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Journey into Cuckoldry Ch. 09: Cloud Nine

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Carmen's news, a new challenge and an unexpected treat.
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Part 9 of the 18 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/10/2012
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"Forty-eight minutes!" Alice gasped as she burst through the kitchen door on Sunday morning and grabbed the watch that lay on the counter. She was merely a few feet ahead of me but those few feet were important. She turned to face me, panting, her face sweaty and pink with exertion.

"I've never beaten you before!" she grinned broadly, leaning back against the table's edge, her eyes bright with excitement and glee.

"And you won't beat me again," I frowned then burst out laughing, "when my knee stops hurting you won't see me for dust!"

She stuck her tongue out at me then crossed to the sink and filled two tall glasses with cold water, handed one to me then took a long draft from hers as she began to recover her breath.

"Thanks," I smiled, taking a long cool sip, "you're getting faster every time."

I looked at my lovely sexy wife as her chest rose and fell, recovering her breath. Had she ever looked this good before? I doubted it. In her tight black capri-length running pants and her equally tight pink vest top, her slender, toned body and tiny breasts were displayed to their full, devastating effect. Pink striped running shoes and short white socks showed off her remaining Mediterranean tan beautifully, as did her long blonde hair tied back in a pony-tail. Without make-up and with the glow to her face and chest that the fresh air of our thrice-weekly run had brought, she was without a doubt the most attractive and sexy woman I knew.

And she was my wife and the mother of our two children! I was a lucky man.

It was true that she needed more and better sex than I was able to provide on my own but with the help of the She-Devil Carmen, we had found a way to provide what she needed.

It was nearly three weeks since our return from Spain and my wife's incredible multiple fucking by her new young lover Mitch; weeks in which our sex life had never been better. Alice and I had made love almost every day for the first two weeks, something that hadn't happened since we were first married and which was wonderful, if exhausting.

The physical evidence of her infidelity - the bite marks, hickeys and swollen vulva - had had taken well over a week to disappear but for that amazing ten days my arousal had been taken to new heights. Each tiny piece of evidence of Mitch's onslaught on her body reminded me every day of all I had seen, heard, smelled and tasted that incredible night. The idea of strangers, or even our friends seeing that evidence and maybe - just maybe - having an inkling what it meant drove me to wilder and more passionate sex with her - with better results for us both.

On one occasion, aided by our favourite ribbed and studded condoms, I had even brought her to a full-blown orgasm with my cock alone; a rare event for me and rarer still since Steve had first introduced her to the pleasures of other lovers with bigger, more expertly wielded erections than mine. As she had cuddled in my arms afterwards, her body trembling gently in the afterglow, I had touched her fading bite marks with my fingertips and kissed the line of hickeys on her soft smooth neck.

It had been a whole week in Cuckold Heaven.

Since then, the intensity of our lovemaking had moderated quite a lot to the extent that it had been three whole days since our last proper copulation and two weeks since Alice's last orgasm of any kind. There were already faint signs of her becoming dissatisfied with our sex life but she was probably not aware of it, unlike me who watched her every reaction carefully, wondering how long it would be before she needed to be comprehensively fucked by a lover once again.

Of course since the holiday, I also wondered who she would want that lover to be. Steve? Mitch? Or would she perhaps want someone new? And how would I know what to do to give her what she needed?

I supposed time would tell but right now she wanted me and that wasn't an opportunity to waste!

"I'm going for a shower," she announced, grinning meaningfully, "care to join me?"

My heart thumped. That invitation could only mean one, very welcome thing. Instinctively my eyes flicked up at the kitchen clock. Alice must have had the same thought.

"The kids won't be home until twelve," she insisted, "come on, Cucky Boy, you don't usually last THAT long... or will you surprise me today?

She raised her eyebrows playfully then turned and left the room. I watched her slender, athletic body as she went through the door then heard her wet trainers being dumped on the wooden floor of the hallway followed by her dainty sock-covered feet padding up the stairs. My own tight shorts were now painfully entangled around a respectable if not enormous erection.

I kicked off my own shoes and followed my sexy wife upstairs.


Later that afternoon, the kitchen was busy, noisy and happy as we got the family meal ready.

