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Jessica's Calling

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A strong-willed girl is brainwashed into happy slavery.
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Jess breathed to the rhythm of her heavy steps. She was exhausted, sore and hot but she had to go for another kilometer. She was training for a mini-marathon; a personal goal she had set herself months ago, and it was only a few weeks away. She had worked up from barely being able to run five kilometers, to being able to run fifteen a few times a week. She had worked hard and she was proud of herself. But she wasn't there yet.

Finally she reached the front door of her studio apartment and with heavy, wobbly legs she collapsed onto her couch and caught her breath. She drank some water and stretched and after a few minutes she started to feel like herself again. It was six thirty: she still had time before she had to head out again.

Jess walked across the small apartment and entered the bathroom. She turned on the shower and while she waited for it to heat up she washed her face. She caught a glimpse of herself in the thin, floor to ceiling mirror in the bathroom. She was twenty-five and fair skinned. She had long, straight blonde hair that was up in a ponytail and a cute, narrow nose and smooth jaw line. She let out her hair and it cascaded down her shoulders.

She wore tight, spandex jogging pants and a tight-fitting tank top that exposed her midriff. The whole ensemble accentuated her form. She was about 5'4'', thin with curves in the right places. She had perfectly shaped, C-cup breasts and an arse just plump enough that it caught the eye of anyone lucky enough to walk behind her. Her back curved inward in an arch when she stood up straight.

The spandex stuck to her sweaty skin, and she peeled it off and jumped in the shower. Even though she was warm from the run, she loved the feel of the hot water hitting her face and back and trickling down her abdomen and thighs. It rejuvenated her and before long the ache in her muscles was gone.

After her quick shower she got dressed - an easy pair of jeans and an orange tank top - and jumped in the car. She arrived at a local bar to meet her friends for the weekly trivia night. The group always blitzed the event, due in no small part to Jess' contributions. She was running a touch late, and most of the group was already there when she sat down at the table.

'Hi how's it going?' said Mark with a familiar smile.

'Hey Mark, hey Rachel' Jess replied.

Jess had known Mark for years and was one of her best friends, and Rachel was his long time girlfriend.

She said hello to the others and got herself a cider.

The night rolled on and by the end of the trivia Jess' team was equal first with another team. That meant a tiebreaker. A debate had started within the team about the answer to the tiebreaker question.

'I'm 100% certain, Rachel.'

'I don't think so, Jess.'

'Grapes are the most grown fruit in the world. Name a country that doesn't make some kind of wine.'

Rachel wouldn't accept it and it frustrated Jess. In the end it didn't matter what Rachel thought, though. Jess was always a natural leader and she was easily able to talk the rest of the group around to her way of thinking.

'Come on, Rachel' Mark interjected 'I think Jess might be right.'

Rachel relented and sat back in her chair sheepishly. Most confrontations between Jess and anyone else resulted the same way. In the end Jess was right and the team won trivia for the eighth week running.

Afterwards, Jess said goodbye to the group and headed home. It was midnight and Jess was wiped. She had work first thing the next day. She brushed her teeth and put on her boxer shorts and loose fitting t-shirt and went to bed. She was out like a light the moment her head hit the pillow.

* * *

Jess headed to work the next morning. She was in advertising, and she was fairly new to the game. She worked for a small firm, just recently hired full time after acing her internship with the firm. She enjoyed the work, although she didn't consider it her calling. Actually, she still didn't know what exactly she wanted to do with her life, but she enjoyed where she was for the time being. Already she commanded the respect of all of the younger staff, even though she hadn't been there as long as most of them. And with her confidence and initiative she commanded the attention of the partners. The name partner, a kind, elderly man named Niko had taken her under his wing, and frequently stated that she was one of the most talented in the business he had ever seen. Jess wasn't particularly interested in Niko's tutelage, though. She knew she was good at her job and that was the only approval she craved. She knew she could go as far as she wanted in the job without help. But she took the advantage, nonetheless.

