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Julia, An Exploration Ch. 02 Pt. 01

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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/04/2018
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It had been a few days since Julia had been so indiscriminate with her actions. She had thought about the interesting times that she had had, but when she thought of it now, she had deeply mixed feelings. On the one hand it had been tantalizing and energizing to play in with such naughtiness. On the other hand it was disturbing that she would allow herself to give in to the temptations and even worse, to possibly expose herself to someone. Even worse, to someone in her building, her community.

She felt it to be risky and a bit dangerous to put herself out there like that, but at the same time it felt empowering and an extreme turn on.

But she had put that thought process towards the back of her mind. She didn't want that thought process to invade her mind and possibly take over her life. Who knows where it would end up. So just best to put an end to it.

This day started out like many of her normal days. She attended her 10 am legal research class with her research partner, Sarah. Legal research was not Julia's strong suit. She was okay with this portion of law work, but it was not a great joy to dig deep in the weeds on legal presidents. Julia was more of a big picture thinker and it helped to have a partner that was stronger suited in researching the fine details. While there were better researchers that Sarah, she couldn't think of one that she would want to work with on a consistent basis.

While it started out to be a normal day, it wouldn't be in the long run. After class, Julia had a job interview at an American Apparel. She didn't really much care for the store and she really didn't want the job. Well, any job for that matter. But she had promised her father that if he covered her rent so she could live off campus, she would look for work. And she did. She just didn't put much effort in to the process, nor the interviews.

She been offered jobs with a couple other clothing sales stores, she had turned them down with a vain excuse that she had already accepted an offer with a different firm. She assumed that with the interviewed she had had this day, she would be made another offer and then refuse it as well. She would tell her father that the managers were concerned that her school work would be a big distraction for her, or whatever it took to keep him off her back.

The interview was also the reason that she was dressed less casually than usual. Most of the time she was in shorts, jeans or even sweats. But today she was wearing a denim skirt and a colorful plaid blouse. She felt that the outfit would work well for the interview. And, as usual, it drew a bit more attention for her out and about.

After the interview Julia met back up with Sarah at a coffee bar not too far from her interview. They picked the meeting spot because it was closer to where Sarah lived and there was a parking garage right behind it which eased the strain of trying to park. And just like most coffee bars, it also had free wifi.

The two picked a place to set on a bar height counter with cushion bar stools. They could sit side by side and compare notes. The hour went by relatively quickly as they sipped their lattes and reviewed each others work. Julia knew that Sarah had an afternoon class and would need to leave in a short while. She had not been paying too much attention to the other patrons in the store. She looked up at one point and noticed a nice looking older gentleman sitting nearly directly in front of her. He was sitting in a relaxed way in one of the leather chairs positioned throughout the bar. And since she was sitting on a stool, he gaze would be directly at her waist. That is if he were looking in her direction, which at this point did not seem to be the case. He appeared to be reading something on his tablet which was in his lap. She instinctively adjusted her hips so that her knees would be point a bit more away from the man's view site. Julia changed her gaze back to her computer on the counter top, but she could still see him in her peripheral view. She thought that he was nice looking for his age, which she put at somewhere in the early 50s. He had that cool gray hair that some older men get. Sort of like Sam Elliot. He was thin, but not too thin. And even though he was sitting, she could tell that he was tall. He had a tan complexion which she could not tell if it was his natural color or that he actually tans himself. Perhaps he just play a good deal of golf and that's where the tan comes from.

She did her dead level best of keeping her eyes and mind on her work, but she was very curious about this handsome guy. She even wondered if he had noticed her. "Most likely not" she thought. "He probably wasn't even paying attention." But when she looked up, she caught a quick glimpse of the man as his eyes darted from his tablet to her legs and back again. "Oh he had noticed and was paying attention" she thought. This immediately gave her little twinge of excitement. She was getting a little aroused at the thought that he was getting aroused at her. She kept her face positioned to look at her laptop and pretended that she was actually concentrating.

"Julia?" Sarah said. "Yeah, what?" she replied. "Did you find the precedence for the inclusion of easements on the commercial property?" Sarah asked as though she was a bit frustrated by having to ask Julia that same question twice. "Oh, uh..." she paused and looked at her notes. "Not yet." she responded. "Okay, well if you could spend some time on that I will concentrate on the infrastructure overuse issue. Is that okay?" Sarah asked with a bit more patients this time. "Of course" Julia responded.

