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Julia and Mr. Page


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Finally Mr. Page lowered his briefs. His body was pale, his arms and legs thin, his ribs visible. And yet he was well proportioned and fit, not emaciated: disease had not robbed him of his strength. His cock was hard, not enormous but thick and upward curving. He was beautiful, just as she'd known he'd be.

Julia sighed, "Oh, Sir - "

She wanted to tell him she loved him, but that was all she had time to say, because with quick, decisive movements he put one hand behind her blond head, took himself in the other, and pulled her to him so suddenly and roughly that in a second he was in her throat balls deep and holding her tight to him with her nose smashed into his pubic hair as she made obscene gargling noises.

He'd never been half so rough with her before: their sex had been child's play compared to this tonsil-battering face-fuck. Panicking, she tried to twist away, but he seized two handfuls of her hair and held her to him firmly, fucking her violently as her saliva roped down to puddle on the floor.

She couldn't resist him - she let her body relax, let him control her, and in that moment of surrender pleasure thundered through her body, arousing every nerve ending, every part of her, and she was all submission, all desire for him to use her body more and rougher, to take his savage pleasure with her.

She lost track of time; she couldn't count the minutes till he pushed her away, turned her around, and shoved her down, on her knees, cheek pressed against the mat, ass high up in the air. He thrust into her and fucked her, one hand on the back of her neck, holding her down as if she weren't already helpless. He pounded her pussy as hard as he had her throat, shaking her whole body, her sensations spiraling so far past arousal that she had no words for what she was feeling.

"Inkei!" Mr. Page rasped. "Come here!" Mr. Page reached under her, found her clit, and rubbed so hard, she could scarcely focus on Inkei sitting down with legs spread on either side of her, lifting her head with two hands, and . . . dear God, what was that? She'd never imagined a penis could be that size, and Inkei was pushing her down onto it, impaling her, then lifting her, again and again, his monster cock forcing her mouth impossibly wide . . .

It was unthinkable, what he was doing to her: she thought her jaw would come unhinged. He had to be halfway to her stomach, and he was cutting off her breath, so she had to gasp in as much air as she could when he lifted her, making a wet sucking noise that disturbed and excited her.

On some signal she didn't catch, both Mr. Page and Inkei pulled out of her, and she saw that both Mistress Ai and Eric were naked, and Eric was rolling on a condom. He took Mr. Page's place, thrusting into her pussy, and Mistress Ai took Inkei's place, not sitting as he had, but lying on her stomach, propped up on her elbow and looking behind her with a sweet smile to watch as Inkei pushed Julia's face into her crack.

"Lick me!" Mistress commanded, and Julia heard Mr. Page's authority in her soft, musical voice and obeyed with a shiver of revulsion and pleasure. They were all Mr. Page. It was him fucking her right now with three cocks and a cunt, and if there were ten of them it would be that much better, because they'd all be Mr. Page, and the more of him there was, the more she'd like it. Julia's mouth watered as she tongued Mistress Ai's anus, wetting everywhere she could reach, and trying and failing to penetrate her tight sphincter with the tip of her tongue.

"Nice," Mistress murmured, bottom twitching as Julia licked. "She's a good slut; she knows her place."

Yes, this was Julia's place: lowly, meek, servile, licking Mistress's ass - Mr. Page's ass, really - relishing the indignity of it, the humiliation . . .

They moved on wordless cues, as if choreographed. Eric withdrew from her, Mr. Page untied her hands, and Mistress Ai rolled away. Julia, on hands and knees, was trying to gather her wits when Mr. Page scooped her up. She had just a glimpse of Eric lying on the floor and Mistress Ai beside him before Mr. Page lowered her onto him facing his feet as Mistress guided his cock into her ass.

She could support herself with her hands now, leaning back as Mr. Page stood over her, cock in hand, watching silently as Eric thrust from below and she squirmed on top of him, uncomfortably full of him but so hot! She was breathing hard, body damp with exertion, gazing into Mr. Page's flat eyes, full of desire - for what? She only knew she wanted more.

"Please, Sir," she whispered.

He lowered himself slowly till he was squatting between her legs. He pushed into her, just inches from where Eric was thrusting below.

"Ow! Oh!" she cried, too full of cock, too stimulated as both men fucked her, picking up speed and force, shaking her body. She fell back back to lie on Eric's chest and just let them fuck her, whimpering softly with pain and arousal.

Mistress Ai beside her reached in to massage her clitoris, stroking herself with her other hand. "Inkei!" she said. "Julia needs another penis."

Long-legged Inkei stepped over her, straddling her body and Eric's; he seized her head as he'd done before and drove that huge cock into her again.