The only thing she didn't like about her job was one of the junior partners. His name was Michael and he was a small thorn in Jess' side. He frequently gave her work that had already reached deadline and then blamed her when it wasn't done on time. He arrived late, left early, made inefficient management decisions and he hadn't landed a significant account since she started at the firm. She fought back and scolded him at least once a week; an act that might have got her fired if it weren't for the support she got from Niko.

Presently, an idea she had for a marketing campaign resulted in the firm acquiring one of its biggest clients; a billion dollar, multi-national corporation. It was a huge deal. As a result, Jess was put in charge of the project, and given a raise and an office. She was the youngest person in the history of the firm to make it to her level, and she was proud of herself.

The day was coming to a close, and Jess was looking forward to a relaxed night. To her annoyance, though, she was called in to Michael's office shortly before quitting time. She knocked on his open door and stepped halfway in.

'You wanted to see me?'

'Ah, Jessica, come in, close the door' he smiled maliciously.

Michael was in his late thirties. He had olive skin and grey streaks through his dark hair. He was tall, and had a heavy build. More solid, than overweight, but not muscular either. He had a long, rigid nose and subtle wrinkles around his eyes and forehead.

'Take a seat, Jessica.'

Jess wasn't especially fond of her full name, and almost no one called her by it. It hit her ear wrong.

Michael clicked the mouse of the computer on his desk a few times and the surround speakers in the office started playing some soft, new age music. It reminded Jess of the sort of music that gets played at day spas.

'What is it, Michael?'

Jess didn't have the patience for him at that moment. Today was her day and damned if this oaf was going to ruin it for her.

'I want to talk about you, Jessica.'

'What about me?'

'You've settled in here well. You're doing a great job' he said with an oddly warm tone.


'You've pleased the partners very much.'

'I'm glad' Jess replied.

And she truly was glad; it was nice to know her work was appreciated. Jess relaxed in her chair a little. The soothing music was nice.

'It's good to hear you're glad. It's good to know you understand the importance of pleasing the partners.'

'I do understand it' Jess responded.

Jess blinked and shook her head. She was startled by Michael's oddly phrased statement. Nonetheless, she thought, the response she gave was true - pleasing the bosses was the only way she would move up.

Jess' attention was caught by the music. It seemed to get louder and she lost her train of thought as she listened to the peaceful sounds. It was nice.

'What do you understand, Jessica?'

'I understand the importance of pleasing the partners.'

Jess' focus on the music was broken and suddenly she was done. She shook her head more vigorously this time.

'Of course I understand, that's what I'm paid for. Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?'

Michael leaned back in his chair and grinned.

'I just wanted to congratulate you on landing the account today, excellent work'

Jess stood up and opened the door.

'Well thanks' she said dryly.

As she walked back to her office she ran into Niko.

'Ah, Jess are you still here? Go home! You've earned it! And well done again.'

Jess smiled broadly. She was happy to know Niko was pleased with her.

Jess went home and indulged in a much-needed quiet night in. She called her parents about her promotion and watched some bad TV and turned in early. As her head hit the pillow she immediately felt relaxed and dazed and as her eyes closed for the final time her mind turned to her promotion and how good it was that she had pleased the partners.

* * *

Once again, Jess went into work the following morning.

'Good morning Niko!' She said as she handed him a coffee.

It wasn't her job to get her boss coffee, but she was in a good mood and she was already getting one for herself.

As she walked down the corridor to her office she past by Michael's. His door was open and she looked at him as she walked by.

'Good morning' he said.

She kept walking without saying a word.

Jess had a lot of work to do. She had a new, big account and she had to get started. She worked quickly and confidently. Some of the younger staff buzzed in and out of her office as she bossed them around with the gusto of someone with years of experience. They all fell into line under her and worked like a well oiled machine.

At the end of the day Jess sat in her chair, stretched and let out a yawn. It was after business hours and she was more than ready to leave. It was Friday and she was looking forward to a weekend spent with friends in relaxation. As she walked down the corridor Michael called out to her.

'Jessica, could you come in for a moment?'

Jess paused. She resisted the urge to let out an audible sigh.

'What do you want?'

'Please, come in and take a seat.'

Jess sat down. Once again Michael turned on the new-age music.

'Have you worked hard today Jessica?'

'Of course, Michael.'

