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June Gets Even: Fallout Ch. 03


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"I had to travel to Toronto that week. I packed my bag and was ready to leave and Jerry said something. Something like "have a nice trip." But he was being sarcastic. I flipped. I started screaming at him that my career was just as important as his. Who was he to tell me about my life and what I wanted"

"I called a cab and left for the airport. Jerry did not even see me leave. I think he went into the garage and just waited for me to leave. I got to Toronto and I realized what I had said. I looked in the mirror and asked myself: Who is this bitch?"

"The work kept coming and coming. Jerry spent a lot of time working out of the house. He told me could get more work done with fewer interruptions."

"About a month before I caught him with Mary, Jerry and I were talking. He asked me what my plans were. He asked me if I still wanted to have a family. I looked at him like "where the hell did that come from?" I got up off of the coach and went into the office and went go back to work."

"The next day Jerry tried to seduce me but I was not in the mood. I was angry. I don't know what I was angry about. But I was pissed"

"The following Tuesday there was a problem at this big trade show that we put on. It's a huge responsibility and the event planner got the measles. Who gets the measles at 28 years old? Anyway, I packed my bags and took off for Orlando. I left Jerry a note and told him I would be back in 10 days. When I got home Jerry was very distant. I asked him to meet at the airport but he said I could take a cab. He was busy at work."

"How many times during the 10 days did you call him?

"I don't think I did?"

"So Jerry was out of sight out of mind?"

June looked at Dr. Goldman. "No. I love my husband. I would never do that to him."

Dr. Goldman looked at June. She was leaning over in her chair with her hands at the top of her hairline. "So what do you think about Jerry not meeting you at their airport?"

"I was so tired I just caught a cab and came home. I didn't really think about it."

"Well June what do you think?"

"About what?"

Dr. Goldman started the process of her realizing everything that had happened. "About everything; where you have been, where you are now and where your future is going."

June just sighed. "I don't think anymore. I just survive. Can we take a 5 minute break?"

June got up and went to the ladies room. All the events of the last year were swirling in her head. The yelling and the fights, the affair, the retribution, her emptiness and pain.

She walked back into Dr. Goldman's office and sat back down.

"June, prior to the affair there seems to be a lot of anger and a lot of being mad at something or someone. Who were you mad at?"

June noticed that herself when she was in the ladies room. Why was she mad?

"I don't know. I wanted this job a lot. Jerry was doing so well in his career. I wanted to prove that I could do as well as he could."

Dr Goldman: "June, from you have told me Jerry is a natural born salesman. He could sell snow to an Eskimo. It is what he does. It is what he was born to do. June what were you born to do? What makes you happy?"

June laughed: "What makes me happy? I always wanted to be a teacher, first or second grade. I love kids. They make me smile and I feel like I am alive."

Dr. Goldman: "Ok. So how did you become a marketing manager?"

"I don't know. I really don't know."

Dr. Goldman: "June it's almost 7pm. I need to go home. Think about everything you have said to me tonight. Then let me know when you want to continue. We still need to talk about the affair, your reaction and where you both go from here. I will be honest with you June. At this point I want to help you with you anger so that this type of situation does not happen again. I think you need to look forward to some time alone so that you can be ready for YOUR NEXT RELATIONSHIP. There are two more thing you need to think about. Do you believe in forgiveness and have you ever heard of the Law of Unintended Consequences?"

June thanked Dr. Goldman and apologized for all of the time that she took. She understood what he was saying but she was not ready to give up her marriage. His last questions caught her off guard.

June pulled her car into her drive way and she saw Jerry and Mary dressed up. They must be going out to dinner. She remembered that feeling. It felt like decades ago.

June walked through the side door and got two bottles of red wine. She sat down on the living room floor and just started pouring herself some wine and thought,

"Where did it all go wrong? How could it all go wrong?"


It was another Tuesday afternoon with Dr. Goldman.

Dr. Goldman looked at June. "How are you doing?"

June looked tired and responded: "Well, my life sucks. My husband is romancing another woman. I am living with someone that can't hold a candle to my husband. Other than that life is just great."

Dr. Goldman got right to the point. "June tell me about discovering the affair and the ambush."

