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Just a Taste

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Nita hypnotizes Marcus with the flavor of her pussy.
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"Well, I mean, I'm sure it tastes good, but--" Marcus stammered uselessly, replaying the discussion in his head to try to figure out exactly which off-ramp had led him down this particular conversational detour and how to back out of it without offending Nita. "I, look, I think you're very pretty, but I just don't, um... I don't think that's the way biology works, that's all. I think if a woman's, um, a woman's... you know, her--"

Nita's devilish smile grew broader. "Her cunt?" she asked, shifting position on the couch to allow her legs to part even wider. She wore a pair of old cut-off jeans, but something about the way she openly displayed her crotch during such an incredibly lewd conversation made Marcus feel as though he could see her light brown pubic mound straight through her clothes. He flicked his gaze upward, trying to maintain respectful eye contact at all times, but of course Nita kept moving around just enough to draw his attention back down between her thighs.

"That was what you were about to say, right?" she continued, taking advantage of his shocked silence. "You were talking about a woman's cunt. Her pussy. Her snatch, her twat, her slit, her coochie... stop me when I get to one you recognize, honey." Nita's fingers traced idly up and down her thigh as she spoke, right up to the frayed hem of her Daisy Dukes, and Marcus felt absolutely certain that she could tell he was blushing despite his ebony skin. He wanted to leap out of his chair and dart out of the room, but that felt bizarrely like conceding the argument. Even if Marcus still didn't quite know how it turned into an argument in the first place.

Marcus never intended to wind up talking about anything so rampantly sexual with Nita, even if the salacious young woman had a habit of steering pretty much every conversation toward sex when she got the chance. He never even intended to wind up alone with her--usually he had about three extra friends to act as a buffer between his mild social anxiety and Nita's forceful, flirtatious personality, but Leo canceled on them and Chase got hit with a surprise double shift at the pizza place and Sammi came down with mono of all things, and when Marcus arrived at Tia's apartment he found to his surprise that Tia had been out with Drae all night long and hadn't come back yet. Leaving him all alone with Nita.

And she was taking full advantage of it. "I'm not talking about a woman's pussy, Marcus," she growled, her voice a husky purr. "I don't care about other women. I'm talking about my pussy, and I'm telling you right now, there isn't a man on the planet who won't do whatever I say once he gets down on his knees and eats my pussy. It's just science. I've got these special pheromones, copulins or something, and any guy who gets even a little of my girl juice into their system gets all dumb and horny and eager to please. It happens all the time."

Marcus opened his mouth, but the sheer bewildering surrealism of the situation choked off any words before he could say them. How could he even argue with something so utterly bizarre? He wasn't a biologist, his major was structural engineering. He couldn't cite any studies or point to any research to prove her wrong; all he had to go on was a deep conviction that if human pheromones could really have an effect like that, someone would have documented it a long time ago. If a woman could genuinely drug a man with her... with her natural lubrication... everyone would know about it. They'd probably teach it in fucking health class or something. 'Boys, we all know you're interested in becoming generous lovers, but let's talk about the risks of oral sex with intensely hormonal women....'

But as strong as his conviction was, it wouldn't convince Nita. The chestnut-haired woman with the sparkling hazel eyes seemed utterly immune to any of the counter-arguments he'd provided so far, and she wouldn't let it drop. And since she was so clearly, obviously, overwhelmingly wrong, Marcus couldn't either. Even if he hated confrontation, even if he especially hated confrontation with a forceful, confident personality who relished being challenged, Marcus couldn't just sit there and concede such a transparently egotistical delusion. Which left him stuck. Mouth open and nothing to say.

And of course, Nita couldn't resist teasing him further. "Is it working already?" she asked playfully, her stroking fingers brushing the denim fabric over her pubic mound. "It wouldn't surprise me, you know. I spend a lot of time in this room when Tia's not home, and sometimes I get a little bit... you know. Excited. A girl's got needs, after all." She gave Marcus a conspiratorial stare, enlisting him in a conspiracy he wanted no part of. "On a day like this, with no work and no school and Tia over at Drae's place all day? Sometimes I play with my pussy for hours."

Marcus squirmed in embarrassment, but either Nita didn't notice or she pretended not to notice. "Sometimes I don't even try to come. I just sit on the couch watching porn and rubbing my pussy into a wet mess until the whole fucking apartment smells like sex, you know? It just gets me so turned on thinking about the next dude to walk in here, taking a deep breath and springing his first boner five seconds after he gets through the door. And that just makes my cunt drool even harder. I'm honestly surprised I don't have a wet spot on my shorts right now."

