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Jennifer Pt. 01


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Again, she looked him in the eye as she thought it over. "okay, I guess." Then she started opening the belt on her jeans.

"Great. Thanks honey, it will help me a lot."

Mark went back to the computer terminal and began typing away, ignoring her as she took off her clothes and piled them on a nearby chair.

When she was fully naked, she stood quietly covering herself with her hands as he finished up what he was doing.

She smiled, shyly when he looked over at her. "Lovely," he said, smiling. "I love you so."

His comments allowed her to relax. Just a bit.

When he got up, he handed her a latex swimmer's cap, "you need to put this on, the machine gets confused with hair."

"Oh, okay," she said as she put the thing on her head. Exposing herself as she did so. But she had gotten over her embarrassment as, after all, she was in the room with only her husband.

Mark quickly positioned her on the center spot of the scanning machine and had her hold her arms out at 45 degrees. He also positioned her feet about eighteen inches apart, separating her legs.

"Stay just like that, and don't move. You can breathe but try and do it normally. No holding your breath, and no deep breaths. Okay?"


"It will only take four minutes. You'll be fine."

And he sat back at the console, and typed a command.

The machine kicked in with a loud hum, and a series of green lights began shining and passing over her. She stood still and just let it happen. It seemed to take forever, but it probably was only four minutes, as Mark had said.

When the lights shut off and the noise died away, Mark typed again for a few seconds, and then declared the process complete and successful.

With a relieved sigh, Jennifer got dressed and they went to Mark's lab. Jennifer had never been in it, or any of the building's laboratory spaces before, and she found it to be a jumble of computers, and machines and wires and tools. Nothing she could identify from anything in her experience. Feeling a little inadequate she just left it alone and watched as Mark worked for a few minutes on one of several a computers min the space. Seeing it all, she got a better feeling for just how brilliant he was; how important he was.

Finally, he stood up. "Great. That's done, and now I can move onto the fabrication phase. Let's get out of here and get some lunch."

"Sure. But Mark what are you fabricating?"

"Oh, that's a secret."

"From me?"

"Oh, no. From everybody. If I'm able to make this work, it will be very cool, and you'll be the first to see it, since you helped so wonderfully. And, by the way, I've never had that much fun in this building." He said smiling lasciviously.

"Oh really? I certainly hope so," she said, smiling back.

He winked at her.

"But if I can't make it work, then I'd rather just forget about it and move on to something else. With no one the wiser. I just don't like to expose my miserable failures to anyone. It destroys my image as the World's Best Super Engineer, don't ya know."

She laughed along with him, "Oh and we don't want that. Oh, great one."

So, they locked up his lab and headed out to a fine lunch in one of their favorite local restaurants. During the meal, and the shopping trip that followed, Jennifer forgot all about the visit to the scanner and the lab. And they had a great time. She still couldn't get over the idea that she could now buy anything she wanted with the credit cards Mark's bank provided her. She still thought like the money-strapped girl she had once been.

It occurred to her that, while they were dating, Mark hadn't ever concerned himself with the cost of things, whether it was food, or a concert, or tickets to a play. And when he had bought her things, she was always too happy to blissfully ignore the prices. After all, it was his cash to do with what he wanted, and if he wanted to spend it on her, that was great!

Now, of course, she knew why he was never concerned, and she understood, with a thrill, that she never would have to worry about money, ever again. How cool was that!

Over the next couple of months, she spent her weeks working on the big house in Marin, although it had been professionally decorated, it seemed kind of cold and impersonal to her. Probably because her engineer husband was only there on occasion, and because he was, well, an engineer.

She did drive down to the South Bay to the old house on occasional weekends to spend time with Mark. Several times, she had to drag him away from his lab, where he was seemingly spending almost all of his time, when she wasn't around.

He reported that his project was going well, and that it was almost ready for its unveiling. Happily, he was also finding that the company's management team was needing him less and less, so he was thinking about selling the old Saratoga homestead and moving, permanently up to the big house. To be with her and to relax and enjoy himself.

