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Joanne's Fall Pt. 17 - Fallout

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Joanne has to come clean to Freddy.
11k words

Part 17 of the 23 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 12/15/2022
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Time has stopped. Joanne could feel her heart beating out of her chest and her stomach churn. It was like an outer body experience. As though it wasn't real.

"Joanne?" A voice asked, although it felt far away.

Joanne was breathing slowly, her vision was blurry.

"Are you going to say anything?" The voice said again.

Joanne blinked and her vision returned to normal.

This is happening, she thought, it's real.

"For god sake Joanne!" Freddy's voice shouted, "how can you explain this?!"

Joanne looked back down at the table with the many, many photos of her in incriminating positions.

"Freddy," She managed to whisper our, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry?!" He shouted, "You've been cheating on me! And by the look of it you did it a lot! I mean for christ sake! You have tattoos I never knew about?! And the hair, the lips!"

What does he know? How much does he know?

Joanne looked back at her husband, he looked angry, but also sad.

"Please, explain this to me." He whispered as a tear ran down his face.

After everything I've been through, everything I've done to stop Jason, Claire and even Neill from exposing me to Freddy. He found out on his own.

"I... I don't know where to begin." Joanne whispered.

"How about when you first started to cheat on me and decided to destroy our marriage?" Freddy shot back at her.

He knows already, there's no point hiding anymore.

Joanne's legs felt like they were going to give way and she sat down on the sofa. Her breathing became erratic and she was gasping for air.

"I didn't want to." Joanne gasped out, "Freddy I... I..." she panted over and over.

"Joanne?" He asked with a concerned voice.

Suddenly, Joanne ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. Over and over she vomited.

I can't believe it, it's over!

When she returned to the living room and sat down she was still panting for air. To her surprise, Freddy handed her over a glass of water.

"Here, take this." He said.

Joanne took a sip and put it down.

"Thank you," She whispered "when, when did you hire that man?"

Freddy looked at her with sadness in his eyes.

"I've thought something has been going on for a while, all the changes. Then when I called and you said you were at work, I knew you were lying. I thought maybe you were having an affair, but I never expected this."

"I'm so sorry Freddy." Joanne whispered.

"Just, explain it to me. Please, I need to understand." Freddy asked her calmly.

"Okay," Joanne said, she sat up and looked at her heartbroken husband, "it started around 6, maybe 7 months ago."

"What?!" Freddy replied in pure shock, "for half a year you've been doing this behind my back?!"

"I didn't want to Freddy," Joanne tried to defend herself, "you have to believe me!"

"These photo's say otherwise!" Freddy argued back.

"I... I'll tell you everything, okay?" Joanne said, she hoped that if she could explain what happened there might be a slight chance of Freddy staying with her.

"For the last few years, I've been going onto online chat rooms to have dirty chats with men." Joanne admitted.

"What?" Freddy asked and Joanne could see the shock on his face.

That's nothing, she thought.

"We never have sex Freddy, you barely even looked at me. I just wanted to feel good about myself and that did it." Joanne tried to argue.

"So that justifies you cheating on me? That makes it okay?" Freddy argued.

"No," Joanne admitted, "I'm sorry."

"Just, keep going." Freddy told her.

"Eventually, I accidentally sent a photo to one man that had my face in. He recognised me and threatened to show you what I had been doing. I didn't have a choice, I didn't want you to know. That's how it started." Joanne said.

"So, he blackmailed you? Who was it?" Freddy asked.

"It was.... Jason and Claire." Joanne stuttered out.

"Your assistant?! Both of them?!" Freddy said, it was obviously hard for him to get his head around it.

"They're evil Freddy, the things they've made me do! I did it to stop them telling you, to save our marriage!" Joanne tried to justify.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Freddy asked.

"I couldn't," Joanne said, "It went too far too fast, they quickly had so much dirt on me that I knew I couldn't explain. I just hoped that if I went along with it then they would eventually let me go."

"And have they?" Freddy asked.

"No," Joanne admitted. It was strange, she was still shaking and afraid, but finally admitted everything to Freddy felt like a giant weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, "they are still using it against me."

"Wait," Freddy said and looked up, "when they came over for dinner, they were blackmailing you?"

"Yes." Joanne whispered back.

"And the tattoos? I mean, you're covered in them!" Freddy said.

