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Jennifer Pt. 01

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Jennifer becomes Mark's wife, and pet.
17.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/08/2020
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Jennifer, wife and pet Part 1

(Fetish, Petplay, Puppyplay, consensual, reluctant)

By ChangeYourPassword

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

Synopsis: Jennifer becomes Mark's wife, and reluctantly, a replacement for his beloved dog.

Mark met Jennifer at the dog park. As so often happens, they were initially known to each other only as Penny's dad, and Harpo's mom.

They were drawn together by their almost identical Golden Retrievers. Both of their dogs were well behaved, and gorgeous as Goldens are. And both of the dogs were mature, and getting on in years.

Both of them, the humans, that is, were reasonably attractive and outgoing, so it was easy for them to pair up and chat, while their dogs played.

"Harpo?" he had asked. "As in the Marx brothers? But he was a male."

"I know, I know, but when I got her I was young and my father had introduced me to old Marx Brothers' movies, and I absolutely loved Harpo, so that's what I went with," she replied, amicably.

Spending weekend mornings at the park with their dogs was a habit they both shared. So, over the space of a couple of months they became something more than mere acquaintances, they became friends. As he was ten years older than she was, it started out more like older brother and younger sister, but it grew from there.

They graduated from just talking at the park, to going out to breakfast after each session. They found a nice restaurant with a patio dining area where well behaved dogs, like theirs, were allowed.

It became a highlight of their respective weeks, and the sessions at the restaurant became two and then three-hour visits, that they both enjoyed immensely.

But things took a sad turn when, Harpo had to be put down. She'd used up all of her energy and given Jennifer all of her love, and had earned her trip to doggie heaven.

Jennifer was heartbroken, and Mark's support and Penny's added presence as a substitute, helped her through the rough times.

"I always said that when I die, I want to be reincarnated as Harpo. She was so perfect! Her life was so perfect." She said, one day, as her eyes filled with tears.

Maintaining their tradition, Jennifer continued to meet up with Mark and Penny at the dog park, and they continued to go to the outdoor restaurant, afterwards. Penny, as much as Mark, helped her recover from her loss.

Mark, meanwhile was developing a strong affection for his much younger friend.

Jennifer was only 22 and fresh out of college. She had a new position in marketing at a large company in the area. During their get-togethers, Mark slowly built his knowledge and understanding of her, and his feelings for her, grew.

She 'd never been married. She was pretty, but not beautiful, and had a thin, and short, body. She kept in shape by walking and running.

Of course, she was also learning about him. And she liked what she saw. He was all of 32 years old, and an engineer with a mid-sized aerospace company. They apparently built the high-tech space suits for NASA, as well as the private companies who were pushing into the space race.

He didn't admit to being the owner of the company and the brains behind the organization's successful designs. He saw no reason to either brag, or intimidate her with his status and wealth.

Mark was divorced, as his wife, who had stuck with him during the lean years while he was just getting started, had finally gotten too lonely and frustrated by his single-minded dedication to his work. And once the company had grown enough to be worth big bucks, she had taken her share (several million) and split.

He missed her terribly. He had truly loved her and the abandonment really hurt him. It took him a while to understand her actions, and he realized that he couldn't really blame her. He did tend to be obsessive with his company and the complicated and highly technical design work he loved so.

Penny, then, had become his one and only, full-time companion. He held onto her tightly, and was for the first time since his difficult divorce, happily starting to loosen up with Jennifer.

As the months passed, and their relationship strengthened and flourished, the two of them become more than best friends, they became lovers, and were continuing to work their way through the 'we're falling in love' step of the relationship-building process.

Jennifer still, though didn't have any idea that Mark was truly RICH, she just thought that he was a well-paid senior engineer.

His home in Silicon Valley was nice, as all of them were in the up-scale, Saratoga neighborhood, but not a mansion by any means. He had bought the place five years previously, when his company first started making a reasonable profit. It was before the divorce, and he'd never felt the need to upgrade. It was certainly enough for him and his dog.

