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An erotic, loving, fulfilling adventure in Texas.
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Leo Solo


I'm a very lucky man.

I was lucky enough to go into data science right as the field was maturing, and within 5 years of graduating I found myself as a team lead for a massive, multinational consulting firm. This afforded me some amazing benefits, namely that I could work from anywhere in the world I felt like going, I set my own hours, and I made an amount of money verging on ostentatious.

Not being one to take my good fortune for granted, I decided to utilize some of this freedom to give back. I gave blood, volunteered, and found a nonprofit I really believed in down near Houston to do pro bono financial advising for. Visiting them, and seeing firsthand the people I had been helping, was something that I always had in the back of my mind. When I broke it off with my long-term girlfriend, who just couldn't see herself having kids (something very important to me), I decided to go for it and headed down to Texas.

Now, the nonprofit I'd been a remote volunteer for was dedicated to helping single mothers and their babies (see, I told you I cared about kids), so I spent the whole week I was down there meeting adorable little infants and helping their moms become financially dependent after leaving the deadbeat assholes who'd knocked them up. It was really meaningful work, and by the end of the week I was positively baby-crazy.

I'm not going to get into any of the details of that part of the trip, though. Instead, this story is going to focus on Joanna, the young college student I met, fell for, and started a family with. Whoops! Did I give away the ending? I promise it's a fun story either way, so I hope you'll stick around for it.


The day after my trip down to Texas, I woke up in the hotel room I was renting for the week. One of the board members had given me their luxury SUV to use for the entire trip, and my volunteer work wasn't going to start until the next day, so I had some time to kill. Coming off of a breakup, I decided that a little harmless fun at a sports bar with some scantily-clad waitresses was called for, so headed over for lunch.

When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed that the whole area was very clean, none of the sketchy or grimy feel that similar places often have. Happy with that, I parked and made my way to the door.

Right inside, there was a huge black guy wearing a polo shirt, clearly security. "I'm sure he makes the girls feel safer!" I thought, knowing how much less scary everything must be with that mountain of a man protecting them.

"Are you Andrew?" A voice snapped me out of my musing, and I looked towards the little hostess area where a very attractive blonde was scowling impatiently.

"No, I -"

"Fuck! I ordered Domino's like 45 minutes ago. I think the driver stole it!" she huffed, pouting cutely.

"I'm really sorry to disappoint," I joked, "but I really can't say I've ever been mistaken for a delivery boy." I was wearing a crisp button-down and khakis, a white gold Rolex, and leather shoes.

"You're funny!" the hostess chuckled. "Well anyways,, welcome! Do you want a table, or to sit at the bar?"

"I think I'll go with a table," I said, not really planning on drinking much.

"Okay, well right this way," she said, leading me into the dining area. That's when I realized, this establishment might be closer to a strip club than a Hooters!

The girls waiting tables, serving food, and tending the bar were all dressed in nothing but skimpy bras and barely-there thongs, leaving their entire asses visible to my hungry gaze.

There was an incredible variety on display, from petite and perky to larger and swaying, but the girls all had in common that they were gorgeous and emphatically sexy. Mostly they were white, but I saw one latina and one black girl.

This was going to be fun!

"Here you are," the waitress said, snapping me out of my reverie. "Joanna will be right over." She smiled at me and walked back to the front, leaving me to enjoy the beauty on display all around me.

My head was on a swivel, my eyes taking in the incredible bounty of gorgeous asses arranged around me, so it came as a surprise when my server spoke from right beside me without me having noticed her approaching.

"Hi! I'm Joanna. How are you?" she chirped through a smile that looked genuine.

After taking a moment to calm myself from being startled, I responded "I'm good, thanks! I'm Adam."

"Well nice to meet you, Adam," she giggled, noticing my still-recovering surprise.

And then I really noticed her for the first time. "Wow," I thought; she had to be the most gorgeous creature I had ever seen.

Her face was angular, with high cheekbones, a sleek chin, and full lips. Her straight, jet-black hair hung down past her shoulders, and her fully-exposed midriff looked toned enough that I could make out the traces of a six pack.