"They've made me, you know I never liked tattoos." She said.

"I just, I can't believe it." Freddy said.

"I know," Joanne replied, "it's a lot. I've been living in hell for so long."

"But these photos, they're not all with Jason and Claire?" Freddy asked.

"Freddy, are you sure you want to know everything?" Joanne asked, she knew the more he knew, the worse she sounded.

"I need to know everything." He said firmly.

"Okay," Joanne replied and took a deep breath, "they've made me do... things, with other people. It was against my will, they've tied me up, forced me to have sex with men and women."

"These photo's don't look forced." Freddy said.

"I... I know." Joanne said.

What can I say? That I enjoyed being forced and taken like a slut and that I actually came nearly every time.

"How many?" Freddy asked, "how many people have you been with?"

Joanne hated that question, she hated her answer even more.

"I don't know." She said bluntly.

"Jesus Christ Joanne!" Freddy shouted, "You tell me it's forced, that you were blackmailed, but you look pretty dam happy in these!"

"Freddy I..." Joanne went to speak but Freddy interrupted her.

"And what about this?" He asked and held up a recording device.

He hit play, there was no video, just sound.

"You like being a whore?" A male voice asked and Joanne recognised it as the private investigator that Freddy paid for, the one she had sex with.

"Mmm yeah baby, I love taking cock after cock like the slut I am." Joanne's voice moaned back.

Joanne felt tears start to well in her eyes, there was no denying the pleasure in her voice. She did enjoy it, she just hated herself for it.

"The blackmail," Freddy said, "I can almost understand, I hate it and you should've just told me, but that makes sense," Freddy looked at the ground and then back up to Joanne, "but can you tell me, of all the sex you've had, you didn't enjoy it? That there wasn't a single time that you were a willing participant?"

Joanne knew the truth.

"No," She admitted, "there were times that I enjoyed it, times that didn't have to happen, but I let it and wanted to."

Joanne knew it was over, she saw no point in lying even more to Freddy.

When she said that Freddy started to cry properly, he was trying to fight it, but he couldn't.

"I'm so sorry Freddy," she told him, "it just kept getting worse and worse and I didn't know how to get out."

Freddy's hands were shaking and he refused to look at Joanne.

"I just, I thought I could fix things. I didn't want to lose you." Joanne pleaded with him.

"I can't get past this Joanne," He said whilst looking at the floor, "how could I ever trust you again? You've hidden this huge secret for so long, you've been living a double life."

"I know." Joanne cried back.

"I won't tell Tom," Freddy said, "he doesn't need to know any of this."

Joanne looked at him, if only he knew what happened between me and Tom, that is one secret he can never know.

"I don't want to hurt your relationship with him," Freddy continued, "but us, we can't carry on after this."

His voice was soft, he wasn't trying to hurt Joanne, which just made it worse for her. Joanne burst into tears and nodded, she knew she had nothing to answer back with. She just wanted to try and do anything to make up for what she had done.

"I'll move out." She told him.

"You don't have to." Freddy said.

Even after all this, he's still trying to be nice. I can't put him through anymore.

"No, it's okay. I'll sort out somewhere to stay." She told him.

Freddy wiped away a few tears and then stood up. Without saying anything he left the house and Joanne was alone.

She just sobbed on the chair for a while. Until she knew she had to pack up her stuff.

A few hours later she had done it. She didn't take everything, all of her clothes wouldn't fit into one suitcase. She then booked herself into a hotel, it would have to do until she could sort something else out.

Leaving her house, Joanne couldn't believe that it had all gone just like that. Everything she had done to stop that happening, it was all for nothing.

She drove to the hotel, had a cigarette before going to her room and then lay on the bed for hours, crying.

Joanne didn't move until the sun came up the next day.

It was around 9am when her phone started to ring and she saw it was Tom.

Oh god, here we go.

"Hi." Joanne said as she answered the phone.

"Mum, what the hell is going on?" Tom said in a panicking voice, "Dads just told me you two have broken up?!"

"Tom, it's a long story." Joanne told him, she didn't know what Freddy said to him.

"I don't understand, you said you two were fine?" Tom asked.

"I know what I said," Joanne told him, "but things change, people change."

"This doesn't make sense." Tom argued.

Joanne spoke to her son for twenty minutes, trying to calm him down. Eventually it worked.

