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Journey to Discovery Pt. 02

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Simon learns what it means to be a boy toy.
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/13/2022
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Simon woke up to a bright Saturday morning. Sunlight streamed through the window and into the bed, where his new friend lay next to him - still fully clothed, one leg and arm draped over his body as she lay peacefully next to him. As he stirred she woke up as well and grinned at him. "Good morning." she whispered before leaning in to nibble on his ear while stroking his chest. "How did you sleep?"

He groaned a bit which made her smile turn into a delighted grin. "Great. Like a stone!" he said, and was surprised it was true. He had never felt so rested as he did right now. He felt great. Relaxed, rested, alert - even without coffee! "I feel like I could go for a run or something!"

She leaned up on her elbow, her lingerie dangerously close to letting her breasts out and started moving her thigh up and down his leg. His focus shifted straight to her chest just as she was hoping, and his cock stiffened straight to attention. She lazily moved her hand down his chest and over to his cock. She very gently began to stroke him taking her time to enjoy his thick and long shaft. It had felt so good inside of her last night, and she was going to savor it today. "You were great last night." His face beamed to hear that. "I definitely hope you'll want to stick around for a bit. I think I could get used to you running around here without any clothes on."

He blushed a bit, "Really? I feel odd being naked in your house."

She grinned, "My house, my rules - and my rule is boy toys go naked." She said it playfully, but she squeezed a little harder on his cock to drive her point home. Then sat up so she could put more focus and attention on what she wanted.

"I think I could get used to being a boy toy." He said, between groans as she deftly manipulated his body, alternating between pressure and light fleeting touches was driving him crazy with lust.

She took her eyes away from his cock for a second, and asked "Really? I'd be happy to make this a longer term thing." He nodded, but her attention was already back on his cock.

"Oh. Yes. I think. That. Would. Be." he paused, panting out each word, "Amazing!" he clutched hard and his cock started throbbing in her hands as he began to cum, unloading a fairly huge load all over her hands and his stomach. "Oh damn!" he gasped.

"Oh damn indeed! Go get cleaned up then meet me downstairs in the kitchen!" He scrambled awkwardly out of the bed, trying to avoid getting cum everywhere. As he stood up she grabbed his ass and gave it a good squeeze. He grinned and looked back at her before going into the bathroom to clean up.

She casually stood up and stretched out, letting him see her body covered in the satiny wine colored slip that clung in all the right places. Her large breasts really strained at the material and you could just make out her nipples poking through, she bent over, giving him an amazing view of her cleavage to pick up her panties then casually dropped them into the laundry basket. She twirled as she walked out of the bedroom, letting the slip billow out a bit and go up her thighs tantalizingly close exposing her - but just out of his sight. She giggled a bit to herself thinking about how flustered he was.

But her games worked. A few minutes later Simon came into the kitchen, already hard again. He paused at the door and held his cock up for her to look at it, "I thought you'd want me hard again, like in the car." She grinned and continued to make coffee and find something for breakfast.

"Come here!" she smiled and he did. She leaned in to kiss him again. "How do you like your coffee?"

"Just a little cream." He said, and she nodded, pointing to the fridge. He went over and opened the fridge, and found the cream in the bottom shelf of the door. He leaned over to grab it, and felt her hand immediately on his butt. He grinned, "Is this part of being a boy toy?" He said looking over his shoulder.

She laughed, "Yes. We'll go over it!" She smiled and turned back to the counter before holding up two coffee cups, both with images of nude men on them and steam coming out. "Sit with me!" She turned and went to the table, pulling out a chair for herself and one next to her. He came over with the cream and sat down next to her.

"Okay! So what do I have to do?" He started, pouring some cream into his coffee.

She nodded, "So to be my boy toy you're already to a great start. First, you're naked. All the time while you're here. Even if I have friends over. They all know about my particular interests, primarily in CFNM - or clothed female, naked male. I love the power dynamic of never letting you see me naked, but keeping you always exposed." He grinned and his eyes went to her chest, which she saw. She gave her shoulders a shake to make her breasts jiggle a bit. "Remember my friend from last night? She's going to come over this afternoon. We spoke at the bar and I told her about your cock and she wants to see it. And I want to show you off!" He was a bit taken aback, but had absolutely no problem with this conversation. He almost felt like his cock was getting harder thinking about it. Especially that she wanted to show him off! He was excited about that.

