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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 19

Story Info
Jessica is on her way to a conference.
31.2k words

Part 19 of the 28 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 11/23/2013
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--- Week 4 -- Thursday Night ---

I didn't get to go home this night 'cause Ortega didn't call me a taxi. No surprise there. Duh! However, he didn't call Justin to pick me up, either. Instead, he saw off his business partner Miller, not paying any kinda attention to me or Shelly. I guess he was still super mad at his ass-istants.

Whatever! Like a pair of good subbies, us chicks followed our boss outta the club to the parking garage and waited for him to tell us what to do. When Miller was gone, daddy walked over to his luxury car, still not paying any kinda attention to his bimbos. Reaching the car, he turned around and waved us over with a hammy gesture. I guess, we were supposed to be thankful for being allowed to sit in his expansive German vehicle. As if!

Anyhow, Shelly and I dutifully tottered over to him and climbed into the back. Driving off, the smug exec finally broke his silence and started explaining his plans for the next day. Remember what he had told us? He was going on a business trip and wanted to take his two bimbo ass-istants along for the ride.

During the drive, Ortega explained his plan in more detail, or more like, he mansplained it extra slowly so us stupid bimbos had a chance to comprehend every little thingie. After all, we hadn't really stood out due to our quick wit and intellectual grasp lately, had we? That was why he used extra small words to tell us what he had planned.

Oh, you wanna know what that was? Kinda simple. He intended to use the trip for some kinda ass-essment center. Remember the one he had arranged to hire me as resexionist? Yep, exactly like that one, only different, 'cause this time it wasn't about hiring but firing. Gulp! That was why Ortega actually called it outplacement center. The way he said it, though, it sounded more like out-please-ment center. But maybe, that was just my misperception. Tihi!

The reason for that out-please-ment thingie? Apparently, Ortega was convinced that his ass-istants had demonstrated their ineptitude and made one mistakes too many, what with me inviting my LGZ gang boys to the rooftop bar and Shelly bringing my former team members to the club. Apparently, he had no need for two stupid office bimbos who looked pretty but worked lousily.

Of course, we had to ask a coupla times to understand all the little details, but finally we got it all. The gist of it? The out-please-ment center was make or break time for us bimbos 'cause there could only be one in the end. You know, one winner, one ass-istant, one bimbo. The other one would get laid off immediately. Gasp!

You see! It was all or nothing for me. There was no way around it 'cause I so couldn't lose this job. Imagine me in an interview for a new consulting job. Yeah righty, my bimbo talk would make me look so competent... not! Imagine me performing a work sample for an assistant job. Yeah righty, my super long fashion nails would make me look so deft... not!

Oh! You're saying, I could go back to my old ways of dressing and acting? As if! Actually, it didn't even cross my mind. My current style felt like my natural way of life now. If it felt natural, sounded natural, and came natural... you know what then. There was no going back. Truth be told, it would have felt fake not to look fake. Tihi!

When Ortega had explained every little thingie, we had arrived at his home. Apparently, he wasn't taking us to our own places but keeping his bimbos at his side. Okay, fine! Actually, it was the first time that I saw the smug Latino's house. It looked way bigger and way more luxurious than mine. Even though he was earning top money as a senior consultant, he shouldn't be able to afford a mansion like that. No way!

Whatever! Daddy parked his luxury car in front of his garage and led his bimbos inside. Without saying another word, he walked us through his big mansion, like giving us a tour of all the cozy rooms. He even showed us his comfy bedroom with the huge, cushy bed. Maybe, he would let us sleep in there, like dead men walking who were granted their last supper. I mean, fired bimbos getting their last beauty rest. Tihi!

No such luck for us! Totally the opposite! Instead of letting us sleep in his bedroom, he led us downstairs to a small storage room. It was outfitted as some kinda indoor doghouse equipped with a large dog bed and dog bowls and stuff like that.

In total confusion, us bimbos looked around the storage room with mouths agape. Meanwhile, Ortega grabbed a dog collar and held it in fronta my face. The sheer sight made me gulp. The thought of getting collared made me feel like revolting. No way, I would let him put that thingie on me!

Of course, I let daddy put that thingie around my neck without any kinda back chat. Not only that, I also let him add a dog leash to the collar, which he used to pull me onto hands and knees. OMG! He was turning me into an actual bimbo pet, a collared and leashed pet on all fours. Gulp!

