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Job Interview, Office Gangbang


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As the lead counsel calmly smoothed her clothes and walked to the head of the table, Chrissy knew she had found a strong woman to emulate. Crisis situations called for definitive action and Ms. McKeanna was a consummate professional. Simply put, Chrissy was in awe of this woman and this learning experience, despite being naked and knowing how she'd be used.

The firm's negotiation team assembled by the door. A man she knew (from internet research) to be Mr. Callahan arrived with other men in sharp suits. The men thanked Ms. McKeanna for the help, and the lawyer swelled with pride and she nonchalantly unbuttoned her blouse to reveal the center of her breasts. It was a lewd display of raw sexuality that left Chrissy in awe once again

But those feelings were nothing compared to when the men came over and greeted Chrissy with handshakes and plenty of 'thanks.' Their eyes roamed her body, from head to toe, focusing especially on her nipples.

The gazing didn't last long when they heard voices coming from down the hallway. It sounded like Russian. There was some English spoken in French accents too.

Entering the conference room, the other team arrived, led by a tall, statuesque woman who oozed power. This woman, who clearly led the pack, surveyed the room with icy blue eyes beneath a black mink hat. The men behind her seemed less intimidating.

When the Russian woman's minions removed her coat, it revealed a plunging neckline that exposed creamy white rounded breasts that were barely contained by gauzy material. The dress was form-fitting and flared out at the knees.

Perfectly groomed, the visitors embodied corporate success and looked a bit dangerous. After tearing her eyes away from the Russian woman, Chrissy paid close attention to the men and wondered how they might want to use her body.

In return, these foreign investors also took a good look at Chrissy's nudity. Nobody was shocked. None of them said a word about her. They had expected a naked woman for service, it seemed. Chrissy was simply eye candy at the moment.

Never could she have anticipated the way this morning had unfolded. All of her mental focus was towards a job interview. Now she felt like a porn star before a big shoot.

The Russian woman was named Irena. Both sides shook hands and there was an air of excitement. Plenty of smiles were exchanged, except for Irena, who seemed happy being icy.

Mr. Callahan started things off and invited everyone to sit.

"Yes, but who is this naked youngster?" Irena asked, gesturing with manicured finger towards Chrissy.

"Christine Wong, my new legal assistant," Ms. McKeanna answered with a hint of pride.

This time, they all admired Chrissy's body in unison. She was still the only person naked and they were all staring! How long before they'd look inside her wet pussy hole? She wondered.

Everyone took their seats and Chrissy was fortunate enough to be asked to sit next to Ms. McKeanna. But it also meant that her dark, erect nipples would be prominently displayed above the conference table for everyone to see. And the men in the group took plenty of looks here and there.

It seemed like a standard business affair until the Russian woman made a slight faux pas when discussing numbers.

"Sorry, I'm a little jetlagged," Irena said, shaking her head. "I had a strong cup of coffee before this and I'll be fine soon."

Ms. McKeanna didn't miss a beat. "Jetlag is the bane of everyone who works in international business. Would you like your pussy eaten?"

Irena thought for a moment. "I thought you'd never ask."

The Russian woman reached under her dress and casually slid off her panties like it wasn't a big deal. She placed the sheer red material on the conference table next to a laptop and a notepad.

After getting a nudging gaze from her boss, Chrissy knew this was her cue. Going down on a Russian powerhouse had never been on her to-do list, but now it seemed inevitable.

Figuring success under the table would lead to new opportunities, Chrissy bent down and crawled under the table. She centered herself in front of the woman's chair and inched forward until her head came in contact with the woman's knees.

She heard Irena scoff before scooting forward and swinging one leg over the arm of the plush chair, thereby exposing a cleanly shaven pussy.

Always one to think quickly, Chrissy knew what she liked when receiving oral sex from her male partners. She leaned into the impressive woman's pussy and did a quick survey. Irena's delicate labia parted enough that Chrissy was able to see inside. Even her clitoris looked stately!

After taking stock of the situation, Chrissy dove right into the fleshy offering. Wanting to impress, she chose to start with a slow perusal of the area with her tongue. Without verbal cues from Irena, she was on her own when it came to figuring out the best method of going down on the Russian woman.

