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Jess Lures Mike Into Her World

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Jess completely exposes herself to my buddy Mike.
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If you have followed my previous Jess stories you know that they are my recounting of the events in my relationship with Jess over a 17-year span. This story, as with the others already posted, happened about 2 years into our relationship. And like the early stories, this one contains real verbiage from our email exchanges while we are both at work. At the time, email was the easiest way for us to chat during work at the time, and we spent a great deal of time talking about our lives (specifically our sex lives) in these emails. So, the story has many of the actual words between Jess and me as well as supplemented with my recollection of the experience.

Jess and I shared a few strong fetishes that were the big drivers of our sexual adventures - large cocks, a cock size fetish, and exhibitionism. When Jess and I first started dating she was already an exhibitionist, well experienced in the teasing of gentlemen in an innocent not so innocent way. She had learned at an early age that wearing shirts that allowed her nipples to poke through got her lots of attention from men. Jess has nipples that are not real large but are always somewhat erect. They do get harder, of course, when she is cold or excited, but they are never actually soft either. She told me when she was young, she would intentionally go braless wearing a tight thin shirt when she knew her dad's friends would be around. She would usually be told to go put something on that was more appropriate, but she was always pushing the boundaries. She shared how she loved it when the men would try to steal looks at her nipples, and there were a few that would stare without even trying to hide it. She liked the men who tried to steal glances more than the ones that stared directly, which seemed creepier to her.

Jess is now 5'6" tall, has long blond hair, dark eyes, full firm C-Cup breasts, a nice long slim torso, flat tight stomach, long legs, perfect ass, a gorgeous tight small bald pussy with beautiful little lips. She also has a killer, almost innocent, smile to top it off. Although we had been seeing each other for a few months before our first Cancun trip, it wasn't until that trip that I truly realized just how beautiful she really is. At the resort, Jess was standing by herself, drinking a glass of wine while waiting for me. I was about 50 feet away talking to someone we had met earlier in the day when the guy paused, looked at Jess, then said to me, "She is the most beautiful woman here." I looked at Jess for a moment and it was then that it finally struck me just how beautiful she really is. I turned to the man and told him, "You know the best part of it is? She doesn't even realize how beautiful she really is, and she's as beautiful on the inside as she is the out." I meant it, too. Jess knew she was hot and sexy, but not in a conceited way, and she had no idea how intense her beauty really was. But she did understand the effect she had on men.

Jess also has a small hoop piercing in her clitoral hood. I have always had a thing for a girl with her pussy pierced. Preferably through the hood, and I like a small hoop instead of a bar. Don't get me wrong, it is all hot. But my preference is a thin hoop through the hood where the tension ball will hang down in front of or over the clit. Jess has what is called a tulip-style pussy (Google it). It's named for how the labia minora resemble a tulip about to bloom. With the tulip shape, her labia minora is slightly visible between the labia majora all the way down her slit, but her labia minora are small and do not hang as in a curtain-shaped pussy. The point is that I always thought if she had a hoop through her hood, it would be on display so nicely because of how her pussy is shaped. Her clitoris is small, but it is barely hidden by her hood, and when she gets excited her clit just barely peeks out from beneath her hood. It looks so hot, and I thought that with this type of piercing the ball on the hoop would stimulate her clit when she was excited.

When Jess and I started dating, I let her know how much I enjoyed her exhibitionist side. I enjoyed other men looking at her, and I loved her exposing herself in one way or another. It always turned me on to hear about something that happened when I was not around. I think I enjoyed her recapping events for me even more than being there and actually witnessing it myself. Jess was who she was, and she enjoyed wearing things that showed herself off. She was just going to be who she was around our house and did not care who was there and what they saw. That was the ultimate turn-on for me. She carried herself with this carefree attitude and had a way of laughing things off when in mixed company that made it almost acceptable. If she was in a teasing mood or with just men around, she had a way of dismissing it in a flirty way that was more like, "Oh well, you got a peek. I hope you enjoyed it." It's hard to explain but with few exceptions, most people just accepted this about her and never made too big of a deal of it. Our close friends would just call her out and roll their eyes. Some of them, especially the guys, just enjoyed the view, and you could always see them trying to steal glances at this gorgeous carefree girl.

