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Joining the Pack Ch. 14

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Kaev arrives to save Anahid.
5.7k words

Part 14 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/26/2021
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Thank you for reading! This is the climax (hehe) of the story but there will be one last Epilogue Chapter after this. Again, there are some Non-Consent scenes in this chapter like the previous, so read with caution.


Cassian slammed open the cell door, jarring Anahid from the bit of sleep she'd managed to grasp. She cringed, her hands nearly numb, though her wrists still burned from the silver chains. He paused a moment in the doorway, his bulk blocking out any light from the torches in the hall. His pale face was in shadow, except the white of his teeth as he slowly smiled.

Anahid gritted her teeth. She would die fighting. He stepped into the room and pulled a key from his belt. As he stepped close, his eyes ran over her naked, bloodied form. So far he hadn't said a word, had only mutely followed Atalanta's bidding. Anahid tried to forget the look on his face as he pressed Atalanta against her. His hot breath had sickened her, his sticky cum was thankfully wiped clean by Serenity though.

"I've seen you before," he murmured, his voice surprisingly gentle. "I watch the valley. I've watched you."

Anahid shivered.

He stepped closer. "I've seen you sparring. You like to fight?"

Anahid gulped, again tried to tug at the manacles. His eyes were turning slightly manic as he studied her. His terrible, hungry gaze suddenly reminded her of Cobb. His blind lust the day of her heat. She stayed silent.

He snorted a laugh and stepped towards her. She stayed still as he unlocked one cuff. The other. Then she lunged at him. She sunk her teeth into his bicep and smacked a hand across his face as she tried to knee his balls. He twisted just in time. Shoving his shoulder into her face, her sent her stumbling backwards. And then he backhanded her across the face as he grabbed her throat.

"I knew you liked to fight," he growled. Anahid weakly tried to twist from him again, slash at him with her nails but she was weak from the hours hanging to the wall and her head spun from his smack. As he squeezed, the edges of her vision began to fade. Blackness nudged at her and she fought desperately against it.

Then he slammed her head back into the wall once more and she blacked out for a moment. When she came to, he had her by the hair, was dragging her from the cell. Anahid weakly struggled, but he just trudged down the hall, tugged her up several flights of stairs then kicked open a door. As he pulled, her head screamed, and she was left sore and bruised.

Stepping inside a large room he threw her onto a bed. She bounced, shocked for a moment, but then was immediately rolling, trying to escape his grasping fingers. But he had a hold of her foot and tugged her back, slapped a chain around her ankle. Suddenly another hand was grabbing her opposite wrist. Anahid twisted, found another, slender vampire standing at the head of the bed. This one grinned and snapped another chain around her wrist.

"No..." she moaned and tried to jerk away but she was already hopelessly shackled. Cassian moved opposite the other man and grabbed at Anahid's free wrist. He jerked her across the bed, slapped another cuff around her. Finally the other vampire grabbed her free ankle, frantically Anahid kicked at him, tried to twist away but Cassian slapped his hand again across her face again and Anahid lay stunned for a moment. The vampire tugged her leg towards the opposite side of the bed and snapped the last cuff around her ankle.

Tears fell down her cheeks. She lay, spread eagle on the bed. She finally screamed, thrashed against the manacles, but it was no use. When she collapsed, gasping for air she looked around the room. Atalanta reclined on a cushion opposite the fire. She smiled lightly as she watched the frantic Anahid. There were at three other men in the room, Cassian, the slender vampire with short brown hair, and Dymion. He stood to the side, stared out the window as his jaw clenched.

Anahid panted, her eyes wild as she cast around the room. Atalanta and the other two watched her, amused. Patient.

"You're Kaev's biggest regret," she slapped the words against Atalanta.

The vampiress stiffened. Raised her eyebrow.

"He says he's ashamed he gave in. That he wasn't strong enough to wait for me. He loves me. Our souls are joined. Our bodies were made for each other. He would never let another man touch me. Would never consider touching another woman. I'm the only one he will ever need. So no. He's never invited anyone else to our bed." She grinned at Atalanta. The cold vampire bitch's face had gone impossibly pale as rage sparked in her eye.

Dymion crossed the room, slapped a hang across her face. He leaned in, his voice rough on her ear. "Shut up. She'll kill you if you provoke her."

