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Joanne's Fall Pt. 20 - Interviewing

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Jo gets another piercing and interviews at the strip club.
8.1k words

Part 20 of the 22 part series

Updated 12/22/2023
Created 12/15/2022
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Jo was driving over to Claire and Jason's apartment. One hand held a cigarette that she smoked out of the window as she drove. When she pulled up she finished smoking and headed up to their apartment

"Whore, how did it go?" Jason asked as Jo entered.

"I erm, I've got an interview on Wednesday." Jo told him.

Claire and Jason were very excited when they found out Jo was applying to be a stripper. Finding another level of humiliation for her seemed to bring them great pleasure, which didn't surprise Jo.

"Well aren't you turning into a good little slag." Jason said and slapped her ass, just adding to Jo's humiliation.

She walked into the apartment and saw Claire on the sofa, she had a bit of an angry look on her face that worried Jo.

"Where's Michelle?" Jo asked, she looked around and couldn't see her anywhere.

"What's it got to do with you?" Claire spat out.

Jo shook a little then, in fear of her angry Mistress. Until she felt Jason's arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry about her, she's just a little angry at me." Jason said with a laugh.

"Yeah, because you're a dick." Claire shot at him.

Oh god, what's happened?

"Don't be like that, I said I'm sorry." Jason said and sat down next to Claire, almost grovelling.

Jo just stood still, not really knowing what to do.

"Jason," Claire sighed, "the fucking idiot, lost a bet, even though he isn't supposed to be gambling anymore!"

"It was only a small bet." Jason tried to defend himself.

Jo knew that she was first leant to Karl back when it all began because Jason owed him money. Then Dwayne did talk about Jason doing some sort of gambling with them.

"Shut up," Claire barked out, "luckily, they accepted Michelle for the week instead of payment."

What? Jo was shocked to hear that, they let someone just have Michelle as payment for a bet!

"See, it all worked out." Jason said and attempted to put an arm around Claire but she pushed him off.

Poor Michelle, I wonder what she's having to go through.

But Jo didn't have to wonder for long.

"Look," Jason said with a smile on his face and pulled out his phone, "Want to see what they're up to?"

Jason walked over to Jo and showed him a video on his phone.

"They sent this today, she's only been there a few hours as well." Jason laughed out.

It showed Michelle, lay on a bed completely naked. Nearly every inch of her body was coated in cum. You could see her pregnant belly that had started to grow, covered in cum.

Her legs were spread and a black man was fucking her and Jo spotted at least 3 other black men around the room.

"Now that the boys are allowed to cum in her pussy again, they've been making the most of it apparently." Jason laughed.

Jo watched the video for a few seconds until Jason remembered to turn the volume up.

"Oh yeah," One of the black men in the video shouted, "look at your pregnant whore taking that cock! She gonna be one fat, pregnant bitch soon."

"Urgh, fuck!" Jo then heard Michelle moan.

"That's right slut, look at that fat belly move as we fuck you." Another man said to her.

Then the video cut off.

She's pregnant with your child! Jo thought as she looked up at Jason, how can you be so evil?!

"Anyway," Jason said and put his phone away, "Get on your knees."

Here we go.

Just as Jo started to lower herself, Claire stood up.

"No!" She shouted, "You don't get any action after the way you've acted."

"Come on babe." Jason tried to argue back.

"No," Claire argued and walked over to grab Jo's wrist, "come on whore, you're coming with me."

Jo didn't have time to react at all as Claire pretty much dragged her out of the house.

"In your car." Claire told her.

Jo just followed with it, not wanting to piss off her Mistress anymore. They go into Jo's car and closed the door.

"Fucking hell, it stinks of smoke it here!" Claire shouted.

"I'm... I'm sorry Mistress." Jo whispered.

She's going to take her anger out on me isn't she?

"Just fucking drive to the shopping centre," Claire barked out. Jo started to drive and for a few minutes Claire remained silent, but not for too long, "that fucking dickhead! He knows he's not allowed to gamble anymore!"

Does he have that big of a problem?

"It's fucking lucky we had Michelle there, they turned down our offer to give them you." Claire told her.

Wait what? They were going to give me up for a week for his gambling?!

"Seems you're too old and fat to make it worth their while." Claire shouted.