This story is about Jess's exhibitionist side and me enjoying the role of a voyeur as she recounts her exploits with me almost on a nightly basis. There is some sex between her and me, but it's really about Jess teasing my buddy Mike and creating an atmosphere where being nude around him became the norm. If you are not into real exhibitionism - the teasing, the build-up, the fun of it - then you should probably move on from this story because it might be a little slow for you. Anyway, this is how it started.

This story happened while my buddy Mike was living with us for a few months. He had broken up with his fiancé Allie, and since they had been living at her place at the time, he found himself with nowhere to stay. We had an extra room, and I offered to let him stay with us for a few weeks until he could find something. I didn't anticipate it would take almost 2 months, but as luck would have it turned out to be quite an entertaining time for Jess and me.

Mike moved in and was staying in our guest room. Our house is laid out with the master bedroom on one side of the house and the other rooms on the other side. So having someone stay there was not really a big deal as we still had our privacy, and our guests had their own privacy as well. But the kitchen, the living room, great room, patio, pool, and hot tub were common areas that we all shared.

I had been dating Jess for almost 2 years at this point, so Mike had been around her several times and knew she was a bit on the wild side. He had stayed the night with us one time before after a late night of partying, and he had seen her in the morning wearing her short, quite revealing nightshirt. Everyone we hung around with was used to seeing her without a bra, as she rarely ever wore one. He had even seen her topless in the hot tub a year or so back on a drunken night where he and Allie and another couple had stayed late partying with us. The ladies were all topless. So he was familiar with Jess and her antics.

Jess never wears panties or bottoms when she sleeps, typically wearing just some form of a longer shirt. At various times it's a short nightgown, one of my t-shirts, or my favorite, a tank top or wifebeater. In the mornings, if she was in a tank top with no panties, she would slip on some shorts if anyone else was there or if she was going out on the patio, but if she was in a nightshirt or a long t-shirt, she wouldn't bother with bottoms regardless of who was at the house.

When Mike moved in, he kept saying he didn't want to intrude on us, that he would do his best to stay out of sight to give us our privacy. We told him it would be fine and for him to make himself home. Still, the first week it was a bit awkward getting used to the 3 of us being in the house together. I typically left for work earlier than Jess and Mike. Mike worked a mid-shift, and Jess didn't need to be in until 10 am. I typically left the house by 7:00 and Jess about 9:30. On weekends we were all home with no set morning schedules. The first week we were all getting used to our schedules and I immediately noticed that Jess was altering her behavior because of Mike. She would get up and put on a robe before going to get coffee, or she would get completely dressed before going out into the kitchen. By the end of the first week, I asked her about it.

"Why do you keep getting dressed before you go out to the kitchen in the morning?" I asked. "You haven't done that since you moved in."

"I don't know," Jess answered. "With Mike here, I don't want it to be awkward or uncomfortable, so I just got dressed. It's no big deal. I don't mind."

"If that's what you want to do, but I don't think it will really matter to Mike," I responded. "It's your house, so you do what you want. If it makes you feel more comfortable, I understand. I just don't want this to be something that starts to get on your nerves. It's only going to be for another week or two."

"I know. Honestly, I don't mind. It's no big deal. I'm happy that you're helping him out," she told me.

And that's how it was for the first couple of weeks. I was surprised that on the first weekend she even got dressed before coming out for coffee and breakfast. That's something she's never done, even when we had people stay the night after partying. She always just wore her nightshirt while making breakfast or having coffee. I prodded her about why she was doing it, and she again just repeated that she was just being polite and didn't want it to be weird for Mike while he was staying there. Then one day things changed.

When we got to work Jess emailed me. Here is the actual verbiage from our email messages condensed for this story:

JESS: So, you will never guess what happened this morning.

ME: Oh boy, what now?

