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Just a Bit of Fun

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He gets swept up trying one new thing after another.
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"I can't even believe this movie got made," Miranda said with a snicker.

I watched the flat screen on the wall and shook my head. The obscene amount of fake blood that flew across the set didn't help the odd cuts and cooky acting. I sighed and shook my head.

"Hey, I tried," I told her. "You wanted to watch something older."

Miranda rolled to her side and scooted closer to me on the bed. She looked up and shot me a playful glare.

"You've seen this before, haven't you?" Miranda accused. "You knew this was corny!"

I laughed. "I swear, I've not seen this. I had no idea it would be hilarious. I thought it would be brutal."

Miranda narrowed her eyes at me. It didn't matter what she did with those eyes, they burned right through me. The excessive but beautifully blended makeup she wore around her eyes gave her every glance the power enough to hypnotize me.

"I bet this was a trick to get me in the bed with you." Miranda slid her meaty thigh over mine. "Is that all you think about, Zach?"

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help where they landed after that. Miranda was wearing the fishnets under her blue jean shorts again. Her legs seemed barely contained by the stockings. Just staring at her big thigh made my mouth water.

"If I was trying something," I reasoned, "why would I wait until the movie's over?"

Miranda turned toward the screen, then looked back at me. She raked her red hair from her face.

"It isn't over, is it?" She said.

I shrugged. "Looks like the final act to me. Pretty boy is about to save that girl, and the movie has been on for like an hour and a half."

I stared at Miranda while she was watching the final scenes of the old movie. Her soft features were full and round. My arm was around her now. I knew better than to sink this far this early, but I was starting to fall head over heels for this girl. Admittedly, it wasn't just the rock music, the clothes, and the tattoos that I loved about her. She was a pale, thick redhead that loved to get dirty. Even now I wanted to pull her on top of me and squeeze her, to rip away her tshirt and bury my face between her breasts.

I took a breath. I had to get a grip. Since we'd been dating, I'd already been wrapped around her finger. It's what I wanted, but I needed to act like a guy and not a puppy.

"Shit, it's already three thirty!" Miranda told me.

Her body left mine and my heart sank. Maybe I should have messed around with her during the movie. I didn't want her to go. As pathetic as I knew it would sound, I tried to stop her.

"You could call in sick?" I said. "Hang out here with me the rest of the day."

Miranda was on her knees crawling off the bed, her fishnet thighs apart. She gave me a look.

"I'll get fired for sure," Miranda said. "I've laid out enough this year."

Miranda stood, pulling at the ends of her shorts and adjusting. I watched her thick ass jiggle in the shorts before she turned to face me. I sat up at the edge of the bed. It seemed I had to go, too. I reached out to grope Miranda's thigh once more, feeling the fishnet pattern on my fingertips.

"You just want me to stay to fuck around, huh?" Miranda said.

I swallowed. "Nah. J-just gonna miss you is all. I mean... I like hanging out, you know? Trying not to go back to my... my place, you know?"

Miranda smirked down at me. She knew "my place" was my mother's house, where I'd lived since dropping out of college. Miranda leaned down and placed her hands on my knees. Her eyes were right in front of mine. Her round cheeks were pushed up into a smile. Her face seemed so soft.

"Dude, you know you can hang out here while I'm at work," she said. "I just can't lay out again. Chill here and watch more crappy movies if you want. I'll wake you up tonight when I get off."

I started to say something else, but Miranda's plush dark lips pressed into mine. The world fell away. Ripples of energy traveled down through my body. It was a simple kiss, but everything she did to me was intoxicating. I leaned into the kiss, my hands finding her waist. I couldn't help myself. I found the end of her shirt and slipped my hands underneath. I had to feel her skin. I squeezed her flesh before opening my mouth, dipping my tongue between her lips.

Miranda pulled back about an inch. Her eyes searched my face. I went for another kiss. She eased back just enough that our lips only brushed one another again. I saw the smirk on her face.

"Can't get enough, can you?"

She breathed the words into my mouth.

I shuddered. Frustrated, I tugged at her with my hands and tried to press my face to hers again. Miranda dodged my lips yet again.

"You want some before I go?" Miranda teased.

I felt small and helpless. I wanted to act cool and casual. Instead I knew I looked like a trained puppy to her again. The seductive look she wore told me everything. I gave in. I didn't care. My dick was already pressing through my pants. If I was under her spell so be it.