"Good good." Sarah said as she started to pack up her notebook and tablet.

"Yeah, right. Look, I will get that portion done by the time we meet Thursday. Okay?" Julia tried to reassure Sarah. She didn't want word to get out that she wasn't putting in her share of the work load. Julia was a bit embarrassed that she had let herself get distracted and then she wondered if the gentleman had heard their conversation.

Just at that moment, a thought popped in Julia's head. "Hey," she said to Sarah. "Can you watch my stuff before you leave? I need to use the restroom." "Sure" Sarah responded. "I have a couple minutes."

Julia turned away from the gaze of the gentleman and walked to the restroom, which was off to the right of were he was sitting. She checked the door and found that it was unoccupied. She went in and locked the door. She looked in the mirror and whispered to herself "what are you about to do?" and then winked at herself. She reached down and pulled her skirt up so that she could reach her panties. She grabbed them by the waistband and pulled them down past her hips and lowered them by her thighs, knees and slipped them past her feet and off. She pushed the panties in her back pocket and looked at herself in the mirror again. This time she just shook her head a bit, but smiled at the same time. "Little devil," she thought.

She opened the door and consciously diverted her gaze from the man, but noticed that he was still sitting in the same spot. She walked back to her seat and said to Sarah, "right, precedence, I'm on it."

"Good" Sarah responded. "Toddles" and with that she turned and was out the door.

Julia took her perch back up on the stool. Mindful to keep her knees together and pointed away from the gentleman. She went back to work at pretending that she was working. She could still see the man in the corner of her eye and noticed that he, once again, took a quick dart with his eyes to her legs. She could feel that he was hopeful and she wanted to give him what he was hoping for.

As she continued to pretend to be concentrating on her computer, she started to swivel her hips from side to side. She kept her knees together for the moment, but each time she swiveled she pushed her legs more and more in the line of sight for the gentleman. Without looking over at him, she could tell that her movements were having their intended effect. She could feel his gaze move on her from time to time. She could also tell that he shifted his position, if only slightly. She was smiling inside, but not wanting to give any outward sign that this flirtation was on purpose. She could hardly contain her excitement and her heart was beating wildly.

She found it difficult to stop herself from giggling. She also wanted badly to look over at the man, but she didn't. What she did do was to swing her hips completely in the direction of his gaze and slightly spread her legs apart. She actually heard the sound of the man shifting in his seat as she teased him with the small view.

Julia thought that she had teased the man enough and started to put her things together to leave. She leaned over to pick up her computer bag and as she did she spread her legs further apart, with that the man would be able completely up to her vagina she thought. She pulled her legs back together and placed her computer in the bag. She then spread her legs completely apart as she turned in his direction and she dismounted the stool. Her face went completely flush as she started toward the door. She only looked back at the man as she approached the door to leave. That was the first time that the two made eye contact. His head was tilted slightly toward her and he had a devilish grin on his face. It was in that flash that she noticed how attractive his eyes were. Especially with that look of approval of her on his face.

Julia had been so flustered to leave that she didn't pick up her notepad off the counter. What she also didn't notice was that as she had been moving back and forth to tease the man, the panties she had put in her back pocket had worked their way out of her pocket and had fallen to the ground behind her.

She was several doors down from the coffee store when she heard someone say from behind her, "excuse me miss." She almost didn't turn around, but again the man called to her, "excuse me." She turned around and found the man that she had just flashed coming up behind her. She was mortified. "I believe you forgot something," he said and he held up her notebook. "You left this on the counter," he continued.

"Oh gosh," Julia responded. "How silly of me. Thank you!"

"I wouldn't want to see you miss your studies," he said.

"Completely. I would have had to do a lot of work over again if I had lost that," she said. "Thank you again."

He had been paying attention the entire time, she through.

"You also dropped this," he said and opened his other hand to expose the panties. The red and black panties she had tucked in her back pocket.

She instinctively reached around to her now empty back pocket. She was frozen and completely embarrassed. She couldn't think of what...

"Oh, those aren't mine," she said with a shaky voice.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I believe they fell out of your pocket just now. When you put on that little show." She was in shock now. He was actually verbalizing what had just happened. "I, I, uh," she muttered. "I don't know what..." He stopped her mid sentence.