"I figured out that Jerry and Mary were fooling around. I was livid. I was so hurt. How could he do this to me? Why? I called Ralph and told him what was up and I told him my plan. Neither one of us thought that they would hit the road."

Dr. Goldman needed to find out one thing. "Ok, June, you come back from Ralph's house and you cut Jerry loose what happened after that?"

"I was shocked at what Ralph and I did but I was pleased with myself too. I had this huge feeling of power. Jerry got out of the chair but stumbled and he fell to one knee. I went to help him but he told me to leave him alone. He sat on the floor for a couple of minutes and stretched his legs out. He was having trouble walking."

"I wanted to tell him I still loved him and that I wanted our marriage to work but that I was not going to put up with him cheating on me."

"He finally got up and he walked into the closet to get some clothes. I was going to say something again when he walked out of the closet and he just strode right by me. He didn't acknowledge that I was there. It was like I was a ghost.

"I was livid. I was not going to be ignored."

"He walked down the hall to the spare bedroom. I was following him down the hallway yelling at him. I told him how Ralph was a better man than he was and a better lover. Jerry shut the door, locked it and then turned the TV on full blast. The next time I saw him he was moving his things out of the house."

Dr. Goldman semi smiled.

June was looking at him and asked: "Why are you smiling?"

Dr. Goldman looked at June and shook his head and said: "June, I needed to know when you became the enemy. I needed to know how you killed your marriage and I needed to understand how Jerry could say that he no feelings for you. I wanted to know when his love for you died. I must say you did one hell of a job."

Dr. Goldman wanted June to realize what she had done. "June. If Jerry had tied you to a chair and had sex with another woman, would you stay? How would you feel if he had another woman and then told you she was better looking, a better lover and would be a better mother."

June looked at Dr. Goldman and blurted out: "I would kill him."

June was looking at Dr. Goldman with anger in her eyes. "I didn't kill my marriage. He got what he deserved."

Dr. Goldman brings the moment of truth to June. "Did he really get what deserved? So what did you expect Jerry to do? Did you think Jerry was a spineless man that would put up that? Were your trying to strip him of his manhood?"

June was startled by his comment and question. "No. No. NO. Jerry is strong but it is a quiet strength. He never brags. He is very smart and loving. He doesn't need to boast. When he says he is going to do something he does it. No excuses."

Dr. Goldman now wanted June to look at her reaction to the affair. "OK. So what was your thought process? I am going tie my husband to a chair, allow another man to have sex with me, insult my husband and he will return to me begging forgives?"

June just sat there. She really did not have an answer for what she just heard. She was still in denial.

Dr. Goldman wanted to drive his point home and do it quickly.

"June you are 30 years old. You are not stupid. But unfortunately you thought that you were the first woman in history who has had her husband step out on her. Then you decided to kill a bug with a bazooka. You really over reacted and now you have lost your husband. You are suffering and he thinks his life is on the upswing. You could have had an affair with Ralph and then later told Jerry. You could have done many things. You could have looked in the mirror and asked why my husband would want someone else. But you didn't. You could have forgiven him and he probable would have spent the rest of his life trying to make it up to you. But you wanted to destroy him and you failed."

June was defeated. She just got up and walked out of the office.


Ralph and June were sitting in Dr. Goldman's office when Mary and Jerry walked in.

Mary and Ralph went into the office leaving Jerry and June in the waiting room.

June was twisting her wedding band and diamond. "Jerry, can we talk?"

Jerry looked up from his magazine. "About what?"

June knew it was going to be hard to get Jerry to meet with her. "About everything. Me, you, the last year."

"What is there to say? You got your revenge; you have your career and your new boy toy."

June was beginning to cry. The lack of sleep was taking its toll on her. "Jerry, please. I am dying here. I am going to have a nervous breakdown soon."

Jerry was starring at her. "June, I am sorry but there is really nothing to say."

June blinked. "Jerry, I am not the enemy. Can we meet at our house, please?"

Jerry recoiled. "Hell, no. I don't ever plan on stepping in your house again. Someplace public with a lot of people around. Sunday at the Bookshop at 10:30am"

June was hurt by his comment about their home. She still thought of it as their home. "Thank you."