"You have to say please," Miranda told me.

I licked my lips. I knew I looked desperate. I was desperate.

Miranda grinned and stood up.

"Gotta get changed for work, Zach," she said. "I'll be late."

I watched as she pulled the tshirt over her head and tossed it away. I'd seen them before, but I gawked like a virgin at the pale, pillowy breasts in the black bra before me. The roses and skulls that wound from her naval to her side served to garnish the curves in her pale flesh with color. I'd never seen a sexier girl. She stood there with her hands on her wide hips, wearing her bra, the jean shorts, and of course the fishnet stockings.

"Need to get my uniform," Miranda said.

She turned to leave.

"Wait!" I snapped. "P-please."

Miranda looked at me and giggled.

"What was that?" She prodded me.

I licked my lips, trying not to stare at the cleavage just a few feet ahead of me. I was failing. What did it matter? I wanted her badly.

"I said... please," I repeated.

"Take your shirt off," she instructed.

I did as she asked. In seconds my shirt was in the floor.

She stepped close. I stared up her jiggling tits, waiting for her to remove the bra and climb into my lap. She leaned in and gave me another kiss, this time sliding her tongue across mine briefly. Instead of mounting me, her hands pressed me back by my shoulders. I fell back onto my elbows. My heart was already racing. Even if she only gave me five minutes, it was all I would need.

Miranda unfastened my pants and then jerked them down my legs. I wasn't wearing underwear, and when she saw my cock flip out to stand straight, she snickered again. I was naked. My dick bobbed at my waist. I reclined on my elbows, waiting for Miranda to undress and climb on top of me. Just the thought of her breasts beating me in the face and her big ass sliding across my lap made my dick sting with excitement.

Instead, Miranda squatted in the floor between my legs. She gathered her hair in her hands, pulling a hairband from her wrist to lock her hair into a messy red ball. I knew what was coming but it still shocked me when she clutched my cock and balls between her thumb and finger.

Devilish eyes rose to find mine. Miranda's dark lips opened and the first half of my cock disappeared into her mouth. The warmth that encased my sensitive flesh was incredible. Her lips closed and Miranda's tongue went to work. I felt the stud in her tongue rolling across my shaft. Her pursed lips grew still around the tip of my dick, but I moaned feeling the rapid beating of her tongue across my slit.

Miranda bobbed her head up and down my shaft. I watched in awe. Her big breasts wobbled in her bra. With a single hand she stroked me, spreading the saliva on my dick. Miranda slid her other hand beneath my balls, squeezing and kneading my flesh where my shaft disappeared deeper in my body.

It was an assault. Miranda was incredible at blow jobs and she knew it. Her eyes watched mine, even when she pulled her head back to admire my reddened dick twitching in her fist. Her alluring eyes would dart from my swelling tip to my face. It was as if she were silently showing me the affect her mouth had on me.

My head fell back when Miranda dove back onto my cock. She repeatedly drove her head all the way to my balls, then back to my tip. The entire length of my dick was gliding in and out of her lips. I felt myself colliding with her throat over and over. I wasn't a super well endowed guy or anything, but feeling my whole shaft being swallowed down and spit back up was unbelievable. Miranda seemed unfazed. She just kept going.

I knew it wouldn't take long to get me there. Miranda had made me cum using her mouth in mere minutes before. I tried to close my eyes and fight the surge of sensations that were welling up in my crotch. I tried to think of anything else, just to make the blowjob last longer. The warm burn was still building though. It felt too damn good. My whole cock was barreling over Miranda's wagging tongue. I wondered how it would happen, if Miranda would just let it erupt in her mouth or if she had other more devious plans.

With a single hand, Miranda bunched my dick and balls atop her pale fist. Her face was sinking. Her lips and tongue traced wet trails down between my thighs. A couple times I jumped from the contact with my inner thighs, areas I was not used to being touch. I sucked in a breath and let it out as a long moan. Miranda's tongue was going someplace I hadn't even thought of. I felt the stud in her tongue sweep and roll across the wrinkled ring of my asshole.

At first I wanted to protest. Instead I slid lower, opening myself at the edge of the bed. It felt so odd... but not in a bad way. Within seconds of Miranda lapping and licking at my asshole, I decided I enjoyed it. It was yet another surprise from her.