Sunday morning sex was unusual for us and we had both been in a good mood all afternoon. The actual sex hadn't lasted long and Alice hadn't come anywhere near orgasm despite using the ribbed and studded condoms but it hadn't mattered too much. Instead it been a close and loving experience and for me at least, very enjoyable. Indeed we had lain together afterwards for a long time, kissing and cuddling as I surreptitiously tried to find any last remaining evidence on my wife's lovely, firm body of Mitch's incredible fucking.

Sadly, to my disappointment, there was none.

When the kids had returned from their football training (yes, our daughter plays soccer too), we had made them shower and change then embark on whatever homework they had to finish. It took both of us to get this process started but eventually they were settled at the kitchen table and I started one of my other favourite activities; cooking Sunday lunch while supervising their work.

Alice as usual took the opportunity to go to the gym for her second class of the weekend and, also as usual, I admired her wonderful athletic body in its tight-fitting clothes as she smiled and departed.

When she returned two hours later, lunch was all but ready, the kids' homework was complete and after showering for the third time that day, she joined us to set the table and eat. I could tell she had something on her mind but from her slightly distracted demeanour I guessed it was a topic that couldn't be discussed in front of the kids.

My mind raced; the only really taboo subject in front of the kids was sex. I also knew that she often had coffee with Carmen after spinning classes and her late return probably meant today had been no exception.

The meal went down well accompanied by our usual boisterous conversation; that day revolving around our daughter's alleged and hotly disputed superiority to her brother in the soccer match they had played that morning. There was lots of laughter but several times I could see Alice looking straight at me with an odd expression on her face.

Normally after lunch we would insist that the kids helped clear away but to my surprise, Alice told them to go and play which astonished and delighted them but of course left the two of us alone in the kitchen. This could only mean she wanted to talk privately and I wondered anxiously what the news was.

"So was the class good?" I asked, using a safe opening gambit as I cleared the dessert plates.

"Very hard work today," she said, "I can't imagine why I was so tired."

The broad, almost lascivious grin on her face brought back the joy of that morning's wonderful sex and I grinned back. She bent over the dishwasher, her tight jeans accentuating her incredible figure and making me catch my breath. Was this gorgeous, sexy woman really my wife? Had I really made love to her only hours earlier?

"Did you have coffee afterwards?" I asked in an attempt to distract both myself and my growing erection.

"Mmmm," she nodded, finishing the one glass of wine she had allowed herself, "Carmen was there as usual."

"And how was the She-Devil," I wondered, "still plotting our degradation?"

I hadn't seen Carmen properly since our return from Spain where over four days she had manipulated the pair of us into allowing Alice to receive the longest and most comprehensive fucking of her entire life from a twenty year old junior Olympic swimmer with the largest cock I had ever seen.

"I don't remember you objecting to anything at the time, Cucky-Boy," Alice replied, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "and yes, I do know what happened between you and Carmen in the bedroom next door."

I blushed despite myself. While Mitch had been fucking my wife for the second or third time in a single evening, I had brought Carmen to orgasm in the room next door as we listened to their illicit copulation through the thin wall. I had only used my mouth but it had worked to an unexpectedly spectacular degree.

"Don't look so worried," Alice said, sidling up to me, "I'm hardly going to object, am I? And you really are very good with that tongue of yours!" she added under her breath.

I glowed with pleasure at the compliment before she dropped the bombshell.

"Oh, and did you know your best friend's pregnant!" she said in an unconvincingly casual manner.

"What?" I exclaimed in astonishment, stopping dead in my tracks. I must have misheard her.

"Carmen," she continued, speaking slowly as if to an imbecile, "she's having a baby; up the duff; in the club!"

"You're kidding!" I said, unable to believe my ears.

"No, I'm not kidding. She told me they've been trying for a baby for a few months," Alice continued as my mouth dropped open in astonishment, "and she thinks she might just be pregnant already."

My head span. Carmen pregnant? That extraordinary, womanly body might actually have a baby growing inside it? Oh my God!

"Wow!" was all I could say, "um... how pregnant is she? How many weeks?"

"Well she thinks she's about a month gone so she's keeping it quiet. Not even Steve knows yet, but she said she had to tell someone and she thought I would understand!"