JESS: I was getting ready for work and my scrubs were all wrinkled, so I went and put them in the dryer with a damp towel before I got in the shower. When I got out of the shower, I went to go get my scrubs out of the dryer and I ran into Mike in the hallway on the way to the laundry room. He looked like a dear in headlights because I only had my panties on, and a towel wrapped around my head. He scared the shit out of me, and I screamed so loud it scared him back. I was not expecting him to be there. He looked frightened when I screamed like he was in trouble or something. He kept apologizing over and over. I just started to laugh, mostly at myself. I reassured him it was alright that I just needed to grab my stuff from the dryer and that I kind of forgot he was staying there.

ME: Oh my god that is funny. You were topless too? How long were you talking to him?

JESS: Not long. I just told him I had to get in there and I scooted by him to get in the dryer. I asked him how he was doing and got my stuff out of the dryer. We didn't talk long I just took my stuff and went back to the room to get ready for work.

ME: Were you covering your tits, or did you just let him look?

JESS: When I screamed I did. It was very funny. I screamed and like pulled my right leg up and covered my tits kind of crouching down a little like. I guess curling up to protect myself! LOL Then when I realized it was just Mike, I just sat there laughing. It took me a good minute to stop laughing at myself and then I got up but I was still laughing.

ME: So, your tits were out the whole time? You didn't cover them back up?

JESS: No, I just kept laughing then I just told him I had to get in there.

ME: You are such a tease. Was he staring at them?

JESS: Maybe at first, he did. Then he looked away. When I was getting my stuff and asked how he was, he might have looked a few times. He definitely got an eye full if that is what you are asking.

ME: Well, I am sure that made his morning. Did it turn you on a little?

JESS: Not right then but afterwards while I was getting ready it did. As I was finished getting ready what turned me on was, I kept thinking about him checking out my ass when I walked away from him. I kept thinking about him looking at my ass. It made me feel really sexy and a little horny him looking at my ass in only my thong.

ME: You probably did the whole thing on purpose. You love showing your body off and that was a perfect setup. Tell me the truth did you plan it?

JESS: No honestly. I would tell you if I did. That is what made it so funny is that he literally scared the shit out of me. I had completely forgotten he was even there, and my mind was in another place.

ME: Well, that is super-hot! Too bad you were not completely naked!

JESS: I am glad I wasn't. I probably would have ran for the room embarrassed.

ME: Why? You have flashed your pussy many times to people. Hell, Mike probably had caught a glimpse once before.

JESS: That is different. If I am doing it on purpose, then that is just me teasing someone. Or if I am in something revealing and I know someone might get a peak then that is different too. For that I am mentally prepared, but when you walk out of your bedroom and you run into a man that you were not expecting to be there, it makes you feel very vulnerable like I was going to get killed or raped. Hard to explain.

ME: I kind of get it. I know you like it when you can do the teasing or make them think they are getting away with peak when actually you were the one doing the flashing. I love that about you, and I love it when we both know you are teasing someone. I have a bit of a boner though thinking of him seeing you topless like that.

JESS: I have no doubt. That is why I wanted to tell you. I tried to call you, but you didn't answer. I knew you would enjoy hearing about this.

ME: I know I was in a meeting sorry. Yes, that is hot! Now I want you to tease him again. That is hot!

JESS: You are such a pervert!

Late that night when we got home, I was dying to discuss this with her. I was horny all day thinking about what had happened that morning and my mind was so excited for her to find ways to tease Mike. Jess went to yoga after work, and when she got home she immediately took a shower. She came out for dinner wearing my favorite night shirt, which is made of a very clingy silk. It is not real tight, but because of the nature of the fabric it lays against her body like a second skin. It will form around her boobs in a way that it looks like she is almost body painted, and her hard nipples seem to almost poke right through the material. It is short, coming just to the bottom of her sexy little ass. Of course, being Jess, she never wears anything under it.

Jess came out into the kitchen still brushing her wet hair. Even though we had been living together for a while, I still get excited when she is wearing only a shirt like this. I am also still struck by her beauty - she had no idea how incredibly hot she was in everyday moments like this. Oblivious to my adoration, she started telling me about her day. I listened attentively for a few minutes but took the first opportunity to steer the conversation towards the activities of her morning.

