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Jessica's Epiphany Ch. 01

Story Info
A young wife discovers a side she didn't know she had.
5.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/16/2024
Created 05/26/2024
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This story comprises of 16 short chapters (all written) that will be released in turn as I edit them.

Like many of the submissions on here this could have been placed in a variety of genre's; Loving Wives, Fetish, Novels & Novellas but I felt it was best suited to Exhibitionist & Voyeur.

As always constructive comments are welcome but please don't tell me where the story is going after reading one chapter.... You might be wrong!

Please remember it is just a story and like with so many of them, there are always a few liberties taken with reality.



Jessica's Epiphany

~~~ Chapter 1 ~~~

"Brringggg..... Brringggg!"

I was miles away when the insistent ringing of the telephone made me jump, pulling my attention away from what I had been doing on the computer.

Reaching across my desk I picked it up, "Good morning, Prescott's Advertising Agency, Jessica Prescott speaking. How may I help you?"

I tried to sound as businesslike as I could even though it wasn't part of my normal job to answer the phone. However, at the moment our young receptionist and girl Friday, Melissa, was out running an errand for my husband Tom, so it fell to me to stand in.

"Ah good morning Mrs Prescott, this is Richard Danville, can I speak to your husband please?"

"Of course Mr Danville, I'll put you straight through to him."

I swallowed nervously and quickly connected the call to Tom's office phone.

We had been on tenterhooks for the last few days, waiting to hear from the CEO of the largest lingerie manufacturer in the region, so once I had transferred the call I sat back at my desk, unable to focus on anything else.

Just staring at my husband's closed office door I fiddled nervously with my hands, wondering what was being said, waiting for him to finish so I could hear the result of the conversation they were having.

'Had we got the contract?'

'If we hadn't what would we do?'

'How long could we keep going without this deal?'

A host of thoughts raced through my head as I waited impatiently to hear what the purpose of the call was.

Whatever happened there was one thing I was absolutely certain of, if we hadn't got the job then it was unlikely that Prescott's Advertising was going to survive much longer, unless something totally unexpected happened.

The financial downturn of the last six months had meant a variety of businesses were suffering and we were one of them.

Sitting there, unable to concentrate on my work, I let my mind wander back to when I had first joined the company a little over two years earlier.


Thomas Prescott was the sole owner of the small advertising agency when I had walked through the door around 28 months previously, in what was only supposed to be a temporary role.

I had been hired to fill in as his personal assistant and the general office administrator while Sarah, his existing full-time PA, went off to Australia for a month to visit her daughter and newborn grandson.

The company was nothing spectacular, only employing a handful of people besides Tom and Sarah; old Stan Moresby the accountant cum general finance guy, a couple of copywriters Jason and Katrina, plus Craig a young IT guy and a receptionist, Melissa, who doubled as the office's girl Friday.

From my very first day I had been attracted to Tom Prescott, which was hardly a surprise. He was 27 then, 6'1" tall with brown hair and matching eyes that I simply lost myself in every time I looked into them. With a nicely defined physique that showed he worked out but wasn't obsessed with the gym or his body I had found myself daydreaming about him on more than one occasion.

Of course, I had no reason to think that he was even remotely interested in me so, aside from fantasising about him, I just tried to get on with my work. It wasn't easy though, my role meant I had regular contact with him, and having my heart rate go through the roof whenever I was near him made life very difficult for me.

By the Thursday, after barely a week, I had pretty much made up my mind that I was going to quit when he strolled up to my desk, just after lunch.

"Err.... Jessica. I... umm... I wondered if you'd have dinner with me tomorrow?"

Completely stunned I had found myself lost for words and simply sat and stared at him, open mouthed.

"Is that a yes or a no?" He had chuckled nervously, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Oh err.... umm.... it's a... a yes... I'd love to."

Of course I had accepted, as soon as I had found my voice, and the following evening he took me out to a very plush Italian restaurant.

I can't remember what I ate or drank that night as I spent the whole time gazing at the man opposite me and wondering why, out of all the girls he could ask to dinner, he had chosen me.

One date led to another and that led to a third and before I knew it we were a couple.