Anahid bared her teeth at her brother, hissed "I know." She looked again to Atalanta. The vampiress had risen, taken a step towards the bed. "He hardly ever wants me to suck his cock. He likes to pleasure me though. All over the citadel. He loves for the pack to watch as he makes me climax. Loves them to see that I'M his. No one elses. And that he's mine. When we fuck, in the center of the pack, he's focused only on me, on giving me pleasure--"

Atalanta shrieked and stepped towards her. But then Cassian was there, he grabbed Atalanta by the waist. Pulled her close. "Shh my queen. She wants this. Wants you to kill her. Remember your goal."

Anahid deflated as she watched Atalanta. The vampiress set her back, flicked her eyes to Anahid. The rage was still there. But now it was calculating in its coldness. She smiled. "Not that easy she-wolf."


Atalanta felt every sense pounding within her. Her blood seemed to boil as she stared at the indecently spread Anahid. The girl's eyes glittered like defiant emeralds. Atalanta vowed she'd kill her. Some day. She'd make the whore regret her words.

She stepped around Cassian, drifted to the edge of the bed. "No, not that easy." She ran a finger along Anahid's thigh, up to her belly. She circled the navel, moved upwards again. Anahid's breasts were surprisingly small, Atalanta couldn't imagine Kaev ACTUALLY preferred them... She circled a tart nipple, the other, back and forth she circled before finally pinching one of them. Anahid hissed in pain and Atalanta felt the heat of arousal at her center. She smiled as she found Anahid's eye, the girl glared.

Atalanta stepped back, dropped her dress from her shoulders then smoothly straddled Anahid. The girl gasped and tried to twist away again but was now firmly caught with Atatanta sitting on her waist. "What's the worst thing you can think of? Cassian raping you? Cassian with his cock in your precious little cunt while Xander over there fucks your ass? Do you think if I had Cassian fuck you hard enough that it would shake that little werewolf welp right out?"

Anahid gasped, her eyes going wide in terror. Atalanta chuckled as she began to grind against Anahid's smooth stomach, she reached a hand to her breast, began to knead at she watched her prisoner. "Kaev is on his way here now. He will trade himself for you. So I won't kill you tonight." She dropped down grasped Anahid's wrists. "I want to kill you while Kaev watches. So don't worry. I'll save the worst for later."

She dropped her head and bit savagely into Anahid's neck in the same spot she'd drunk from before. And then Xander was crawling on the bed as well. He kneeled behind Atalanta, guided his cock into her pussy. Atalanta groaned as his slender cock filled her. It wasn't the most impressive, but he used it well. He slowly began to thrust and Atalanta ran her lips along the she-wolf's neck, lapping at the slow trickle of blood. As Xander moved against her she felt her body again slipping against the heated skin of the lycan. The girl's pert breasts rubbed deliciously against her, leaving her dizzy with pleasure.

Pulling herself back to the present she glanced to Cassian. He still stood at the foot of the bed, his eyes were hungry as he watched the show. "Come my love, taste," she whispered to him.

The hulking vampire grinned, stepped towards the bed. He dropped to his knees and Atalanta lost sight of him. She glanced around again, found Dymion by the window. "Dymion," she said softly, coaxingly.

The young vampire dragged his eyes to her. With a shudder he shook his head, then hurried from the room. Disappointing. Atalanta turned back to Anahid. The girl's eyes were now screwed shut as she shuddered beneath Atalanta.

Atalanta nuzzled up her neck, found her ear. "He liked it when I held his eye as I came. I imagine that hasn't changed," she whispered.

Anahid's eyes flipped open as new tears fell down her cheeks and Atalanta laughed, dug her teeth back into the girl's neck.


Anahid tried to force her mind from her body. She wasn't here. This wasn't happening. But Atalanta kept murmuring to her. The woman moved above her in a slow, steady rhythm as the slim vampire fucked her from behind. And still she ran her tongue in tender circles on Anahid's neck as she drank her blood. Another mouth dropped to Anahid's leg. A cool tongue moved inwards, traced the line of her inner thigh. She tried again to jerk away. Though she knew it was futile, her body recoiled from the touch. And then she felt his teeth. Cassian sank sharp teeth into her the crook of her leg. She shrieked and arched, trying to rip away from him, but he held on like a rabid dog. Against her neck, Atalanta moaned in pleasure as Xander picked up the pace of his pummeling thrusts.

Anahid sobbed as she was slammed into the bed. Suddenly Atalanta sat upright. She grinned down at Anahid, then scooted forward in the bed. Sliding over her slick body, she positioned her hips over Anahid's face. "If you can make my cum, this will stop." the vampiress said, then pressed her pussy into Anahid's face.