And, of course, my eyes were drawn to the assets she prominently displayed. She was a bit light on top, with maybe a solid A cup, but her boobs looked perky and firm in her almost-transparent bra. Her ass, though, was magnificent. From her thin waist, her wide hips curved out spectacularly, and the perfectly round globes of flesh behind her bulged and flexed as she shifted her weight slightly. Well over a handful, her certainly-bouncy butt captured my attention, until Joanna giggled quietly. Looking up, I saw her smiling at me, letting me know she didn't mind. How could she, working here?

"So, can I get you something to drink?" she asked, still smiling.

"Uh, sure," I decided, realizing subconsciously that the more I ordered, the more I'd get to see her. "What's the fruitiest thing you have?"

"Oh! Well..." she trailed off. "I'm only twenty, but I've heard the Pink Taco is really good, and citrusy."

"Okay, I'll have that," I said, shocked she was so young.

"Great! I'll be right back," she told me, and turned to head to the bar. Watching that perfect, bubbly, almost-naked ass sway and bounce as she walked away almost made up for the fact that she was leaving and bringing that adorable little giggle with her.

When she returned a couple minutes later, I was trying to choose which sauce to get on my wings. "Hold on, I'll bring Lexi over," she announced when I asked her advice. Lexi was apparently the energetic blonde wearing white heels, a white miniskirt, and a white push-up bra, along with pigtails and sparkly makeup. All in all, she looked like a sexy high school cheerleader, and I was only able to tear my eyes away because Joanna was there drawing my attention even harder.

After getting Lexi's advice to go with half mango habanero and half hot honey and thanking the girls as they left, I settled down to enjoy my drink and the view. However, before I'd even finished my next sip, Joanna was back. She pulled out a chair and slid halfway onto it, leaving one foot still touching the floor.

"What are you doing in Texas?" she asked excitedly, seemingly genuinely interested in my story. I told her about the nonprofit and my role there, and her smile became a beam as her eyes widened into saucers. "That's so cool! And it's so amazing you do that," she breathed.

"It's really fun, and meaningful to me," I confided. "What do you do?"

"Well I'm a community college student, but I want to be a lawyer," she told me proudly, "so I'm hoping to go to law school when I get my degree."

"That's really cool!" I encouraged her, "the world needs more lawyers doing it for good reasons..."

"Yeah! I want to prosecute murders!" she enthused cutely. We talked about careers and education for a bit longer until Joanna looked around and realized she'd been neglecting her other tables.

"I'll be right back," she promised, and made the rounds quickly. On her way back, she must have seen me looking at some of the other asses on display, because she looked a bit jealous.

"You know, I used to be way skinnier," she complained, "like when I stood up straight, I had a thigh gap!"

"Wow, really?" I asked. "I think you're like the perfect size now!" She blushed cutely and smiled, clearly enjoying the praise.

"You really think so?" she almost whispered, looking at me with a heavy dose of shyness.

"Absolutely!" I assured her. "In fact - and feel totally free to say no and I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable - but would you be willing to shake it for me really quickly for like $20 extra tip?"

"That's not uncomfortable," she said quietly, "but I don't want everybody else to see!" Interesting that she only objected to other people seeing her...

"Okay, what about smacking your ass?" I asked, thinking it would be really sexy to watch her spank herself and imaging how her substantial ass would jiggle.

"Oh! I mean for that it'd be like $100..." she suggested, blushing heavily. I countered with $20 plus 20% of my check. "Just think about it," I said, and she promised she would while she turned to go do her job.

For the next 10 minutes, every time she came by the table we'd talk about it, until finally I got tired of negotiating. "Okay, $100 is way too much to watch you smack your ass," I started.

"Wait!" she demanded. "I thought you wanted to spank me! I can do it myself!" We quickly agreed to $30 for one spank, "and make it fun," and then she became very visibly nervous.

"I've never done this before..." she muttered, before turning and walking a couple steps away. Turning to look at me over her shoulder, she reached back and lightly, inaudibly touched her butt.

"Joanna, baby come on..." I chuckled, "I said 'make it fun.'"

She blushed and looked down. "I really don't think I'm supposed to do this!" she explained. "Okay, what if... we go over there?" she pointed to the hallway leading to the kitchen, "so only you can see? I promise I'll slap it harder if it's more private!"