It wasn't the last.

My eyes shot open when the finger slid into me. The sound I made was something caught between pleasure and discomfort. For a second I thought it hadn't actually happened. Miranda's finger writhed within me though. Her tongue kept working, but my focus was on the finger that climbed deeper into my ass.

It didn't hurt, it just felt strange. Miranda's slender finger slid into me with such ease. My asshole hugged each inch of it as it traveled in and out of me. She wiggled the finger, coiled it just slightly inside my ass, and slid her face and tongue back up through the bulge of my balls.

I stared in disbelief. She'd never done this. Miranda was bobbing her head on my cock once again, but now she fingered my ass, matching the motions of her lips to the strokes of her finger. I felt her sweeping against something inside of me. My cock seemed to stand straighter. A full sensation, a tension below my balls, seized my lower body.

God, what is she doing to me? I thought.

Miranda watched me through her perfectly trimmed eyebrows. The motions of her head were so fluid. Her finger seemed to push some... feeling right up through my cock. I'd heard of something like this before, but I just thought it was all myth.

My cock was so swollen that the veins looked like they'd burst through my skin. Miranda simply tightened her wet lips around my shaft and continued. My legs began to shift. Muscles in my ass and my thighs started to clench. My moans warped into tiny yips and whimpers. It was about to happen. I was going to cum, and Miranda was going to push it out with her finger. It really felt that way. She kept tugging at something inside my asshole. My tip was so swollen I felt it glancing off the teeth in Miranda's mouth. I braced myself. I'd never felt it coming on this strong.

The finger rushed from my asshole. Miranda sealed her lips at the tip of my cock, gave it a kiss, then rose to her feet.

My dick fell back, nodding and slimy. I gawked at Miranda. She adjusted her bra, then cast a little smirk toward me. I hoped that she'd undress and climb on top of me. Maybe that was all the set up.

Miranda turned and walked across the room toward her closet. She slid open the doors and reached for the uniform shirt and a pair of pants.

I scoffed, thinking it to be a joke.

"Seriously, babe?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

Miranda grinned at me. "Sorry, Zach. Gotta get ready or I'll be late for work."

I tried to return a smile, though my frustration no doubt shone through.

"I was right there," I told her.

Miranda glanced at my dick bouncing below my naval. Her smile grew.

"Well, maybe you'll think about me tonight," Miranda taunted.

Just like that, she disappeared into the bathroom.

I laid back on the bed in disbelief. I ran my fingers through my thick hair. Part of me wanted to laugh maniacally. Another part wanted to barge into the bathroom and take her. That wasn't me. Besides, that's not the kind of girl Miranda was. Sure she dated Warren recently, who was a guy's guy, but she was more than that. It was a tease. There would be far more to happen when she got home later. I'd make sure of that.

Miranda emerged several moments later in a rush. I was still lying back on the bed with my cock standing at my waist. She was now in the uniform shirt and blue jean pants. Miranda crossed the room and stopped just for a few seconds in front of a large standing mirror in the corner. She turned this way and that, adjusting the bun of red hair on top of her head. Then, she snatched a pair of safety glasses from her dresser before heading for the bedroom door. She regarded me with a brief smile.

"Gotta go, dude," Miranda told me. "If you leave be sure to lock up."

I had to jump to my feet to follow her down the hall. Miranda bustled about the apartment, snatching a small purse from the counter and a lunchbox from the refrigerator.

"I-I'm staying," I said, watching her hurry around. "If that's cool?"

Miranda looked at me. "Told you it was. I'm definitely running late, though."

When she headed for the apartment door, I stepped into her path. She stopped short, and I brought my naked body close to her.

"I'll be waiting for you when you get off work, you hear?" I said to her.

Miranda cocked an eyebrow and gave me a quick once over.

"Ooh, is that a promise, big man?" She asked with a teasing voice.

When she said it, Miranda reached down and gave my dick a little swat. I jumped from the blow, but moved closer.

"Count on it," I told her.

Even as I kissed her, I thought of how stupid the line sounded. I didn't care. I enjoyed the feeling of Miranda's lips on mine. My hands wandered down her waist to her big hips. I tugged her close and gave her ass a squeeze.

But just like that she'd broken away from me.

"See you tonight then," she said.

