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Jessica's Change Management Ch. 25

Story Info
Jessica makes a life-changing decision.
22.6k words

Part 25 of the 28 part series

Updated 03/07/2024
Created 11/23/2013
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-- Thursday --

After a super long sleep, I woke up at lunch time. The perks of being unemployed. Tihi! The events of the previous day, however, weighed heavy on my mind. Remember? I had gotten myself into big trouble, 'cause I had become too careless and forgotten about the lurking danger. I had gotten arrested, 'cause I had acted too rash and impulsive. Only that small voice of restraint had gotten me outta jail and free of charges.

Lessons learned? For sure, it was too dangerous to be too bimboy. Even in my bimbo bliss, I couldn't let myself go completely but needed to keep a hint of my wits about me. That was why I had a new motto: Be a beautifool, not a bimbecile! Piece of cake... not! How was I supposed to do that?

More worrying, however, was the fact that I had to find a way to pay 500 bucks per week to LGZ and another 500 bucks to the corrupt cop. As Sosa had trailed me on my way home, he knew where I lived so I couldn't really evade him. On top of that, I had to find a way to earn that kinda cash without entering the barrio. Easy-peasy... not! How was I supposed to do that?

Due to these new expenses, I had to find a remedy from my financial obligations 'cause they were totally piling up. Besides, my savings were kinda running out 'cause unemployment. Duh! After my ouster from the consulting firm, I had seen the LGZ gang as the right place to pursue my bimbo career and earn some cash along the way. After the latest events, however, I wasn't so sure about it anymore. After all, the gang had given me way more trouble than benefits. I guess, there was only one reasonable consequence. I had to find a way to get away from 'Loz Gandallazzz'. Walk in the park... not! How was I supposed to do that?

Questions over questions! Problems over problems!

So how did I react? By procrastinating, as in spending the rest of the day online on the 'Bimbo Nation' website. Yay! For hours, I chatted with other bimbos and looked at pictures of glamour models and human barbies and living sexdolls to distract myself. After all, dreaming of further bimbofications was that much more thrilling than worrying my pretty head, wasn't it?

-- Friday --

The next morning, I had found a way to forget about my worries and stuff. Let me ask you: What had been the biggest sexcess story over the last coupla days? My cosmetic surgery! Of course! After all, my resting pucker face had totally driven all dudes into a frenzy, making them act really ruthless and relentless and raw and raunchy. Remember? Dudes had started calling my lips 'meat bumpers' and 'trout pout' and stuff. They had been super complimentary and laudatory and appreciative about it! Yay! All righty, so not totally righty! Cause I had gotten some criticism for not choosing other surgeries. That irked me to the max, 'cause it made me feel like I needed to set it right.

Prowling the 'Bimbo Nation' website, I had discovered lotsa pictures of some milfy bimbo pornstar who went by my surname. Coincidence? Maybe! Fate? Totally! Why? Cause she had a similar physique with the same 5'4 height. More than that, she also had the same cup size as in c-cups. However, that had been before she had gotten the bestest boobjob ever and become a porn legend, or more like her ginormous juggies had become legendary. I so couldn't stop looking at pictures of her and her massive mammaries. I so couldn't stop reading comments about her killer knockers. I so couldn't stop fantasizing about having the same fablous fakebags. So jelly! So envious!

While surfing the website, I got surprised by an old friend. Who? That voice of restraint had piped up several times. For fuck's sake! You're such an attention-whoring divadoll! You're such a greedy girl! We gotta be more cautious and less rash. Don't forget the time in jail. This is a life-changing thingie that needs to be well-considered. Don't be a vapid, vain vulg-ho!

More surprisingly than that, a new voice responded by objecting to the moderation, kinda like the voice of temptation. Meh, chica! We've been a bland, boring buzzkill for way too long already. You only live once, right? We totally gotta make the best of it and make up for lost time! This is gonna bring us so much more looks and attention and admiration. Don't be a ditzy, docile damsel in distress!

Oh wow! Suddenly, there were two sides to each argument, literally like the beautifool on my right and the bimbecile on my left shoulder. Mind blown! Anyhoo, both sides had some valid points. The voice of restraint was all about being a bimbo in a safe space whereas the voice of temptation was about living life to the bubbliest. What a contrast! What a struggle!