Instead, a couple of years after his break-up, he had purchased a second, 'get-away from it all', home a couple hours' drive up North, outside the rich and trendy city of Tiburon, up in Marin County. That place showed off his wealth. The house was large, modern and private, and located on several partially forested acres of land overlooking Northern, San Francisco bay. It had cost him a fortune, but why not? He now had more than enough to afford it.

Unfortunately, he didn't get to use it all that often, as he remained an obsessive designer, engineer and business owner. So, he paid a nice semi-retired couple to maintain the place. The Gonzales' lived in a small, older house next door. One that he also owned, and provided to them rent-free for their services. It was a good deal for the three of them.

When he did make it up there, it was really good for him; and for Penny. It allowed him to relax, forget the pressures of running a multi-million-dollar company, enjoy the beauty, and play with the latest electronic and computer toys that he loved so much. Of course, Penny loved it too, and she spent her days there exploring the large, fenced-in property.

When Penny died, it nearly wrecked him. She was his last link to the good old days of his youth. But she was fourteen, and her body finally gave out. She just couldn't hang with her master any longer.

Mark took it very hard. He just wanted to curl up into a ball and call it quits.

It was Jennifer who helped him through that terribly rough spell.

He actually tried to push her aside, in his terrible grief. He'd lost the two most precious females in his life, and he was afraid of it happening again. But Jennifer persisted. She stuck with him and their love actually grew as a positive result.

One night, in her long running effort to cheer him up, she said, "I'll be your Penny. Let me take her place."

Mark smiled, sadly. "I love you, and I hope we can take our relationship farther, but I don't want you as my puppy, as my pet. You can't be Penny."

"Oh yes I can," she replied, giggling and then climbed into his lap and began licking him, and kissing him and occasionally she even "ARFed".

And it got him laughing, and surprisingly enough, feeling better.

That night, after they had made love, he fell asleep contented and had an elaborate, near-real life dream. It was a pleasant one, where he was playing with Penny up at his get-away home. But it wasn't really his beloved Golden romping around, it was, somehow half Penny and half Jennifer. And he was happy and they were happy.

For the rest of the week, that dream haunted him. In odd moments throughout the day and night the dream returned and tickled the back of his mind.

As it wouldn't go away, he started really thinking about it. He spent dozens of quiet, private hours researching on the Internet. He studied 'furries' and Cosplay and that led him to kinkier stuff like petplay. And when that led to BDSM, he stopped and reconsidered some of his ideas. He certainly wasn't a dominant lover, or a sadist, and he'd never considered tying any woman up or hurting her. And he certainly wasn't going to go there. It wasn't part of his dream.

But, in the end, and before he really realized what he was doing, in bits and pieces, he had done what inventive engineers do. He had assembled a design and a plan to make the events of his happy dream a reality.

Somehow that secret little fantasy project helped him to fully recover from his funk, and everything seemed to get better.

His time with Jennifer was better, more loving and more fulfilling. And his time at work was better too. He allowed himself to back off a bit, and turn over larger pieces of responsibility to his trusted staff. He truly relaxed, for the first time in his life.

Everyone noticed the change in him, especially Jennifer. And she loved it, and loved him, even more.

His friends at work, he had very few outside of work, noticed and were happy for him. And the company actually benefitted. They delivered several excellent products, not because Mark wasn't involved, but because everyone was involved.

And then, out of the blue, the offer came in.

Mark was contacted by one of his largest customers, a huge aerospace firm, and they made a purchase offer for his company that took his breath away.

The mega-companies' CEO flew him out to Virginia on one of their corporate jets. And they wined and dined him, and he and the executives did their darndest to talk Mark into selling. And when Mark indicated that he wasn't interested in parting with his baby, the offer increased, and increased again, until there was so much money on the table that Mark could no longer resist. With a huge sigh, he agreed to sell.

