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Secretary Gangbang Service

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Naked, bent over, and fucked on the desk.
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Ambition was her game. Success was her goal.

That's why the boss approved $10,000 in funds so she could go on a calculated shopping spree. She bought new blouses, office skirts, and heels. It was the same designer brands she always wore, but this time showed more skin.

Her new office skirts were designed to show more of her shapely legs. Her new blouses dipped to reveal more chest and pert breasts. And her new heels were sky high and showed the full length of her calves. The result was something that was still professional, yet provocative.

These types of revealing outfits were never part of her arsenal of stylish clothes, but if there was ever a time to be provocative with her clothing, this was it. It wasn't just a matter of looking good or attracting attention. No, this was warfare against other big city law firms who were using these same tactics.

Rebecca was a secretary and she heard the rumors that other law firms were luring the best corporate clients using unconventional methods.

Now she was the secret weapon for her firm.

The Monday lunch meeting between Mr. Hugo and the important clients was the first time Rebecca ever joined. Officially, she was brought along for purposes of taking notes, providing financial figures, and performing other work-related duties while they ate.

All the while, she sat there with her low-cut top and her hair tied in a slightly messy bun. While the men ate their overpriced gourmet food they occasionally took glances at Rebecca, how sexy and overwhelmingly irresistible she looked in that outfit.

Mr. Hugo wiped his mouth with a napkin. "If you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom. I'll be back in a moment."

That was the cue as he left, leaving Rebecca alone with Mr. Glassman, the rich middle-aged client who had an air of arrogance. She pushed her plate and notepad aside, putting her elbows on the table and leaning in so that the cleavage from her breasts would show.

"I know you're thinking of leaving," she said in a low voice. "I think that would be a terrible mistake."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me just fine, Mr. Glassman. Leaving this firm is a bad idea. We have the best lawyers. We can provide the best representation for you. Losses are to be expected and should not cause someone to deviate from the overall plan. As a businessman, you should understand that."

"I'm exploring my options," he admitted. "This is a great firm, I concede that, but I've also received other offers. Offers which may be more beneficial to me."

Rebecca gracefully flexed her shoulders together, which further pushed her breasts out of her blouse.

"Like I said, big mistake," she told him. "Whatever the other firms are offering you to sweeten the deal, we can always make our deal even sweeter."

Mr. Glassman's eyes widened. "Did he put you up to this?"

"Make no mistake about it, Mr. Glassman, I'm my own woman. I may be a secretary, but nobody is in charge of me. More importantly, nobody is in charge of my sexuality. I do as I please."

He suddenly became thirsty. "And if I decide to retain this law firm for future services?"

"Then you'll be a happy man. Not just when you need us, but all year round, if you catch my drift."

"Tell me," he said with a nearly shaking voice.

Rebecca used her finger to signal for him to come closer. He leaned in and she leaned in too. She brought her lips to his ear, whispering something so soft and sweet.

When it was said, Mr. Glassman leaned back and filled his glass with more wine, taking a big gulp.

Suddenly, watching his reaction, a thought came to Rebecca's mind. A big thought. Big ideas. She knew she had Mr. Glassman right where she wanted him. This was a golden opportunity and the business side of Rebecca came to life. Not wanting to waste an opportunity, she went for it.

"And that's just for starters," she smiled.


"I know that you're an influential man with many friends. Right now, there's a bit of a shakeup in the legal world in this city. If you bring us more clients, we'll sweeten the pot even further."

"You want me to convince my friends and my business partners to retain your firm?"

She nodded confidently. "Yes, you know that our firm has great legal minds and prestige. If you bring more clients to us we can expand, hire more attorneys, and form a great partnership."

"In exchange for?"

"Services," she answered.


"Yes, all year round. Our office is nearby. If you're ever feeling stressed and in need of legal counseling, our firm will be the place to be. I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. Just think of how popular this will make you amongst your rich friends."

He drank more wine, gulping it down. "Sounds enticing. I'll have to think about it. But I do like your proposal. I like your initiative."

"I've always been ambitious."

"An ambitious woman is always attractive," he smiled. "Brains, beauty, and a strong will. I like it."

