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Jessie's 18th Birthday Party

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Tracey and the MILFS throw a pool party for Jessie!
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I remember my daydream encounter with Lizzie (19) at the hardware store (Door Locks and Daydreams). It's etched in my mind, and I replay it numerous times throughout my day. Just as I get to the good part, reviewing the pain/pleasure waves of erotic sensations of Lizzie digging her nails into my back and screaming at me to 'fuck her back to the stone age,' I am staring out the upstairs window and I see my neighbor, Jessie, suntanning topless in her thong bikini bottom. Jessie, lives next door, on the other side of my house. 'Jesus, what a hottie she has turned into!' I mumble to no one.

Jessie turned 18 last week. Since Lizzie, Jessie's best friend is here on break from college, Tracey, along with the other MILFs, decide it is appropriate to throw Jessie's belated birthday party at our place, since we are the only house with a pool.

I am excited at the prospect of having both Lizzie and Jessie, in their bikinis, together in my pool! These two damsels grew up together, a year apart in age. Lizzie, home from college, and Jessie, headed to college in the fall, spend most of their time together.

I thirst to see their teeniest bikinis, believing in my mind that they wear them just to drive me wild...and I love it! I then realize that all their gorgeous hot friends will be here. The local college cheerleaders, the gymnasts, the track and soccer chics. 'OH, MY FUCKING GOD!' I quickly sit down as the sexual slurry smashing a pathway straight towards me both blows my mind and lights my fire.

As I prepare the grill for the ton of meat I'll be cooking today, I hear Tracey talking with someone. I peek in the back window. I see Jessie talking with Tracey, going over the party details. "I'm staying out of that mess," I declare quietly.

Jessie looks amazing in her short white sundress with a flowery pattern. I watch as she hugs Tracey, and they kiss on the cheek. 'Hmm, that's hot!' I ponder the possibilities. Tracey is still a gorgeous woman, but the thoughts of my MILF wifey, Tracey's and Jessie's lips together, nipples touching, their soft moans clawing into my ears makes me go numb for 10 seconds and then the electrical shock burns from my balls to my brain. The glorious shivers and vibrations coursing through my spine and my cock are outrageously erotic and I just about ejaculate as I stand. Well, not really, but I am rock solid hard. Besides, I can't cum yet! I got the whole day of drooling ahead of me.

I hear another voice. Again, I peek in the window and this time I see Lizzie and Jessie hugging and squealing, having not seen each other in 6 months, not since Lizzie went off to college. They were inseparable growing up together. Two of the hottest, sexiest girls this side of town, and I live between them. 'Fuck!!!' Now my mind is steaming and my cock throbs wildly!

I enter through the rear door, into the kitchen. The three beauties cease talking and stare at me. Feeling like a third wheel, I stutter, "Don't mind me ladies. I'm just the hired help!"

Lizzie clears her throat and asks, "Jack, got a second?"

"Sure," I say and nod towards the living room. I walk that way and Lizzie says to Tracey, "I'm going to ask Jack about the grill. I'll be right back." She winks at Tracey and follows me to the living room.

"What's on your mind Lizzie?" I ask.

Lizzie stands close and speaks in a low tone. Her scent engulfs me...my eyes fixate hungrily on hers. "Jack, I know you've been like a father to Jessie and me as we have grown up. We both love that about you. Right now, we both could use a bit of advice!"

Her hands play with my shirt collar as her aura melts me. I am Putty! "Of course, sweets. I'll do anything for you two," I say softly, while my mind flashes back to the me and her at the hardware store!

"I'm so glad to hear that Jack," she whispers in my ear, "Jessie is still a virgin and we have some questions for you!" I grind to maintain a sense of composure, as her delicious smile devours me. I swallow hard and take Lizzie's hand, kissing it softly saying, "Of course sweetness. Whenever you want."

Lizzie smiles and slides her fingers through my hair. Leaning forward and kissing me on the lips. My hands instinctively slide around her hips and grab her gorgeous ass. Smiling, she says, "Mmmmm, Tracey declares you are a good kisser. I do agree with her assessment! I hope your talents exceed the basics, which she has assured me, they will!" Her tongue drags across my cheek as she pries herself free from my grasp. She wiggles her firm ass at me before rejoining Tracey and Jessie in the kitchen. "What the fuck?" I wonder out loud. I sit, a worthless pile of drooling mess, excited for the day's events to begin, also wondering who teaches these women to wiggle their asses like that?