He flew back and spent a week sequestered in a small boutique hotel in Santa Cruz with his lawyer and his two VPs, and they worked out a package deal for the sale. It would ensure that the company and its employees would remain safe and sound, and it included a one-year 'turn over' period where Mark would stay on as a consultant. At the last minute, he also added one final requirement, whereby he would maintain control of one of the R&D labs in the building, for personal projects, for as long as he wanted to play in that space. He'd pay $100K per year for the privilege.

That request wasn't so very unlike him, so his team didn't bat an eye, and when the buyers questioned them on it, they explained it away as 'that's Mark, the super engineer, just being himself.'

The buyers accepted the explanation, and the entire package, and the deal was struck.

It made Mark a very rich man! Someone who would never have to work a day in his life, ever again. Even if he lived ten lifetimes.

Several months later everything was settled and, everyone was comfortable in their new roles. The company was continuing to produce excellent and needed products, and Mark was relaxing, backing away and playing in his lab.

His friends within the company were too busy to worry about him and he didn't ask them for any help with whatever he was fiddling with in his personal laboratory.

While all of this was going on, Mark's relationship with Jennifer had been progressing wonderfully. Their love was flourishing and they were spending more time than ever, together. Mark now had more free time and Jennifer was happy to fill it.

She was surprised and shocked when he finally told her just how rich he was. She was at first angry that he had kept his real role in the company a secret. But she came to understand that money wasn't all that important to him and that by not flashing his wealth he was actually protecting himself from unwanted attention. She also admitted to herself that she was fascinated by the possibilities. There was nothing wrong with being in love with a very rich man.

When he finally took her up to his home in Marin, she was blown away.

"My God, Mark, this is lovely!" she exclaimed as they toured the place. Staring out the big windows at the bay and the surrounding, forested lands, she hugged him, "it's more than lovely, it's wonderful and beautiful and heavenly, too."

He chuckled, "tell me how you really feel."

She giggled and hugged him harder.

"I know. It is great, isn't it. I always planned to retire here. But I never thought I'd be able to do it this soon. While I was only thirty-three."

"Well you can, if that's what you want."

"I'm not sure I'm ready to retire. I'm not sure I can. I'm so used to being busy all of the time, working all of the time. I just don't know."

He bent down and kissed her. Happy to have her, warm and comfortable, beside him.

She kissed him back, "well take your time. Relax for a while. Play around for a while, while you figure it out. I'm sure you have projects to work on, either here, or in your 'mad scientist laboratory'." She delivered the last clause trying to sound like a character from a Frankenstein movie, and they both laughed.

They stood staring out at the scenery for a few minutes.

After a while, he gave a long, drawn-out sigh, "I think you're right. I'll try and relax here for a while. Perhaps a year, or even two. You should join me. Especially if you want to marry me."

"Wait. What?"

"Jennifer, I love you. More than anyone ever before. And now that I don't have to worry about the company, or money, I want to spend my time with you."

She stood there dumbfounded. She did love him, and she did want to marry him, but she hadn't expected a proposal, like this, right here, right now.

She tried to think of something clever to say. But her head was still spinning, so what came out was kind of dumb. "Do you love me even more than Penny?"

He looked at her, a bit confused. He hadn't expected that response. But when he saw her smile, he knew she was just playing with him. "Well, didn't you promise to take her place? You can be both my loving wife and my beloved pet."

She laughed at that and kissed him. And then gave him the response he wanted, "yes. I will marry you, and be your wife and anything else you want me to be."


They didn't waste any time on their wedding. Neither of them had a large collection of friends and they didn't want some grand, over-blown ceremony.

Of course, their parents attended, hers from Chicago and his from Richmond.

There were still almost seventy people crowded into the elegant restaurant for the simple ceremony and glorious party that followed.

Afterwards, they spent several days in town saying their farewells before they took off on a two-week honeymoon to Vienna and Prague. Two of Mark's favorite European cities. Since Jennifer had never been to Europe, she was enthralled by the sights, the people and the history, and they had a great time.