'Why don't you tell me about some of your ideas?'

Jess hesitated. Michael wasn't on her account; he had no need to know her plans. Besides, she wanted to run them past Niko first.

'You want to please Niko don't you?' Michael suggested.

'Well yes. It's important to please the partners.'

'Exactly. So why don't you tell me your ideas and I'll tell you if they're good. That way you won't disappoint Niko.'

That made sense. Jess knew she was extraordinarily talented. But she was inexperienced. And besides, Michael had known Niko for longer - he would know what Niko would like.

Jess explained her whole advertising plan in detail. Concept, implementation, projections, demographics, everything.

As she explained it she began to zone out. The soothing music caught her attention and most of her conscious thought was lost in the subtle notes. She just recited her plan, almost subconsciously. By the time she snapped out of it she realised she was done with the explanation and Michael was already in the middle of saying something and she was just nodding along vacantly, like people do when they're half listening to a boring story.

'Yes, of course. Always' she said.

She had no idea what she had agreed to, but obviously she had bluffed her way through the conversation well enough because Michael seemed pleased. And that was important.

'So why don't you just forget about that plan?' Michael suggested with a warm smile.

'Yes of course. Thank you.'

Jess couldn't figure out why Michael was helping her. He had never done anything but encumber her in the past. Perhaps he was worried she would be his boss one-day and he was trying to suck up. It wasn't going to work. Jess knew his true colours and she wasn't about to forget. Still, she would take the advantage of his help.

'So what are your plans for the weekend Jessica?'

'Oh, not much. I'll go for a run, maybe catch up with some friends.'

'Have you tried running near Waterstone Park? It's got a lovely track. You should try it.'

'Of course. I will. Bye.'

Jess left the office and walked to the parking lot. She thought about her days' work during the drive home. She realised that for all her hard work and effort she had accomplished very little today. She had come up with some half-baked plan for the new account, but it wasn't very good. She realised it wasn't even a full plan, just some disjointed thoughts and ideas. She still had a lot of work ahead of her.

As she nodded off to sleep that night, she mouthed the words 'It's important to please the partners.'

* * *

The next morning Jess got up and put on her spandex running clothes. She didn't run across the street towards the small park like she normally would though. Instead, she decided she wanted a change of pace. She got in her car and drove to Waterstone Park nearby. It had a lovely track.

Jess started with a brisk walk that quickly progressed into a light trot and then a jog. Before long she had worked up a sweat and was breathing in time to her heavy footsteps. Gasp. Thud. Gasp. Thud. Gasp. Thud.

After about fifteen minutes she heard a voice.


Jess shuddered. She recognised the voice. She turned to see Michael sitting on a bench next to the running track. He was the last person she wanted to see on her day off.

'Imagine seeing you here!' he said.

She knew he had done it on purpose. Probably just to irritate her. He had suggested that she run at Waterstone Park so that he could wait for her and wreck her morning. The only thing she couldn't figure out was why she listened to him in the first place.

'Yes. Imagine it' she said with a flat, irritated tone.

'Actually it's good you're here. I was working on an account at my house - it's just down the street - I need some help with it.'

'It's the weekend' she said, jogging on the spot.

'Yes it is' he said with a callous smirk.

'I'm busy' Jess was about to turn to jog away.

'Yes, I should have known. How displeasing.'

Jess stopped and this time failed to restrain her audible sigh.

'How long will it take Michael?'

'Oh not long, less than two minutes.'

Jess rolled her eyes. It would be easier just to do it than to hear about it for the next week. Plus it never hurt to please a partner.


A few minutes later Jess was on the couch in Michael's house. He came in the room with a bottle of water.

'Here you go' he said as he handed it to her.

He walked over to his media system and put on some music. That new-age music again. What's with this guy and that music? She thought.

'So what do you need help with?' she asked.

'Oh we'll get to that in a minute' he said.

'I really don't have time for this. I have important things to do.'

'What's more important than pleasing a partner Jessica?'


Jess almost recoiled at the realisation of what she had said. She desperately wanted to get out of the house. She stood up.

'I've got to go!'

Jess started for the door. It was locked.