Jennifer was all for it. She had the house ready for them, and was looking forward to spending a lot of quality time together in that beautiful setting.

"Then we can look into getting another dog. Another Golden, or perhaps a pair of them." She said, one day, over dinner. But she was disappointed when he again didn't seem impressed with the idea. It was almost as if his love of dogs had faded, even as his love for her had risen.

It was several weeks later, when she was back at the big house, feeling a bit bored and lonely that she got the call she had been waiting for.

"Hi lover," Mark said, "I'm shuttering the house down here, and I expect to be up there full time, in a week or so."

"That's great! I miss you so, it's awfully lonely around here. I can't wait."

"I'm sorry, but I'll be up there soon." He replied.

"Looking forward to it. I'm also awfully horny, you know." She added with a giggle.

"That's good. Hold that thought." He replied, laughing.

"Oh, and one more thing. I have some contractors coming out to do some work in the backyard. Mr. Gonzalez is aware and will work with them. It'll involve some plumbing and electrical work. Nothing to worry about."

Before she could ask for more details, he said, "Bye, love you." And hung up.

Sure enough, the next day a crew of guys showed up with a small back-hoe and began digging up an area on the edge of the big patio space at the back of the house. Inside the inner fence.

On occasion she watched them working, curious, but couldn't figure out what they were up to, and didn't want to bother them.

By the weekend they were done and Jennifer remained confused and unsure what they had built. That evening when she wandered out and examined the space, she found a sizeable patch of fake grass with embedded drains and what looked like a wash basin and a fire hydrant in the middle of it. Half of the space was covered by a pretty little shed roof.

When she saw the fire hydrant, sitting there by itself, she thought it might be for safety against forest fires, or some such. But the rest of it made no sense for that purpose. Then she thought about their well-known use by dogs, and that got her excited. Perhaps Mark was going to get a dog, after all and that stuff was put in there for it. That was a happy thought. She'd just have to wait for him, to find out for sure.


The day finally arrived, when Mark showed up at the big house, to be greeted by a joyful and excited Jennifer who jumped into his arms like in a movie scene.

He had closed up the old place and had pretty much finished with his old company. From this point on they intended to live full-time in Marin County, away from the craziness and commitments of San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

Jennifer hoped it would be forever, as she loved it up there, while Mark wasn't so sure. He was concerned that he might go stir crazy, and he had already assembled plans to add a small laboratory to his property, where he could indulge his need for creative tinkering.

But once he arrived at the big house, everything else was forgotten, and Jennifer hung on him happily. She dragged him around the house, proudly showing him all of the things she'd done to make it more comfortable for herself and for them.

After the tour and a quick meal, they adjourned to the bedroom to get reacquainted, as it were. The next several days were spent, mostly in bed making love. Both of them were seriously horny and they worked hard at resolving that issue.

Their passion led to experimentation with positions and variations that they had never tried before. And they enjoyed every minute of it. Sleep and clothes were pretty much ignored. The only things that slowed them down were the need for food and drink, and for Mark to recharge.

It was almost a week later that Mark finally got around to attending to the things he had hauled up in the back of his SUV.


During a break in their action, he had unloaded the special boxes into the seldom used guest cottage that sat alone on the other side of the big main patio.

Now, with Jennifer relaxing after lunch, he went out and began his preparations. First, he had to test the communications between the collar and the house's extensive wireless network. He also used his laptop to review all of the programming one final time.

It took several hours, but everything checked out. Nervously, he decided that it was ready. This was a big step, and the project was one that he never thought he would complete, let alone implement.

He did love his wife, and he had really enjoyed their days of love making. But during those times when they weren't screwing, he spent a lot of his time fantasizing about this very thing, and what Jennifer would be like when she was wearing the suit, and in what he had been calling 'full Jenny mode'.

Those dreams had led him to even more, and more exciting sex.

Of course, Jennifer hadn't understood what was driving him so, but she'd enjoyed it, nonetheless.

