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Judy's Week with Work Girlfriends

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Judy admits to fantasies and is manipulated.
3.7k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/22/2010
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Hi! My name is Judy. I am a mid thirties woman who lives in the Midwest. I am not a particularly wild woman. Oh, I did the hook-up thing while I was going to college, just like most of the other girls. We'd go out in a pack to the bars with our fake ids, drink and dance and flirt with the guys.

If you found a fairly hot guy who was interested in you and you were horny enough or drunk enough you'd end up back at his place or your place and you might make out, or let him feel you, or maybe get naked and play together or maybe you would give him head. And then there were the times that you went all the way. Everyone, well almost everyone did it, both girls and guys. It is all part of exploring your sexuality in college.

But, after college, you got a job and started to think of a more permanent relationship. At least I did. So I did the dating thing, with the occasional hook-up but I never really found that one guy who I really wanted or he wanted me, enough to get that ring and start planning the wedding.

I had just broke up with my last fairly steady guy and was at loose ends

Now to tell you a little about my job. I work in a good sized office that employs a lot of people. A lot of women and a lot of guys. I'm probably in the mid range in age. Some older women, some about my age, younger women and the younger ones were not wild, but more open to things. There was an older girl named Amber who I was pretty good friends with and there were some younger ones that Amber hung out with. I really didn't hang out with people from work other than Amber.

So this day Amber comes to me.

"Judy, some of the girls and I are going to Florida for a week or so. Do you want to come along?"

I sort of looked at her. I had nothing to keep me here. It sounded like fun.

"Sure, when are you going?"

So she told me and I put in for vacation and got it approved. So it was going to be me, Amber, Michelle and Shelley. We all had the vacation approved and since it was sort of expensive to fly we figured we could pool our money and rent a van to drive down. Then we would have transportation while we were there to bum around. Amber got us some rooms at Key West and we figured it would take us two days to get there and two days back. We all had two weeks vacation so we could spend a week there and get home and have time to rest before work started for all of us.

So I packed my stuff. I had a nice bikini to take along. Not a string bikini or a thong. I was more modest than that. But it showed me off fairly nicely. I am not the big breasted woman but not bad either. The others were pretty much like me. Just your normal women, I guess.

So we all finished work on Friday and Saturday morning Amber picked me up with the rented van and then we got Michelle and Shelley and we are off for some time in Florida.

Now it just so happens that women are as bad as men when they are together. We talk about sex. We talk about guys we have been with before. Just like men do. We just don't talk about it like guys when we are with guys. Then we are all kind of reserved about sex. So it isn't long before the two younger ones are talking about finding some guys when we are down in Florida. Amber and I not so much. Finally the two younger girls asked us what we were going to do and we were pretty boring.

So the two younger ones started asking if we had any fantasies. Amber was non-committal but I was feeling sort of like I needed to do something different. So I opened up a little.

"Well, I have this fantasy of being caught naked."

Which got them all laughing. So I was asked what exactly I meant.

"Well, I used to have dreams of being locked out naked. Or having to show off to people. Stuff like that I guess."

So now that I admitted that my mind was a little kinky and they finished laughing at me Amber kind of looked at me.

"So, Judy, do you want to act out some of your fantasies>"

I was hesitant to say yes but the other two jumped in telling me that it would be good for me to get this stuff out of my system. They kept talking at me and finally the three of them made me a deal. They'd pay for my vacation, if, and this was a big if, I would do what they told me to do for the time we were gone. Now, I wasn't hurting for money, I could afford this vacation but the thought of getting it for free and maybe cutting loose a bit was tempting. So I said, that I would think about it.

So, we drive most of the morning, stop for gas once, stop for lunch and are back on the road when Shelley says to me:

"All right Judy. It's time to make a decision here. Do you want a free vacation and a little fun? Time to make up your mind. What's it going to be?"

So here it was. Was I going to be the settled mid-thirties woman or was I going to be a little bit out there? I was still pretty hesitant. Amber looks at me and then back to the road.

"Come on Judy! We promise that what happens stays with us. Think of the fun that you can have living out your fantasies."

So, being a little turned on by admitting to them what I fantasized about and listening to them gently push me, with the laughter at me when I admitted what I did fantasize about, well I decided, why not?

"OK, I'll do it, but what exactly do you mean by you tell me what to do?"