If I was in any doubt about how I felt about him I realised, from the very first time he kissed me, on our second date, that I was head over heels in love with him.

Fortunately, he felt exactly the same way about me.

I managed to resist him for three dates, not wanting to appear easy, but by our fourth evening together I couldn't help myself and had gone very willingly to his bed.

It was just six wonderful months later that Tom proposed to me and we were married a few weeks after that, at a small registry office service, accompanied by just our families and a few close friends.

We already knew that Sarah had decided to stay in Australia and so I became, Jessica Prescott, general company dogsbody and full time P.A. to my husband, the CEO and only salesman.


Now, eighteen months on from our wedding, the company that used to make us a reasonable living had seen a significant downturn in business. In fact, things had become so desperate we were barely keeping our heads above water.

In an effort to improve our failing fortunes Tom had recently pitched our services to several larger organisations, including one that was owned by sixty-year-old Richard Danville, the CEO of a large manufacturing business.

We both knew that if we got the contract to provide his advertising over the next three years it would be a huge shot in the arm for us, at a time when small companies like ours were struggling.

More to the point, it would ensure our survival during the difficult economic times that loomed ahead for us.

"Hey Jess, can you come in here for a minute."

My husband's voice summoning me to his office jerked me out of my retrospection.

Hesitantly I got up from my desk, part of me already wondering how I was going to tell the few staff we employed that the company was going under and they were now out of work.

"Well, what did he say?"

Forcing myself to smile I bounced through the door and dropped into the chair in front of his desk to hear the outcome of the phone call.

"The simple answer is yes.... and no." He said frowning, his voice flat and unemotional.

I looked at him somewhat puzzled by his answer, "What the fuck does yes and no mean?"

"Well, we have the first photoshoot but it's kind of probationary. If we do a good job on it, he has said he'll sign for the three years."

Tom bit his lip and rather succinctly informed me of Richard Danville's decision.

"Oh! So, we're safe for a bit?"

It was about all I could manage, feeling slightly deflated by what he had just told me but at the same time relieved that we weren't going out of business the next day.

My husband nodded, "Two months, three tops. He's agreed to pay the costs for the shoot regardless of his final decision, so we won't be out of pocket."

"But?" Raising an eyebrow questioningly I looked at him for some sort of clue as to our predicament, "That sounds like there's a but coming."

"It doesn't solve the current crisis we're in. Unless we get the contract, we're going to have to shut up shop." He gazed back at me looking tired and unhappy.

"Then we had better make sure we get it, hadn't we?"

I got up and went around the desk, perching on the edge in front of him with my skirt riding up my thighs.

With a large portion of my upper legs on show I made no effort to pull the hem down. I even leant back a little, my legs parting slightly, to reveal the fact I was wearing stockings to him.

Running his hand up my thigh my husband let his fingers caress around the darker band at the top of my nylons, sending a warm feeling flowing through my pussy, as he grinned at me.

"You really do know how to cheer a man up babe." He chuckled, looking into my eyes as his fingers teased a little higher, moving upwards towards the soaked gusset of my thong.

The office door was open and I knew that anyone who might wander by would certainly get an eyeful of my stocking clad legs and what my husband was doing but I just sat there, making no attempt to stop him.

I was fairly sure that no one would bother us, they were all busy around the office, but there was always a chance that someone might walk past and it was the fact that I might be seen that was helping make my pussy exceptionally moist.

"So, when do we start?" I giggled naughtily, tossing my hair back, "And I don't mean with what your fingers are doing up my skirt."

Chuckling he pulled his hand from between my legs and sat back in his chair, his arms behind his head as he looked at me thoughtfully.

"Well, the shoot is scheduled in a couple of weeks. I've already put Annabelle on the copy for it just in case and now I'm wondering who to get in to do the pictures."

Realising he was now back in work mode I disappointedly tugged my skirt back down, covering the tops of my stockings and making myself a little more presentable.

I gave his question a moment or two's consideration before answering.

"I'd go with Kelvin. I know some of the client's don't approve of the other stuff he does but he always turns in some really good work."