She must have known it would make Marcus look, but he still couldn't stop himself from behaving with embarrassing predictability. His eyes darted down between her legs, and he blushed even harder to see that in fact there was a tiny little patch directly over Nita's labia that looked a little bit darker than the rest of her shorts. Or was it just the power of suggestion? Despite himself, Marcus wound up studying her crotch intently, determined to figure it out.

"Maybe it's still soaking through. I just barely had time to put my clothes back on when you buzzed to be let in." Marcus tried hard not to picture the young Latina woman startled out of a masturbatory reverie by the sound of the doorbell, scrambling to pull on her panties and stumble over to the button so she could open the outer door for him while the fabric slowly saturated with the musk of her arousal. "And you've been breathing it in the whole time now. God, no wonder your cock is making a fucking pup tent in your jeans like that."

Marcus's breath froze in his lungs, shock and embarrassment paralyzing him so completely that he literally forgot how to inhale and exhale like a normal person. How long ago had she noticed? How much of this whole fucked-up conversation had she been carrying on with him knowing that he was trying to hide his erection and apparently failing? "Oh honey," Nita drawled, obviously noticing his shocked reaction. "Don't be ashamed. There's nothing you could do. It's just biology. You got a little whiff of my pussy and your body told you it was time to fuck. The whole damn room smells like cunt right now, am I right? I'd honestly be more shocked if it didn't make you all dumb and horny."

Marcus wanted to rebut all that. He wanted to tell Nita that it was the frank sexual conversation coming out of the mouth of a beautiful woman that was turning him on, not any mythical 'copulins'. He wanted to tell Nita that he wasn't getting dumber, he was just confused and shocked and embarrassed and it was locking up his brain like a transmission running in the wrong gear. He wanted to tell her that he didn't even notice any kind of weird smell in the room... but that was where his train of thought derailed. Because telling her all that meant admitting he had no idea what a woman's pussy smelled like.

It didn't normally bother him. Losing his virginity was an experience Marcus wanted to be special, not just something he needed to get out of the way by a certain age so that a particular species of Neanderthal douchebag wouldn't make fun of him. He had absolutely nothing to be ashamed of... but Nita wasn't trying to make him feel ashamed. He wouldn't see contempt on her face if he told her, he knew that instinctively. He'd see pity. And that, he couldn't fucking take.

So he remained frozen, even as Nita's teasing smile broadened into a triumphant grin and her fingers began to press and rub at the unmistakable dark spot growing between her legs. "It's those pheromones getting to you," she said, her voice filled with unshakeable confidence. "It's making your cock throb and your eyes glaze over and your mouth water for my slick, wet pussy. You're breathing in little tiny droplets of my girl juice every time you inhale, and it's already messing with your head. Just imagine how much stronger it's going to be when you taste it straight from the source."

Marcus heard himself, as if from a great distance, mumbling, "That's not... it doesn't... you don't just, just...." The fumbling, inchoate effort at thought sputtered and died, leaving only silence. His eyes automatically followed the motion of Nita's fingers on her fabric-covered cunt. He couldn't remember the last time he'd blinked. His heartbeat seemed loud in his ears, echoing back at him from his throbbing cock until he felt like he was receding inexorably deeper into his own mind. He was strangely helpless to stop it happening.

Nita laughed. "Do you know how stupid you sound right now?" she asked. It didn't sound cruel coming from her lips, though; she sounded like she found his mumbled, incoherent protests absolutely adorable. "You're staring at my pussy like your eyes are magnetized to it, you're drooling all over your shirt and you can't even finish a goddamned sentence, and you're still trying to tell me this doesn't make you dumb and horny." She undid her fly, tugging down her zipper to reveal a pair of hot pink panties with an even more obvious wet spot on them. "You're sure this isn't doing anything to you? Not a single, solitary thing?"

Marcus was a very bad liar. He skipped the monthly poker games with the gang because he couldn't bluff worth shit, he attended every class because he knew he couldn't make an excuse about a dead relative sound convincing, and he paid every single bill on time just so he'd never have to try to pretend that the check was in the mail. But he lied now. "Nope," he mumbled through slack, nerveless lips. "Nothing."

Nita's eyes glittered hungrily as her fingers slipped down into the waistband of her panties, then came back out glistening with moisture. "Then you wouldn't mind taking a little taste then. For science and all. Just crawl on over here and suck my fingers, and if you can still think after that, I promise I'll drop the subject. Okay?" It felt like a trap. It felt like a trap that had closed around Marcus ages ago, almost before the conversation had even started, and he was just now coming to realize how helpless he was to escape the dominant, forceful woman who sprang it on him. But at the same time he couldn't refuse.

