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Just a Bit of Fun


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Warren had just caught me sucking a dildo while dressed in Miranda's clothes.

It hit me like a stake in the heart. He'd tell her. I knew he would.

I jumped to my feet. I darted down the hall, ignoring the fact that I still wore the fishnets and panties. Warren was at the door to the apartment reaching for the knob. I dashed across the room and flung myself at the door just as he pulled it open. It slammed behind my back.

"Warren, no!" I cried.

"Damn, dude!" He yelled jumping back.

I gasped, planting myself firmly against the door. I stared back at the bigger guy, suddenly ashamed all over again of the way I looked. I saw him staring at me in bewilderment. I didn't care anymore. I couldn't let him just go.

"Please... Warren, don't...." I didn't even know what I was going to say.

"Let me through," Warren demanded. "I'm not even playing with you."

"No, listen, I... look, p-please man," I stammered.

Warren shook his head, casting his eyes away from me.

"I don't care what the hell weird shit you doin' just move," He stated firmly.

"Please don't tell Miranda!" I blurted.

Warren stared at me. His eyes fell down my body. He shook his head again. I could see he was clearly disgusted.

"Oh, she's gonna know," Warren told me. "Randa left me for your emo ass? And you're in here with no job actin' like a freak? She'll know. One hunnit' percent, dude."

Warren moved for the door, reaching for the knob. For a fraction of a second, what he said landed strangely with me. I never knew Miranda had "left" him for me. The thought dissipated. It wasn't the time. I moved to stop Warren, but he kept reaching for the door. I had to place both hands on his chest and pushed him away. It only moved him a few inches.

Warren glared at me. The intensity of his face made me cower against the apartment door.

"Please, y-you can't," I begged. "You can't tell her!"

"And why the fuck not, pretty boy?" He hissed.

Warren brought his face close to mine. I was instantly reminded of fighters in a stare down with one another. Except now, Warren glared right into my soul while I pressed myself firmly on the door trembling, dressed like a girl.

I withered inside. There was nothing I could do. Even in a t-shirt and shorts, the guy was so much more imposing than I was. His chest swelled. His jaw was firm and his smooth dark face was unflinching. In a single instant, I knew what Miranda had seen in him. The intensity of Warren's very presence against me was overpowering. He wasn't even touching me, and yet I felt frail all the same.

I had nothing left. I definitely had nothing to threaten him with. My thighs shifted to rub the fishnets together. I didn't even know what the hell I could say that would stop him. Warren was bristled. His body was tense, locked and ready to toss me to the side if he so pleased. I had to try something. Even if it was demented. I thought of the girl in the mirror. Did he see her? It couldn't get much worse. I blinked, feeling my eyelashes kiss one another.

"I'll... suck you off," I said, breathing the words.

Warren blinked. His brown eyes softened. The tension in his body didn't disappear, but his face flattened in confusion. He couldn't believe what I'd said. I couldn't either. It was so stupid. Warren eased away from me, blinking his eyes and lifting his brows.

"What?" He said.

The words had left my mouth before I could really decide if I meant them. Where the hell was I going to go from here? Why had I said that? The mirror flashed before my eyes. The girl that swayed in the reflection was the same one that Warren was staring at now. It was all I knew to try. A last ridiculous ploy to keep him from leaving. I thought of the dangling silicone on the mirror. The painted lips that coated them with spit were mine. He'd seen that. There was nothing I could do to keep him from leaving and telling whomever he wanted.

My mind twisted in my skull. Without thinking ahead, I said it again.

"I'll suck your dick if you don't tell," I told him.

Just saying the words was insane. Some dark little voice in my head told me I was right, that I knew it solved several problems at once. The rest of my mind was a frenzy of alarm bells and panic. My pulse blasted it's rhythm in my ears. I stared back at Warren like a zombie in complete disbelief at how the last couple of minutes had played out. It didn't seem real. It most certainly was.

Warren was equally perplexed. For several seconds he didn't even react. He blinked his eyes and studied me. I caught his gaze dipping lower though. Chills washed across my skin. I felt my nipples turn to tiny stones beneath my girlfriend's belly shirt.

"Are... you're serious?" Warren asked me.

I didn't respond. I kept staring at him with glazed eyes.

Now I knew he was looking me over. In that dead moment, it was easy to see his eyes regarding my legs, my panties.