Kelvin Thompson was a brilliant young photographer and had done several excellent sets for us in the past but he also did adult work for several online sites. As a result, a couple of our clients had objected to us using him for their advertising work.

"Good call Jess, ring him and see if he's available will you?" He looked at me with the familiar lop-sided grin that I had fallen in love with, "Let's just not tell Danville about it yet."

"Agreed." I laughed.

I liked Kelvin, he might be gay but his work was exceptional and he was a fun guy to be around.

"And draw up a schedule of everything else we need to do will you."

"Already working on it."

He leant over and kissed me, "What would I do without you?"

"Starve." I chuckled, knowing his inability to cook anything more than a piece of toast.

With the contract very much on the line our next few days were spent busily preparing for the upcoming photo shoot and making sure everything went according to plan.

While my husband took care of the contractual and finance details the general arrangements for the photo session were my responsibility, and I had a very long list of things to sort out.

Foremost of my tasks was to find and reserve a large hotel suite with the four-poster bed that Annabelle had proposed in the copy she had written.

As a result, I spent a day and a half visiting a number of possible venues and looking at the rooms they could offer us, before finally settling on the honeymoon suite in a rather plush four-star hotel on the outskirts of the town.

Kelvin and his assistant Madison were also booked for the day and then, along with Annabelle, I had to brief them on the copy she had written and tell them exactly what we required.

I also needed to find a model and tried a couple of agencies that we had used before, but neither of them had anyone available who met the needs of the client. Fortunately, Kelvin was able to step-in and help, suggesting a 21-year-old girl, Rebecca, that he had worked with in another shoot.

Having never met her I was a little nervous about using a model I didn't know, especially considering some of the other work Kelvin did.

But Rebecca came highly recommended by him so with a little hesitancy I agreed. Certainly, the half dozen or so photographs he provided of her revealed a tall and slender leggy blonde that would look stunning in Danville's lingerie.

"Remind me again why we're paying for a model that looks exactly like my wife?"

Tom grinned when I showed him the pictures of her one evening while we were at home.

"Because she's a professional model and I'm your P.A. and your wife and I don't look like that." I replied punching him lightly on the arm, "That's why pervert."


"And besides compared to her I'm ancient."

He laughed at my comment, "You're only 26 and you're much better looking than her. I think you'd look a lot sexier than her in some of Danville's underwear."

"You think so?" I bit my lower lip coyly, "Well, get me some and maybe I'll wear it in the bedroom for you."

With that I got up off the sofa to head into the kitchen, wiggling my backside a little more suggestively than I would normally.

"Is that a promise?" He grabbed me as I went to get away and pulled me down onto his lap making me squeal in fake protest.

"Stop it, I need to make dinner."

Snuggling into my husband's embrace I giggled and half-heartedly struggled to escape.

"Well, is it a promise? If I get you some sexy undies will you wear them in the bedroom for me?" He slid his hand around me to cup my breast through my top sending a little ripple of arousal through me.

"I'll think about it." I told him, batting my eyelashes at him.

"You know you're a hundred times prettier than her."

"You really think I'm better looking than Rebecca?" A little surprised I asked him.


Taking a moment, I paused as he continued to grope me and thought about what he had just said.

I had blonde hair like Rebecca although mine was a lot longer, down to the middle of my back while hers was shoulder length. Also, my eyes were blue while hers were hazel.

Physically our heights were similar, we were both 5' 8", and while Rebecca definitely had bigger breasts than my modest 34B's the rest of my figure, a slim 34-23-34, was much the same as hers although, if I was being honest, I thought my legs were a lot better.

"Ahhhhhhh... fuck Tom...."

I gasped as my husband's fingers began to tease my sensitive nipples through the thin material of my top, jerking my attention back to what he was doing to me, making the sensitive buds rapidly swell so they stood out like firm pencil erasers from my puckering areola.

"I.... I.... aaahhhhhhhh!"

He quickly changed his angle of assault on my tits and slipped his hand inside my blouse, groping my chest through my bra, while our lips met in an urgent, passionate kiss.

Closing my eyes, I let his tongue play with mine feeling my body responding to the things he was doing to it until, eventually, I pulled away breathless.