Whatever! First thingies first! After all, I couldn't get those pictures from the 'Bimbo Nation' outta my head as they were constantly preying on my mind. That was why I had to do some thingie about it. What exactly? Using the next day to drive to my trusted plastic surgeon 'cause gathering information had never hurt anybody, right?

To nobody's surprise, the doctor wasn't really caught off-guard by my return. See? Top customer! Purr-fect client! It still made him chuckle when I showed him the pictures of the bimbo boobies I was looking for. As it turned out, he had performed the original surgery on my porny role model, so he knew exactly how to achieve the same look. What a happy coincidence! What a chance of a lifetime!

In the end, he suggested 500cc cohesive silicone gel implants to be placed behind my breast tissue. Why over the muscle? Cause I already had a good amount of breast tissue, as in c-cups, so it would produce somewhat natural-looking fakebags that should age well. Also, the recovery was supposed to be easier. Oh wow! Clear vision, full chest! Tihi!

Oh my god! This was too good to be true. Of course, I so couldn't say no to a golden opportunity like that. Duh! That was why I decided to start with all the restraint tomorrow and go with my guts for the last time ever. Yay! Even though I was super excited, I was also ultra nervous. My heart literally beat in my throat when I followed the surgeon into the operation room. No matter what, my feelings soon changed to light-headed and dreamy, 'cause I received the general anesthesia. Welcome Mr. Sandman! Yay! Yay!

When I woke up, every thingie had changed. Still sleepy, I had to squint my eyes several times to blink the sleep away. When my vision cleared, I looked down my body but couldn't see bubkiss... except for my boobies, or more like two bulky mounds all wrapped up in bandages. Oh wow! Those two artificial hills were ginormous, so much so that they hid all thingies underneath. So amaze!

For a coupla hours, I had to stay in the recovery room for close monitoring. After another inspection by the surgeon, he deemed me stable for discharge. Before leaving, I was given specific post-operative instructions for my titty implant recovery and a follow-up appointment with the doctor. I also received pain pills and an antibiotic to prevent infection.

Just like that, I was back at home. It had all happened super fast and had been surprisingly uncomplicated. Yet, it had totally been life changing. Oh wow! No way, any kinda thingie would ever be the same. Neither my self-awareness nor my body image nor my physical feelings. Neither people's perception nor their looks nor their reactions. So awesome!

-- Saturday --

As instructed, I had to wear my support garment, aka the elastic band thingie called bandeau, all around the clock to minimize swelling and support my boobies as they healed. Of course, I was totally itching to unwrap my new best friends and inspect them and play with them. In the end, however, I abided to these instructions, 'cause I really wanted the bestest result possible. After all, I was determined to listen to my voice of restraint... most of the time.

Due to this, I decided to take it easy. That involved no intense physical activity, as in no sports or sex. Pant! As I couldn't get no sexual release, I decided to go for an alternate form of relief. Some thingie I had wanted to do for a long time. What exactly? I headed to my tattoo parlor although I wasn't about to get another tattoo. Instead, I opted for a piercing. Yay! I already had that clitty zipper piercing that I totally loved 'cause it showed my obedience in the bestest way ever. Now, I was going for another typical bimbo piercing, as in a tongue stud.

I mean, as much as I surfed on the 'Bimbo Nation' website and browsed through glamour magazines, there was a striking thingie all the chicks had in common. Most bimbos and pornstars and fitness models and instastars had a tongue piercing. So I totally needed one too, right? After all, it's said that tongue piercings are the traditional sign of sluts and the promiscuous, aren't they? So purr-fect! So fitting!

By now, I was kinda like a regular for the tattoo artist. Again! Top costumer! Purr-fect client! Yay! That was why he didn't ask lotsa questions. Instead, he was all business-like when he marked the position in the middle of my tongue. After clamping the area, he pierced my tongue, which made my eyes water but didn't hurt too badly. After the needle had gone through, he removed it and slit the jewelry in through the hole. Then he attached the ball, and with that, I was ready to go. Easy peasy! Glittery glamour!

Which style I chose? The most generic and stereotypical one, of course, as in the midline tongue piercing that was the most common type. Duh! Which jewelry I selected? The most glitzy and flashy one, of course, as in a silver surgical steel barbell with a flat ball on top. Needless to say, the ball was sparkly pink. Tihi! On top of that, I saw a special stud in the store that I simply had to buy. No way around it! Why? Cause it had a glittery inscription, saying 'Rods Rule'. What a hit! What a double entendre thingie! Totally awesome! Total reminder of Sir Da-Rod!