Gently, she lapped, sucked and nibbled her way around Irena's labia before focusing on the inside. Stiffening her tongue as much as humanly possible, she fucked the Russian by driving it into her channel repeatedly. Once again, she hoped for verbal confirmation that she was doing something right. But no sound was forthcoming.

Instead, she heard these business people talking to each other like nothing was out of the ordinary. As if a woman getting her pussy eaten was par for the course during meetings like this. In many ways, she had to admire that unstoppable attitude.

Chrissy continued her oral assault and noticed Irena's right hand trailing down towards her clit. Those Russian fingers, with bright red polish, settled on the highly sensitive area and began to rub in purposeful circles.

Several seconds passed of tongue-fucking and Chrissy couldn't help but notice Irena's legs stiffen. Her tongue was grabbed by the clenching Russian pussy as it spasmed repeatedly. The only other indication that Irena was experiencing a climax was a very emphatic grunt that escaped the woman's lips, even while still talking about financial figures to the group.

It was clear that Chrissy had achieved her goal and she received a pat on the head like a lap dog for her reward.

"That's enough of that," Irena said without a hint of appreciation, as if annoyed by the free orgasm. "Is this your first official negotiation meeting?"

Licking her lips, Chrissy nodded under the table. "It's my first time being in a meeting like this."

"Women your age should stick to using mouths and pussy. Your specialties. Get on the table and watch how grown-ups do business. Hopefully you will learn."

It had been years since anyone had spoken to Chrissy this way. She felt like a grade school student instead of a young woman who had broken into the corporate world by virtue of intelligence and work ethic.

Embarrassed, Chrissy crawled out from under the table and attempted to regain her seat -- and whatever dignity she had left -- next to her bosses.

Irena added with a thick, droll Russian accent, "What are you doing?"

"Sitting down, like you asked," Chrissy replied dumbstruck.

"I said, on the table. ON the table. Get on your back, or better yet, lay flat on your stomach with your butt hanging over the edge. Watch and learn how professionals do business."

"On the table?"

Irena rolled her eyes. "Is something wrong with my English? Get on the table. How else are these guys supposed to fuck your pussy?"

Mortified, Chrissy turned to her bosses, who nodded their approval to go ahead with this deviant task. Anything to make these prospective clients happy, she supposed.

Standing up slowly, the young woman bent forward at the waist, pressing her hard nipples and stomach onto the cool surface of the conference table. She even laid her face down too.

"Good, good," Irena said with approval. "Keep these idiots busy while I do the talking."

In that vulnerable position, she could hear men rising from their seats. Approaching Chrissy's behind, she heard unbuckling of belts.

The first man stepped up to Chrissy's hips and grabbed her with thick fingers. The man was strong and horny. Without preamble, he lined up his cock and drove it into her small pussy, which was sopping wet by this time. She gasped at the abrupt invasion but was soon swept up in the carnal pleasure. She hoped that her gasp hadn't disrupted the meeting, but so far, no one seemed to mind.

It took a while before her pussy could adjust to the size. All the while, she tried to be as quiet as possible, though it seemed impossible. Moans kept getting out.

Then the man withdrew. Was this all? She got her answer when another guy stepped forward. She realized that these men would be taking turns on her, while in the presence of these very important business people. Hundreds of millions of dollars were being discussed, and here she was, getting pummeled from behind.

Her ponytail was grabbed and pulled as this man was being more forceful with her, within reason. She had some previous experience with rough sex and this was from someone who was experienced with it. The resulting arch in her back changed the angle with which the dick pounded her in the most delightful way.

Before she could fully adjust, the man pulled out and another guy resumed a more steady, gentler course. After a series of rhythmic thrusts, they switched places again and the frenetic fucking resumed. The men seemed comfortable sharing a woman, going back and forth, which constantly threw Chrissy off balance.

Through her sexual haze, she was still trying to pay attention to the business discussions. She genuinely wanted to learn! Realizing there was no way to keep up with the business-related banter, she chose to focus on this once in a lifetime sexual experience.

To remain upright, Chrissy rose on her toes while spreading her arms across the expansive dark wood table. Her pussy felt like it was being put to good use and she hoped it would help the critically important negotiation.