"Stop!" I whimpered softly, kissing him again and enjoying his hands on me, not really wanting him to stop, "We.... we shouldn't... I have to get dinner..... and we have... work to do."

We had been exceptionally busy over the last few days, working on late into the evenings, and had been too tired for sex, falling asleep almost as soon as we got into bed

"Yeah you're right, we need to get on."

He let go of me and pulled his hand out from under my top, dumping me on my back on to the sofa next to him.


I opened my eyes wide and giggled as I lay looking up at him, my skirt rucked up around the top of my legs.

"Just for that insult wench I'm going to have to fuck you." Tom grinned and rolled on top of me, pushing my skirt further up around my waist as his fingers scrabbled for my panties.


Squealing and wriggling, I struggled half-heartedly to push him off me, all the while staring into his eyes and desperately wanting him to continue.

I could already feel the wetness at the top of my thighs as I lifted my bottom obligingly, allowing him to ease my knickers over my hips before dragging them down my stockinged legs and casually throwing them aside.

"Now I'm going to have my wicked way with you, you wanton hussy!"

He smiled almost evilly, fumbling his pants undone while I lay there, my skirt bunched up exposing me from the waist down, breathing heavily, with my thighs spread wantonly open for him.

"Oh, please sir... please spare me.... I'm... a virgin."

Entering totally into our little role play I feigned innocence.

"Too late girl. I intend to have you now."

"Please.... no sir... I've never..."

"Silence wench.... Tonight, you are mine."

As he spoke. I felt the head of his manhood easing between my moist labia and sighed contentedly. The bulbous, mushroom shaped tip nudging against my entrance, teasing me and sending another wave of arousal through my body causing my juices to gush over it as I prepared to accept him inside me.

"Please honey... fuck me, I need you to fuck me." Whispering softly into his ear I opened my legs a little wider.

I had barely finished my sentence when, thrusting hard, he filled me in a single firm stroke.

The sensation of having him sheathed inside me sending a wave of delight through my body.

"Oh fuck.... Yessssssssssssssss!" I moaned contentedly, his sizeable dick stretching my very wet and extremely willing pussy open around it when he drove it into me.

Feeling my husband's hardness filling me my hands reached for his head, fingers twisting in his hair and pulling his mouth down against mine in another long passionate kiss.

Ardently kissing me back he withdrew his prick half-way, my labia clinging to his glistening shaft, and then plunged it back firmly into me.

Starting to pump into me with hard deep strokes I knew immediately that it wouldn't take very long for him to drive me over the top, I was so unbelievably horny and turned on.

"Oh fuck... Jess... ahhhhhhh... fuck!"

His muted grunts and gasps started to get louder, mixing with mine as he pistoned in to me, and quickly settling into a steady rhythm he began driving every inch of his shaft into my juicy slit again and again

Listening to his cries I bucked my hips up in time with his thrusts, clinging to him and letting the sensations of delight grow in my belly while my dripping sex clenched tightly around his hard throbbing pole.

"Yes... yes, oh yes.... don't stop baby... don't.... fucking.... STOP!"

Urging him on my last word came out as a shriek, my orgasm building rapidly towards a much-needed crescendo within me,

His strokes became more frantic and he started to hammer his hardness all the way into me, his tumescent cock pulsing against my sensitive vaginal walls every time he bottomed out inside me.

"I'm gonna cum, oh fuck.... oh Tom.... I'm.... gonna... fucking.... cum."

Losing control, I started to babble almost incoherently, words flooding out of my mouth with little or no thought to what I was saying as the ecstasy he was creating in my core began to overwhelm me.

"Baby, oh yes, yes... don't.... stop, I'm.... I..."

Squealing with delight, speared on my husband's hard length, I felt the waves of pleasure flooding through my body, sending me closer and closer to the summit.

Bucking and jerking under him I gripped him tighter, my stockinged legs wrapped around his while my red painted nails raked his shoulders, as he pounded his rock-hard manhood into me.

"I'm.... Oh fuck.... I'm cumminngggggggggggg!"

Unable to hold back any longer I came, screaming with delight as my pussy spasmed and tightened around his rampant dick.


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