While there, they decided to return straight back to the Marin home and to hide for a while. At first Jennifer didn't want to give up her job, but Mark reminded her that; one, she was now rich and didn't need to work, and two, he was rich and didn't need to work. So, there was no reason for them to live and work in Silicon Valley, so far from their dream home.

Upon their return, they sadly found that it wasn't so simple. Jennifer had to dedicate the first couple of weeks back to packing up her condo, moving the things she wanted to keep up to the big house, and disposing of the rest.

Mark found that he was still needed at the company, so he wound up staying at his old house for several more months.

It left Jennifer stuck either alone much of the time in Mark's old house, while he worked, or all of the time up in Marin. At his urging, she wound up in Marin, as that was the much nicer environment and she could dedicate herself to making that big home, hers, as well as his.

While there, she also came to know the area, and the Gonzalez's; the older couple who maintained the house. They had apparently moved up from Mexico when they were in middle-age and had worked in the vineyards until they grew too old. Somehow Mark had met them and offered them the job and the little house. They were happy with the arrangement and found it easy to take care of his place, both inside and out. The two of them were diligent, quiet and seemed to avoid interacting with her.

Jennifer found that Carlos Gonzalez spent his time working on the property's sizable grounds. And they were sizeable. Several acres, all fenced in. Actually, there were two fences, a big security fence around the outside edge of the property and a 'privacy fence' around the back patio and close-in lawns.

It kept him busy, and he only came inside the house to repair items identified by his wife, Maria. She worked inside the house, for only a couple of hours per day, a few days a week, cleaning and washing as needed.

Their unsociable deference didn't really bother Jennifer. It was nice having them around to do the heavy and tedious work on the house and grounds. They didn't bother her a bit, in fact she hardly noticed that they were about.

While she settled into life in the big house, Mark stayed down in Silicon Valley, spending his time at the company either helping the management team or sequestered in his lab. No one at the company knew what he was working on, but they remained too busy to care, and they also knew better than to interrupt him.

Jennifer, didn't particularly like the arrangement. She missed her new husband terribly, but consoled herself with the knowledge that the situation was short-lived.

On several occasions she thought about finding a new dog to keep herself company. She missed the constant companionship of Harpo and Penny. But when she brought the idea up, during a call with Mark, he didn't seem too enthused.

One weekend, when Jennifer travelled down South, finishing up with the sale of her old condo, Mark asked her to come with him into his lab, as he needed some help with a project.

They arrived at the nearly deserted building, early. Security was accommodating and passed them in quickly, but instead of going directly to his lab, he escorted Jennifer through a series of corridors to the 'Scanning room'.

When they were inside, she stopped and stared at what appeared to her to be a scene from a science fiction movie. The place was all chrome and wiring, electronics and computers. And all of the equipment seemed to be focused on a central spot on the grid-like floor.

While she stared, Mark sat down at a computer console, typed a few commands and the room came to life. Lights were flashing and equipment, humming.

"What is this Mark?" she asked, in awe.

"This is where we scan astronauts for their suits. Each is custom made to their exact body proportions, so we have to get a perfect, and very thorough set of measurements. It uses several technologies to build a complete digital mapping of a human body. Inside and out." He said, proudly.

He stood, and facing her, he grabbed each of her hands.

"I need to scan a beautiful woman for a project I'm working on."

Flattered, but confused, she sputtered, "why me? I'm no model."

"Hah. You're my perfect woman, so I'd really like to capture you. Please do it for me. Help me out. It will only take a couple of minutes and then we can get out of here."

She looked him in the eye for a moment, "oh, all right. What do I need to do?"



"You need to be completely naked for the scan to capture all of your measurements. And I do mean all."

She looked around, nervously, "nude? Here?"

"Yes. That's part of the reason I brought you here on a quiet Saturday. No one else is around. You'll be completely safe from prying eyes, while we do this."

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