It wasn't possible, what the four of them were doing to her, but it was happening, and it fucking hurt, and joy was welling inside her because they were all Mr. Page using her body, indifferent to her pain but drinking it in, caring nothing and everything about her happiness, denying her agency and dignity and giving her everything she yearned for.

As if standing to the side, she saw the whole picture in her mind's eye - all of them crowded around her, penetrating, abusing, and stimulating her. She was the center of their universe, an invisible black hole; she was everything and nothing to them - and with the thought, she came with an orgasm that surely had to blow her apart: they'd be mopping up bits of her when this was done.

"You may come now, Inkei," said Mistress Ai. He pulled out of her mouth and stood above her, jerking off inches from her nose as he held her up with one hand behind her head. Suddenly her blood was racing and she was hyperventilating, knowing what was coming - God, what about her makeup? Was her mascara waterproof? She stared into Inkei's slit as he pumped, and with a groan he came as she'd never imagined a man could come, splash after huge warm splash drenching her face and oozing down her cheeks and her lips.

Inkei stepped away, letting her fall, and Julia became aware of Eric and Mr. Page still fucking her below, filling her painfully and deliciously, till Eric panted, "I'm gonna - " and Mr. Page pulled out of her, pulled her off of Eric, and set her on her knees on the mat. Eric scrambled upright, rolled off his condom, and delivered six or seven powerful spurts of cum onto her forehead.

It ran into Julia's eyes, and she wiped it away so she could see Mr. Page standing in front of her, face stony and expressionless, cock still erect. He stepped forward, put a hand behind her head, and once again drove into her; again he fucked her throat with savage force, holding her head in his hands; she made her body limp and let him control her, finding agency in her passivity and arousal in her pain. Finally he pulled out of her and jerked off, one hand on top of her head, cock aimed right at the middle of her face, till a jet of his cum struck her nose. She blinked, but made herself keep her eyes open so she could see the white goo stream from the end of him, splashing on her cheeks, her lips, and forehead.

She fell back and lay on the mat, tired, sore, and spent. She wondered what she looked like - sweaty, cum oozing down her cheeks, a pitiful, crumpled thing. Hadn't it been just two months ago that she'd been a rich man's daughter, beautiful and confident, a girl who had everything? Yes, there'd been cars, and clothes, and a big house; there'd been a father who had no time for her, a stepmother who avoided her, a boyfriend she didn't like. Now what was she? A degraded thing, a toy for these people . . . and impossibly happy - if only Mr. Page would keep her.

"Mr. Page?" she said.

"Yes, Julia?" He was standing over her, cock wilting.

"Are you going to make me leave, Sir?"

"No, Julia. I've never wanted you to leave."

"I love you, Mr. Page."

He sat down beside her and took one hand in his. "I love you, too, Julia," he said. "Happy Valentine's Day." He gathered her into his arms and kissed her damp lips - and she didn't think it all that strange that their first kiss was happening only now, when he'd already penetrated her in every possible way and shared her with his friends. The strange world he had introduced her to, in which romance could proceed in that way, was coming to seem normal.

Mr. Page and the others dressed while Julia ran to the bathroom for a towel. She took a few seconds to stare at herself in the mirror: her makeup was a mess, hair tangled, milky cum oozing down her cheeks. She smiled at her reflection: yes, this was the best day of her life. As she ran to rejoin the others, she toweled herself off, no doubt smearing her makeup even more. She went with them all to the foyer, where everyone kissed and hugged her before taking their leave.

It was nearly eight o'clock. Julia and Mr. Page went to the kitchen and heated up some things Suzy had made before going home to celebrate this day with her own fuck-toy. Julia was still naked because Mr. Page hadn't told her to dress.

When they were seated at the kitchen table with their dinners, Mr. Page said, "I'd like you to move in with me, Julia. Are you willing to do that?"

"Thank you, Mr. Page. I'd like to," she said, struggling to keep her manner as serious as his though her insides were doing happy somersaults.

"You'll be my submissive at all times," he continued, "but I don't intend to objectify you full time. That would be wearing for both of us. I propose to treat you with respect except when we're playing and having sex. Is that acceptable to you?"

"Yes, Mr. Page," she said. "As long as we play and have sex frequently."

"Very frequently," he said with a smile. "One more thing: I'd like you to sleep in my bed tonight."

"Thank you, Mr. Page," said Julia. She felt like doing cartwheels, but settled for returning his smile.

In his bedroom, she waited while he brushed his teeth. When he came out of the bathroom, he said, "I expect you'd like a bath or shower. I will wait for you." He picked up a book that lay on his bedside table.

"Yes, Sir," she said, and went to the bathroom.

As she showered, she thought about Laura. She wouldn't give her a rich benefactor to rescue her from prostitution. What she'd said to Mr. Page about that had been true: it wouldn't be believable - not in this story, anyway. Maybe she'd give her a better lover than the one who'd abandoned her, though. Or maybe she'd let her be satisfied with life as a whore.