Suddenly there were teeth on her breast. The slender vampire had slid to the side, lay with his hand on Anahid's chest as he suckled at her nipple. His sharp teeth gripped her, drew out a slow trickle of blood. They were going to kill her. Suck her dry. Anahid tried to scream, to thrash, but the three held her to the bed. Atalanta began to grind into her face in slow movements. Her pussy smelled sharp, like iron and was slippery wet against Anahid's lips. Anahid began to gag, tried to turn her head for air but Atalanta only ground her hips harder into her.

Finally she let up slightly, arched back to let Anahid breath. "You know how to make this stop," the vampire purred.

Before Anahid could respond the woman's dripping folds smashed back into her face. And then Anahid found herself lapping at them. Anything to stop this torture. She thought of Kaev, how he ran his tongue along her slit. How he tenderly opened her with his persistent tongue. She sucked at Atalanta's folds, tilted her head to find the vampiress's throbbing clit. That was safety. That was her way out. She ran her tongue along the little nub. Circled and flicked at it quickly. Arching in the bed she took it into her mouth, sucking at it and swirling her tongue in rapid circles.

Atalanta began to buck, her hips rocked and she leaned against the wall as she pulsed against Anahid. Distantly, Anahid heard her cries of pleasure as she rose higher. She picked up her pace, desperate to push the vampiress over the edge. Tears streamed down her cheeks as the vampire on her breast picked up the pace as well, his tongue swirled her nipple and his teeth nipped and tugged as his excitement grew to the sounds of Atalanta's cries. Cassian sucked at her thigh, his fingers clenched around her leg as he buried his face against her. And then the vampiress's legs clenched as a high moan escaped her lips. She arched backward and slammed her pussy hard into Anahid's face, smashing and grinding against her. Anahid thrashed. She couldn't breath. She was drowning. Dying.

And then Atalanta collapsed, twisting in the bed to curl next her.

"Finish up," she murmured to the two still drinking vampires. As one, they raked their teeth against Anahid's skin, but then stepped back. With bleary eyes Anahid watched as they began to stroke themselves. They quickly worked themselves to climax and their hot semen spurted across her face, her breasts, dripped between her legs. She clenched her jaw, tried to shove her face into the bed.

Atalanta chuckled as she tugged Anahid's face to hers. The lovely vampire smiled softly as she smeared a bit of cum with her thumb. "See, that wasn't so bad was it pet?"


They left her chained in the room. Eventually there was that same shuffling step and then Serenity entered the room. She carried her same bucket. Her gray rag as she crept towards Anahid. Her cool rag moved against Anahid's body, but she was so far away. It would only get worse.

"If you won't help me...will you kill me?" Anahid whispered to the woman's bowed head.

"If I kill you, they kill me," the woman said softly.

"So you're happy with this life? As the vampires' slave? "

"I had a life once. It was taken away. I've nothing left."

"That can't be true," Anahid pleaded. She thought there was a glimmer there. Some bit of hope in this broken woman.

"I had everything you did. Mate, child...but they're gone now. I've nothing left."

Anahid's heart panged. Still, she tried. "There's always something. You can't give up. What about your pack?"

Serenity snapped her head up to glare. "I never had a pack. My mate found me living as a human, I had no idea what I was. I hadn't even gone through the change when I learned I was pregnant. But it didn't matter, I had everything I could want. But then Atalanta found us. My mate died leading her away from us and I had to abandon my little girl in the forest. I abandoned her..." Serenity's eyes filled with angry tears. "I thought I protected her, that I could lead the vampires away and then come back to her. But then they caught me and I never saw my baby again. She died, alone in a forest because I was too weak to protect her." Serenity stood, sweeping up her bucket and turning for the door as she swiped at the tears.

Anahid's world crashed around her. Her mind and body and soul were raw, but somehow...she knew this woman.

"No she didn't," Anahid whispered. Serenity froze in the doorway. Achingly slow she turned, seemed to see, really see, Anahid for the first time. Anahid's eyes welled as she stared at the other woman. At the wide green eyes. "You saved my life, mother."


Kaev stalked to the walls of Atalanta's fortress. High on the walls a dozen vampire archers held him in their sights. His wolf raged within him, but he held him down. This was the most dangerous moment, with him now giving himself up to Atalanta, Anahid's life sat on the edge of a knife. He had faith in Variya though. He knew his clever second-in-command, she would find a way to save them both.