From down below, I watched as the smug Latino repeated the procedure and put a collar around Shelly's neck, adding a dog leash to it and pulling her down on all fours. Truth be told, Blondie looked just as unhappy as I did, even though she didn't say a word of protest, either.

So here we were! Two bimbo pets brought to heel. The milfy pet with long chestnut-golden tresses and sultry bangs wearing a white satin corset, tight and shiny black wetlook leggings, and sky-high black overknee boots. Next to her knelt the girly pet with straight bleached blond hair wearing a dark pink pencil bodycon dress with matching high heels.

At that moment, we were both super eager and extra obedient 'cause bimbo contest, so much so that I expected the trophy chick to pull her arms up and give paws any second. Duh! I was totally prepared for that, though, 'cause I was ready to push my tongue out and pant as a response. Yay! I mean, nay!

That didn't really come to fruition, though, 'cause Ortega had other plans. A sharp tug on both leashes made us jump forward and got us going. With a brisk pace, he walked his bimbo pets to the other side of his big mansion.

When we entered the room, it turned out to be the garage. As soon as we crawled inside, it became clear why the smug exec had parked his car in the driveway. The garage was totally overstuffed with cardboard boxes and moving cartons. There was junk and clutter and old stuff all over the place. What a massive contrast to the cozy bedroom!

Ortega made his way through all the dead wood until he reached the wall. I noticed a coupla eye bolts imbedded in the ground where the concrete floor met the wall. Kinda strange but not some thingie I could make sense of. Nevermind, I wasn't here to give home improvement tips after all, right?

I was about to discover the use of these bolts anyway. Why? 'Cause daddy led us straight over there. With a tug on each leash, he made us chicks face the wall. While we were still busy absorbing our dusty surroundings, he grabbed a coupla thick chains from the pegboard.

Turning his attention to me, Ortega rudely kicked the inside of my left calf until my leg was close to a bolt. Ouchie! So crude! Before I could open my mouth to whine about it, though, the Latino tied a thick chain around my ankle and pushed it through the bolt locking it with a padlock. A coupla harsh kicks to the inside of my right calf followed. Ouchie ouch! So coarse! I so wanted to protest, but once more daddy took my breath away by tying another thick chain around my ankle and locking it to a bolt.

Oh wow! My legs were splayed super wide and the chains were ultra short, so much so that I couldn't move at all. Ortega wasn't done by any means, though. Instead, he grabbed the leash and pulled me down. He tugged and dragged on it until my nipples were touching the concrete floor. That was when he tied the leash to a bolt in fronta me. On top of that, he grabbed the hem of my shiny black wetlook leggings and pulled them down to my knees.

Oh gosh! I totally felt the pressure against my funbags as I laid there face down. Oh jeez! I totally felt the cold air on my exposed pussy. Never ever would I get a second of sleep in a posture like that! Never ever would I remain in a position like that for the entire night. The way I was tied down, however, there wasn't much I could do about it. I had to face the fact that I was about to be kept in a garage like a dog! Oh nay!

Not just me, though. Oh yay! The smug exec proceeded to do the same to Shelly, tying her up in the identical position and pushing her pink dress up to expose her coochie. As a final gesture, he flicked his finger against my smoothly shaved cunny, making me twitch and moan. Hearing Shelly grunt next to me, I gathered that he had done the same to her. With that, he left us bimbo pets for the night, switching off the light on his way out.

As I said, there was no way for me to get any kinda sleep. My knees were getting sore and the pressure on my boobies was grody. So not cozy! So not comfortable! Soon, I started fidgeting about and shifting around. It didn't really help, though, 'cause the chains didn't give any leeway. At least, I heard Shelly wriggling around just as much. She wasn't getting any sleep, either. Ya-nay!

--- Week 4 -- Friday Morning ---

The flashing of the cold neon light woke me up. I must have fallen asleep after all. With the light being totally glary, it blinded me at first. That was why I heard the rattling of chains but couldn't see it. Blinking my eyes to get used to the light, I eventually saw Shelly next to me. She was still tied to that bolt with her face down and ass up. She was staring right at me. She was rocking back and forth in short movement. What the fudge!

Blinking the sleep outta my eyes, I noticed somebody standing behind her. It was Ortega! He was already taking her by the rear. Obviously, he was here to relieve his morning woody. Gasp! Obviously, he was choosing the girly pet over the milfy pet. Gulp! Obviously, he was already in the mood to stoke the cum-petition. Why? Cause I suddenly felt him pressing a finger against my clit. He wasn't really rubbing it, though, squeezing my happy button in rhythm with his fucking instead.