"I just want you both to be happy." Tom told her.

"Thank you," Joanne said as she cried a little more, "I love you."

"I love you too, mum." Tom said.

When Joanne put the phone down she saw that Jason had texted her.

Jason: Whore, get your fat arse here now!

I guess I might as well tell them, finally, it's over.

Joanne had another cigarette and drove to Jason and Claire's apartment. When she walked in she saw Michelle completely naked and on her hands and knees with a collar and leash.

"About fucking time." Claire shouted out.

"There's something I need to tell you." Joanne stuttered out.

"Oh, that sounds serious." Jason said with a laugh and sat down next to Claire.

"Freddy, he's found out." Joanne admitted.

Claire and Jason were clearly shocked. Joanne spent a while explaining to them what happened. Michelle remained silent, but Joanne could see a few tears in her eyes as she told the story.

"Wow," Claire said and sat back, "Well check out Freddy being so smart."

"Yeah, that's true, I assumed when he found out he would be so much of a bitch that he would just stay with you." Jason laughed.

They're both horrible people.

"Anyway, get on your knees slut, I need my cock sucked." Jason ordered.

What? Joanne thought.

"But, Freddy knows, my marriage is over." Joanne said to them.

"Yeah, and what?" Claire asked.

"Well, there's nothing you can blackmail me with. I don't have to do anything you tell me to anymore." Joanne said, she actually felt happy when she said that.

"Well," Claire said and stood up, "that's not entirely true."

Oh no, what is she talking about?

Joanne started to panic as Claire pulled out her phone and walked over to her.

"Have a look at this," Claire said, "but don't have any funny ideas, we have a lot of copies."

When Joanne grabbed the phone her heart sank.

It was the video Neill had of her.

Joanne was on her hands and knees, completely naked, her son Tom was on a sofa in front of her with just a blindfold over his eyes as Joanne sucked his dick.

"H-how?" Joanne asked as her world came crashing down.

"We got the guys to send it to us before they dealt with Neill." Jason laughed out.

When Dwayne took Neill's phone, he did something on it before telling me he deleted the evidence. He must've sent it to these.

Joanne not only felt crushed over the fact that she wasn't as free as she thought she was, but also heartbroken over the betrayal of Dwayne, I thought he actually cared about me.

"So," Claire said and took the phone back, "unless you want your son to find out he fucked his mum and got a blowjob off her, you still belong to us."

No, Tom is all I have left.

"Please, just let me go." Joanne whispered and sobbed.

"Sorry slut, that ain't happening." Jason laughed.

"But," Claire continued, "we aren't evil, we know this is a lot that you're dealing with. So, why don't you have a week... no, let's say two weeks off. To get used to single life again."

Single life, what a miserable life.

"Don't look so sad," Jason said, "now we don't have to hide it from Freddy we can do so much more."

"Yeah," Claire said, "this is where the real fun begins."

Joanne felt like she was going to pass out. The one glimmer of hope from Freddy finding out was that she would be free, but that was snatched away from her.

Jason and Claire let Joanne go back to her hotel without forcing her to do anything. As she sat there, on her own, window open as she smoked out of it she wondered what was going to happen.

I guess I am single again, not by choice, but there's nothing I can do about it. I just can't believe Dwayne did that to me, after everything, to betray me like that.

For two days Joanne barely left the hotel room, then on the third she forced herself to get changed and go to the gym. She thought that doing some exercise would help clear her head.

She wore tight leggings and a semi baggy gym top, but any gym top she wore were tight around her big tits.

She got onto the treadmill and started to run. Joanne couldn't believe how much her fitness had improved since she was forced to diet and exercise.

As she ran and her tits bounced up and down, even with a sports bra on they were hard to control, a young, black man in the gym uniform walked over to her.

"Hi, I'm Ryan," he said with a huge smile, "I'm the new personal trainer here, just wanted to introduce myself."

He was an attractive young man, he had short black hair and a shaved face that showed off his jaw line. He must've been around 6 feet tall and the gym uniform made his muscles look huge.

"Hi," Joanne panted back to him as she slowed down to a fast walk, "I'm Joanne."

"Lovely to meet you," he said, then Joanne caught him glimpsing down at her heavy chest, "have you ever thought of having private training sessions?"

"I can't say I've given it much thought." Joanne admitted.