He nodded, "While my only clothes are in your car, so naked it is! And I really hope your friends like me as much as you do." He purposefully looked at his cock and made it bounce a little to emphasize his nudity.

She laughed, "I think they will! Second, you're going to be 'free use' - what this means is that when I want to grab your ass, it's mine to grab. When I want your cock for any reason it's mine to have. Same with any part of your body." She reached out and grabbed his cock. "This is the toy aspect of it. Not only do I get to look at you whenever I want, but I get to play with you whenever I want."

He spread his legs and lifted his hips into her grip, fully exposing himself to her, "That's okay with me. I love the idea of being wanted like that." The more he thought about it, the more turned on he got. Her wanting him. Her letting her lust come through her to grab his cock and savor it. Knowing his body had that kind of raw attractive capability. He wasn't sure which was more inflated - his cock or his ego!

She grinned, "And you're available to my friends as well. If they want to jerk you off, or play with your balls, or spank your ass they can. In this house, or in their houses, you're a toy. A play thing."

He was throbbing. The combination of her vice grip on his cock, and her casually explaining how she was objectifying him was just overwhelming to him. He moaned a bit and tried thrusting his hips to stimulate his cock. She grinned, "Oh you're an eager little boy toy aren't you?" She began to jerk him a bit while sipping her coffee.

She then let go and leaned back in her chair. "Grab the edge of your chair please with both hands." He did so. His hands fully occupied she lifted her leg and ran her foot very slowly and casually up his thighs till her toes began to press into his balls. Using her foot she began to gently kick his cock a bit, knocking it back and forth while he squirmed and held on to the chair. She grinned, "Watching your cock bounce is so much fun."

He tried to smile but was focused just on not grabbing his cock and furiously masturbating till he could blow a load all over her. Finally she pulled her foot back and continued to sip her coffee, enjoying his beautiful naked body.

"Okay now stand up!" she grinned, and he jumped to his feet, causing his cock to bounce even more. She loved watching it go, up and down over and over. "Make it twirl!" she laughed as he started to do that, gyrating his hips so his cock twirled around. "Oh! I love this!" she grabbed his hips and then reached around to squeeze his ass and leaning in to kiss and suck on his balls. She loved his ass and how tight it was. She pushed him away slightly, "Turn around" she breathed, starting to get very much into her personal boy toy being so responsive and ready to do everything she wanted.

He turned around, and she stood, grabbing his ass, rubbing it and move her hands up and down his strong back and broad shoulders. She took her time, and even leaned in so her breasts rubbed up against him from time to time causing him to shake with anticipation. She fully inspected every inch of his body, letting her fingers and eyes touch everything as she continued to gently tease him. She moved him forward and back, and turned him around. At one point she even leaned down so his cock was thrusting up into her cleavage causing him to moan so loudly she laughed. "I can't wait for my friends to see you like this."

He smiled and looked down. "You should send them a picture with your phone!"

"You're okay with that?" She asked, almost startled but also eager. He nodded. She quickly ran to her purse to grab her phone. She knelt down next to him, and grabbed his cock. She then took a selfie with his cock right by her face and then texted it out. She was starting to get dizzy, high as a kite on dopamine and lust as her boy toy turned out to be so accommodating. She sat down and took a hasty sip of coffee.

"Okay, good boy." She murmured, "Bring me my cock." She commanded. He turned around and stepped up to her so his cock was right in her face. She grabbed it and began to work his shaft. His skin felt like silk wrapped around granite and was electrified by her touch. She leaned in and kissed the head of his cock, flicking it slightly with her tongue and tasting his precum. She jerked harder and harder, enjoying his young body being so responsive to her hands and commands. She knew for a fact that today was going to be a good day.

Finally she felt the initial throbbing pulses indicating his orgasm was building. Deftly she shifted her grip, and then shoved him up to the table. With one quick tap on his ass he began to cum all over the hardwood finish. She was impressed with the volume he still had inside of his balls, as well as the amount of table he covered. He finished and moved to go to get something to clean it up, but she grinned "Leave it. I want my friend to see your range. She'll probably want a demo and we can do a side by side comparison."