That was when Mr. Hugo returned from his 'bathroom break' and sat down at the table with them. The conversation switched to a much lighter note and her boss picked up the bill.

When it was time to leave Rebecca couldn't help but notice that Mr. Glassman had to adjust the front of his pants several times and that he walked with a slight hitch. That brought a smile to Rebecca's lips.


Days later, Rebecca was summoned to Mr. Hugo's office and was pleased to see that he was in an abnormally good mood. She sat in front of his desk in a prim and proper manner and he looked at her, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

"I must say, whatever you did, it worked."

Rebecca smiled, "I take it Mr. Glassman will be sticking around?"

"Along with a few new clients-- potential clients, that is."

"I'm good with men. They're easy to figure out."

"Which is why I'd like to discuss a substantial bonus, along with new terms of your employment."

Now things were getting interesting. Rebecca knew this was her chance to assert herself and have a bigger role in the firm. She certainly wasn't going to blow her opportunity (figuratively speaking, anyway).

"What's on your mind?" she asked in a cheeky tone.

"Ten grand, flat. Just for you and that's for starters. More if you can help us close deals. As in, work your magic and charm."

"In that case, I have additional terms of my own," she said in a business-like tone that caught her boss off guard.

"Okay, I'm listening."

Rebecca asserted herself further. "I also want a small percentage of the upcoming retainer fees for my contributions. Also for brokering the deals. Not a lot. I'm not greedy but I want to be fairly compensated for my new duties."

"Done. What exactly did you tell Mr. Glassman? He practically gushed over you when I spoke to him on the phone."

"Honestly? I said that anytime he comes to you for legal advice, I'll give him a free blowjob in the bathroom."

He laughed, "Is that so? Will you actually do it?"

"I'm a woman of my word. If I say I'll do something, I do it."

"I can attest to that."

"So do we have a deal?"

"I'll need to discuss this with other partners," he said. "But there's just one other thing."

"Which is?"

"You're right about what other law firms are doing. What our competitors are doing. They're using unorthodox tactics to lure big clients. You know what that entails."

Rebecca certainly did. She had friends in other firms; lawyers, paralegals, and fellow secretaries. She knew what the other firms were doing. They were using sex inside the offices as means to entice business but they don't use blatant words, like orgies, gangbangs, or even sex. They gave it fancy names, like 'legal relief' or 'counseling services,' or 'administrative perks for VIP members.'

To keep this firm competitive, Rebecca knew what she had to do. A woman with her ambitions was unstoppable, and there was no way she was going to let her colleagues down.

"I'll have to up my game then," she said.

"And you'll be rewarded for it," he smiled. "I'll be meeting with the other Partners later today to discuss your proposal. If everything goes well, and I suspect it will, then I'll personally draft a new contract for you. Your role as secretary will be expanded and you'll be compensated for your efforts. Sound good?"

"Sounds great. Thank you, Mr. Hugo."


She was out with some friends that night; having fun, being single women and enjoying life. They laughed and shared stories about their day. It was the perfect night out and they released the stress of their busy careers over dinner.

Rebecca's phone buzzed from a text, telling her to check her email. Normally, this could wait when she was out with the girls, but there was no way she could postpone a message from her boss.

She excused herself from the table while the group of girls were still busy laughing and eating. Then she went outside to check her email:


Good news. After lengthy discussions and deliberation, we have decided to accept the terms of your proposal. We will begin making gradual changes to our firm to compete with today's marketplace.

I've attached a new contract for you. You'll still be my secretary but with expanded duties and responsibilities. I trust you'll enjoy the financial incentives as well.

Similar agreements are being made to other secretaries, so you won't be alone in your newfound duties. You'll be compensated the most, of course, since your contributions are greater.

Look this over, then we'll discuss it tomorrow.

Your boss

After reading the message, she tapped the screen of her phone to open the attached pdf file. Standing on the sidewalk in front of the fancy restaurant she read the terms of the contract.

Everything was outlined clearly so that there would be no mistake about money or services expected. Most of the details came with the expected services. Everything she was expected to do. Her new work environment. Her new duties along with her secretary job. It was all laid out, waiting for her signature on the bottom of the page.