Yes, that would be best. She'd give Laura the blessing of happiness. She'd let her make peace with what she was and had to be.

She toweled off, returned to the bedroom, and crawled into bed next to Mr. Page, who placed his book on the bedside table. He lay down, kissed her, and put an arm around her. She felt safe and loved next to him.

"Sir?" she asked.

"Hm?" he answered sleepily.

"How much of all this did you plan?"

"How much of what, Julia?"

"The three weeks when you wouldn't see me, my lunch with Eric, our play tonight. You said all the games I played with you would be rigged. Did you rig all this, Sir? Like for a Valentine's Day present?" She wanted him to tell her he'd been in control of everything - maybe he'd even staged the whole business with Hamilton, though she couldn't imagine how.

He didn't answer.

"Sir?" She looked at him. His eyes were closed, his breathing deep and regular.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Mr. Page," she whispered.

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FandeborisFandeborisalmost 2 years ago

An old adage comes to mind, “if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it”. Which by definition means it is no longer rape but consensual sex. In a D/s relationship using safe, sane, and consensual, as parameters there can be no rape. In the story, Julia thought she was getting raped, but changed her view and decided to enjoy it! AND ALL IT TOOK WAS FEW SECONDS! A vanilla person would say this is messed up, but a vanilla person would never understand what a submissive is. What a submissive feels or desires or wants. Julia was always a sub, only she didn’t know it. Your story brought her out of her cocoon out and into the light of a submissive life. I throughly enjoyed your story. I look forward to reading more. Maybe Mr. Page and Julia continue onwards, I wish them the best.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

It was cleverly done. Real life has a horrible habit of turning dark, like the point that Julia felt she might as well have let herself be used because that’s what the men in her life were doing to her.

Really enjoyed your story.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Beautiful Story

Most of the stories on this site, focus more on the act rather than the feelings. Your story has got me so involved with Julia.. Her thoughts were not only insightful but also believable.

I have always preferred monogamy in the stories I read, mainly cuz of the way group sex is described in other stories. You have written about group sex in such a way that I actually enjoyed reading it.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

Serafina1210Serafina1210over 8 years agoAuthor
Thanks, Anonymous

for that thoughtful comment. There's plenty in my BDSM stories that's fanciful or unreal, but I try to stay true to a couple of things that I hope readers won't forget. One's the importance of safety. My people always have their safewords handy, and if they don't, I'll make sure you know why. Same with safe sex. Another is that BDSM is all about relationships--not about simple dominance, certainly not about the infliction of pain, and not even about sex (not necessarily, anyway). Even if you're playing with strangers, it's still about relationships. Go, have fun, experiment, and above all stay safe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Absorbing story

Full disclosure, I'm new to both this site and the world of bdsm. After reading a few stories here tonight, this one drew me in very deeply. The beginning moved a bit slow, but then I was quickly hooked. Having only seen glimpses of this world portrayed in the shallow light of vapid fetish, I hadn't considered that emotions and relationships of this sort can go to such deep levels.

I think you make have changed my life just now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Eight pages but it felt rushed. Multiple chapters would have served the story better. Her conversion was too quick as if cartoon lightbulbs were lighting up. This was her story but I would have liked more information and clues to develop Mr. Page's character more. What drew her to him other that the objectification?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I've found something more than just sex in it. thanks

Serafina1210Serafina1210over 9 years agoAuthor
Thanks, AMoveableBeast . . .

and the last Anonymous, for the nice comments.

I entered this contest on an impulse. The result is that I rushed the story a bit--if I hadn't been in a hurry to enter the contest, I would have taken a couple more weeks with it, and it would probably have ended up shorter and more shapely.

Still, though the story hasn't done well enough to win, place or show (it's okay--I didn't expect to win), it's done very well, especially for a BDSM story. I wanted to explore questions of power and see if I could do it without the kinds of violence and coercion that are common in stories in this category, and it seems to me from the comments, the votes, and the favorites that readers have appreciated that.

I like Julia a good bit, and Mr. Page, and I'm working on another story for them. Look for it in a month, or maybe two or three: I'm not a fast writer.

AMoveableBeastAMoveableBeastover 9 years ago

This story is both sparse and enveloping at the same time. Often hitting just the right note, with no wasted echo, and, at other points, being a large, heavy thing. I enjoy power play, especially when it isn't accompanied by what have come to be the trappings of the trade. This brought me that in spades.

There is also an intelligence in this writing that I really enjoyed. It's subtle, but always present. It's a good piece. I hope it does well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
remarkable story

Ticks all the right boxes for quality power play ,

without having to rely on whips & chains & spanking games .

interesting & intriguing protagonists

entertaining & engaging writing

delightful ., truly delightful.


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