."

"We can't leave," she suggested. "We've spent way too much money to just waste it like that."

"The other choice is to stay and, well, just see what happens."

"What do you think that might be?"

"No idea," he said and, realizing that the decision seemed to have been made, he smiled at her. "But I'm sure it will be different than anything we've done before."

She looked at him, then took a deep breath. "Let's get something to eat then. That's something we understand." Robert laughed out loud at that one.

They had what turned out to be a delicious dinner, the dining room staying open for the three couples that had arrived late. Then to a very comfortable room with a king size bed, a couch, a little refrigerator and a nice view onto the courtyard outside which was a little dark now but looked like it might be very nice. And, of course, after the excitement of the day, there had to be some excitement of the night, their first sex outside of their apartment or home -- or that one time in Jenna's parent's house.

They slept well and morning came with its inherent curiosity. They dressed casually and headed downstairs for breakfast which was as excellent as the prior night's dinner had been. Jenna mentioned that if she kept eating like this, that little bikini would be way too small by the time they got home. Robert mentioned that might be really nice. getting a dirty look from Jenna. Now came the time of decision.

Robert stepped outside after they had finished breakfast and it was already very hot. Of course, the beach was beckoning. Robert had never been to the ocean and Jenna had been only once when both sets of grandparents had contributed a little money to the vacation fund so that she and her parents could have at least one nice trip somewhere special -- the beach.

They went back to their room and made the decision to head for the beach after all. Robert put on his neon yellow swim trunks and Jenna very demurely slipped into her new two-piece. It certainly was not an itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini but it did show a lot more of Jenna than he was used to seeing in public. However, looking at her as others would be looking, she looked really good. Really good.

Towels, a bag with sunscreen and other essentials and they were off to the beach. There were plenty of signs to direct them so they didn't have to ask any questions and, after a short walk they were at the beach. There were maybe 40 or 50 people there but one thing was readily apparent. Jenna was the only female with a top still on.

"Oh my gosh," she said quietly, looking around. Then a look at Robert who could only shrug which was no help to her at all. Her mind was racing and filled with questions. Another look at the topless group of females then back at Robert. "Can I do that?" she said out loud to him.

"This is no help I'm sure, but if you don't, you'll really stand out and everyone will be looking at you."

"Oh god, I suppose you're right." She looked down at her suit top. Did she want her nicely full B's to be shown here in public? Another look at all the others. No one was really looking at her, except Robert. A huge deep breath. A tentative reach behind her. She turned to Robert.

"You unfasten it," she said. "Then you'll be a part of this too."

"We're here," he said, "so here goes." He unfastened the top of the suit. It stayed in place for a few seconds, then it was off and she bent to put it in the bag. When she stood up, they were right there, totally bare. "Nice," he couldn't keep from saying. And then, "So?"

"There they are," she said, actually smiling. "Is there anybody we can tell about this when we get home?"

"We'll have to decide, but I can't think of anyone right this minute. Ready for the ocean?" Robert had noted that at least half the men here still had on bathing trunks. He might shed his after a while, but he wasn't quite sure about that yet.

Looking from where they had spread their towels to the water, Jenna realized she'd have to walk past most of the people who were there. In her mind, it was like a runway at a burlesque theater and she could almost hear "The Stripper" playing with the base drum booming and she was about to walk down that runway with everyone watching her and judging her. She was trembling.

"Let's go," Robert said cheerfully and held out his hand. She took it and they started toward the beach.

Much to her surprise, no one was even looking her direction. Oh, a couple of people glanced at her when she passed by but no lingering looks or gawks of any kind. Surprisingly, it was almost disappointing. Here she was, naked in public, or at least topless, for the first time in her life, and no one seemed to care. Maybe that was a lesson for her. Once they got to the ocean, with all that open water, Jenna couldn't resist just diving in and swimming away while Robert did his engineer thing, watching the waves, what directions they came from, how many small ones came by before a big one crashed into him. It was fascinating for him to just watch, and calculate. Things like that drove Jenna nearly crazy as she just couldn't understand how someone could do that, or even want to do it.

Finally, he saw her stroking toward him. He was amazed that someone could swim so easily and seemingly glide through the water with so little effort. He swam, but it was often a struggle. Even at the neighborhood pool they had joined, where two lanes were closed off for those who just wanted to swim laps, he would watch Jenna swimming those laps, so easily. The ropes were fixed so that each lane only was used in one direction. He'd watch her pass others swimming their laps, and the men would often then try to keep up with her, mostly unsuccessfully, maybe lasting one lap. She popped up in front of him now and there were her bare boobs looking right at him.

"How was that?"

"Really nice," she said, a big smile on her face. "With these tiny bottoms and no top, the water felt really different. Really different."

"Are you blushing?"

"Maybe," she answered quickly. "I'm allowed."

Robert was a little surprised that she didn't crouch down in the water to hide herself a little. She seemed, surprisingly, to be enjoying this, her delightful breasts bare and observable. He might have to get used to this he guessed, but thought he might enjoy doing it.

They put sunscreen on each other, lay on their towels, even napped just a little and made another jaunt to the ocean. There was a snack bar where they sat and had a sandwich and some chips, served by a very attractive young server, topless of course. And Jenna just sat there equally topless as others came for lunch, talked with them while they waited to be served and seemed very comfortable. The afternoon went much the same way until finally, they returned to their room for a short nap, showers and getting dressed for dinner which was very casual per the instructions on the paper he had gotten. Robert did notice that Jenna stood for a moment, looking at herself in the mirror, then slipped on her blouse, sans bra.

Dinner was being served in the courtyard which was a long and fairly narrow grassy and concrete area surrounded on all four sides by the building and effectively split into two sections by a large fountain right in the middle. There were tables set up with four chairs at each table and linen table clothes so that, while everyone was dressed casually, things were still very nice indeed. Amy had on a sleeveless blouse and shorts while Robert wore a golf shirt and shorts as well. Seating was random so they picked a table and sat down. They were joined fairly quickly by an older couple, older meaning to them somewhere in their middle thirties probably or possibly even forties. Dinner was served by a wait staff that was very quick and very efficient and the food was, once again, very tasty and delicious.

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