I waited for him to laugh. I waited for his insults. The seconds rolled on without a response. He rubbed his chin and looked away. He grinned, but I felt no joy from the expression. He looked incredulous.

"You're gonna do that?" Warren asked me. "You're gonna suck my dick to keep me quiet? That's your plan?"

I remained flat against the door. My jaw moved, but I had no more words. Instead i seriously considered if I could follow through with what I'd offered. Maybe I'd said it as a final plea, a display of desperation. I couldn't fathom doing that to Warren. It was embarrassing enough to be caught by him. I was still grappling with the fact I'd even spoken the damn words.

It shook me to the core to see Warren staring back at my body again. Why hadn't he chastised me yet? Why hadn't he thrown the absurd offer back into my face?

"Damn, Zach," he said with a strange smile. "Randa got you fucked up now, huh?"

I hated when he called her that. It seemed as though the insults were on the way. I was already thinking of lies and excuses to tell my girlfriend. There were ways I could poke holes in Warren's story perhaps, ruin his credibility.

"You know what?" Warren said. "Fuck it. Let's see what you got."

I stopped breathing. There was no way he'd said that. Warren must have seen the look on my face. He gave me a shrug and an odd expression.

"If that's how you want to settle this, then go for it," Warren told me. "Lemme' see what kind of bitch you willing to be."

It was a stiff jab that I felt deep inside. He was taunting me... right? He knew I wasn't about to do that. It was just something I'd said, to show how desperate I was.

Wasn't it?

Warren stood with his dark arms crossed. He wore a snide look, patiently waiting for me to make a move. I stared at him. His arms looked so stout and toned. The Tshirt he wore hugged his body. Every defined curve seemed to press through the fabric. His legs were shoulder width apart as he stood like a chiseled statue. He wore a simple pair of black and grey basketball shorts. He was dressed like he was headed to the gym. Even such simple attire accentuated how much more striking and masculine he was than me, without the added fact that I was dressed like a slut.

I was still frozen against the door, staring at him when his voice broke my trance.

"Well I'm not gonna' pull it out for you," Warren told me with a sneering grin.

I swallowed, but the lump in my throat didn't go down. I blinked, aware that Warren could see my blackened eyelashes. I eased myself off of the door. I felt so exposed dressed the way I was. Warren stood only a few feet away, and he could see it all. It was just a bit of fun. I never meant for him to be in on it.

I stepped forward, feeling my thighs slide together in the fishnets. I couldn't look Warren in the eye. This meant I stared at his body instead. Little shallow gasps of air were all I could manage. Warren was a guy, a real guy. His body looked so firm and rock steady. In front of him I felt frail. I was dressed like a slut. He stared right at my painted face. He was waiting.

I had to do it. Either I got on my knees, or I let Warren walk by and tell Miranda about everything. It didn't seem fair. It could be a trick. He could be baiting me to prove I'd really go through with it, then shove me aside and leave.

Or he'd let me put his dick in my mouth.

I moved closer. Strange sensations fluttered inside of me. I let my mind go blank. I squatted low and fell to my knees. I exhaled through my painted lips. What if he let me do it? What then? Was I... did I want to? I thought of the dildos on the mirror in Miranda's bedroom. It had seemed so naughty and fun then... why was I scared now?

I was sick of thinking. I lifted my fingers, feeling beneath Warren's t-shirt for the waistband of his shorts. My lip trembled when I started to pull down. A plain pair of grey briefs greeted me. They looked painted onto Warren's body. The briefs would only buy me seconds. Surely Warren was about to laugh and make fun of me.

The basketball shorts fell. I glanced up at Warren who calmly watched me. He'd uncrossed his arms, but was otherwise not moving. I couldn't read his face, but I couldn't stand to look for more than a few seconds. I dug my fingers inside of his briefs and slid them down. I felt every nerve in my brain firing. Just the graze of my fingers across his waist sent a rush of emotions hurtling through me.

The briefs peeled away. I saw the smooth base of Warren's dark cock. My eyes widened. I kept pulling down, watching the reveal of this flaccid thing. I'd never seen another man's dick in person, and certainly not this close. Finally the briefs were low enough on Warren's thighs that I beheld the entirety of his cock.

It just dangled there, limp and lifeless. Even so, I knew right away my dick was no comparison to Warren's. It wasn't a monster, but it was so much more full and thick. My jaw actually sagged as I looked it over. It looked masculine. Somehow, I knew that mine did not. Freed from its cloth confinement, the black dick began to peel forth from the drooping set of balls behind it.