The large gate creaked, slowly began to draw open and still Kaev stood tense. As it swung open he strained his neck to peer into the large courtyard. A dozen vampires crowded in the open space. And then he saw her. Knelt on the ground, naked and covered in bruises and bites and scratches, Anahid trembled.

A snarl erupted from Kaev's throat and he stepped forward. He would kill all of them. And then the hulking blonde vampire that held Anahid by the hair lowered a knife to her throat with a menacing grin.

"Kaev," Atalanta's voice, that voice he hadn't heard in over a hundred years drifted towards him. Rippled like frost against his heart. He slid his eyes reluctantly to her. She stepped from behind the large vampire and Anahid. She hadn't changed. Long silvery blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes. How could he have ever loved someone so cold? So...bloodless. "My love. Your life for hers. That's the deal. Will you submit?" She asked softly.

Anahid growled, tried to speak but her mouth was gagged. The large vampire twisted her hair, causing her to yelp in pain and Kaev's wolf howled with fury deep inside him. But he clenched his fists, tried to tell his mate with his eyes that everything would be fine.

"Let her go first. Only when she's safe," he rumbled.

Atalanta laughed lightly, dropped a hand to Anahid's cheek. She caressed that cheek with her vicious fingers and Kaev's heart clenched. "I know as soon as we let her go you will kill all of us. So. First you submit." She gestured to a slender, dark haired vampire and the man stepped forward, silver manacles and collar in his hands.

Anahid again tried to yell, wrenching from the iron grasp of the vampire that gripped her hair. And then the knife pressed to her throat and Kaev's world crumbled. "Fine! Stop. Leave her be," he roared and thrust his wrists to the young vampire that now stood in front of him.

All around the courtyard there were hisses of excitement, light cheers as their sharp white teethed flashed. Anahid's sobs echoed within him though, her green eyes were wide as tears streamed from them and she shook her head. But the knife had retreated from her throat. The large vampire tugged her to her feet, now held her loosely by a wrist. The collar was snapped around Kaev's throat and finally Atalanta stepped forward, her face beaming in triumph.

"The great Kaev. Mine again," she murmured as she stepped close to him. Her scent was familiar, but now sharp, distasteful on his nose. Half a dozen vampires fell on him then, pushed him to the ground as they tightened the chains around his arms and legs and chest.

"I was never yours," he growled up at her. "Now let her go."

Atalanta laughed and the sound chilled Kaev. "Oh my love, neither of you will ever be free again. It seems gaining a mate has softened you." She leaned in, her eyes like ice. "Since I learned of your whore, I've thought of nothing but all the ways I'm going to kill her. And now she's pregnant." Atalanta's eyes sparkled with glee. "Well, it seems the fun has just begun."


Kaev watched as Anahid was dragged away. He writhed in his restraints, panic setting in as he lost sight of her. Atalanta still stood over him, Anahid apparently forgotten for the moment. He had to keep it that way. As long as Atalanta was focused on him, Anahid was hopefully safe. As safe as she could be at least. Kaev tested the silver chains on his wrists, he thought he might be able to break them, but with the collar around his neck he was hopelessly locked in his human form.

Atalanta's minions grabbed his shoulder, hefted him up and left him kneeling in the center of the courtyard. All around the vampires continued their jeers. The expectation was heavy in the air as Atalanta crouched in front of him.

"I've missed you, lover," she cooed as she reached a hand to his face. Kaev resisted the urge to jerk from her. Anything that antagonized her could hurt Anahid. 'Stay calm. Stay calm. Think of Anahid...' became his mantra as Atalanta leaned into him.


Atalanta still wasn't sure if it was real. If HE was real. Handsome and kneeling before her. He seemed more solid, more...alive than anything else in this dark night. She tentatively ran her fingers along his cheek, like she'd done a thousand times before. It felt the same. Perhaps even rougher than her memory.

His skin was still bronzed, his shoulders, impossibly broader than they'd been a hundred years ago. Was it possible he'd grown even more attractive? More imposing. Even kneeling in defeat he seemed the most dangerous thing in the courtyard. Like he held court and Atalanta instead kneeled before him. For the first time in over a hundred years her heart stuttered with excitement. With love. Her eyes raked his massive, black hair covered chest. Up to his barrel neck. Up to his full lips. Sharply angled jaw. Large, intimidating nose. The his eyes. Intense, penetrating steely gray. Atalanta gulped as she finally met his gaze again and felt arousal pang within her center.


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