Guests begin to arrive, and I fire up the grill, admiring the neighborhood bikini fest. 'Wow!' I observe. 'I never knew so much sexy ass lived so close.' The older guys all stand around the grill, chatting about how hot, or fat, each woman's ass is. Lizzie and Jessie's college friends begin trickling in, and we are in heaven. Sweet, gorgeous ass and pussy everywhere...and I'm stuck frying meat!

Tracey slides up next to me and kisses me on my cheek. "How's it going grill master?" she asks. "Good baby," I reply. "You know Jack, Lizzie and Jessie have always confided in me about things they feel weird discussing with their moms. I just want you to go slow...they are so vulnerable at their age," she says quietly to me.

I look at her, stunned at what I am hearing. My mind is whirling...'Was I just given permission?' Interpreting my shocked look, Tracey eyes me hard saying, "It's a go bubba. Have some fun!"

"Wait...what?" I stammer. "Look Jack, these ladies look up to you. They see a 'man', not a bumbling college tool. Trust me. It's best if you take care of their 'needs'. Show them what real deep passionate fucking is all about."

"Tracey baby," I say as I hug her and kiss her hard. "I'll give it my all for you darling!" Tracey smacks my ass and says, "Don't be a dick about it you fuck stick, I look forward to hearing all the details later!" With that she flits away, purposely wiggling her sweet firm ass at me. 'Oh, Jesus fuck,' my mind screams!

I gaze out at the incredible sea of female flesh, every bit ensconced in the skimpiest of teeny weenie bikinis. It's a good thing I am shaded by the grill and serving table, as my cock has never ever been this hard before. It is straining harder than I remember from the hardware store event. 'For fucks sake Jack, that was a freaky daydream, you tool!' I silently remind myself. Since I'm stuck at the grill station, I wave at some of the guys to get the fuck out of the way so I can see all the gorgeous women in their bikinis and sun dresses.

The ladies dance to the retro beat banging out of the speakers, in time with my rapid pulse. 'Who needs to do cardio when this show is in town,' I process to myself. The MILFS are all on the side lines, yammering incessantly about their latest escapades on a myriad of topics. I notice some of them go to great strides to maintain a semblance of a 'hot body." Some are extremely delicious looking. 'It would be nice if Tracey turned me loose with that crowd,' I imagine.

The guys attempt to make inroads with all the beauties. I smile watching these sweet hotties tease those guys into blue ball grief. A giggle and smile, a touch on the arm, a finger twirling their hair! I swear it's the XX DNA at work! It's automatic! Those guys don't stand a chance, as at least one of these sexy sweets is going to be mine very soon.

The MILFS chuckle as they see me dancing happily at my grill station. I catch Tracey's eye and she just shakes her head at me and scratches her nose with her middle finger. I grin my biggest toothy smile directly at her. The party is raging!

I announce loudly that meat is officially ready for consumption and the crowd attacks. Burgers, hot dogs, steaks, chicken, sausage...you name it, I cooked it. Amazingly, it only took about 20 minutes for the crowd to make it all disappear! Tracey gets the crowd to applaud and I, the chef extraordinaire, receive a kiss on the cheek from Tracey as a form of partial payment for my services. Full settlement to be negotiated later!

Lizzie and Jessie gather their plates of food and sit away from the crowd. "I spoke with Tracey about our situation," Lizzie grins while taking low to Jessie. "She gave Jack permission!"

Jessie's face goes flush..."Are you serious?" she gasps. Her mind churning..."OMG! OMG! Lizzie, what do I do?" she squeals.

Lizzie laughs rolling on the grass. "Take it easy," she cries! "Hold your tits! One step at a time!"

Jessie flops on the grass beside Lizzie and stares in her eyes. "I'm shaking! My heart is pounding! Is it really going to happen? Is it Lizzie?" she pleads.

Lizzie looks at Jessie smiling softly. She reaches out and strokes her cheek. "Yes gorgeous, it's really going to happen, and on your 18th birthday! Jack's going to fuck us both at some point this evening! The only question is which of us gets it first? Wanna flip for it, or will he do us together?" They giggle at the possibility.

Jessie stares ahead and says, "How in the world did this come up with Tracey?"

Lizzie gives her the quick version. "When I got home from college the other day Tracey and I got to talking. You know how we've always been able to talk with her, not being 'mom' and all. Anyway, we were talking about the dudes at my college and how lame they are. Especially the tool I dated who prematurely pumped his load all over my panties, never even getting his limp unit near my pussy. He left with his head hanging low. I explained to her how we have been talking and how you want to fuck but not some with some immature random guy. Tracey was telling me how sensitive to her needs Jack is and that he is 'the man' between the sheets. Then she told me about how Jack had a daydream about me while at the hardware store. In fact, he wrote a story about it and published it on some lit erotic web site. She let me read it and Oh My God Jessie! You will not believe how sexy this man is! I creamed my jeans like 3 times while reading it! It was Tracey's idea is for Jack to be your first!"