"Let's see who starts squirting first, I insist." He told us in between his strokes.

Oh boy! This was totally blindsiding me. After all, I was still kinda sleepy. This was totally unfair. After all, he was pounding the blondie bitch with his crooked cock whereas he was only fondling my clittie. Despite my doziness, though, my excitement slowly got roused, my eagerness to please slowly awoke, my desire to win slowly got stirred. I so needed to attract and poach daddy. I so needed to entice and lure him away.

In my tied-up state, however, there wasn't much I could do, right? But then I noticed Ortega standing over Shelly's rear. With his feet in range, I craned my neck as much as I could with that pesky leash. Eagerly, I started kissing his bare toes. The more awake I became, the more fervent I acted. Super eagerly, I licked at his toes and kissed his instep and stuff. What a submissive gesture! What an obedient action! What a smash hit!

Why? Cause daddy reacted by starting to fondle my happy button more intensely. Whenever he thrust his cock into Shelly's pussy, he pinched my sweet nub super roughly. Whenever he pulled out, he yanked on my lovebud. Well and good and all, but it wasn't enough. No way! I so needed daddy's gorgeous dick to hit my sweet spot. I so needed some thingie to fill my cunny to really get going. But wait! I could use my hands to stuff me properly.

Easy peasy! Hastily, I reached back. Without hesitation, I used my right hand to slide 2 fingers up my coochie. Just as quickly, I used my left hand to shove 2 fingers up my butthole. No wavering here despite super long porn claws. Too needy! Too desperate! Anyhow, Shelly surely noticed my actions, 'cause she quickly followed my example. What a copycat! What an amateur! Whatever! Just as hastily, she stuffed 2 fingers up her asshole. Even though she grimaced when stretching her ringpiece. As I said, amateur!

No matter what, this was a cum-petition, right? That was why I added another finger to my coochie and my bunghole respectively. Oh wow! I was really getting stuffed here. I was really getting in the groove here. I was really starting to grunt and groan here. However, Shelly must have been feeling the same kinda arousal, 'cause she started moaning just as loudly and noisily. Oh boy! Daddy's bimbo ass-istants were literally having a race in stuffing their shitters for his amusement. Still, none of us chicks had climaxed yet. None of us chicks had squirted yet.

Apparently, it was taking too long for Ortega. Why? Cause outta the blue, he let his gorgeous prick plop outta Blondie's cunny. Before his bimbos had a chance to react, he changed position and drilled his meaty tool up my ass. Oh my god! Oh my gasp! The smug Latino acted super quickly. So much so that I didn't have a chance to push my fingers outta my bunghole. So much so that he added his cock to my already crammed and crowded ass chute. Daddy started pounding my bumhole super forcefully. So much so that he drove the air outta my lungs. So much so that my big, ole funbags got severely pressed against the hard ground.

Oh my fudging god! Oh my fudging gasp! I was getting my sexholes stretched wider than ever. At that, I was doing the stretchy thingie myself, what with me adding that many fingers. Too greedy! Too horny! However, Ortega wasn't forgetting about his blonde secretary either. Keeping up his procedure, he thrust 2 fingers up her asshole and pounded it in rhythm with his dick strokes.

What a groaning cunt-test! What a moaning cunt-test! We were both close, like within reach. We were both on the edge, like edging. We were both... literally left out to dry. Why? Cause daddy abruptly pulled his cock and his fingers outta his bimbos' assholes.

When he stepped away from his two kneeling ass-istants, I couldn't see him anymore but only hear him grunt. Apparently, he was cumming. But where? That question got cleared up when a steel dog bowl got shoved right in between our faces.

"Breakfast of champions, indeed." He chuckled totally appreciating the irony.

Anyhow, us chicks were way too eager and way too obedient to let that stop us. Instead, we didn't need another prompt to crane our necks to the max and dip our tongues into the cum-filled dog bowl. The milfy pet and the girly pet lapping up their spunk breakfast. Was it degrading? Totally! Was it devaluating? Entirely! Was it appropriate? Perfectly!

"It is to be regretted that I didn't see any of you squirting." The exec remarked while watching us tackle his jizz load. "None of you can follow orders, I thus have to gather. Only confirms my decision to lay off one unnecessary earner, indeed."

"No score yet, I have to say." He added. "Ipso facto, we still have a balanced scorecard."