Could she go through with this? Competition in this city is fierce and she was the fiercest of them all.

With a smile on her face, she put the phone away and returned to her girlfriends at the dining table.


She arrived at work with her usual zeal and upbeat attitude. She had long been a people-person, but she entered her boss's office with a business-like demeanor, instead of a secretary awaiting orders to please her superior.

In the past two weeks, Rebecca had sat in front of her boss's desk so many times that she was getting used to it. Usually, it would never have crossed her mind to sit there, since that seat was reserved for other businessmen.

"I trust that you've thoroughly reviewed the terms of your new deal," he said.

"I have."


"I like it," she replied firmly. "Honestly, fuck our competitors. Fuck anyone trying to steal our business. I'll do whatever it takes to keep us on top and I'll do everything with a smile on my face."

Mr. Hugo flashed a big grin. "God, I wish I could double your pay, right now."

"No one's stopping you."

"The other Partners may disagree with that. If our entire team had your attitude, we'd be the top law firm in the world. No question about it."

She sharpened her eyes. "Then let's make it happen. I believe we're on the right track, aren't we?"

"We are. Speaking of which, the contract."

Mr. Hugo opened a drawer and placed the two-page document on the table, which covered the new duties, pay structure, and a series of confidentiality agreements. He placed a ballpoint pen on top of the papers.

He added, "The other girls have been approached about this as well. They're seriously considering it. Right now, we want to be very careful not to push things too fast, which is why we aren't asking anyone to sign right away."

"That makes sense."

"But we would like a trial run," he said. "We want each of our secretaries to give this a try before affirming the new deals. It's smart business."

"I agree."

He gave a long pause. "Well..."

"You want me to get started?" she asked, her eyebrows arched.

"This was your idea. And the mark of a good leader is to lead by example. The ball is in your court now, Becky."

She kept her chin held high and proud. "That shouldn't be a problem."

With that said, Rebecca rose gracefully. Her thin office jacket was easily removed and placed on top of the chair. She casually unbuttoned her blouse while her eyes never wavered from her boss. Once her fingers completed the task, she placed her blouse on the same chair standing in her lacy black bra.

She bent down to remove each heel from her foot. She then lifted her skirt slightly to reveal thigh-high stockings and began to slowly roll them down each leg, maintaining eye contact the whole time. When she was done she was standing barefoot on the office carpet.

Now it was time to get more risque with the undressing process. Her eyes were unrelenting, looking directly at her boss as she undid her office skirt. Rebecca stood in nothing but her black bra and panties.

"You're a confident woman," Mr. Hugo said.

"I've come to learn that confidence is the key to success. Nothing ever comes easy to me in life."

"Then proceed to the next step."

Rebecca smiled and reached back to unclasp her bra, letting it fall to her forearms, then placed it on the chair. She slid her fingers into the edges of her panties and slowly moved them down her legs, placing them on the seat when they were free.

What was left was the image of a naked goddess. Her beauty was flawless. She was like a Greek sculpture come to life. Her diet and exercise routine were highly disciplined. It was also her genes. Slender arms. Long toned legs. A flat abdomen. Hourglass hips and thighs. Perky breasts which curved upwards and coalesced into perfect pointy brown nipples. Her pussy was freshly shaved that morning in anticipation for this very moment.

She knew her body was a hot commodity. She knew damn well the effect her body had on men (and women too). This was her true power.

There were a few seconds of pure silence as Mr. Hugo was speechless, something that rarely happened. In many ways, leaving an accomplished trial lawyer speechless was the ultimate compliment.

"Well?" she asked, eyebrow raised, with one hand leaning on the chair to create a dramatic artistic pose. "What do you think, boss?"

"I wish I could make you a managing partner. That's what I think."

She smiled, "I'm happy being a secretary, plus law school isn't my thing. Neither is going to court to speak with a judge."

"If you went to court like this, you would be undefeated."

"I know."

"Okay, you've proven yourself. I'll notify the other Partners about your... willingness... and attributes."