With that wish fulfilled, I stayed home the next coupla days. So basically, I didn't do much but have my beauty sleeps and surf and chat on the 'Bimbo Nation' website. It figures! Even though it was only a coupla days, it felt like ages until I finally got to unwrap my new-and-improved hardware. I was so totally beyond excited. I almost dampened my pants from nervousness. When I saw the results, however, it took my breath away.

Fame and glory!

What I saw was beyond words. Actually, it was too brilliant for words, or more like too immense for me to put into fancy words. My implants were really a whopping size, as in huge, giant, ginormous, gigantic, whatever. Best thingie? As my boobies had been pretty large before, they still had a nice shape, not those shiny round bolt-ons with tightly stretched skin. As if!

Fine! They didn't really look teardrop-shaped anymore but more like bell-shaped with a narrow top and rounder bottom, literally like fake fleshy funbags or plumped plushy pillows. They still had a nice wobble and jiggle but weren't flabby or saggy at all. With my small frame and wide hips, they really looked fabulous. So amaze!

Anyway, all that mattered was that I instantly loved my new babies, right? Bestest thingie? Looking at my back in a mirror while raising my arms, I could see my titty meat bulging out to the sides! So fab! Truth be told, my surgeon had really done a bang-up job 'cause my new fake friends really looked like a replica of my favorite bimbo role model. So awesome!

The sight made me dream up tons of sexy and dirty stuff that dudes could do to my new babies, so much so that I started counting down the hours until I could finally visit my surgeon. Every other hour, I found myself in fronta the mirror inspecting my new bosom buddies from every angle. Time couldn't go fast enough until the post-op appointment. Pout!

-- A Week Later - Friday --

A week after the surgery, the time had come. I was way beyond nervous, so much so that my heart was beating faster than ever. Pant! All my fears were unfounded, though, 'cause the doctor was super happy with my healing process. Checking the incisions and stuff, I obviously healed very easily and super quickly. Anyhow, it totally put a damper on my hopes when he told me that I had to start slowly with some physical exercises like peddling a stationary bike and stuff like that. More importantly, though, he was still advising against the most important physical activity of all, aka sex. Pout!

Pout! I was so ready for some carnal business but still had to wait to fully heal. Pant! Like a good beautifool, however, I would heed the advice. Ya-nay! Side effect? I could use the time to learn how to express myself in a somewhat understandable way 'cause lip augmentation. Yay! Another side effect? I couldn't work or earn cash 'cause sick leave. Nay!

For this reason, I had to use more of my savings to pay the rate for LGZ and Sosa. Umph! About those payments... When I met Checo at the taco joint to give him the money, he didn't show any interest in my new best friends. Probably, that bitch of a barrio spring chicken was still keeping his balls drained. Dang! Possibly, it was my unflashy outfit hiding my bosom buddies. Darn! Certainly, it felt like a missed opportunity and totally hurt my bimbo pride. Duh!

Unflashy outfit? You read that right. Like a good beautifool, I had followed my new resolution and put on a casual jacket 'cause none of my tops and blouses fit my new cup size. As a result, the jacket barely showed my new silicone sweater stretchers. Gulp! I so woulda loved the rude thug's attention and appreciation for my new-and-improved hardware, but it woulda been a totally bimbecile move to come here in a too-small and too-tight top, right? What a pity!

No matter what, the gangster's disregard totally sent me on a shopping binge 'cause alternate relief and all. As I sported 36f cups now, I needed new tops and lingerie and stuff. However, I didn't really spend that much on bras, 'cause I didn't need them anyway, right? Besides, it was super hard to find fitting clothes in the usual dress shops 'cause ginormous juggies. Total discrimination! In the end, I bought my new clothes in an adult store, purchasing a buncha cute costumes, what with a schoolgirl, cheerleader, and racetrack hostess uniform. Still, most of the clothes were one or two sizes too small. Do tell!

After all that stressful shopping, I needed some relaxation, so I headed for my favorite place ever. The beauty store, of course. After all, I totally needed a new manicure although I was really sad to say goodbye to my Leopard-style nail art and nail piercings and chains. Pout! Anyhoo, out with the old and in with the new! Needless to say, I wasn't willing to go shorter. No way! I loved the way the super long pornclaws gave me that clumsy touch, as in total ditzy doll. To keep up the bimbo theme, I chose pink glitter nails. But not some simple baby pink. As if! Instead, I selected a sharp stiletto style with a hot pink base and clear holo glitter tips. Oh wow! The tips literally sparkled like a trillion rainbow stars. Yay!