"Just that, Judy. You've told us some of your fantasies but there are probably more that you haven't admitted to having. So we pick one and you do it. It's that simple."

I thought about it. How bad could it be?

"OK. I'll do it. But if you guys get too wild, I reserve the right to say no."

"No way Judy, it's all or nothing. Have some guts, girl. You'll probably love every minute of it."

So that's how I ended up agreeing to do what they told me. So I was expecting them to immediately tell me but nothing. We drove down the road, heading Florida. And I was sitting in the front captain's chair kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Finally we come up to a rest area and Michelle tells Amber to pull in. She does and Michelle tells her to park down past the rest rooms so the side door is facing away from them. Amber pulls in maybe 75 feet past the rest rooms. All of them lean towards me and smile.

"Ok, Judy. Do you need to pee?


"I'd suggest you go and try. Because in a little bit you probably will need to."

So we all go the rest rooms and use them and I did have to pee. I was the first one done so I get back to the van and I am sitting in the front where I had been when the three of them walked up.

"No Judy, you are going to sit in the back."

So I was getting nervous and a little excited and got out and opened the side door to get in the van.

"No, Judy, just stand there for a minute." So I am standing like a dumb ass while they get in the van, Amber driving still, Michelle in the front and Shelley in the back. They all settle in and look at me. Shelley has this ear to ear grin on her face.

"OK, Judy, fantasy girl. Why don't you take off your clothes?"

My eyes must have almost popped out.

"I can't do that!"

"Ah, Judy, I'm sorry, but you agreed to this, didn't she girls? So, I guess you can take them off or we can take them off for you. Which do you prefer?"

I looked at Amber and Michelle and their grins were just as big as Shelley's. I looked around nervously and saw that although I was not in sight of any cars I was in plain sight of where the truckers parked.

"Judy, Judy, either get started or we will come out with you and do it for you."

Soooooo, I looked at the trucks parked to my right, closed my eyes and then I took off my top. I felt my face turn hot. I got my shoes off, cursing myself for not thinking and undid my jeans and pushed them down. I hurriedly pulled them off, turning them inside out to get them off faster. I reached behind my back and undid my bra, pulling it off and then pushed my panties down and off. Shelley had been taking each article of clothes from me. I started to get in the van.

"Uhuh, Judy, socks too."

So now I am leaning on the side of the van, pulling my socks off. Shelley takes them from me. I cover my boobs and crotch.

"No Judy, hands at your sides."

"For God's sake, let me in!"

"Turn around Judy."

Defeated, I turn around so they can see my bare ass. Then and only then does Shelley let me climb in the van. She shuts the door, smirking at me.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

I glared at her. They all started laughing. I was naked in a van, headed to Florida and I had just probably made the biggest bad decision of my life. Amber backed out of the parking spot and pulled back on the interstate. I was blushing and I was feeling, God damn it, I was feeling turned on! "Get your suitcase, Judy."

So I got up my knees and reached behind the bench seat to get my suitcase. When I pulled it over the seat, Shelley took it from me, opened it, folded up the clothes I had just taken off and put them inside it. Then she closed it and smirked at me.

"You can put it back now, Judy. Oh, and don't cross your legs, dear."

So, once again I am leaning over the bench seat, putting my suitcase with all my clothes in it in the back of the van.

"So, how are you feeling?"


"Are you a little turned on, Judy?"

"Not exactly."

"Well, just give it some time."

So, here I am, sitting in the backseat of a van, going down the interstate and I am naked. I'm feeling like I was pressured a little to do this, but I am just a bit aroused. So far it's only been me getting naked and they, the other girls, I mean, are women, so it's not like they haven't seen what I have. Not me, but they've seen women naked. So, I guess it isn't that big of a deal. Right now the only thing that they have told me is not to cross my legs and I can do that. I am a little concerned about the van windows, but no one seems to look at us, so I am getting a little more comfortable. They are talking and I am daydreaming, and no, I don't want to tell you what I am daydreaming about.

"Amber, Amber, slow down and let them pass us!"

That jerks me out of my solo reverie. I look around and Amber has pulled over to the right hand lane. As she slows I look to the left and watch as another van slowly passes us. Emblazoned on the side is the University of Tennessee. I watch, wondering why Michelle had wanted Amber to slow down. And then I found out. As the University of Tennessee van pulled in front of us and started to pull away Michelle looked back at me and grinned.