Now that she had decided her assignment was more physical than intellectual, Chrissy started to more fully participate in this highly deviant sex act. Instead of laying motionless, she began to push back as each man thrust forward. The thrill of not knowing when each man would stop and start kept her on edge in the best way.

One of the men had a thick cock that caused an exquisite amount of friction along the walls of Chrissy's pussy. She guessed he would be the first to climax based on his grunts during each thrust. Sure enough, after a few short minutes, his animalistic sounds morphed into a long moan as she felt him withdraw and shoot hot ropes of semen over her buttocks.

Chrissy had been on the verge of an orgasm herself and she wondered if all the men would cum on her ass, leaving a difficult to clean mess for her to deal with later. Not to mention how degrading it would be to walk around with a mess on her lower back.

While fucking Chrissy with wild abandon, another man was so frantic, his force caused the conference table to shake. Unable to control herself, Chrissy finally began to moan and squeak in response. The ruckus soon increased in volume.

"Settle down!" Irena snapped at her male employee. "We're trying to concentrate here."

"Sorry, boss."

Slower thrusts resumed, with a cadence that both Chrissy and the table could easily accommodate. She looked over at Mr. Callahan and saw that he was studying her reaction and hard nipples. Knowing her boss was watching in lust only heightened her level of arousal and before long she was edging her well-deserved climax.

This particular man that was fucking her must have had some level of experience with these types of 'foreign relations' because he reached around and fingered her clit while maintaining a steady pace. Three passes over the sensitive area pushed Chrissy over the edge and her body convulsed while she was still being rhythmically impaled by the visiting businessman.

As she came down from her sexual high, the man suddenly pulled out and grabbed Chrissy by her ponytail. She was spun around like a ballerina and fell to her knees.

Staring straight ahead, she was now looking right at his cock! The man stroked himself for a few seconds before unloading a massive volume of semen onto her face and tits. Spurt after spurt of the hot white liquid struck her skin and immediately started running down towards the carpet.

Shocked, Chrissy was secretly thrilled at the turn of events. The man in front of her was whispering soft words in Russian that sounded very sweet. She would have looked up to his face, but some of his cum had hit her eyes, making it impossible to see.

When he finished, Chrissy was helped to her feet by both men. In a sexual daze, she was handed a napkin which she used to wipe her eyes. The remaining cum on her forehead, cheeks, tits and ass were left in place. She wasn't clear on the official protocol for this and didn't want to offend their guests.

Able to see again, she noted that Irena, Mr. Callahan, and Ms. McKeanna all seemed to be having a pleasant conversation now. They rose from their seats and shook hands, signaling success.

"It was a pleasure," Irena said positively. "I'm satisfied with these new terms. Show me what I want to see and we can all move onto lunch."

Chrissy was astounded when Ms. McKeanna gracefully approached the exposed business men from the gangbang. Glare from the overhead lights revealed their cocks were still covered in the sheen of Chrissy's pussy juice.

The men appeared hungry with lust while looking at the highly sexual female lawyer. Ms. McKeanna completely unbuttoned her shirt, removed it, and shimmied out of the tight skirt. She stood proudly, wearing only her thick glasses and black high heels. Chrissy was humbled by the confident, naked vision standing before her very eyes.

Getting down to her knees, Ms. McKeanna readied herself for action. She turned to her left and completely enveloped the first cock with ease. The entire shaft disappeared down the woman's throat without causing a gag response! At that moment, Chrissy knew she was watching something special. It was truly a learning experience.

Even while the head of Ms. McKeanna bobbed back and forth on several thick cocks, Chrissy was stunned that the lawyer managed to maintain an air of professionalism. That lesson was not lost on Chrissy as she picked up several style points.

Periodically, Ms. McKeanna would shift back and forth between sucking one guy and stroking another. Judging by moans, groans and euphoric expressions, these guys were impressed by her efforts.

Intermittently, Ms. McKeanna changed up her routine and instead of deep-throating, she focused her energy on the tip of each man's cock, swirling her tongue around. She lapped at each bulb as if enjoying her favorite lollipop. Running her lips up and down the shaft also seemed to heighten the experience for each man.