-- Another Week Later - Tuesday --

Following my surgeon's advice, I had to keep my activities low for another week although it was getting more difficult with every passing minute 'cause no sex. Duh! To pass the time, I started a light workout program. Due to my new babies' ginormous size, I began doing back exercises to keep my shoulders straight and my chest lifted, which was necessary to help ease the pressure of gravity pulling on my jumbo juggs. Tihi!

The fact that I had to work out to prevent myself from toppling over was totally intoxicating. The fact that I was paying major money for some supersized silicone implants that required me to strengthen my back was super thrilling. Actually, it was the most bimboy thingie ever! The sheer thought made my pussy really drippy. More than that, the looks and leers from dudes in the gym made my cunny ultra leaky, so much so that I almost came on the spot. Tihi!

All the same, time seemed to stand still, what without sex and all that fun stuff to do. Dang! I so couldn't wait for my final appointment with my surgeon, so much so that I cheered and jubilated when he finally cleared me for all physical activities. At long last! Not a second too soon! I was super happy and ultra joyful, what with me jumping up and flinging my arms around the doctor to give him a major hug, or more like a first plushy pillow test. Finally, there wasn't a thingie left to hold me back. So brilliant!

Truth be told, I was literally like a cat on hot bricks, or more like a bimbo with a hot box. To say it bluntly, I was ready to get plugged and loaded, literally like the hottest gadget of the hour. Totally horny! Totally on heat!

-- Still that week - Wednesday --

I had been totally occupied with my bimbofications and workouts and stuff, so much so that I almost forgot about my regular paydays. Before I made the trip to the bank and the taco joint, however, I had more important matters to attend to, as in getting dressed for my meeting with Checo. No way, me and my fresh fake friends would get disregarded again! As if! After the last setback with the Latin gangster, I was super excited to properly present my jumbo juggs to him, so much so that I spent hours to get all dolled-up, only to give a gangbanger some money. So silly! So essential!

No matter what, I couldn't commit to a single outfit. That was why I had to resort to the eenie-meenie-miney-mo technique. See? Simple as that. As a result, I ended up dressed in a costume that was coming right outta the adult store. Oh, you want to know details about the outfit? It was a super sexy racing-crop-set consisting of a little jacket and hot pants. The pants were made of bright yellow spandex with a broad waistband and hemline in a checkered flag design, as in a pattern of black and white squares. Following bimbo custom, the hot pants were super short and ultra tight, so much so that the checkered hemline totally cut into my flesh right underneath my butt curve. So amaze! So fab!

The top was basically a bright yellow spandex jacket with bare midriff, long sleeves, and a standing collar. Between the neckline and collar was a heart-shaped cutout that totally showed off my upgraded silicone valley. The hemline, the collar, and the outside of the long sleeves had the same checkered pattern with those black and white squares. Of course, no bras or panties so my cameltoe and nippies poked right through the flimsy, bright spandex material. Credit where credit was due! Totally saucy! Totally sassy!

As I was wearing an outfit from the adult store, I also went with a pair of boots straight from the sex shop. Consistency and all! They were sexy knee-high boots in faux leather with yellow crocodile print, a 6" stiletto heel and a 1.5" platform. I also added a matching yellow leather clutch purse in crocodile pattern. Oh wow! The yellow color purr-fectly fit my bottle blonde tresses. So awesome! So brilliant!

As I was all about making a bimbo statement here, I wore the huge hoop earrings with the iconic golden stripper girl silhouette inside the hoops for a second time. Oh, and of course, I was wearing golden rings again. However, I decided to mix it up a bit. As I was missing my nail chains so much, I integrated a new kinda chain. That was why I put a ring harness on my right hand consisting of a golden ring on my forefinger and pinky. Those two rings were connected by two golden chains that basically dangled over the back of my right hand. On my left hand, I went with a golden ring bracelet, consisting of a ring over my middle finger that was linked to a wristband by a golden chain. Totally shiny! Totally sparkly!

When I checked my look in the mirror, I gasped 'cause mind blown. First of all, by the sheer size of my fabulous fakebags bulging from the tight yellow jacket. More than that, though, by the overall package. Gulp!

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