I nodded my agreement and followed her over to the hall. Standing in the doorway while she walked in, she tried to project sexy confidence, and hovered her hand as if ready, when a dishwasher appeared around the corner.

"Ah!" she squeaked, "go back over there!" She looked back at me, clearly mortified, and when the young man returned to his area out of sight, she took a breath to calm herself, looked back at me, and smiled.

"Okay..." she said quietly, and moved her hand as if to fulfill her promise as quickly as possible.


The slap was crisp, clear, and very audible even out in the dining room! "Oh my god..." she giggled uncontrollably, "I can't believe I just did that!"

"Well I thought it was awesome, thank you Joanna!" I grinned at her adorable blush.

We both walked back to my table, a few of the other girls giving her sly grins, and I swear Lexi winked at me. "That was fun," I chuckled, and Joanna elbowed me gently, thinking I was teasing.

"It was," she admitted, then looked away and blushed furiously. "If you give me your phone, I can give you my number so I can tell you next time I'm working?"

"Absolutely!" I agreed, and handed it over showing a blank new contact. She entered her details and returned it, and I left the bar feeling great.

"I also... I have an OnlyFans..." she muttered, and I told her I'd love to check that out later on before departing. I went back to the hotel feeling great!


"Hey Joanna! This is Adam from the bar. I had a ton of fun at lunch today. That sound at the end was amazing!"

"Hi Adam!"

"Do you know when you'll be working next?"

"Not until Wednesday, sadly"

"Okay! Did you say you had an OnlyFans?"

"I did! It's YourTexasLatinaDream"

"See you there ;)"

I logged into my account, found her, and noticed the subscription was $20 per month! "Whatever, it's at least worth the flirtation for a month," I decided, and signed up.

Her page was mostly cute, shy, sexy selfies of her topless. Nothing too explicit, no masturbation videos, really nothing to justify the high price. I decided to message her to see if she was willing to make custom videos, and she replied later that night that she was. I decided to think on that, and went about the rest of my day.


When Wednesday rolled around, I was feeling good. I'd done some great work with the nonprofit, gotten done what I needed for my actual job, and enjoyed the custom video I'd paid for from Joanna.

In the video, she started fully dressed before sensually, teasingly stripping off, playing with her perky tits, spanking herself a few times, and then making herself cum while moaning my name. It was great, and I stroked myself to it a few times over those couple of days.

When I walked into the bar again Wednesday night, I was disappointed to be sat in another waitress's section, but Joanna quickly came over to say hi. "I'm going to ask Hailey if I can trade!" she told me. "I'll give her a bigger table, and since you're alone and not ordering much she'll totally do it!" A couple minutes later, she came back over and, tenderly laying her hand on my arm, took my order.

Between stopping by her other tables, she would slide onto the open seat at mine and have a quick, hurried conversation. We didn't have a chance to really get into anything as the dinner crowd was substantial, but there was plenty of flirting, veiled references to the video, and lots of mutual interest.

"Okay, this is getting silly," I said, exasperated, and she nodded her agreement after sitting at my table for the third time in five minutes. "I'm loving the chatting, but we can't really talk now, huh?" Again, she nodded, looking sad, but then hopeful when I took her hand.

"Come out with me Friday?" I invited, thinking dinner and drinks when she wasn't working could be really nice.

"Totally!" she beamed, giggling a little with returned shyness.

"And it's pretty crowded in here tonight..." I started, frowning playfully.

"Don't worry, Adam!" she gushed. "I can spank myself on Friday! Or... you can even do it?" she giggled uncontrollably, as if unable to believe she had just offered that.

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed, tipped her normally, and left to go to bed.


I was weirdly nervous, but mostly excited, for dinner Friday. We'd agreed to go to a different bar from the one she worked at, "so you aren't constantly seeing other girls' asses," and I was going to pick her up in my fancy, borrowed car.

"This is nice!" Joanna gasped, sliding into the passenger seat when I pulled up in front of her building. She lived in the low-income housing projects, and this was probably the most expensive car in the entire development.

"Not mine, but it's been fun to drive," I chuckled, starting to head out as she buckled in.

"It's so embarrassing for you to see my neighborhood," she mumbled, looking at me with a hint of sadness.