'What's going on here?' she exclaimed in anger.

'Oh sorry, it locks automatically when it closes. I left the key in the kitchen. Let me go get it' Michael said wryly.

'Make it quick!' Jess barked.

Michael scurried off to the kitchen. The music was playing throughout the house. Such nice music. She could listen to it for hours. Jess felt her anger wash away as she let herself get lost in the music.

'You look tired, Jessica. Why don't you sit down.'

'Yes I am tired.'

Jessica wandered over to the couch and sat down next Michael. It felt good to relax for a moment.

'You said you have something important to do, didn't you Jessica?'

'It's important to please the partners' she recited.

'I am a partner, Jessica.'

Jess nodded with a dull smile.

'It's important to please you, Michael.'

'Good, Jessica...'

Jess was completely entranced by the music now. She didn't need to listen to what Michael was saying. She could keep listening to the music, as long she just agreed with whatever Michael said.

'Yes. Yes. I will. Always. Yes.'

As the music enthralled her she just kept giving responses without question. She didn't need to question.

'Good girl, Jessica.'

Jess lifted her head. She felt like she had dozed off but she was completely aware of her surroundings the entire time. She had been wide-awake, and consciously listening to the music. She knew she was on the couch, and half-listening to Michael, but she had no idea how much time had passed or what they had talked about.

'Thank you, Jessica. You can go now.'

Michael patted Jess on the bum softly and Jess smiled.

'I'm so happy I could help.'

As she left the house she realised she didn't even know if she had helped. But Michael seemed pleased and that was all that mattered. It was late afternoon and she still hadn't finished her run. Jess stepped lively and broke into a jog again. As her breathing became rhythmic she started mouthing words with each breath. Please. Michael. Please Michael. Please Michael.

That night her head hit the pillow but she couldn't sleep. She was agitated, restless. Her mind turned to Michael. She was so happy she was able to help him that morning. She thought about his face. His dark skin, his shoulders, his body. Her hand moved almost involuntarily between her legs. Her boxer shorts were moist. She began to rub her clit. Immediately tingles ran from between her legs and up her abdomen into her head. She pulled the elastic of her boxers down and she stuck a finger inside her warm pussy. She began to whisper the words:

'Please Michael. Please Michael. Please Michael.'

In moments Jess' pussy erupted and a surge of stimulation and pleasure burst through her. Then as quickly as it began her limbs fell by her side, limp. For a reason she could never identify, she brought her hand to her mouth and sucked her finger. She had never tasted herself before, and she wasn't especially fond of the taste. But she liked doing it. She imagined that Michael somehow knew she was doing it and that it pleased him. And that was all that mattered. Seconds later Jess was fast asleep.

* * *

The following Monday Jess went into work as usual. As she arrived Niko called her into his office. Michael was already there and she blushed when she saw him, remembering her fantasy the other night.

'Ah Jess. How goes the project?' Niko asked

Jess brushed her hair with her hand as an excuse to hide her face.

'I've still got a lot of work to do.'

'Well I've been talking with Michael here and he's got a lot of interesting ideas. Why don't you let him give you a hand?'

Jess was taken aback a little. She had been so excited at the prospect of running such a big account herself. But at the same time it was probably for the best. Jess had no real idea of what she was doing, and she needed the help.

Michael stood up 'why don't you come to my office, Jessica, and I'll run you through my thoughts?'

A minute later Jess and Michael were in his office. Jess was standing in front of Michael's desk, where Michael sat. That wonderful music was playing.

'It's so nice' she said dreamily.

Throughout their talk Jess was listening to the music. She was fully aware of what she was being told this time, but the music calmed her, took away her instinct to fight or resist. She was able to open up and accept ideas now. It was nice.

'Jessica I want to talk to you about your work.'

Jess stood with a dazed look on her face.

'You're not ready to lead a project like this are you, Jessica?'

'I'm not ready to lead a project like this' she repeated.

'Give me the account.'

'Of course, Michael' She said with a satisfied smile.

'It's much easier to obey, isn't it?'

Jess' mind cleared a little. She was a natural leader. She may not be ready to lead a project of this size, but she was no follower.


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