Jessie listened in a state of euphoric shock. "Lizzie, show me where Jack's story is so I can read it," Jessie begged while trying to control her breathing.

"Let's go get Tracey to pull it up. You are in for a hot treat Jess!' Lizzie told her. They gather their trash and set off to find Tracey.

Finding Tracey amongst the MILFS, together they grab her hands, dragging her to the house. "What is it you silly fools?" Tracey says out of breath. Lizzie blurts out excitedly, "Pull up the daydreaming story that Jack wrote so Jessie can read it."

Tracey smiles and says, "You two are excited, aren't you?" They all giggle and hug, Lizzie and Jessie are giggling and panting incessantly. Tracey opens the story and Jessie reads it devouring every word. Halfway through she covers her mouth with her hand and exclaims "Holy crap!" She steals a glance at Tracey and Lizzie, then shifts in the chair as her pussy purrs wildly. Lizzie holds Tracey's hand, squeezing it tightly against her chest. Tracey looks at her and vibrates sweetly, studying Lizzies gorgeous features and suddenly feeling a bit jealous of Jack.

Jessie finishes reading and sits back in the chair. Her pulse is pounding, her face is flushed, imagining herself in Lizzie's place at the hardware store. She looks at Tracey and Lizzie, and she can't speak. Tracey walks to the corner cabinet and pulls out a bottle. "This calls for a drink, ladies." She pours each of them two fingers. They toast and sip their whiskey, holding hands and giggling together, each lost in their own delirious sensual fantasies, about to be fulfilled.

Jessie looks intently at Tracey asking, "You're totally ok with this?" Tracey nods and says, "Jack's been good and faithful to me for 40 years. He deserves a special treat. Trust me ladies, you will thank me later. Besides, I know your lives are expanding and I want you to experience what true sexual satisfaction is like." Jessie hugs Tracey and kisses her on the cheek saying, "Thank you."

Tracey continues. "The two of you are quite the treat for Jack. Just don't kill him!" They all laugh loudly and Jack walks in the door. "What's so funny?" he extorts. The women stop laughing and look at me hungrily. They then look at each other and scream laughter. They walk past me to go back outside, each kissing me on the cheek. Lizzie whispers in my ear, "Drink plenty of water daddy!" Jessie kisses me longer on the lips and squeezes my arm, her eyes locked on mine. "See you later Jack, hopefully soon," her breathy whisper meant for my ears only. I swallow hard, confused. My heart rate spikes again!

Forgetting why I went inside; I shake it off and go back to the party. The place is jamming. The ladies have all removed their tops. Sweet firm titties everywhere I look. OMG the MILFS are even getting into it. Some really shouldn't, but who cares. Even saggy tits are great to look at. I notice every nipple is hard and I find myself wanting to nibble and suck on each and every one of them.

All this hot pussy covered in the smallest of thong patches drives me insane. Tracey wiggles up to me and grinds her ass on my crotch. I instinctively reach around her and fill my hands with her tits saying, "Jesus baby, look what we have created!" Tracey turns and kisses me hard, shoving her tongue down my throat. "You best get busy Jack before I decide to take over!" she states emphatically.

Tracey dances away to flaunt her tits for the college guys. I watch and can't believe she allows them to touch her nipples and feel her tits. She is in heaven. 'Fuck, that never happened to me when I was 18. Lucky fuckers!' I opine.

Deciding Tracey is right, I search through the crowd of sexual debauchery for Jessie. I find her and Lizzie talking with some studs. Both are rubbing those guys cocks through their shorts. I grab her hand and say, "Come with me sweety. We need to talk!" Lizzie and her exchange grins. I blow a kiss and wink at Lizzie. I pull Jessie into the house and enter the master bedroom. Once inside, I hold her face and kiss her long and hard. My hands slide to her firm ass. Jessie moans and throws her arms around my neck almost choking me. Her desire overwhelming her, she begs, "Jack, please Jack, take me. Make me feel like a real woman. Have your way with me!"

"I want you to relax and enjoy Jess," I say. I reach with both hands and massage her tits, my fingers softly caressing the underside and her hard nipples. Jessie shivers and shakes, cooing and biting her lip, her eyes raging for more. My fingers palpate her nipples, hard and rubbery. I look in her eyes and bend forward, licking each nipple slowly, repeatedly, while I run my fingers lightly over the soft underside of her sweet little globes. The waves of pleasure vibrate warmly though her body, up and down each extremity. I suck her tits softly, nibbling on her sweet rubbery nipples. "Oh fuck!" Jessie exclaims moaning softly.