"Are you saying I should get dressed?" she asked, raising a single eyebrow.

"You've already proven that you have the guts."

"It wouldn't be a very good test run if I got dressed now. As a law firm, we have big changes ahead of us. We're a team and we need to get used to the fact that things will be much different around here. Out with the old. In with the new."

He gulped, "I'd like some coffee."

"Coming right up, sir."

The naked and barefoot secretary turned around and left through the office door, leaving Mr. Hugo at a complete loss for words. His expression read, 'Is this really fucking happening?' And of course, it was. Rebecca was a woman of her word. She doesn't play around when it comes to her career advancements.

A few minutes later, a naked Rebecca returned with a steamy cup of coffee, along with a smile on her face.

"For you," she said happily, placing the cup of coffee on his desk. "Cream and sugar. Just the way you like it."

"My god, you're going to help make this firm a lot of money."

She winked, "I know. Is there anything else?"

"I think we're good, for now."

"Let me know if there's anything else I can do."

Rebecca turned away, revealing her bare ass to her boss as she proceeded to leave the office.

"Aren't you going to take your clothes with you?" he asked.

"I'll pick it up when it's time to leave. I hope you don't mind."

She gave him a quick wink and left the office.


At her desk, Rebecca continued her secretarial work. Naked. That meant, answering the phone, making appointments, and making sure that all of her boss's professional affairs were in order.

If she were honest with herself, being naked like that was bizarre. Feeling her bare butt on the seat cushion. Her back against the seat. Her bare feet on the floor. Most of all, seeing her nipples as she looked down at the desk while doing paperwork.

And then there were the looks. Men passing by would gaze, stare, and lurk at Rebecca's nudity. Mostly it was out of shock. A naked girl, in the office, doing secretarial work? It was too good to be true. Yet it was reality. The men loved it and were excited that this would be their new environment.

The women, on the other hand, had a much different response. They looked at Rebecca in anticipation. It would soon be their turn. They wondered if they could actually go through with it. Plenty of nerves. Plenty of excitement. It would certainly be sexually adventurous, plus the massive pay increases left them all thanking Rebecca for the extra income.

As the duties proceeded, Rebecca had an epiphany. This wasn't simply about money, her job, her career advancements. There was more to it. This was also about her own sexual stimulation. She was loving this. She got off on the freedom of being naked in her work space. The voyeur and exhibitionist aspects of people watching her naked made her drenched between the legs.

This was something she could get used to and, with the new business-model the firm was implementing, there'd be plenty of time to get used to it.


One night she returned to her apartment after a long, stressful day at work. Kicking off her heels, she went to her bedroom and removed her clothes, placing everything neatly in her closet. It almost made her giggle to think that she spent all this money on designer clothes, but now, she only wore those clothes to get to-and-from work. Once she got to her desk, it was nothing but nudity.

Her phone buzzed. While standing in her undergarments, she checked to see that it was her boss. It was slightly strange because he rarely ever called her outside of work hours.

"Hello, Mr. Hugo," she answered.

"Evening. Are you at home?"

"I just got back. Is everything alright?"

"More than alright," he replied. "I just finished a spa routine with a few other Managing Partners."

This made her excited. "And?"

"They love the new atmosphere so far."

"Really?" she smiled to herself.

"The talk in the firm is that the atmosphere is more relaxed. Most big firms are high-stress environments, especially amid big litigations, but you've managed to curb all that. Apparently there's less stress, less infighting, and less drama. All thanks to you."

"My pleasure, sir."

There was a brief pause on the line. "Speaking of pleasure, well, I probably shouldn't be telling you this."

"It's alright, sir, you can tell me anything."

"Well, apparently a number of male attorneys and staff have been pleasuring themselves in the bathroom thinking about you. It's not something they do gratuitously but the mere sight of you does powerful things to a man and no self-respecting legal professional would walk around the law firm sporting a hard-on. So they have to take care of it in the bathroom. When they finish, they feel refreshed and reinvigorated."

Hearing this made Rebecca's pussy clench, hard.

"I'm glad to hear it," she said.

"That doesn't bother you at all? If it does, we can make some changes around the office."


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