"I, um, I... j-just a taste," he mumbled, sliding out of the chair onto his knees. It felt odd to crawl like this, but Marcus simply felt too unsteady to imagine stumbling to his feet and walking in his current state. His whole body had relaxed into loose, lazy indolence, muscles refusing to put forth any more than the bare minimum of effort to comply with Nita's suggestions, and he found himself sagging against her legs in exhausted relief after crossing a distance of less than ten feet. His eyelids fluttered with the effort of keeping them open. His head swayed drunkenly on his shoulders.

"Of course, sweetie," Nita purred, pushing her fingers between his lips. "Just a taste." She pushed them in and out, fucking his mouth with them, and Marcus let out a drowsy sigh as the musky flavor saturated his tastebuds. It didn't taste like anything he'd imagined; all the gross jokes the campus bro-squad made didn't begin to describe the delicate, floral essence that greeted his tongue. There were notes of salt, notes of something delightfully earthy, and this close to Nita's lap the scent was so strong it made his head swim. Marcus closed his eyes and let his other senses take over for a little while.

She continued to thrust her fingers in and out of his drooling mouth, occasionally adding one and removing another, and Marcus found that the flavor of her pussy only got stronger as he kept sucking her digits like a needy slut at a gloryhole. He could literally hear how wet she was, the squishing sounds of her sloppy cunt just inches away, and his cock throbbed between his legs loud enough to drown out any thoughts. All Marcus wanted to do now was fuck. He'd do anything Nita asked if only she let him stick his dick in her someday.

He felt her shift position, raising her hips to pull off her shorts and panties before guiding Marcus's head down between her thighs. Nita didn't even need to push his mouth up against her slick labia; the moment he got a good strong whiff of her scent, he wriggled forward to press his lips up against her pussy and spiked his tongue deep within her soaking folds. It felt so primally satisfying to nuzzle his way between Nita's plump, soft pussy lips and smear her musk all over his cheeks; his face somehow fit perfectly against her cunt as if he'd been born to eat her out, and his thoughts simply evaporated into a mindless, helpless trance of licking and sucking.

"That's it, dolly boy, just keep drinking me in," Nita murmured hoarsely, and Marcus found to his inexpressible delight that no matter how much of the salty mess he licked away there was always more slick, floral musk to replace it. He couldn't get enough, but she always had so much more to give him; every time her heard her grunt, his cock surged with anticipation for the next gush of her potent, powerful juices. He never wanted to stop nuzzling her pussy. He never wanted to stop pleasuring her.

Marcus lost track of how many times he made Nita come--he didn't even know the effect his tongue was having on her, not with his mind sunken so completely into the rapture of drinking in her salty musk. The scent and taste had become his entire world, and time lost meaning between Nita's soft, pillowy thighs. He could have gone on like that forever. He wanted to go on like that forever. Her fingers tangled into his dark curly hair, pulling him closer, tugging him to new heights of devotion, and Marcus barely even noticed when his cock spurted into his boxer shorts. The physical pleasure was nothing compared to the absolute bliss of his lover's pussy against his tongue.

Finally, though, she pulled him away. "T-that's enough," she gasped, her voice unsteady at last even though Marcus could no longer think enough to take any joy in finally cracking her implacable, seductive veneer of smug confidence. "I... um, oh god, you can fucking do that to me any time, you hear that? Any time you want to lick my pussy, all you need to do is ask." Marcus's heart surged with pride and affection, the command sinking into his lust-drugged brain like a stone dropping into still waters. He knew he couldn't resist the desire to taste her again, whether the copulins she described were real or merely a product of the power of suggestion, and he knew he'd return as often as he could to drink from the fount of ecstasy between his lover's thighs.


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Satyam4005Satyam40056 months ago

I love these kind of stories where the hypnosis occurs through sexual pleasure. Amazing story but lacked some details but what should've I expected from a one part story . It was awesome

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

So sexy!! I love this story. Just the thought of a woman getting herself a wet and drippy to attract a face to grind on is heavenly. I love that they found that place were they were in perfect agreement - where they both wanted him to lick and inhale as much of her essence as possible. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I give it 5 stars because whenever I read a story where a woman takes over a man's (or another woman) will and forces him to do what she wants it turns me the hell on. And to read that she controls him with the juice from her soft, aromatic pussy is incredible! It makes me wonder how many other guys are under her power. I wish I was!

mia_deniermia_denierabout 1 year ago

Jukebox EMCA, it's a pleasure to plunge into another version of your erotic universe. You hit all the right spots. Chapeau

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I love most of your stories, almost all of them in fact. This one hits all the right spots for me. My new favourite story of yours. Thank you.

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