"Wow!" I mumbled a second time.

"She said it was ok to tell you because she knows you can keep a secret."

My mind was buzzing; the simplest of mental arithmetic told me that if Carmen was right, then she must have conceived around or during our long weekend in Spain. Suddenly a few things began to fall into place; her extraordinarily high state of arousal on that holiday; her desperate need for an orgasm that night; her uncharacteristic gratitude that I hadn't fucked her properly even though she would probably have let me; all these made a lot more sense now. Carmen must have been off birth control for months and would have been fertile all that week!

"Is... is she happy about it?" I asked.

"Deliriously happy by the look of her," Alice replied, "though she's not looking forward to getting bigger."

"I'll bet!" I agreed, remembering how important her appearance was to her. "I can't imagine her as a mother, she's so, well, sexual."

Alice smiled knowingly. "People are surprising, Cucky-Boy. It's not that long since you could only imagine me as a housewife and mother. Now look at us!"

I watched my lovely wife as she finished the washing up and helped me put the clean pots away before we joined the kids in the lounge.

She was, as usual, quite right.


The coffee shop was very busy for a Monday morning and it took me a few minutes to locate Carmen in the crowd. On hearing Alice's news I had immediately sent a text message to congratulate her on her good luck and she had immediately suggested that she and I had coffee the following morning, something I was always pleased to do. I finally noticed her in a small booth against the quiet back wall and waved from the queue. She waved back, smiled then continued her conversation with a young mother who was sitting opposite her, the push chair next to the bench seat almost blocking the aisle. Five minutes later as I carried two foaming cups towards the booth, the young woman stood up and began to bring their chat to an end.

"Hi," Carmen greeted me with a brief peck on the cheek and a broad grin, "this is Julie, and that's Ryan asleep in the buggy. Julie, this is Alice's husband."

She introduced me by name to the young woman who turned to greet me with a slightly embarrassed smile. I was immediately struck by her sweet prettiness. Dressed in tight black leggings and a long, close fitting jumper that came modestly below her bottom, she was the very picture of a modern young mother. Her short dark hair was fashionably if sensibly cut and her make-up almost non-existent but what I noticed most was the small but obvious swelling in her tummy which announced her current state of pregnancy to the world.

"Congratulations," I smiled back and saw her hands automatically move to her baby bump.

"Thanks," she replied, "still a good few months to go, I'm afraid." She started to manoeuvre the buggy around in the narrow aisle. "I'll see you on Friday then," she said to Carmen who nodded her agreement.

"We're really looking forward to it," she replied.

"Bye then," the young woman said then turned briefly to me, "It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you two. It's good to put a face to a name. See you sometime."

And with that she began the tortuous journey with her loaded buggy through the crowds to the door. I watched her slim, pretty, pregnant body weave its awkward way then turned to Carmen.

"So what is it with you and babies?" I asked grinning broadly. To my amazement, Carmen blushed pink.

"She's lovely, isn't she?" Carmen asked as if trying to divert the subject.

"Very lovely," I replied impatiently, "but I didn't come here to talk about Julie, however pretty she undoubtedly is. What's this news about you?"

To my astonishment, Carmen lowered her eyes as if embarrassed. "It's true," she said, her dark eyes flicking left and right as if making sure nobody she knew could hear, "I'm pregnant!"

"But not too far gone," I stated, pretending to inspect her bumpless tummy, "and you're happy about it?"

She smiled broadly and coyly. This was a new side of the She-Devil I hadn't suspected existed.

"It was planned, not an accident. I... we wanted to have a baby," she raised her eyes to meet mine full-on. "We're not getting any younger and well, it seemed... the right time for me... for us both," she paused, "so I thought I should take steps to make it happen." She leaned closer towards me and whispered earnestly, "It's far too soon to tell anyone else, ok? A lot could go wrong at this stage, you know."

"Carmen, we've had two kids of our own. I know all this," I chided playfully, "and your secret is safe with me." There was a brief pause before I continued. "Are you really sure? Have you been to the Doctor yet? When would you be due?"

"So many questions! You're worse than my mother!" she laughed. "Well, Mister C, I've done three home tests and they're all positive. I've an appointment in two weeks time to get the process started at the Doctor's and it'll be due in May if all goes well. Happy now?"