"Not that you need it," he said with a smirk, is he flirting with me? I'm old enough to be his mum, "but if you ever do, here's my card."

Ryan left his card on the treadmill and then walked away, Joanne couldn't help but check out his firm arse as he walked.

He definitely checked me out then, Joanne thought.

For a moment, she had a slight feeling that she might be okay. Maybe she could get over the break up with Freddy.

After spending two hours in the gym Joanne headed back to the hotel. She was shocked, but also annoyed when she saw someone she didn't expect to see again.

"Jo, hey! They said I'd find you here." Dwayne said with a big smile.

"What do you want?" Joanne asked him bluntly.

"I called Jason earlier and he told me what happened," Dwayne said, "I'm sorry to hear about your marriage."

He's sorry to hear about my marriage? Me and him pretty much had an affair.

"Why are you here Dwayne?" Joanne asked him, he was stood in front of the door so she couldn't get in.

"Oh right, for this." He said and handed a brown envelope to Joanne.

With a confused face, she looked inside and saw wads of cash.

"What is this for?" She whispered and looked around to make sure no one could see.

"Ray, he said you have to make some money for what you did last week." Dwayne told her.

Make money by being forced to be a prostitute?!

"I don't want it," she shot out, "take it back."

"I can't," Dwayne said and stepped out of the way, "Ray said that you have to have made some money, so we know we can trust you. If you don't, then he is worried one day you will turn to the police."

So this is to incriminate me with the gang, to prove I've made a profit?

"How much is in here?" Joanne asked.

"£1,000," Dwayne said and shocked Joanne, "It was only going to be £400 but Ray thought you deserved more for the gang bang on your first night."

Joanne couldn't believe it.

"What am I supposed to do with £1,000 of illegal money?" Joanne asked him.

"Spend it, I dunno," Dwayne told her, "we have small business's we pump money through to clean it."

Fucking hell, I'm like a criminal now then am I?

As Joanne looked at the money, then back at Dwayne, she started to get more annoyed.

"I know you sent the video from Neill's phone to Jason and Claire." She spat out.

Dwayne's smile left his face and he looked just as upset, "Oh." Is all he replied.

"How could you do that to me?" Joanne asked.

"I didn't want to," Dwayne tried to argue, "it was Ray, he made the deal with Jason and that was part of it."

"You still did it." Joanne argued back.

"I know," Dwayne said softly, "and I'm sorry about it, all I can say is it was before anything properly happened between me and you."

"What do you want Dwayne?" Joanne asked him in a huff.

"I, I wanted to see you," Dwayne admitted, "I thought since you and your husband have ended..."

Joanne then cut him off.

"That what? I'd run back to you and be your whore again after you betrayed me?!" She said.

"I don't know," Dwayne said, for a thug he seemed sheepish at that moment, "I'm sorry Jo."

"Well, don't be." Joanne said and went to her hotel room and slammed the door.

Fucking prick, thinks he can do that do me, play with my emotions and I'd just go running back?!

She lit a cigarette and started to smoke out of the window as she weighed up her options.

What can I do with this money? I can't spend it, that's too risky. What if I somehow got caught?

Eventually, Joanne waited until it was 9pm and she drove to her company offices. Being that late there was no one in.

She looked around for a minute, it felt like it had been so long since she had been there. A life time ago since she was the proper boss.

Going into her own office she loaded up the computer. She faked an invoice from a made up client for the amount of £1,000. The next day she would take the cash and transfer it into her company. It was illegal, but Joanne didn't know how else to make the money, not illegal.

After that she headed home and fell asleep.

The next day she went to the gym again, exercise really seemed to help control her mix bag of emotions.

What helped as well, was that Ryan checked her out on more than one occasion as she was there. One time, she bent over to pick up a weight and when she turned around he was very obviously staring at her arse.

He quickly walked off but Joanne laughed a little.

The next day, as Ryan was cleaning a machine Joanne walked up to him.

"Hey, how're you finding working here?" She asked.

When he looked up at Joanne he smiled with his beautifully white teeth.

"Yeah great, still trying to get a few more private clients," He told her, "have you thought about it?"

Joanne smiled and looked into his brown eyes.

"I could do with some, one on one time, I suppose." She said seductively.

If I have to be single, I might as well make the best of it.

"Great," Ryan replied, "how does tomorrow afternoon sound?"

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