The door shut behind Miranda. I was left standing in the tiny living room of the apartment naked. I glanced around. Everything seemed so immediately lonely. It wasn't a bad thing, but looking down at my half erect dick I already longed for my girlfriend to be back.

It wasn't so bad. I had her place to myself for a while. Maybe I'd make one of the pizzas that were in the freezer. I was definitely going to stream a few shows I needed to catch up on.

I turned and headed back toward the bedroom.

If all else failed, I could always finish what Miranda had started.


Inevitably I wound up seated at Miranda's PC.

After being worked up by Miranda, I could never fully think straight. She'd edged me and left. So much energy was pent up inside of me I could practically feel the blood surging through my every vein. Even when my dick lost its stiffness, it still sagged full of blood. Walking around with it bouncing like that at my upper thighs only heightened my arousal. Any thoughts I had turned mischievous, as though I had to do something to satisfy the urges that still coiled within me.

It had started innocently enough. I logged into my own social media, browsed for a while and read memes. I watched trailers for umpteen movie reboots, trying to shift my mood into something normal. The thought crossed my mind to see if there were any new job openings in the area. I quickly dismissed the idea and began scrolling through minutiae, growing bored of the daily internet slog.

Soon enough, I was clicking on things I shouldn't have. It was the reason I'd sat down after all, wasn't it? I scrolled through Miranda's social media pages. Pictures of myself were emblazoned on most of the recent posts. Fond memories of rock concerts and nerd conventions appeared on the huge computer screen. I managed a half smile but kept scrolling. Plenty of Miranda's friends were there. Not many of her family of course. It wasn't long before pictures of Miranda and Warren began to appear.

I furrowed my brow in confusion. I didn't want to be that guy. She was her own woman. But it puzzled me why she kept the pics of her ex boyfriend on her profile. The more I scrolled, the more pictures of Warren appeared. Something started to twist inside of me. He was everything I was not. Warren was tall and athletic. He had mocha colored skin and was naturally handsome. I knew the two of them were still friends. I told myself it didn't bother me. Sitting there, I still wondered what the two even shared in common.

I scrolled further and found pictures that made me whither inside. I saw shots of Warren by himself, shirtless and posing. I eyed the body of the bigger guy, wondering if that was the kind of thing Miranda really liked. Toned muscular guys just didn't seem like her thing. Evidently, at one time they were. I couldn't help look down at my body. I was still naked, and why not? Compared to Warren in those pictures, I was pale and soft. Though I had slimmed up, there were still traces of excess flesh in certain areas.

Would Miranda treat me differently if I looked more like Warren?

I clicked off of the page and spun in the chair. How ridiculous. Miranda and I shared so many common interests. Why was I sitting and comparing myself to a knuckle dragger?

I stood up and stretched. As I crossed the bedroom, I stopped when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I wasn't sure why I'd not put clothes on yet. Being alone in Miranda's apartment like this was thrilling for some reason. I stared at the pale guy with tattoos in the mirror. I could still see the fleshy weight I retained around my waist and midsection. I rubbed at the soft skin near my chest. I was nothing like Warren. That was clear. Maybe that's what Miranda saw in me? She wanted something different, someone more like her, with flaws and cooky interests.

I shook my head and went into the small bathroom beside me.

As I relieved myself, I glanced around the extra bathroom. It wasn't much, a bonus bathroom with a sink, a toilet, and a single standup shower stall. The sink was a mess, with makeup vials and pallettes scattered out on the counter top. I shook my head and grinned. It was worth every bit of mess seeing the way Miranda cleaned up. She was an artist when it came to her makeup. Maybe not so much with her housekeeping.

As I stepped away from the toilet, I spotted her clothes on the floor and stopped.

Her shorts were just there on the floor. Wadded up on top of them was the little ball of fishnet stockings. In that moment, I had no idea what gave me pause. I just remembered the way they fit on Miranda. She loved the alt look and pulled it off extremely well. I could still feel her thick thighs in my hands, and the way those stockings felt against my fingertips.

Odd sensations started to reverberate throughout my body. There was something about being alone. All sorts of strange thoughts and ideas bounced around in my head any time I was by myself. Maybe it was that way for everyone. It's why I had snooped around on Miranda's PC. Staring at the stockings made my limp cock nod a few times. I couldn't exactly figure out why.

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