"This is a dangerous game your playing. You know?" He asked.

"What, what," she tried to talk.

"Its just that if you played the game with the wrong person, it could get you in trouble," he said and a knowing grin came back across his face. "I am harmless, but that is risky," he continued. "Listen, my name is Raymond. Folks call me Ray. Do you want your panties back?" he asked and extended his hand toward her. The panties in the palm of his hand glared at her. She was still frozen, but managed to shake her head side to side slightly.

"I can help you," he said. "If you want to continue having fun and be safe too. Like I said, I am completely harmless, but I would like to help you have fun, if you want."

Julia was still unable to speak. There was so much running through her head. "What have I done?" she thought. She had gone from being turned on at teasing a man, this man, to complete embarrassment.

"You don't have to be embarrassed," Ray said as if he was reading her mind. "I liked what you did. It was fun. If you want to do something like that again, I would like to be involved. That's all I am saying. Do you want to sit and talk about it?" he asked as he pointed to a bench sitting near by.

"I don't know," she replied. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Teasing. Showing things. Exhibitionism, that's the formal definition." he said as he put the panties in his pocket and took a step towards the bench. He motioned an invitation for her to join him.

Julia figured that she was safe in the public area and was starting to feel curious about what he may have to say. She followed him to the bench and took a seat, but not too close to Ray. She instinctively held her computer bag in her arms in front of her, almost as a protective shield.

"I've helped other women explore their inner desires. I am what you might call an intuitive person when it comes to sexuality." Ray explained. "I have never really set out to find women that enjoy teasing. It just seems to happen. Maybe its my aura."

"I had no idea that I would be attracted to an older man. A much older man." she managed to say.

"Much older," Ray laughed. "How old do you think I am?"

"I really don't know. Maybe 45 or 50" she responded.

"Huh," he said in wonder. "Your close, but I am actually a little older than that. Does age really matter to you?"

"Well, I used to think it did. Until just now I guess" she said.

"I believe that age shouldn't matter. Not when your attractive and connect with someone. Do you feel that we connected? Just then?" He asked.

"I suppose," she said. "But your old enough to be my father and I am just not sure how I feel about that."

"Well, I guess that is up to you to figure out. I am not saying that we will hook up. I just want to help you figure out what you want to do. And in a safe manner. Some guys would take advantage. I'm not like that." he explained.

"Are you still turned on by what happened back there? Do you still have that tingly feeling?" he asked.

Julia was looking at the ground now, but shook her head yes. "I suppose. A little. It's just that I had no idea that we would end up talking. I was just going to have a little fun and then never see you again."

"I understand" Ray said. "But here we are."

They sat in silence for several seconds. Ray wanted to give her a chance to think it through.

"Okay. Well here is the offer. I am parked in the garage over there. Is your car near by?" He asked.

"Yes. Its near" she responded. She didn't want to tell him that she was parked in the same garage he had indicated. "Why do you ask?" she said.

"If you feel so inclined, you could continue to tease me. No touching or anything. Just you in your car and me in mine. You can drive away any time you want." he said with an assuring grin. "Or you could just walk away now and probably never see me again."

Julia didn't move. She sat on the bench and rocked a little back and forth as she continued thinking.

After a few more seconds Ray said "well, your still here." And neither moved from their seat.

"I'll tell you what" he started. "I'm going to go to my car. Its a white four door Jeep Rubicon. My license plat says "RAY." I'll wait there for 10 minutes or so. If you I see you drive up near me, then good. I'll offer what to do next. If you don't show, then I will assume that you are not interested. Sound like a deal?"

Again, Julia didn't move.

"Okay," he said. "I don't know what kind of car you drive, so you'll need wave at me or something to let me know. I'm parked on the fourth level."

"A white Mercedes," she said, almost under her breath.

"Whats that?" he asked.

"I have a white Mercedes," she said without looking up.

"Okay" he said and smiled. "I'll be looking for you." And with that he stood and looked at her. "Well, I hope to see you" he said and started to walk toward the garage.

It was only after he had taken about 5 or 6 steps that Julia was able to look over at him and watched him walk away.

"What am I doing?" she asked herself. But she still didn't move.

Ray made it to his Jeep in a few minutes. He turned on the engine and lowered the window on the drivers side. "She will show" he thought to himself.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Getting hot, so I’ Excited to read the Ch. 02, Pt. 02!

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