"Amber, speed up until you can slowly pass them. Judy, you are right on the right side for this, except you need to sit a little differently. Why don't you swing both legs up on the seat and face the window, dear. And Shelley, help her sit up so her face is visible. Oh, that's perfect. Now, Judy, be a good girl and let your knees fall open."

So, here I am, Judy, a thirty something woman, naked in a van, sitting sideways on a bench seat in front of a rather large window. The window, the bottom of the window, is at the level of the bench seat. The curtains on the window are open and my friend, well, maybe a friend, is helping me sit up so my entire front, including my face is visible. My red face, my blushing face. And my other friend, Amber, is in the left lane, passing the University of Tennessee van.

As I sit there, I am thinking that I have been manipulated, coerced, tricked into being where I am. Oh yes, I told them about my fantasies. I certainly did that. But they didn't make me take off my clothes. They threatened to strip me, but I took my clothes off. Michelle told me how to sit, but I was the one who sat like this. And now, as the first window of the University of Tennessee van appeared in front of me.

"Honk the horn, Amber."

And she did. And I watched as the young man seated on the left of that van looked towards me. My face was so hot! And then he grinned. And he must have said something because almost immediately there were two other male faces in their window. And here I was, sitting with my feet by my ass, knees apart, hands on the seat and Shelley making sure I was mostly upright. I was thinking to myself, this is surreal. I wasn't an innocent virgin, but I never in my life dreamed that I would be doing this.

I was bare ass naked, legs spread, and letting some college age boys look at my pussy and tits. Oh yeah, they were in their van and I was in another, but I was still bare ass naked. And I was feeling like my face was on fire. As Amber slowly passed the van, the first window disappeared, only to be replaced by another with more boyish faces, grinning at me and camera phones held up. Oh FUCK!

"Shelley, let go of me!"

"Oh no, Judy. You just sit there and let them see that cute little pussy of yours. You know that you want them to see it. And those cute little B cup titties. Look how happy you are making them, Judy. For this week, for the time we are together, it's your duty to make the boys happy."

And as embarrassed as I was, as humiliated as I felt to be doing this in front of some friends from work, as red as my face was, I just sat there, pussy on display, titties on display, face on display and watched as the van containing some college boys slowly passed my window. Then Shelley leaned forward so her mouth was next to my ear.

"Judy dear, just let me hold you up and take your hands and lift those little titties of yours up. And while you're at it, why don't you thumb those perky little nipples of yours so they stand up nice and hard."

And you know what? I did it. I cupped my titties and held them up and teased my nipples so they got hard and stuck out. As embarrassed as I was, I did it. No one made me. I wasn't blackmailed. I wasn't threatened with bodily harm. I did it. And I felt my pussy twinge as I did. I watched those kids leer at me, at my naked body, and I acted like a slut. And I enjoyed it. I was almost disappointed when we had passed them. But now I had to put up with my friends.

"So Judy, did you like that?"

"Ah, I guess so."

"Don't lie to us Judy. You got all hot and bothered showing yourself to those guys."

"Well, wouldn't you?"

"Maybe, but I'm not a slut, Judy."

"Yeah Judy. None of us was showing our twat to some kids."

There wasn't much that I could say to that was there? Four women in the van and I was the only one naked. I was the only who had shown her body.

"So, do you want to stay naked Judy? We could give you back some clothes."

"Um, no, that's all right."

"Ah, she wants to stay naked, girls. Well, let's just let her do what she wants."

So for the rest of the way into Knoxville I sat in the back on the bench seat with Shelley, naked. I sat that way as we drove through Knoxville and all the way to the hotel that Amber had booked for us. And the worst part was that I was beginning to enjoy it, enjoy being naked. Right up until Amber pulled up to the front doors of the Holiday Inn. Then I panicked.

"Please park somewhere else Amber."

"No, actually the van can stay here until I register."

"Amber, please!"

"Just sit there and shut up Judy."

I huddled into the smallest I could make myself while Michelle and Shelley giggled. I couldn't look out the window but I am sure if someone would have looked at me they would have said something. Or maybe not. I didn't know what to think anymore except I was scared and pretty nervous.

Amber came back and got in the van and pulled off, around to the right and down the side of the Holiday Inn. She drove slowly until she found the door that was closest to the rooms. Then she parked. "Girls, we're through that door and up on the second floor. Let's get our stuff and go up. I got adjoining rooms."