Chrissy had no doubt that Ms. McKeanna was a true sex machine (in addition to being a brilliant legal mind) judging by the increasing volume of appreciative moans that came from the men being sucked.

She moved closer to get a better view of the oral gangbang. From her new vantage point, she watched the experienced lawyer lick pearls of precum from the sensitive organs. The scene was beyond anything Chrissy had ever seen, even in online porn.

Caught up in momentum, the men freed Ms. McKeanna's hair from her updo, letting it fall across her shoulders. These men were under a sexual spell and the lawyer savored every moment of it as she kept on sucking them.

Chrissy thought the room couldn't become any more sexually charged until she glanced at Irena. Still stone faced and cold, the Russian woman had freed her breasts from the sexy dress and was actively pinching her pink nipple with one hand, while reaching down to finger her pussy with the other hand. Irena was masturbating while watching the group blowjob.

Not knowing where or when it would end, Chrissy tried not to blink, lest she miss the grand finale. Furiously working her own clit, she hoped her climax would coincide with that of the men. Feeling connected in that way would be unforgettable.

It was clear when the crescendo hit. With an explosive wail, a man deposited his load on the tits of Ms. McKeanna, after pulling out of her mouth. Without missing a beat, another man came all over her face. Another man shot into her open mouth. These men moaned, writhed and rocked their hips in a sexual concert of epic proportions, turning a highly-respected lawyer into a cum deposit.

Unable to resist any longer, Chrissy gladly allowed her climax to surface and trembled as the muscle tremors shook her body. Even in her sexual fog, she heard Irena's sharp intake of breath and long whimper that followed. Apparently, the regal Russian woman wasn't quite as impervious as she maintained.

It wasn't until Irena gave the order that this meeting was over. The men helped the naked women to their feet and tucked their cocks away after drying them with tissue that was on the table.

Chrissy felt comfortable being naked because Ms. McKeanna was still naked and cum-drenched as well, although Irena had already put her breasts away.

"We're thrilled to have you on board," Mr. Callahan said with the widest grin and offering another handshake.

Irena shook hands, even with wet finger. "The deal was simply too good."

By this time, the men had readjusted their clothing and looked impeccably dressed as they had upon entering the room.

Chrissy stood awkwardly, cum still on her face and small tits, as the Russian woman approached her, extending a handshake.

"Young woman, you did very well. I respect that you paid attention to the discussion while the men used your pussy. I was the same way at your age. My pussy and brains got me here."

Chrissy shook hands and cleared her throat. "It was truly my pleasure to assist in a deal of this magnitude. I look forward to our next meeting."

"Be careful what you wish for."

With a wink, Irena left the room and the men followed. Plans had already been arranged for a lunchtime celebration, but all Chrissy could think about was that this powerful Russian woman had once been in this same position, gangbanged and used for sex at the office.

The End

Co-written by SueDanym, one of the most exciting and talented erotic writers today. Follow her work.

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Sean943Sean943about 4 years ago

I really enjoyed the story, heard of similar arrangements in real life. Hope to interview for one soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Very well written and erotic. I love how women were not only admired for their bodies but for their brains as well. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Always a Delight

Hey All has fast become my favorite author of erotica. Each story is unique, entertaining, well written and just plain HOT. Yum.

LeStrangeLeStrangeabout 4 years ago

Very classy action, wonderful to see that women understand how the world is really their oyster!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Yummy! Well done!

I am in LOVE with gang bang stories!

As I always say, if I have a five star explosion, you deserve five stars! Nice, and wet!

Making Love for YOU, DC

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great story

Terrific story. Interesting idea, well executed with a slightly formal air, but very sexy. It was great. It could have been a little longer. Is there another chapter or two up ahead?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

So formal and yet very erotic. I really liked this story, mainly for the vivid descriptions. The most difficult part of conveying a good story is to paint a picture of who and where. The two of you did a great job of that here. 5🌟

HeyAllHeyAllabout 4 years agoAuthor

A very special thanks to SueDanym for the co-writing efforts. Follow her work.

As always, a 'thank you' to anyone reading this message. Take care and be well.


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