"I love that shirt on you," I told her. "You should wear that around Mike tomorrow morning and brush your wet hair like you're doing now. It's almost like you're wearing nothing."

"I wondered how long it would take for you to bring that up. You are such a perv," she replied jokingly.

I laughed. "You know you like it just as much as I do," I said with a grin. "Just look at your tits in that shirt. It's like you're body painted. Every curve shows. You know he'll find it very hard not to stare."

"I don't usually see him in the morning. I think that was a fluke yesterday, and it probably won't happen again," she replied.

"Well, it could happen if you helped it along, spent some more time in the kitchen and made a little noise. After today he would be foolish not to come out to at least take a peek at you. I know I'd find an excuse to come out to see what you were wearing," I replied, trying to encourage her to be more aggressive.

"And then what?" she asked. "You just want me to flirt with him? Tease him a little?"

"Like I need to tell you what to do. I'm just suggesting that you go out there and be accessible. Then just be yourself. Do what you do. I'm sure I'll love hearing about whatever happens next."

"You mean like this," she said, turning around and putting both hands on the counter while bending forward slightly so her shirt pulled up, baring the bottom half of her amazing ass. She arched her back towards me, providing me with a perfect view of her ass and pussy from behind.

Jess has amazing thigh gap and one of those pussies that can easily be seen from behind. When she is laying naked on her stomach in bed you can clearly see her pussy from behind. When she bends and arches her back as she was for me at that moment, her entire little pussy and her asshole were on display. I could even see her piercing, hanging down from her hood. It was so fucking hot! She knows how much I love that.

"Oh, dear lord. I was thinking a bit more coy. If you do that for Mike he just might come up from behind and try to fuck you," I told her as I walked over to her getting harder with every step.

"Maybe I'll let him fuck me then," she said lewdly, looking at me over her shoulder as she widened her legs and bent over a little bit more, sexily wagging her ass at me as she did. It was obvious that the talk was getting to her the same as it was to me.

"You are such a slut. I talk about teasing, and you start talking about fucking." I finished my sentence as I got behind her and placed my hands on her hips. Kneeling down behind her and leaning forward, I ran my tongue through her hot already wet little pussy slit and right up to her tight little asshole. She bent over further and arched her back even more, giving me complete access to all of her. "I bet he won't lick your pussy and ass like this though," I said, moving my mouth back to her pussy and running my tongue deeply through her slit and sliding it into her pussy as far as I could.

"I bet he would love to lick my pussy, and he probably wants to fuck it too," she said with a bit of a moan and a wiggle of her hips. "Oh god that feels so good. Don't stop. You can do that to me for hours and I'll never get tired of it," she told me as her breath quickened. She was now bending her knees and sticking her ass out as much as she could, allowing me to get into her pussy deep from that angle.

My dick was rock hard, and I was so turned on I wanted to fuck her right then. I stood up, dropped my shorts and thrust the entire length of my rock hard dick as forcefully and as deeply into her soaking wet pussy as I could. She gave a sexy whimper as I slammed into her. I started fucking her from behind as hard as I could, with my only intent being to fill her freshly showered pussy with my load. This was not about satisfying her. This was about me, and I was so turned on from the day's activities that there was no way I was going to last long. Jess could tell, and she reached down between her legs to lightly grab my balls. This is something she knows I love and always puts me over the edge. It did this time too. As I began to cum, I pulled out and I shot my load across her ass and all over her back. I wanted to keep her pussy clean so I could get her in bed to I could go down on her while I worked our big dildo into her, which we both knew would give her an amazing orgasm. Which is exactly what we did next.

That night Jess and I talked more about possible scenarios and how she could tease Mike in the future. It was great sex talk, and it was very exciting going to work the next morning knowing Jess might be exposing herself to Mike. Each day I would wait impatiently for her to call or message me to let me know what happened, but for several days there was nothing. It was the same thing - he wasn't up, or she went out there and he wasn't out there, etc. But finally, about 4 days later, there was activity.

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