With that, he stepped up to his ass-istants. After blowing his load, he didn't let us finish the job and make us climax. As if! He didn't let us finish our breakfast, either. Instead, he untied Shelly's leash from the bolt and led her outta the garage. Oh greaty! Of course, he was releasing the trophy chick first, keeping me in this ultra uncomfortable position for a bit longer. Still, no equality here. Duh!

Surprisingly, daddy came back to untie me kinda quickly. Leading me by the leash, he made me crawl to the guest bathroom on the first floor. Apparently, his mansion provided several bathrooms so both of his bimbo pets could proceed with their morning routine at the same time.

Reaching the shower, he gestured me to get off my hands and knees. When I stood up, however, I almost toppled over 'cause my legs were super wobbly from being kept in that awkward position for so long. Not that daddy would have helped me and prevented my fall. So not!

Anyhow, the warm water helped relax me and uncramp my muscles and wash the cum off my face. I still remained on guard, though, 'cause I somehow expected Ortega to step back into the bathroom, pull me outta the shower, and do some nasty stuff to me.

Actually, I wanted the smug exec to barge in and use me in some kinda filthy way. Why? Cause attention. Cause unreleased lust. Duh! It didn't happen, though. Too bad! I would have been ready for any kinda thingie. Actually, I was kinda yearning for it, so much so that I was really pouty about being left alone for so long.

At least, it gave me the chance to doll myself up even though there wasn't much I could do, 'cause I only had my old clothes with me. You know, the white corset, black wetlook leggings, and black overknee boots. Bummer! I only had the same old accessories, too. You know, the super big golden triangle hoops, the golden rosary necklace with clunky cross, and the two golden cuff bracelets. Total bummer!

With so little options, I decided to try a new style. I mean, my eyebrows were already shaved off and painted in an ultra slutty high arch, so I went all chola fashion and applied some mega glam makeup. It was more like classic glamour on steroids, though. Tihi!

I used a full face of foundation and sculpted my cheeks with bronze-based blush. Going for a stunning pink smokey eye look, I first applied silver eyeshadow at the inner corners of my eyes, followed by hot pink eyeshadow. To enhance the dramatic effect, I added black eyeliners with a dramatically winged style. Not only at the upper and lower eyelids, but also at the outer corners. At last, I finished my awesome pink smokey eye look with some glitter at the inner corners of my eyes. So glammy! So glitzy!

Of course, I wanted the total chola look for my mouth, too. So I used the lip enhancer to plump it up to the max first. When my lips looked ready to burst, I lined them with dark red lipstick and filled them with lighter pink lipstick. As I said, chola baby! Sealing them with lotsa lipgloss, they literally glistened like an ice ring. Super glam! Super glitz!

As hairstyle, I was going for total drama. After all, my hair should match my cholaface, right? It figures! In one of my glamour mags, I had seen a Latina pop singer sport a certain ponytail style. Not just a simple ponytail, though. As if! A high pony! That was why I totally adapted it. Pulling my chestnut-golden tresses back ultra tightly, I got my hair as straight as possible and secured it with a hair tie at the crown of my head. I also slicked my fringe back on top of my head 'cause it didn't fit that facelift style.

Good thingie, I found a shiny gold metal cuff in my purse. Always remember to have your accessories in a row, girls! Using it as hair band, the ponytail reared up sky high 'cause the cuff was about 2" big. From the cuff, my slicked tresses flared out super thick and extra wide. This way, the ponytail literally hung down like a veil. The golden highlights added another spectacular effect 'cause they made the hair on top of my head look dark and chestnutty whereas the ponytail looked light and golden. Oh wow! It gave my hairstyle a totally dramatic look. Super fancy! Super trendy!

When I was done with my styling, there was still no sign of Ortega. By now, it gave me a pinch of disappointment. He was focusing on some other thingie, or even worse some other girlie. Oh dang! I really wanted him to use me in some kinda pervy, sexist way right there in his bathroom 'cause I was still totally edgy. That was why I was more than pouty. I was really upset.

Eager to attract daddy's attention, I walked into the main hall. Actually, I didn't really walk, 'cause I got back on hands and knees as soon as I stepped outta the bathroom. It felt so natural to move like a pet on all fours in daddy's house.

Reaching the main hall, Shelly was already there waiting. Just like me, she was wearing her old outfit. Unlike me, though, she hadn't changed her style much. Yay! Yet, her loose hair and pencil dress made her look lotsa more business savvy for the business trip. Nay!


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