He blushed a bit but grinned. He had a feeling it was going to be a great day. "I'm sorry, but I don't even know what to call you!" He blurted out, realizing his oversight. He had come home with a complete stranger and just ended up fully naked in her house.

She returned to her coffee, "You can call me Ms. Jules." she smiled, "Finish up your coffee."

He sat down and they finished their coffee together. She stood and stretched, and again his focus was 100% on her. "I'm going to go get showered and dressed. Why don't you make breakfast?" she ran her finger over his lips, "I'm sure you're hungry after such impressive displays." her eyes darted to his performance piece on her dining room table.

He nodded, and stood and headed to the kitchen. She turned away reluctantly and left.

He puttered around the kitchen. He heard the shower come on and he desperately wanted to go join her, but he knew the rules. She didn't want him to see her naked. It was so frustrating, but also so hot. He was starting to get hard again which shocked him - how could he still be hard after cumming twice already? He tried to focus on making something good - scrambled eggs, toast, cutting up some fruit. He wanted to really impress her. But at the same time, he felt that what was really impressing her was his cock.

The shower stopped and his cock came straight to attention as he imagined her emerging naked from the steam, her breasts swaying and glistening wet. He leaned against the counter and bit his lip, struggling not to touch himself and ruin a hard on that she would enjoy. He tried instead to focus on getting everything cooked up so she would come down to a ready meal.

Frankly, he was hungry too.

About thirty minutes after the shower ended she came down, dressed very comfortably in yoga pants, and a tshirt. She had her hair up in a lose bun and stopped before entering the kitchen to enjoy watching him cook while fully naked. She pulled out her cell phone and took a few more pictures. The sound of the camera made him turn around.

This casual wear really reinforced in his mind his own nudity. The fact that she was taking more pictures also really turned him on, so he turned completely around. Already hard, she laughed, "I am so glad you're getting into the spirit of this!" She came over and got up close with her phone to get some good close up shots. He loved it, knowing that she wanted to show him off to all her friends.

"Are you sending those to your friends?" She nodded, and kept taking some photos. "That is amazing."

"Yup. They all love you! See?" She held up her phone and he read text after text that stated 'OMG' or 'Wow!' or commented about his size - was it as big as they thought? He was excited. She went to a draw and pulled out a ruler. "Let's get a measure of your cock so they know what size you are." He nodded, and gave himself a few quick jerks to make himself as hard as possible. She put the ruler next to him, and despite his curve the 10" mark was clearly hit. She snapped more photos. She smiled as she read the responses. "You have a fan club!"

He laughed, feeling really good about himself and about all the attention he was getting. He didn't know what it was but he had never felt so free as he did being naked in this house. He actually didn't really want to go back to school where he was just a boring student, with no one really interested in him. He shook that thought away. That was a tomorrow problem. Today was going to be fun.

He grabbed some plates and served breakfast. They sat at the table again, her eyes darting from his cum to his cock and back again. Her phone was buzzing almost non-stop while they ate. His attention was half divided between that, and also knowing more about her. "When did you first get into all this?" He said gesturing towards his cock and indicating his general nakedness.

She smiled, happy he wasn't trying to hide himself at the table. He was sitting sideways so she had a nice full frontal view of his body. She leaned back and stretched her legs out to rest on his lap, her soft yoga pants and cotton socks teasing his skin. "Oh a few years now." He reached out and started rubbing her feet which was a delightful new development in her mind. "I've always had a bit of a voyeur in me. I've always enjoyed watching naked men, and about ten years ago decided I was done with traditional dating and relationships. Now I look for situations like this - finding a beautiful boy that is willing to be naked and service all my desires." He laughed.

"I don't think I've been called beautiful before!" He shook his head.

She smiled, enjoying the foot rub, "Oh you are though. Especially that cock. It's gorgeous. If I could I'd have you here all the time, naked and available. I love watching it bounce around, even when it isn't hard it is still amazing." She too a moment to admire his cock between her feet. "But, yes - it's what I want. I want to see lots of naked boys. I love it!" She shrugged, "I can get lots of that online too. I'll show you. Lots of guys willing to take out their cocks and send pictures or videos. Probably will have a whole new batch tonight to rate."