That hurt Jo, even after all of her working out and dieting, people still considered her fat and ugly.

Jo knew better than to reply, she didn't want to risk getting some anger thrown her way. So she just kept driving in silence to the shopping centre.

Claire marched through the shops, Jo struggling to keep up behind her until they got to a shop that Jo recognised, one she did not like the look of.

Fuck, this is where they pierced my pussy. What is she going to do now?

"Come on whore." Claire said and entered the shop.

Jo followed behind, like a puppy as they walked to the counter.

"Hi, how can I help?" The blue haired woman behind the counter asked.

"Yes, my friend here," Claire said, suddenly turning on her cute, innocent voice, "would like a tongue piercing."

No I fucking would not!!!

With all of the body work Jo had already gotten, a tongue piercing just seemed like another hit to her. Another thing for her to be ashamed of.

"No problem at all, do you want to pick which one you'd like?" The blue haired woman asked.

"Sure." Claire replied on Jo's behalf.

As Claire looked through the piercings behind some glass, Jo fretted. Part of her just wanted to run, leave and never come back.

I don't have a husband anymore... hell, I barely even have a company to run.

The thought of just disappearing became more and more appealing to Jo.

But... what about Tom. I still have him. I have to keep him. If I lose my son, then all that I've been through would be for nothing. He's the last piece of Joanne that's left.

"Here we go." Claire said, bringing Jo back to reality.

She held a box that had inside a tongue piercing. The bit on show, that goes at the top of the tongue was a large, shiny, turquoise ball.

I hate it.

But even though she hated it, Jo followed silently to the chair the blue haired woman was sat next to.

"Hold out your tongue please." The woman said.

Jo did as she was told, like always. She held out her tongue and closed her eyes.


Fuuuuuckk that hurts!

The initial pain was a strong stinging feeling. She had to hold in her moan of pain, but luckily for Jo. This piercing was definitely not as bad as the nipple one.

In fact, less than ten minutes of sitting there, the pain was almost gone.

This feels weird.

Every time Jo moved her tongue in her mouth she could feel the foreign object.

This is going to take some getting used to.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She opened her fake, thick lips and stuck out her tongue to show the shiny, metallic object piercing through her.

Jo hated how it looked. Not that it looked bad, she just thought it was something a young woman would do, not someone close to 50 years of age.

"Pay the woman." Claire ordered.

Great, Jo thought sarcastically.

She was already very low on her budget for the month and this was going to be a big hit to her funds. She desperately needed to start her job at the strip club and actually earn some cash.

After paying, they got back into Jo's car. The piercing felt strange, like it filled her mouth, she also felt like her tongue was swollen slightly.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while." Claire told her, it seemed her anger with Jason was gone and she was left with an evil grin of torturing Jo more.

"Why?" Jo asked, but with her tongue a little swollen it came out funny.

"Apparently a tongue piercing is supposed to back a blowjob feel even better," Claire said, "knowing that you have it but Jason can't use it yet will annoy the life out of him."

So that's it? I'm just some pawn in her game to get back at Jason.

"But, you will have to rest the tongue until it's healed, so unfortunately you can't be dining on my cunt today." Claire explained.

Jo was pretty happy about that.

She dropped Claire off at her apartment and went back to her own place.

The whole time she worried about Michelle, about what she was being put through.

She's pregnant, she shouldn't be doing all of that. It should've been me.

Jo spent the rest of the day at home, smoking and relaxing by herself. She started to feel a little horny, going over to Claire and Jason's she thought she was going to get fucked that day. As much as she hated them for ruining her life, she couldn't deny the pleasure she got from his cock.

She considered calling one of the Ryan's but she didn't want them to see the tongue piercing. She also still felt a little bad about how she treated white Ryan, although it made her feel great to have power again.

As she sat there, smoking out of the window, her phone vibrated next to her and she saw Tom was calling.

"Hey." Jo answered, doing her best to make her voice sound normal.

"Mum? Is everything okay?" He asked her back, clearly she didn't do a good job.

"Erm yeah, sorry, I bit my tongue." She told him, just praying he would believe her.

"Oh right, fair enough," Tom said, "How're you doing?"

Not bad, all things considered.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's still strange not being with your father at home." Jo admitted, but instantly regretted saying it.

Tom gave a few seconds pause.