"Not at all!" I told her, "there's nothing wrong with growing up someplace like this. And anyways, when you're a big-shot lawyer you'll be living in penthouses and mansions."

"You remembered!" she gasped, seeming shocked I had paid attention.

"Of course I did!" I assured her. "I mean you're gorgeous, but I've had a ton of fun getting to know you beyond just looking at your perfect body!" She giggled, blushing furiously.

"Stop!" she breathed, clutching her abdomen. "It's not even that nice!"

I embarked on a several-minutes-long ode to her gorgeous body, telling her all of the little details I enjoyed looking at, and by the end she was almost tearing up while beaming at me.

"You really... you think I'm beautiful?" she asked, almost scared of the answer.

"I do," I told her seriously, pulling into the parking lot at the upscale restaurant I was taking her to.

"I could never afford a place like this..." she whispered nervously.

"My treat, obviously," I assured her, and we walked in together.


After being seated in a fairly secluded booth, we looked at each other and started talking, a very nice, unhurried conversation that felt freeing after our earlier interactions.

At one point, she laughed and admitted, "I'm so glad you're not a creep! A lot of the guys who come into the bar are..." I got a few funny stories in that vein, laughing at the fat, acne-covered losers who tried picking her and the other girls up. It felt very nice when she told me, "you're the first guy I've actually gone out with from the bar, and all the other girls are jealous." I didn't care about them, just that she was happy being out with me.

I told her all about the nonprofit and my career, and asked her all about her family and dreams.

It quickly became obvious that we were each very determined to have a family, with her hispanic culture instilling in her a desire for "like, a bunch" of babies.

I told her about my recent breakup, and she expressed sympathy, squeezing my arm and telling me, "that girl's an idiot! You're a great guy, and she would've been lucky to be your wife and have your babies."

I raised my eyebrow at her, and she blushed harder than I'd seen ever before. "I didn't mean..."

"I appreciate the compliment," I let her off the hook without teasing.

"I just mean you'll be an amazing dad some day," she said almost dreamily, then shook her head, smiled sweetly, and took a bite of her dinner. We had largely ignored our expensive meals, and tucked into them now as a reprieve from her embarrassment.


At the end of the meal, I drove her back to her family's building. "I had so much fun tonight!" she raved, "thank you so much for bringing me out!"

"The pleasure was all mine," I told her with a smile, meaning it.

"I... I work again tomorrow for lunch?" she made it a question, looking at me hopefully.

"I'll be there," I told her with conviction.

She squeaked with happiness, practically lunging forward and pressing her lips to mine. It was a very sudden way to have our first kiss, but I wasn't complaining!

After my initial shock, I returned the kiss, and we made out in the car for about a minute before she pulled away, breathing heavily.

"I... I want... but my entire family is home..." she said sadly, "and I need to help put the little ones to bed."

"That was really nice," I told her honestly. I hadn't planned on kissing her, so how could I complain if she wasn't inviting me up to her bed?

"I fly out Sunday afternoon," I told her, and her eyes fell.

"Oh, so it's just tomorrow?" she asked sadly.

"Until the next time I visit Texas!" I told her, and that seemed to lift her spirits a bit.

"Well tomorrow... maybe we could go to your hotel after I get off work?" she asked shyly, again blushing that adorable way she was so prone to.

"Maybe!" I told her, "but there's no pressure at all. I'd love just to see you again."

She walked into her building with a gigantic smile, and I drove back to the hotel with one of my own.


Saturday morning, I woke up with a feeling of dread. I had a final day of volunteer work I was really looking forward to, and I was excited to see Joanna again, but I really didn't want this to be the last time.

I made it through the day very productively, helping several of the women in the program, and having a nice lunch with the board. Finally, it was time for dinner!

This time, the hostess didn't even ask, and sat me in Joanna's section without a word from me. "We've all heard so much about you," she winked, before giggling and walking back to her post by the door.

"Adam!" Joanna exclaimed, rushing over and hugging me.

"Hey Joanna," I said happily, returning the hug. "It's so great to see you!"

"You, too!" she enthused, before giving her signature blush and looking back to the table she had just left. "I was halfway through taking their orders..."

"Go do your job," laughed, "I'll be here all night."

The implication I would be closing out the bar, and taking her back with me, made her giggle and look down coyly before returning to work.

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