Jerry went back to reading the sporting magazine he was paging through.


Dr. Goldman looked at Mary and Ralph.

"So how are you two doing?"

Ralph went first. "I am surviving."

Mary said: "I am doing OK. I went back to work at the Hospital. My personal life is doing very well."

Ralph looked at Mary and was incredulous. "Your personal life is doing very well. You cheap, lying..."

Dr. Goldman quickly shut Ralph down. "Ralph there will be none of that here."

Mary looked at Ralph. "Go ahead Ralph say it, Was it bitch or whore? After all you were such a big man to say those things to me when you had me tied to the chair. Come on tough guy. Say it."

Ralph was shocked.

"You see Dr. Goldman. Ralph likes to be in control. He thinks that he is gods' gift. He is the "ultimate company man." Just like his daddy" The sarcasm was dripping from Mary's voice.

"My dad worked his ass off to provide for his family."

"Yes he provided for his family but he NEVER left them in times of trouble. When the stuff hit the fan your mother could always depend on your dad. I can't depend on you to take out the garbage. The only thing that you care about is your precious career. In 60 days you can have your career and I will have Jerry. He loves me."

"Everything I do for my job is for us. For us. Do you get?" Ralph was beet red.

"Everything you do is for you. I never asked to have you leave for 48 out 52 weeks a year. But soon that will be over. You couldn't even pull yourself away from your job when I had the miscarriage. I almost died and you thought it was no big deal. Jerry saved my life. He was there while you were playing in Thailand. Everything is about appearances. Well guess what? I hope your appearances will keep you warm at night."

June and Jerry could hear the yelling. Jerry could hear and feel the tension in Mary's voice.

Mary looked at Dr. Goldman. "I am done. I can't stand to be around Ralph." Mary opened the door and walked out. Just as she was leaving she flipped Ralph the bird.

Jerry put his arms out and Mary ran into them.

Jerry whispered to Mary: "Come on it's time to go home."


Chapter 4 -- June and Ralph just don't get it.

The ride home was quiet. Mary went into the house and went right into the bedroom. She collapsed on the bed. She was sad, mad and hurt.

Jerry closed the door behind him and let Mary have her time.

About an hour later he brought her dinner in bed, steak, smashed potatoes and a salad.

"Come on sleepy head. You have to rise and eat"

Mary looked at the food and smiled. "I am lucky to have you!!"

Jerry just sat on the bed and finally said. "We are on the upswing. They are still trying to play games. They don't get it and it is doubtful that they ever will."

Mary looked like she was ready to cry. "Jerry, I want you to stay with me. I need to be held. Please?"

Jerry smiled: "How could I turn down an offer from a sexy and fine looking lady. I will TRY to be a gentleman tonight. I may need to take a cold shower tomorrow."

"Jerry, you don't have to be THAT much of a gentleman." Mary said with a devilish grin.

Jerry smiled and slapped Mary on her ass. "We will see."

Jerry cleaned up the kitchen and got into bed with Mary. She slid over to Jerry. "Please hold me."

Jerry put his arm over Mary and pulled her real close and whispered. "It's me and you against the world." Mary smiled and dosed off to sleep.

The next evening Jerry and Mary were out eating at a Mexican restaurant.

"Mary, I am meeting June on Sunday at the Bookshop at 10:30am. June asked if we could talk. I wasn't interested but then I realized that I had something things that I need to say.

Mary looked at Jerry: "Are you sure that this is smart thing to do? Have you checked with Nancy?"

Jerry did not think of that. "I will check with her but I wanted you to know before I did anything."

Mary looked at Jerry. "Why?" Mary knew the answer but wanted to see if Jerry would say it.

Jerry was starring in to her eyes. "You are the most important person in my life. I have not been this happy in a very long time. I don't want you to think that I am doing anything behind your back."

Mary smiled. That was much better than she thought. "Go meet with June. But remember you are mine." She said half serious and half kidding but she wanted Jerry to know that she loved him.


Jerry was sitting in the bookstore with his coffee and reading a fantasy football magazine. It was almost football season.

June walked over to see Jerry and said: "Hi. Thank You for meeting me."

Jerry looked up and nodded. He took a deep breath and asked: "OK June, what is this all about?"