"Mum, are you seeing anyone?" Tom asked.

That's a bit out of the blue.

"What? No," Jo told him, "Why would you ask?"

"It's just..." Tom sighed and Jo's heart started to race, please don't tell me Ryan has said something to him!

"It's nothing, I was just wondering." Tom said.

"Are you okay?" Jo asked him.

"Yeah, sure." He sighed again.

Jo didn't know what to say to her own son. If he knew what she was really, she knew he would hate her. She also feared about what his friend Ryan might say or do.

The conversation ended shortly after.

As she sat there, trying to take her mind off of it, she called Alexia.

"Hey, I heard you got an interview with Noah?" She said in a happy voice. Noah being the owner of the strip club.

"Yeah," Jo replied, hoping not to sound too depressed, "Although I haven't been for an interview since I was like 20."

"You'll be fine," Alexia replied, "He will probably want to see your dance moves though."

Jo knew that was coming, something she was not looking forward to. How am I supposed to give a lap dance to someone? I can't dance!

Just the thought of trying to dance sexy made Jo feel very nervous, she knew she would look like an idiot.

"Yeah, I don't know how that will go." Jo replied bluntly.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," Alexia said with a cute voice, "then we'll be colleagues."

Jo sighed, said goodbye and hung up the phone.

All of the time until her interview Jo was a nervous wreck. Not only did she hate that she was actually applying to be a stripper, but she hated that she was going to have to try and dance sexy.

Then, the day arrived.

Jo put on some of the slutty clothes she owned. It wasn't hard considering all she owned was slutty clothes thanks to Claire and Jason.

She wore thigh high, black stockings, a very tight, very short black, leather skirt and a silk blouse that was very open, you could see her black bra very clearly through the open top.

Then, she headed to the strip club.

Jo parked in a local car park, it was a five minute walk in the cold night air. At one point she passed a group of 5 guys all dressed in hoodies and baggy trousers. For a minute, she was frightened as she passed them.

Dressed like a street whore, just like she used to be, she worried one of them would grab her and force themselves onto her.

Her heart beat out of her chest, her head down, Jo walked as fast as possible.

"Fucking hell," One of the guys shouted as she passed, "Look at that ho."

No, no, no. Please leave me alone!

Jo kept walking as she stared at the ground, but then she heard footsteps start to follow her.

"Hey wait up whore," One man shouted but Jo didn't reply, "hey, I'm talking to you slut!"

"Didn't you hear him?" Another shouted and Jo panicked more, "How much to fuck that sweet cunt?"

Jo carried on walking, if she went any fast she would pretty much be running.

But the footsteps grew closer.

Jo turned her head and saw one of the men just a foot behind her.

"Wait bitch!" He shouted and reached to grab Jo's arm.

"Get off me!" Jo shouted, she span around and was knocked into shock when her face smacked against someone.

Looking up, Jo saw a very large, very muscular black man.

He was wearing a tight, black polo shirt and black trousers. He was so tall that Jo had to arch her neck to look up at him. He just smiled down at her with pearly white teeth.

For a second, he reminded her of Dwayne.

Jo was frozen, her head a little dizzy from smacking against his firm chest. He looked past her and the smile left his face.

"We got a problem here boys?" He asked the group following Jo. His voice was deep, almost soothing.

"Er, no problem mate." One lad said.

When Jo turned back she saw them all quickly scarpering.

Oh thank god.

Then she looked back at the black man in front of her, on his shirt in red letters said "Castle Club".

Oh, he's the bouncer.

"I'm er, I'm here to see Noah." Jo told him.

"Come on in pretty lady." He said with his low voice, which actually seemed to calm Jo.

He led her inside and pointed her into the direction of Noah's office.

Stepping inside, it was a dark office, dimly lit with a few lamps. There was one desk, a few filing cabinets and a couple of chairs.

A man sat behind the desk, he looked up and smiled.

"So, you're this Jo that Alexia has been telling me so much about." Noah Franklin said, he gestured for Jo to take a seat opposite him from his desk.

Noah looked like a typical strip club owner. A little seedy looking mixed with a bit of something to be feared. He was a fairly muscular man, he had short brown hair, a stubbly beard and wore a shirt that was too tight for him. Although he had the top few buttons open that showed off his muscular chest.

He had a few big, gold rings on his fingers and a thick, gold bracelet.