This wasn't a dildo. I was no longer alone. That dangling thing was attached to a man. I saw it twitch. I saw it moving. Some unseen energy roiled beneath the thin sack of Warren's balls. I could smell him, and the scents of a man's crotch suffocated me. I inhaled deeply and leaned a few inches closer.

I didn't even feel like me anymore. I remembered the girl in the mirror. I thought of her dark lips fastened around the silicone. I wondered what a live dick would feel like in my mouth.

I forgot about Warren and just brought myself closer. Leaning in, the thong panties sliced up between my ass cheeks. That sensation coupled with the intense smell and heat radiating from the flaccid dick inches away intoxicated my mind. My back arched. My jaw fell open wide.

I planted a wet kiss right on the squishy shaft of Warren's cock.

It twitched beneath my lips.

My tongue slid out to swipe at the flesh. I tasted salty skin. I inhaled pheromones and tasted a dampness that I'd not found on the silicone in Miranda's bedroom.

I gave in and fastened my mouth over the shaft. I was eager to taste him. I sucked the limp flesh through my lips, feeling a jolt of energy blast through my body.

The soft head of the black dick found its way into my lips and I crammed it into my head eagerly. My nose mashed into Warren's body. A hot pair of testicles draped across my chin like a wet sheet. I stared at a wall of dark skin. I whirled my tongue deeply through folds of bunched skin and velvet smooth flesh.

With my face jammed into Warren's crotch, time seemed to stop. A guy's cock was in my mouth. My body felt weightless as though I'd throw myself from a cliff. In the flash of a few seconds, I accepted it all. A shriveled black cock was crammed into my head. It was Warren, my girlfriend's ex. I was tasting him on my tongue. I was dressed like a bitch, on my knees. I allowed myself to just accept the truth.

I loved it.

This was the nastiest, most perverted thing I'd done. It was all so wrong. It felt like blackmail and betrayal and shame, all at once, all wadded into a loose pile of flesh in my mouth. It was more thrilling than just prancing around in my girlfriend's clothes taking pictures. This was real, it was so fucking real. I wanted more of this, in spite of just how forbidden it felt. Perhaps because of how forbidden it felt.

I pulled my head back, never releasing the pressure of my lips. I watched the brown skin being stretched just in front of my nose. The flaccid cock pulled its way out of my head. I moaned into the flesh when I felt the lip that encircled the head of the cock.

I refused to let the tip of the dick drop from my lips. I shoved my face back into Warren's crotch and gathered as much of the bunching skin as I could into my head.

"Oh... ugh... shit," I heard Warren say above me, his words a gentle hum. "You're really doing it. Oh my God...."

I might have heard him snicker. I didn't care. I had what I wanted in my mouth. I pulled back, again watching the flesh stretch in my lips. I kept diving and tugging back, watching the dark skin grow glossier with my saliva.

Each time I pulled away, I tugged further and further back across the shaft.

I closed my eyes. It felt right for such a shape to slide through my mouth. I could feel the slick head of the cock tickling the back of my tongue now. I was able to wiggle my tongue beneath the flesh, but I soon realized my mouth was growing so full I found it hard to do anything but push my head down the length of the dick.

My lips didn't touch the base. I opened my eyes. A couple of inches lay before my nose. I blinked my eyes, trying to make sense of what had changed. I shoved my head forward, feeling the fat tip of the cock bunching against my throat.

A hand fell gently on my head and rubbed its way through my hair. My eyelashes fluttered. I sank lower on my knees. My thighs opened, the fishnet stockings stretching across my skin. The thong rode higher through my ass cheeks. I craned my neck and fell into a slow, rhythmic motion. Swollen flesh slid into my head with such force and retreated with such ease.

Warren was getting hard.

It was such an obvious thing for me to be surprised about. No longer was I wiggling my head into folds of loose skin. Now I was pumping my neck and forcing my head down the growing length of a swollen cock.

Warren hadn't shoved me to the floor. He wasn't disgusted. He was letting me mouth his dick. He was petting my head and tugging me closer to his body with each nod of my head.

I couldn't believe it was real, but all I could really think about was the cock in my mouth. I didn't care about the specifics. I didn't even mind that it was Warren. I was enjoying each nanosecond of a cock growing firmer between my lips. It was nothing like the silicone dildos. I could feel Warren's excited pulse on my taste buds. His shaft spread my mouth open with each thrust. I could no longer feel his balls against my face, but I felt their weight wagging just ahead of my chin.