Early that evening, they ventured out to one of the quaint, and expensive restaurants in town. They ate well and drank excellent, local wine, and enjoyed themselves immensely. They both wound up a bit tipsy, and Mark had to be very careful driving home.

Arriving safely at the house, Mark took a deep breath and screwed up his courage, "Honey, can you come out to the guest cottage, I have something to show you," he asked.

"Sure lover, what's up?" she said, as she followed him out the back door.

He held her hand as they walked across the patio and into the little building.

Once inside he started on his pitch. He'd been thinking about this step a lot, and prayed that she would be accepting.

"Lover, I know you miss Harpo as much as I miss Penny. We loved our two wonderful dogs, and I know we both want to replace them. I've held off, because I had what I think is a better idea."

Jennifer, liked what she was hearing. She really did want another dog, like Harpo, so she smiled and nodded and even reached up and kissed him.

He smiled, and then continued. "Do you remember when Penny died? I'll never forget how much you helped me recover from that. And above all, I remember you telling me that you'd be my replacement Penny. Remember?"

She did remember that occasion. It was one of those moments when their relationship took a big step forward. In fact, the last time it came up was when he had proposed to her.

"I remember, my love. And I meant it. And I'm your loving wife now."

"Yes, you are, and that makes me very happy, but I must admit I still miss Penny."

"I understand, then let's get a new dog, a Golden just like Penny and Harpo, and we can make new memories with her."

Again, she leaned into his chest and hugged and kissed him.

He returned the kiss, and then continued, "I have a better idea."


"Yes, I've created something that will allow you to be both my wife and my replacement Penny. Just like we talked about."

And this time he kissed her. She returned the kiss, but distractedly, as she was confused by what he had just said.

He understood, so he gently walked her over to the room's big bed and showed her what was laying spread out on top of it. At first, she was even more confused. It looked like a Golden Retriever, deflated, was spread across the bed. But as she looked, she saw that it was really a costume. A dog costume.

Before she could comment, he explained. "I know it's a little weird, but please just work with me to try it out. I think it will be fun, and exciting and as I worked on the thing, I came to realize that it is what I really want. For me and for us."

"Honey, I don't understand. Is this another sex game like the ones we've been experimenting with? After trying anal sex, like we did the other day, and I admit I did kind of enjoy it, I thought we'd gone far enough."

"Well this is kind of a sex game, but it is a lot more, please just try it. I made this outfit just for you, it was a lot of work, and I hope you'll enjoy it. I certainly think I will."

Jennifer was nervous. What was he thinking? And what was she getting herself into? But she did love him, and he was her husband, so she decided to just go with it.

"Okay, lover, I'll try whatever you have here. It does look kind of cute," and she reached down and brushed her hand over the soft fur, and it did feel nice. "It does remind me of Harpo and Penny."

"That's the idea." He said smiling, delighted that she had agreed.

"Now this is going to take some doing, as the suit is very sophisticated. I designed it to be comfortable and sexy, too, but that means it will be difficult to put on. So, I need you to bear with me. okay?"

"I guess."

"Remember, you're doing this for me and for Penny and Harpo. Didn't you tell me that you wanted to be reincarnated; to come back as Harpo? This outfit will give you that chance."

Still confused, she nodded, "Lover, if this will make you happy, I'm sure it will make me happy too. Is this what you've been working on in your lab at the company?"

"Well, yes, part of the time. I'm afraid I got a little obsessive with the thing."

"Ha. You always get obsessive with your new projects, at least that's what Ned and Johnny told me. You must have really gotten into this thing."

"I did. And I hope you like it. But Jennifer, if you hate it please just tell me and I'll shut it down."

She looked at him speculatively for a moment, before responding. "Lover, if this is important to you, it's important to me, and I'll do my best to make it work." She paused, then added, "for us."

First, he had her strip naked. Giggling, she did as he asked, putting on a show for him as she removed her clothes, piece-by-piece.

"God, you're beautiful," he said appreciatively. And the compliment made her feel just a little better, more relaxed.