I sat there and then got up and leaned over the back of the seat.

"What are you doing Judy?"

"I'm getting my suitcase."

"What for?"

"I'm going to get some clothes."

"Ah, no, you aren't."

I slowly turned around, not believing what I had just heard. I stared at Amber. She smirked at me.

"Just leave your suitcase Judy. You won't need it."

"I can't, you can't expect me to walk in there naked."

"I can't? Oh, I think I can. Leave the suitcase, Judy."

I was starting to panic again. She couldn't, she wouldn't. I looked at Shelley who was trying to keep from bursting out laughing, then at Michelle who had a bigger smirk than Amber. I was fucked. I sat in the van as the three of them got out and got their suitcases. The back door slammed shut and Amber came up to the side door.

"Get out Judy."


"It was your idea Judy. Don't make us get you out of the van."

I turned away from Amber and then I heard her suitcase hit the ground. A hand grabbed my right arm and I was pulled out the van and pushed against the car parked next to us. The van door slammed and I heard the locks click. I ducked down, almost peeing myself.

"Get up Judy. You don't want to be dragged."

I hesitantly stood up, looking both ways. No one, no cars, thank God! The three of them got their suitcases and started walking to the entry door and I bent over and hurried after them. Amber stopped at the door and looked back.

"Stand up dummy. Don't cover up." I wanted to scream at her, but my clothes were all locked in the van and I really didn't want to call attention to myself. I hurried up to them just as the entry door opened and a couple walked out. The woman looked at me in disgust. The man burst out laughing.

"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

I turned absolutely scarlet! Amber, Michelle and Shelley burst out laughing and walked through the door with me hurrying behind them. We went up the stairs and Amber looked at the signs.

"This way."

She turned left and I tried to get in front of Michelle and Shelley so I would be in between them, but they wouldn't let me. So now I am walking down the hall of the Holiday Inn naked, willing them to hurry. We got to the door of the first room and Amber handed Michelle a key card. She opened the door and I tried to get in the room.

"No Judy, your room is next."

Michelle and Shelley went in the room and I watched the door close. Amber was looking at me smirking. Then she stepped to the next door and opened it.

"Come on slut."

I hurried down to the door and almost leaped inside. Amber unlocked the adjoining door and opened it as Michelle did the same from their side.

"So, how about room service?"

All I could do was look at them and try to keep from screaming. They looked at me and they all burst out laughing. I thought that they were just playing with me until Amber found the services booklet and went to the phone. She picked it up and dialed.

"Hello. Room service? How long will it take to get food delivered? Forty minutes from ordering? Thanks."

She hung up and looked at me. She smirked.

"Find the room service menu and let's order girls."

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zooliciouszooliciousover 3 years ago

Sabineteas never disappoints. Tasty story.

SweetAriesQueenSweetAriesQueenover 3 years ago
Me Next

This story makes me so hot! I'd love a chance to have my exhibitionist fantasies exploited by my girlfriends for their amusement. Knowing they wouldn't let me get seriously hurt but still pushing me way past my comfort zone. Letting strangers view my naked busty blonde body and more...I would be embarrassed by how wet I'd get which would just encourage them.

SweetAriesQueenSweetAriesQueenover 3 years ago
Me Next

This story makes me so hot! I'd love a chance to have my exhibitionist fantasies exploited by my girlfriends for their amusement. Knowing they wouldn't let me get seriously hurt but still pushing me way past my comfort zone. Letting strangers view my naked busty blonde body and more...I would be embarrassed by how wet I'd get which would just encourage them.

verbicideverbicideabout 10 years ago
Foolish and cruel

I've got to say, I didn't really find what Judy went through to be erotic, just cruel and juvenile. I've never really understood the desire to be humiliated and it doesn't turn me on to humiliate another person. Plus, I don't understand Judy's rationalizing away her being forced to capitulate. The other women told her if she tried to back out, they would use force to ensure her cooperation. That's coerscion through a threat of physical violence, which pretty much means she's being forced to go along with it. If Judy was getting a naughty thrill out of the exhibitionism it would be one thing, but thus far it doesn't even seem like she's getting an illicit, reluctant rush. I hope chapter two turns things around.

MartinimanMartinimanabout 12 years ago

A wonderful & erotic story of humiliation & nudity!

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