June was scared, angry and unsure of herself. She wanted the meeting but did not know what to say.

"Jerry, I really want you to move home. Ralph and I want to try to put our marriages back together. Jerry, I do love you. I miss you so much it is eating me up inside. We can sell the house and move away if that would make it easier for us. We can go to DC, Miami, New York, or LA. I don't care where as long as we are together. "

Jerry looked at June. He wanted to explode but he realized that this would give June ammunition to fire back at him some time down the road.

"June, I am home. I am exactly where I should be. I am happy and content. I have not been this happy in a very long time."

June was starring at Jerry. She did not know what to say. "Jerry, do you know how much your affair hurt me? Do you have any idea what it is like to be hurt like that? It was like you buried a knife in my heart." June was relieved; she finally said it to Jerry. This is what should have told him told him when she figured everything out.

Jerry understood what June was saying and felt it. Jerry nodded his head in the affirmative.

"June, I will take my affair to the grave with me. It never should have happened. But let's face it. The last few months prior to the affair you had no use for me. The only thing you were concerned about was your job. I was a distraction, a nuisance, someone that you had to deal with. You went to Orlando for ten days and you did not even call me to let me know you landed OK."

Looking out the window as Jerry was speaking. She knew everything Jerry was saying was the truth.

"I know. I was trying to compete with you. I was and still am jealous of your success. Everything comes so easy for you. I have to work my ass to get half the success that you achieve. Do you any idea what it is like living in your shadow?"

Jerry looked June in the eyes. "Why would you want me back? Why would I want to come back? You have Ralph. He is the BETTER MAN and LOVER after all."

June was now getting upset. "Jerry I said that to shake you up. I wanted to hurt you the way you hurt me."

"June, you and Ralph will never understand what you two did to us. It is so far outside of your level of understanding that you just do not get it. We survived your attacks. The old saying: that which does not kill us makes us stronger, really does apply here. Mary and I are committed to each other. We are in it for the long term. We are going to see where our future lies. I have a very good idea where it is going but I plan on being very careful with Mary. I do not want to screw this up."

June's anger was building. "So you plan on having a future with Mary? I want you to know I am going to do everything I can to make your life miserable."

Jerry just smiled. "So you mean you are going to try to treat me like you did the last 3 months when we were living together?"

That comment took the wind right out of June's sails.

Jerry got up and walked over to the check out stand to pay for his football magazine.


Mary was working that Sunday at the Hospital when Ralph showed up with a huge bunch of flowers and a bottle of champagne. Ralph tried to get Mary in a room alone but she would not have any of it. Ralph tried to bully her but when she threatened to call security he left in a huff.

Mary walked into the house and slammed the door behind her.

"That GODDAM son of a........" She stopped when she saw Jerry sitting at the table with a huge bag of ice on his head.

Mary ran over to Jerry. "What happened to you?" She removed the ice and looked at his head. "Honey you are going to need stitches."

Jerry was sitting in the emergency room waiting for the Doctor's to stitch him up.

Mary was looking at the blood on the collar of Jerry's shirt: "What happened?"

He looked at Mary and said. "You are not going to believe this."

Mary was rubbing Jerry's back. "Go ahead. I will believe you."

"The meeting with June was a waste of time. All she did was give me grief. The meeting ended at 10:50am. Around 1:30 she called and said the kitchen drain was plugged up. She needed me to unplug it or she would need to call a plumber."

"At $300 for an emergency call I went over to fix the drain. I am under the sink taking trap off when she stands over me, takes off her robe and she is buck naked. She then tried to take my pants off. I whacked my head on the sink vanity trying to get out from under the sink. Oh, yes she WILL need to call a plumber since I could not put the trap back on."

Mary's head was ready to explode. "That no good lousy tramp. I am going to fry her ass. She has got a hell of nerve messing with my man."

The doctor finished stitching Jerry up. "Mary lets just go home."

When they got home Mary put Jerry in their bed and made sure he was comfortable.

Later that night she came into bed, put Jerry's arm over her and slid in beside him. She had a feeling of peace and tranquility.

The 4th of July long weekend was fast approaching. Mary was humming around the house all the time and Jerry was doing a fantastic job with his sales team.

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