Jo sat down nervously, looking at this man that a year ago she would have no business knowing.

"Y-yes, that's me." Jo replied.

What am I doing here, this isn't me, I don't belong in a place like this.

"So, have you ever stripped before?" Noah asked, he was giving her a bit of a funny look, one that said he didn't know why a woman like her would be there.

"I haven't." Jo replied.

"Why the change or heart?" Noah asked.

There hasn't been one.

"I erm, I need the money." Jo told him.

He looked at her for a minute, his eyes going up and down her body.

"Good," Noah said and then typed a little onto his laptop.


He looked back at her, "If you're this desperate to need money, that means you're going to work hard for it. Which is good for me."

I guess that makes sense, he is a business owner I suppose... like me.

"So I take it you've never given a lap dance before?" He asked her.

I've done a lot of things since being blackmailed, weirdly lap dancing hasn't been one of them.

"N-no, sir." Jo stuttered back, it felt strange to Jo to be being interviewed to be a stripper.

He gave a bit of a disapproving look, even with Jo's new hair, lips and thinner body, she knew she didn't look like your typical stripper. If anything, just by age.

"Well, I can't say I've ever turned down someone who wants to strip for me before," Noah said and then sat back in his swinging chair, "so let's see what we're working with."

As in, undress?

Jo looked at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out exactly what he meant.

"Listen, Jo," He said and leant onto his elbows on his desk, "are you sure this is a career path for you? You strike me as someone a little... too good for this line of work."

Jo knew he was right, she was too good for it, but she had no other choice.

"No, I can do it." She told him defiantly.

Standing up, Jo dropped her handbag onto the floor and reached for the top buttons of her shirt. She made eye contact with Noah, attempting to hide her despair as she unbuttoned herself.

Each button on her top felt like a knife to the heart. It was the same feeling she had when she first worked as a prostitute, a feeling she never wanted again.

Before long, her shirt was completely undone and Jo dropped it to the floor.

Standing there, in just a black bra that held up her big tits, Noah's face didn't change expression.

Just going with it, Jo reached for her zipper on her skirt and then let that drop to the floor. The first time she saw Noah with a hint of a smile when he realised she didn't have any underwear on.

"Well, I've got to say, you have quite the body under there." He told her and leant back in his chair again.

Jo didn't know what to say, do I think him?

"Lose the bra." He told her, in kind of an official, boss telling you what to do way.

She reached behind, unhooked it and let it fall to the ground with the rest of her clothes. Her big tits moved down and gave a little jiggle as she moved.

"Okay, give me a spin." He told her.

Come on Jo, you've done worse than this.

Slowly, Jo span around, showing her complete naked body to this stranger that she was soon going to be calling boss.

"Wow," He said as Jo faced away from him, "that's erm, some tattoo. Who's Freddy?"

For fuck sake, Jo felt humiliated from her tattoos, especially her latest one. Her entire upper back covered in chains and black roses with her owners names on, then Freddy's name crossed out underneath.

She turned back around, her tits moved as she did. Luckily, the dark office room was fairly warm.

"He's erm, my ex-husband." She nervously told him.

"Brutal." He said with a little bit of a laugh.

Noah pressed something on his computer and some quiet music started. Then, he wheeled back his chair a little and stared at Jo.

"Come stand in front of me." He told her.

With her hands shaking, fear coursing through her, Jo crept over to Noah and stood between his spread legs. She realised he was wearing blue jeans.

"We will get Alexia to teach you to dance properly, but for now, let me see what you can do." He told her.

Of everything I've done, giving a stranger a lap dance, I think this is the most humiliated I've ever felt. If my son ever knew I was doing this, he would hate me.

Trying to think of anything that seemed sexy, Jo started by raising her arms into the air. Letting her big tits stretch with her as she pressed her chest forward a little. She rolled her hips a little and slowly span around, shover her thick, curvy arse to Noah.

She felt like an idiot, like she wasn't being sexy at all, just stupid. But he didn't stop her.

Okay, what next? She thought as she faced away from him.

Jo then bent over, reaching to touch her toes and exposing both of her holes to Noah. With all the gym work she's been doing, Jo had become actually quite flexible and managed to reach the floor.

She knew that Noah was able to see her two hoop piercings on her pussy lips.

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