I nodded, smiling. It was difficult to imagine the She-Devil opposite me as a mother; this dark, fiery-tempered, sexy woman who had plotted Alice and my initial seduction and who had drawn us inexorably along the surprisingly short and incredibly satisfying journey from faithful monogamy to rampant cuckoldry, turning my lovely, pretty wife into a cock-hungry slut on the way.

A thought occurred to me. "So were you already pregnant in Spain when we... when I..." my words ran out but Carmen must have understood because her hands fell involuntarily into her lap, covering her groin. Vivid memories filled my mind; of how she had looked felt, smelled and tasted that amazing night only weeks ago when I had brought her to a full orgasm with my mouth alone. To my delight, she blushed scarlet before replying.

"I think it happened straight after you left, when Steve arrived but I'm not certain. We were... trying quite hard before he went to the US and I made sure he made up for lost time when he joined me at the apartment!"

I tried to picture how this extraordinary, sexy woman would look in a few months' time with a swollen belly; and how she would look afterwards, pushing a baby in a buggy. My mind could barely imagine it.

"Well I'm very pleased for you," I said truthfully, "both of you." We sipped our coffees. They were rich and strong with a good caffeine hit. I savoured the taste for a moment then sat back in my chair.

"It certainly explains why you wanted Steve to yourself in Spain," I said smiling knowingly then, making sure no-one was too close nearby, added, "you wouldn't have wanted him wasting his seed on anyone else." Carmen just smiled in reply but her eyes were sparkling. "He does seem to have an awful lot of it though, and an amazingly quick recovery time," I added.

She seemed to glow with pride at this praise of her husband's prowess and not for the first time I imagined her as the proud owner of a thoroughbred racehorse being admired by an expert. Having seen him in action myself, I could understand how she must feel.

A thought occurred to me. "Does this mean Steve's off the menu now as far as Alice is concerned?" I asked, though I wasn't sure how disappointed my wife would be if he was.

"Far from it!" Carmen chuckled, "as long as he does his bit for me too, he's still very much available. Although I have an idea little Alice has moved on a bit now."

She might be right, I mused. I wasn't sure myself and was fairly certain Alice didn't know her own mind properly yet.

"So where are you going on Friday with the yummy mummy?" I asked, changing the subject and nodding towards the door Julie had left by.

"Oh, nowhere much," she replied casually, "the four of us are going for an early meal then on to a movie. If there's time then we'll go back to their house for a drink. They can't get a late-night babysitter." There was something in the tone of her voice that should have alerted me but I didn't quite pick up on it.

"Where did you meet her," I asked, "she's not your usual type?"

"We worked together before she had the baby. We kept in touch. I really like them both."


"Her husband Gary too. He's an architect in town."

I was surprised, but then Carmen seldom mentioned her other friends. Given my own career, it was possible that I had come across him professionally but I didn't pry.

"What movie are you going to?" I asked, surprised that she and Steve would choose such an uneventful Friday night activity. It didn't sound their kind of thing at all, unless of course, Carmen's pregnancy had already had a calming effect on her.

"I'm not sure, Julie's choosing this time," she replied, then after checking left and right, added in a whisper, "but it doesn't really matter," I saw her eyes flash brightly with mischief, "as long as it's dark!"

"Carmen!" I hissed, aghast, leaning forwards until my head was merely inches from hers. "What the hell are you up to?" She grinned her evil, manipulative grin.

"Never you mind, Mister Cuckold," she teased outrageously, "let's just say that now little Alice has apparently acquired a taste for other cocks, a certain husband and father-to-be will have a few vacant slots in his bedtime diary that need filling."

My mouth dropped open. "You mean Steve's going to..." Now it was my turn to look left and right before mouthing the words, "to try and fuck Julie? On Friday?"

Carmen nodded slowly. "That's the plan; she's certainly ready for it." I must have looked puzzled because she continued very quietly, "Oh, she doesn't know it yet, neither does her husband, but I reckon there's a better than fifty-fifty chance her cunt will be full of Steve's cum by midnight."

I sat back in my chair, horrified but mesmerised. She looked at my face then burst out laughing.


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