"God damn, Zach," Warren said, his long fingers stroking my skull. "You're a fucking freak, boy."

Maybe it was an insult. The front of my panties jumped, though. I felt my asshole pucker. I lowered my jaw and shoved myself forward. The bulging cock head rammed my throat. My lips fought for ground down the veiny chocolate shaft, but I could go no further. I lamented the fact that I couldn't take more of the dick inside of me. I wanted to bury my face deep in Warren's crotch again and feel his balls on my face.

The fingers in my hair grew firmer. I felt the roots near my scalp being pulled. Then, the body in front of me began to move.

Warren drew back and humped my face. He drew back and did it again. This was only the beginning. The solid shaft in my mouth began to slide back and forth. My lips dragged over veins and discolored lines of flesh. The heavy pair of testicles swung to graze my chin.

Another hand clutched me by the head. I could feel the ripples of strength that pulsed down through Warren's clenched arms right into my scalp. He held my head firmly in place and thrust his cock into my skull.

My pale hands shot up to the bristled, meaty thighs of my assailant. I couldn't hold him back. All I could manage was to hold myself steady. The force of each thrust grew. Warren's hips began to move faster, and drove closer to my face. My throat was already becoming sore from the battering of his bulbous tip.

I lost the rhythm of my breathing. The air had been rushing in and out of my nose. Now I was fighting to keep pace. The cock that beat at my neck seemed to stifle every little gasp of air I sucked in. Wet slurping sounds blurted from my lips each half second. My fingers dug at the skin of Warren's thighs, but his legs felt like they were coated by a hard carapace of clenched muscle.

I coughed. Warren continued to drive his cock into my head. I blinked at the moisture building at the corners of my eyes. I was being gagged by another man's flesh. I wondered how long I could keep it up. I wanted to force him back just to breathe, but I didn't want to give up the thick meat in my mouth. No matter how uncomfortable it became, I willed myself to keep my mouth locked around the living flesh.

Finally, Warren tugged my head from his cock. The shaft slid out of my mouth with a long, noisy slurp. The fat head burst free and I gasped.

Warren still held me by my head with both hands. I blinked up at him in shock. His narrow eyes stared back down at me, regarding me with a look that felt predatory. His lip curled into a pleased grin. There was no malice in his face though. He watched me while I gasped for air with strings of spit dripping from my lip onto my chin. There was some strange sensation that he channeled from his dark brown eyes right down through my spine. He was pleased with what I was doing, and it filled me with some perverse vindication.

I glaced back down and gawked at the erection that nodded right in front of my eyes. It was the first time I'd seen it since I furst put it in my mouth. Warren's cock stood straight out from his body. Though it matched his deep dark skin color, stretched as it was, I saw a myriad of skin tones just in the swollen head alone. Jagged rings of color encircled his shaft. The thing bobbed and bounced, begging for warmth.

Warren's dick was beautiful.

It was the strangest thought I'd ever had. But I saw it when I pulled down his shorts. It had been limp and inactive. Now it strained forth begging for more of my attention. I knew it was so much thicker and longer than my dick, which only made me want it more. I'd made this thing this way, engorged with arousal and excitement. It was hard because of what I'd done, perhaps how I looked, too.

I shot one more glance up at Warren. I didn't offer him the feeble expression of a weaker boy on his knees. I gave him the challenging glare of a desperate slut. Without a word, I begged him for more.

"Yeah, get that nut, boy," Warren told me.

He tugged my head forward and my jaw dropped. The long cock piled into my head yet again. My tongue went berserk, tasting every inch of the shaft that I could on its way to the back of my throat. The flared tip pressed at my tonsils. Warren kept shoving. I arched my back and jerked my chin back and forth.

My eyes bulged from my head when I felt his cock sink further. The shaft slid deeper. My lips climbed lower and once again I felt the hot pair of fleshy balls collide with my face. The breath rushed through my nose.

The forward half of Warren's cock was snaking its way down my throat.

I couldn't even believe such a thing was possible. Of course I knew it was, but not in a million years would I have dreamed that a dick would be climbing into my neck. There was something so satisfying about the firm flesh wiggling that far into me. I felt some wild accomplishment when I fastened my lips near the smooth base of the shaft, while I felt the painful nods of Warren's tip in my throat.

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