He ginned, "Rate?"

She nodded, "Yup. Here! I'll show you!" She pulled her legs back and stood. Stepping over to him she grabbed him by his cock and led him to the living room. She had her laptop on the coffee table and she pushed him onto the couch, and sat down next to him. Taking her laptop she opened it and got logged in. A few moments later, she had a few dating profile sites open and started showing him the messages. Cock after cock filled the screen, and she provided detailed commentary on what she liked and didn't like.

She then showed him her cock folder, where she kept all the ones she liked sorted by username and size. He was mesmerized by all the of this, and was really enjoying seeing how he compared. She noticed his interest which just made the whole thing hotter. "We should do a side by side comparison some day!" she suggested.

"You mean me and another guy?" He asked.

"Yes. Size, length, endurance. I think it would be fun." She beamed at the thought of two naked young boy toys running around.

"Yeah that would be fun!" He grinned, pretty sure he could win any competition against another guy. He was enjoying this, cuddled on the couch next to this amazing woman looking at videos of guys jacking off and listening to her commentary. He felt he was getting a world class education in cocks, and while she was talking she instinctively grabbed his cock. He enjoyed that, he loved it when she held him, with her firm fingers wrapped lovingly around his shaft. It was amazing.

"I'm glad you're okay with that. As I said, for me, this is about enjoying watching naked boys. Having multiple naked boys around would be even more enjoyable then just one." She gave his cock a squeeze, "Even though your cock is pretty great. I'm glad you're not jealous." She smiled at him and then put her laptop away and started kissing him. "I'm going to go get changed really quick. I want you to stay here. Watch some more videos if you want!" As she disappeared up the stairs, she shouted down, "Just don't lose that erection!"

With that she bounced away. He turned to her computer and started browsing through more of the videos she had saved. Lots of just solo naked men, some femdom content with male slaves being spanked or whipped. One on one cfnm content. Nude men with multiple women, or multiple nude men with individual women. A lot of mature/cougar content. He put a video on of a young guy being led on a leash by an older woman. He was fully engaged watching it while trying to avoid jerking off when she spoke up from behind him, "Oh that's a great video! She slaps his cock while he's cumming."

He blushed a bit to see her standing there watching him watch porn. It still felt awkward, which was crazy as she had seen everything he had. He grinned, "I like it!"

She grinned, "I'll have to get a leash for you then." She came around the couch and he saw she had changed out her yoga pants for a long skirt. She stood directly in front of him and her eyes were hungry and held up a condom "No panties. Put this on!" He did so immediately and then she was on him, attacking him like a hungry starving animal. Her body pressed against his and pushed him back into the couch as her mouth sought out his. She kissed him hard while straddling him on the couch, his cock disappearing up her skirt.

He could feel how wet she was as she reached under to grab his cock and guide it into her pussy. She was so ready and so eager that she just began fucking him hard right there, bouncing up and down, her breasts pressed right into his face. He desperately wanted to suckle on her tits, lick them, anything but her shirt stayed on driving him wild. As she bounced on his cock he thrust up into her, desperately trying to push himself as deep into her wet pussy as he could. And despite thinking he would cum quickly he was able to keep going. She started grinding into him, rocking her hips as he started thrusting harder and harder, her hands grabbed his wrists and pushed them up against the wall as she leaned in to kiss him again, and again, "Oh God" she moaned, "Your cock is amazing!" He felt her start to cum, and kept thrusting into her as she gasped in pleasure. "Harder." and he reached down into himself and thrust harder and harder. Finally he started to cum as well and they ended together.

"God." She said as she shakily leaned back letting go of his wrists. "You are great." She wiggled a bit so that his spent cock would lay against his thigh then sat down on his lap again, rubbing her wetness all over his thighs. He groaned, knowing her pussy was right there, feeling her soft skin and hair and wetness against his naked skin but just out of sight. She finally got off of him, sliding across him to sit on the couch next to him.


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