Then he brought out a bottle of lotion and had her stand still while he slathered it all over her middle, including her hips, her hairless crotch and her shapely ass. It made her giggle again, and she put her hands on his shoulders as he kneeled in front of her. She reached down and started kissing his neck and forehead as his hands smeared the stuff all over her.

With her body all slippery, he told her to stand up straight and lift her legs as he began pulling a pair of panties up her legs, although they didn't feel like normal panties, when she tried to see, her view was blocked by his head and shoulders.

The panties were tight and felt kind of rubbery, and once he got them up her legs and to her crotch, things really went crazy.

"What are you doing? What are those?" she asked, her voice rising as she felt something pushing at her pussy, and at her ass hole too.

"Please, just relax, and let me work, here," he told her, giggling.

It's easy for you to laugh, she thought. But it's very uncomfortable for me!

Since she had agreed to the thing, and she was a little intrigued and even a bit turned-on by his attentions, she took a deep breath and allowed him to continue. But she moaned and groaned to let him know that she wasn't really enjoying herself.

The front dildo, that's what she decided it was, well lubed, slipped in smoothly, and for a moment it felt kind of nice. She shuddered a bit, feeling aroused, before the confusion and discomfort returned.

The one in the back was much more difficult to accept, and she groaned and whined as it stretched her poor ass hole. They had only just tried anal penetration for the first time, the other day, so she wasn't all that used to accepting something pushed into her behind. It hurt, like it did the other night, but Mark continued to slowly work the thing into her. It felt smaller around than the one in her pussy, but still uncomfortable.

She concluded that he was fitting her with a pair of latex panties, with two dildos mounted in them. As kinky as it was, she found them to be uncomfortable, and all she could think of was, what is he doing to me?

"Mark, please. These are awfully kinky, I know, but I'm not crazy about them. Are they really necessary?" she complained, as she looked down to get a glimpse of the deep red rubber panties she now wore.

"Lover, please. You promised to bear with me. You'll get used to them, as your body adapts."

She didn't actually remember promising, but as the discomfort was indeed fading, she decided to wait and see what her husband would do next. Despite how much her poor behind hurt.

She stood quietly while he picked up the golden furred and shaggy body suit.

Again, he knelt down in front of her and had her balance by holding onto his shoulders as she stepped into the bottom half of the suit.

He pulled it up her legs until her feet fit, snuggly into built-in shoes at the bottom of the leggings. She realized then, that they were like very tall, wedge heels. Although they seemed to fit just fine, her shins and ankles immediately protested the steep angle her foot now had to take as she stood there. Beyond her aches, she felt a stiffness around her knees. It took her a few minutes to understand that included in that part of the covering were substantial built-in pads. And it didn't take her long to deduce that they were there to allow her to spend time on her knees. She didn't care that thought, at all.

Once her feet and legs were covered, Mark pulled the skin, for that's what it was, up over her rubber covered ass and hips and up her torso to her chest. As he worked to fit her breasts into the built-in cups she reached up and helped settle them in place. She was surprised, though when her nipples poked through holes in the tips of the furry cups.

Mark, gave them each a pinch and then a lick as they poked through, and she moaned, "you devil, you."

To which he chuckled. "Nice huh?"

"I don't know, yet," she said as she ran her hands over her belly, feeling the soft fur that now covered her. It did feel nice, and soft.

Mark, though continued dressing her. He held out the suit's arms for her, saying, "make a paw fist and slide your hands in, please." And he demonstrated what he meant.

Without really thinking, she did as he requested and when her hands hit bottom, she realized that they were now covered in fur, locked in that paw position, and almost useless. She couldn't use her fingers or thumbs, and the covering was tight all the way down her arms and around her hands. She held them up to get a better look and saw paws, rather than hands. And she had to admit, they really did look like dogs' paws, with pads on the bottoms and hooked claws on the ends of her knuckles.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" she asked, upset over the loss of dexterity.

"Well, dear, dogs don't have hands do they? You will be able to walk on them."


"You'll, see. It's all part of the lifestyle."

What lifestyle? She thought, but didn't ask. She didn't know how to ask; it was all so strange.

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