My hands slide down to her hips. As I kiss her softly on her face, her neck, her shoulders, and occasionally throwing in a wet tongue lick here and there, I play with the string ties on either side of her thong bottom. I'm always seeking a woman's reaction and as I pull on the strings untying her thong, I am rewarded sweetly. Her eyes open wide, and she gasps loudly. Her thong patch falls away revealing her inviting pussy. I step close and lift her, my hands under her firm ass, onto the dresser. I slide my hands around her hips and down her inner thighs slowly pushing them open wide. I lean her back to rest against the mirror and run my tongue up her inner thighs. Jessie bucks and shakes. "Jack OMG Jack, fuck oh fuck!" she again exclaims. Her delicious musky scent invades my soul.

My hands softly slide up and down her legs, feeling her muscles vibrate and twitch. As my tongue slides over and around her clit she squeals. My hands grab her hips and I hold her down. Jessie pulls her legs up high to her shoulders and I slide my hot raspy tongue down her sweet juicy pussy to her ass hole. I rim her tight pucker twice and then make the return trip north, softly splitting her labia and again attacking her throbbing clit. "Jack, Jack," she coos.

I am thoroughly enjoying making this sweet hot 18-year-old woman squirm and beg like a nymphotic slut. My tongue slips between her labia petals and wiggles its way inside her juicy fissure. Slowly, I lick her inner walls and loudly suck her nectar, my one finger, lubed by her juicy emissions, slowly slips inside her ass. My tongue and finger work in unison, setting up a nice rhythm that Jessie seems to adore.

My cock dances wildly and my balls are on fire. Talk about primed and ready! My tongue fucks inside Jessie's cock sleeve faster and faster. Jessie is vibrating and squirming viciously. Her hands, which were mercilessly grinding her tits, finally find their way to my hair. She runs them softly through my hair and as I withdraw my tongue and finger, she drags her nails in the opposite direction, gouging my scalp to imply her displeasure. She says rapidly, "No, No, No Jack, No!" We both reverse course and as I plunge inside her tight holes she coos, grabs my hair and grinds her wet slit hard on my face. My eyes poach a glance at her face. I see the twisted agony and pleasure of a woman feeling the most pleasantly erotic sensations of her life. I am pleased and continue to tongue her rapidly, my finger now slipping completely inside her ass. I'm thinking, 'No way will my cock fit in that tight aperture!'

Jessie now vibrates like she is on battery power. Her manic breathing is heavy and her voice sensual and deep. "Jack, Jesus' fuck, Jack I'm, I'm, oh fuck Jack, and she screams, I'M CUMMING!"

Jessie bucks her hips and just about knocks my teeth loose as she rides the wave. She threshes her head from side to side, yanking my hair as the swells of pleasure wreak havoc on her soul. She rips my head away from her dripping gash and with fire in her eyes she kisses me hard and sloppy, her lips all over me, her saliva flowing into my mouth, trying to eat my face. Her spasms extend her legs, her feet pointed, her muscles cramping. She mashes her heels into my ass, over and over. My cock lines up perfectly with her tight pussy and as she again pounds my ass, my cock bores deep inside her slippery chamber.

At that moment Jessie's eyes slam open wide and her mouth gapes, realizing my cock is inside her, the first ever to pierce her realm. She groans and catches her breath as I slowly withdraw my rod and just as slowly glide it back inside her velvety corridor, deep. Her breath hitches, feeling the amazing fulfillment of my thick veiny rock-hard cock stroking her prized possession. Quietly adjusting to her reality, she looks in my eyes and kisses me softly. She whispers in my ear, "Oh my god Jack your cock feels so amazing inside me. My first time!" A tear is running down her cheek. I kiss and lick her tears off her sweet skin. "Relax and enjoy baby," I softly murmur to her.

"Jessie baby, your pussy is so warm and silky. My God, you are amazing! Now I'm going to fuck you nice and slow gorgeous!" I say as I stroke inside her with long deep thrusts. I look in her eyes and I see a woman possessed. She greedily wants more of my cock and she reaches her hands around my hips and grabs my ass. She harshly assists in my ramming, her long time craving for hard cock on full auto.

Meanwhile, Lizzie runs into Tracey who is slowly jerking off the college quarterback. She grabs her hands. Admiring Tracey's tits for a moment, she looks her in the eyes and whispers to her, "I think Jack and Jessie are fucking!" Tracey grabs her shoulders and squeals, "Really, where?" Lizzie gazes briefly at the QB's cock and puts her thumb and little finger extended in a phone image to her ear and winks at him, miming, "Call me!"


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